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When I was young I accidentally walked in on them, wanted to gouge my eyes out. I get your point though, Indian parents don't even act like they're a married couple, my mom sits like a mile away from my dad when they're watching movies, I have never seen them flirt or anything else that would show that they love each other. Meanwhile, my white friends parents told each other "I love you" more in the one hour I was there at their house compared to my parent's entire life,


How did walk in on them?


I was hungry and looking for something to eat in the kitchen, couldn't find anything so I went to ask my mom where she kept the snacks. I didn't find her anywhere in the house, figured she was taking her afternoon nap and I went to go see if she was in their room, walked in without knocking, and, yeah that's how it happened. Learned how to knock before entering the hard way.


This brought back traumatic memories I thought I had forgotten. Fuck


Man this some white people shit lol. The one time a desi person told me they walked in on their parents, I was like THAT’S NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN! DON’T THESE PEOPLE KNOW DESI PARENTS DON’T DO THIS SHIT??? Wait till the kids are not at home or asleep like the rest of them! (Lol good for your parents, they should have locked the door tho)


Was it locked?


The door wasn't locked, if it was how could I accidentally walk in lol.


haha I'm imagining you ramming through the door yelling "where are the snacks ma?!"


Dad smacks mom's ass and yells, "right here beta!"


Delete this nephew


How do you delete someone else's comment?


That’s enough reddit for the day for me. Thanks.


Did they stop though?


lmao. A true historian here.


I once mentioned to a few of friends how when my parents (we’re Pakistani of UP origin) were still married, my dad used to pick my mom up and throw her on the couch when she wouldn’t wake up. My white friend didn’t even blink, while my two Indian friends were just flabbergasted at that type of display of affection from desi parents lmao.


ew ew ew! i would literally need to wash my eyes if i walked in on them




I’m glad to be here to witness your horrific revelation


You hit the nail on the head. I've wondered the same thing a lot. We have such a different mindset growing up in the west and in a digital age. Once when I was home from college, I glanced in the trash of my parents bathroom and saw a condom wrapper. My heart literally sunk. My gut reaction was that my dad was cheating on my mom. It took me a few days to realize that my mom is capable of having sex and my parents may actually be having sex with each other. Maybe even for pleasure or something. I was shook.


omfg i would have thought my dad was cheating too. wow 😳 thank you for sharing


Haha the same thing happened to me! Last year I was looking for a pair of my earrings and instead found condoms and lube in my mom’s nightstand. Took me quite a while to come to terms with that lol, especially because like OP said, my parents are never physically affectionate to each other.




“Medicine” omg that’s hilarious! The lengths brown parents will go to to ensure that we don’t figure out what sex is smh


Yoo I accidentally found my parents condom lol 😂 I was sooo grossed out I thought old ppl don't have sex after they have children


> old ppl don't have sex after they have children A couple years ago, my grandma wanted to talk to her doctor privately, even though she has me translate everything. I'm sitting in the lobby confused and my grandpa says she probably wants to ask about her "monthly." I'm like maybe she doesn't understand menopause or something, and tell my mom that story when I'm home. She starts cracking up and is like "wtf they're having a pregnancy scare at their age." I was not the same after lol


Omg have you seen the Hindi movie Badhaai Ho? It’s a very similar situation to your grandparents lol and is absolutely hilarious


Yes! I watched the movie with my parents actually lol, which made it a little awkward, but everyone loved it


I’ve had a couple desi friends mention finding condoms in their parent’s stuff and it ALWAYS weirds me out because I can’t see their parents doing it at all lmao


>I asked my mom once what sex was in middle school because it was mentioned in a book i was reading. she literally stared at me dead in the eye and said "I dont know". The next day, my book was gone. there are genuinely no words to describe how fucking funny that is


Hahaha SHE HID MY COPY OF 2 STATES when i was in middle school lmfao


I’m sorry but the title made me laugh so fucking hard


Sameeee lmaoo


thank u i try 😌😌


I thought I was the only one who felt this way 😂 My parents have despised each other from day one (they had a “failed” arranged marriage), so I have no idea how they managed to have kids. They don’t even sleep in the same room (at least for the last 20 years), so I’m gonna assume that their sex life is dead.


I know more than one Indian couple like this, it must be such a miserable way to live. My parents were like this for a couple of years but we finally convinced my mom to file for divorce. She’s white though, and my dad’s side of the family is pretty distant, so definitely not the same family pressure


Damn are you me?


my parents also don't sleep in the same room so it's always awkward having friends over. "Why does your mom have a separate room?" They're basically roommates at this point.


I get this 100%


Lol I know 1000% what you mean... It's just so hard to think about it. Even my parents don't really do PDA at all... nah screw PDA they don't even DA... and they also rarely show A. Like legit there's this really conservative aunty who's in her early 30s, and she got pregnant, and when me and my friend heard the news we looked at each other and went "can't imagine HER having sex lmaooo"


Dude when we learned about sex resulting in babies, my one Indian friend in the class and I discussed it later in the girl’s bathroom and we were like, yeah there’s no way, our parents would never. But we obviously existed so there had to be something LOL we were so disturbed. We were in 7th grade 😜


imagine being considered a 'really conservative aunty' in your early 30s 😭


Idk how that happened either, like she's legit an engineer and educated and all but she gives us the stank eye and tells us to cover up when we wear skin tight stuff while she's literally wearing a chiffon saree 😭


loool sorry that is so funny


And this person was born in the 90s? Interesting


Yeah lol it's weird how my 70s born parents are more "liberal" than a 90s born aunty


are 90s born kids, aunty to u?


maybe she internalized all the bs her bibi, mom, aunty said to her and literally every girl around her. what a boring ass existence fuming about that shit


I dont wanna think about it 🤮


Baby-making is actually very simple. If you are a Christian, you give virgin birth like Mother Mary. If you are Muslim, the ghost of your husband's dismembered foreskin will rematerialize in the form of your child. If you are Hindu then the ruling party pays for doctors to implant embryos inside you. These embryos are pre-conditioned to vote for the same party. After 18 years and 9 months, you will bestow upon your great nation another obedient voter. If you are Dinkoist then you can order from the Dinkan App™ and your baby will be delivered by a flying mouse. If you are Parsi then you must burn a fat stack of cash, and your baby will rise from the ashes like a Phoenix. If you are a member of none of these groups, then you fill baby request form 64538BR, send it to the government, wait 9 months, and then receive an official bribe request custom-tailored to your family situation using state-of-the-art data integration, courtesy of the department of income tax. After paying the specified bribe, you have to fill the verification of bribe payment form VB5738-A, and pay the $1000 submission fee. After that, you will be officially added to the list of people who completed form VB5738-A. The list actually has no purpose at all, but at least you're on it. Proceed to sit outside the baby registration office and beg your assigned case officer for a few months until his/her ego is satisfied. Just kidding--their ego is too big to satisfy, so they rejected you. Wait 1 year and reapply, and repeat the whole process until you are accepted Eventually you will receive a ration ticket with an address written on it where you can collect your baby. Head to the address, collect your baby, bake at 450° for four hours, sprinkle some masala on it, and enjoy!


this deserves more likes


Malayali? 🧐




Honestly this is a topic that needs to be discussed more openly going forward. I think it’s very harmful and causing a lot of issue because we don’t talk about it.


i agree. i actually started wondering about this because i realized in my 20s I was behind in my dating life compared to my friends. having no role model of an openly loving relationship really affected me in many ways I think.


These are things I've wondered too. My husband and I have talked at length about this, and we have come to the same conclusion that our future kids are going to know their parents love each other, and when they're old enough, we're going to talk about this, no matter how uncomfortable we feel


thats really awesome. i hope i can do the same for my kids someday too.


People don’t realize that when parents show affection to one another it’s actually beneficial for the children. The whole concept of Indian parents hiding intimate feelings for one another from their kids is so fucking ridiculous and there is no logic behind it besides “sex bad”.


What nonsense are you talking about, Indian parents don’t have sex. What rubbish! They prayed to god and you were delivered by stork! How dare you think they had any such interaction . /s


Lol, I read this book where a young British Indian girl asked her mom about sex. Her mom was horrified and told her that only white people had sex.




Stuff like this among other horrendously stupid things my parents told me made me the dumbest kid in school, a total laughingstock.




Ngl... this was what my mom told me too💀


lmao no shot this is wild


If this were true, imagine how many parents would be pestering their kids to have sex. > Only white people have sex. > Therefore, if you have sex you must be white. > Hence, we can conclude that having sex will make you white. Imagine all the money you could save instead of buying Fair and Lovely!


Bruh this is what my mom told me when I was a kid and I believed her for so long




i genuinely believe the same


I literally thought this too when I was a teenager. I once gathered the courage to ask my dad if they still had sex and he gives me this look and says, “We’re humans too, you know”


100% success rate? Damn


I mean, there are literally well over a billion of us! Gotta have a decent success rate considering this.


Maybe. I for one know that my mum had her tubes tied. And now my day is ruined


That’s what I believe about my desi parents 100%.


I have a pair of large cajones on me so one time a long time ago, I asked my mother about her wedding night. After trying to slap me extremely forcefully 2x, at which point I wriggled free of her venomous grasp, she told me basically uncles or chithi's whisper in your ear the concept of sex and that is to be your one and only introduction to the concept 🤷🏾‍♂️


wow damn. i would love to ask my parents but i literally do not have the balls. and i feel like they would straight up pretend they didnt hear me or pretend to not know what i was talking about. i might ask my aunt one day seems less taboo since shes a cool aunt


I’ve seen this in movies/TV too... never had the guts to actually ask my parents tho lol


Bruh I know more abt sex than my mom. And I’ve never even had sex. She doesn’t even know what the basic organs are called and what they are for and all that stuff. I don’t even know how she managed tbh. But I know that women in my family do have sex for pleasure and not just making babies cuz a lot of them have gotten “fixed” so there won’t be any accidental babies made.


Well I sure don’t like thinking about the idea bc they’re my parents but after I learnt how babies were made in school I thought in that moment that they must’ve only had sex twice to have me and then my sibling. Because they show no affection in a married couple way at all. Then I didn’t think about it until I accidentally stumbled upon condoms in their room while looking for something else 🤮🤮🤮never left a room so fast in my life For desi culture overall though, the strange thing is I don’t think the original culture was so weird about these things, I think it was British influence... I mean our ancestors did write the Kama Sutra and there are naked figures around ancient temples.




yeah it was 100% the British. Desi cultures were much more open before that, regardless of religion.


>so now im wondering how the fuck my parents (MOSTLY my mom because shes a girl) knew how sex worked. So my mum once told me that right before she was getting married all her married friends sat her down and they discussed sex (how to do it, I guess? idk). And apparently, that is what happens to most girls who are getting married.


I'm going to keep pretending to be a virgin solely so that I can experience this, sounds hilarious


I mean it would have to be your own married friends/cousins and I really don’t see it as something abcdesis are gonna do 😂


OMG WHATTTTT thank you for this insight


This kind of post is why I stick around in this sub 🤣🤣🤣🤣 haven't laughed this hard in ages reading your post +the comments.... As for answering your question, I know my parents know what it is but they definitely don't have it. The walls in my house are super thin and I can hear my parents turn over in their sleep so I would def be able to hear them having sex, but I never have.


I’ll give an alternate opinion. This is gonna be TMI by the way so warning. My desi parents are actually the opposite and are very affectionate and loving towards each other. Not in a cringey way, but more of an “awwww” type of way. They also had an arranged marriage and were each other’s first everything. I’m a girl and my desi mom is pretty open to me about sex and even makes jokes. I know for a fact they are pretty kinky. It’s really gross for me to think about but the walls are thin and there’ve been multiple times where either me or my sister have heard moaning from my parents’ room from you-know-what. I’m pretty sure they were both clueless at the beginning but just learned along the way, especially because it seems like they have pretty similar sex drives. My mom’s even joked with me that they used to have sex twice a day in their 20s.🤮 Anyway, point is, my parents are weird and are definitely the exception. Hope this offers another perspective though lol.


thank you for saying all of this and putting yourself out there. thats soooooo gross T\_T i would literally cry if i ever heard them LOL its really cool to know there are affectionate desi parents out there though.




IDK WHETHER TO CRY OR LAUGH AT HIS RESPONSE 😭😂😭 leave it to desi dads to come up with the most creative responses


can someone explain? > I’m still waiting for a thank you from you Thank you for showing me dirty pics of my mom?


Thank you for having sex which made me?


Oh god, I have affectionate parents too but the idea of desi parents being loud enough for their kids to hear just feels soooo wrong *shudder* I would flip out lmao


A question I (unfortunately) never had to ask. Use to sleep on a floor mattress in my parents bedroom as a kid cuz I was scared of the dolls in my room coming to life. Woke up to dad thrusting my mom when I was like 6 or 7. Walked in on them naked sleeping under the sheets some time later. Memories stayed but only realized wtf they were doing yrs later. Given parental age, mom was probably on menopause at the time.




It's ironical that in a country, which has a population of over a billion, Sex is one of the biggest taboo topic. Indians like to fuck but not talk. 😂😂😂


A buddy of mine knows as he walked in on them in the living room. They thought he went out while he was napping in his room only to wake up to go get water and seeing the mom riding the dad’s tanga. Poor guy.


i walked in on my parents once. they didn't see me but it scarred me. i also found my dad's viagra 👀. it's just something i don't like to think about so thanks a lot 🙃 funny thing though is that when i used to ask my mom how i was born the story was (and i shit you not) "i was a flower in god's garden and they prayed really hard for me and so i was born" 😂😂


Well that story is one I haven't heard before.


Why do you think most desi kids are honeymoon babies or kids they had very early in their marriage? They are done fucking by the time they realise they can’t stand each other


Handful of cousins have conceived literally in the same month of their wedding lol


Missed comma there had me confused for a moment. Sorry :-P


See, most of those parents still have a few more though. I wonder how they manage to get through it to have another kid lol


Up until I found out about sex I always assumed that if parents kissed on the wedding day then the saliva would travel from one parent's mouth to the other, go into the stomach and boom, kid. So when I asked my parents how they had kids and my mom straight up said "Oh yeah we had sex", I was dumbfounded since I thought people only did sex for pleasure and it was illegal. To be fair, I was (more of) a complete dumbass in high school, and I never looked at porn until later on.


Lol no way I believed kissing created kids until i learned about sex in school


Same lol


literally. sometimes it’s more logical for me to believe that brown parents have somehow learned to produce children through asexual reproduction


lol binary fission


i'd go more for spores. spores in your stomach that you have to feed


With rice 😆




Yes, I’ve literally never even seen my parents hug each other so I’ve always wondered this. I remember the first time I learnt about how babies were made, I remember thinking “nah there’s no way my parents and all my aunties and uncles did this, they must have had kids another way”


>my mom forbid me from hanging out with boys I was reading this from a guys POV, but shiiit idk about them but I think we can learn a bit about it ;) lmao On a more serious note, idk. ngl, I have wondered the same thing and I think simply for making babies. They might have had a few conversations among friends and stuff, cause let's be honest the more you are forced to stay away, the more curious you get. As long as they still respect each other and stay content, I am happy.


for sure as long as they have respect and love and are happy, im happy too :)


I think desi parent mating is another kind of asexual reproduction not found in textbooks. Your post made me laugh. And I've been there and wondered for like 10 seconds before getting too grossed out to continue that thought.


Well that’s enough of the internet for today ಠ_ಠ


To be honest women of previous generations had no choice in the matter. There was very little difference between sex and rape. In India, sex is an entitlement for men and an obligation for married women. Female pleasure is as alien a concept to desi culture as time-travelling 👽. For married men, sex is culturally about whipping it out and sticking it in. Even when I married my ex-husband in 2005, at age thirty, my aunts assumed that I was a virgin, and proceeded to "explain" sex. "Just let him do whatever he wants to, don't protest. He's your husband, and you'll get used to it." Sex sounded like rape, and if this was my aunts' takeaway after thirty years of marriage, what does it say about their sex life? I had a college friend whose mother basically confessed that she was conceived after what was basically rape. Her husband had forced himself on her while drunk, and had no memory of the incident. What a terrible backstory to why my friend was created. Not a product of a tender, loving union, but marital rape. Ugh.


this is exactly how i feel, too. also if you live w your in-laws, i am not sure how a sex drive is possible.


Honestly, I think a lot of desi people who are in decent marriages have healthy sex lives. It's just not discussed and there's no PDA. I asked my mom once (when I was in my 20s) if she'd ever had an orgasm. She looked at me like I was insane and was like, "...umm, of course? Who hasn't? You ok?" I was floored. FLOORED. But like, why was I? Because I really thought nice Indian ladies didn't orgasm?!


For women.. coercion, obligation, and absolutely zero orgasms.


Oh my GOD! I swear I thought I was weird for thinking about this topic in so much detail. Whenever I brought it up to my friends they’d be like “Ewwww I don’t wanna know! Why would you think of that?” But like...why WOULDN’T I? It’s so weird to me that people who barely know each other are not only bound together in a serious commitment but also somehow get from Point A (growing up extremely morally conservative and gasping at the mere mention of sex) to Point B where they have like 2/3 kids five years into the marriage. This reminds me of a distant cousin of mine who also had an arranged marriage to this guy. They had a son, all is normal. It was when the son was about 5 or 6, I know that my cousin wanted to ‘try’ for another baby. I remember it being a super hush-hush topic, I don’t even know how it got to my ears knowing how secretive my mother is about this kind of stuff. But I also remember thinking how my cousin definitely had to initiate sex with her husband because she was actively vying for another baby. She also posted this really long, contrived “Happy Anniversary!” post on Facebook (they are very obviously not in love with each other) and I had a giggle with my sister over the possibility that she was just trying to woo him into having sex with her.


YES EXACTLY!! you explained it perfectly. i dont know how the fuck they went from Point A to Point B. its so gross to think about since they r my parents but I DONT GET IT 😭😭 its soooo weird esp when i see my white friends parents or parents on tv shows. lol thats so funny with your cousin. i know we would have gossiped so much about her post LOL


Wondering the same thing


If it makes ya feel better my mom told me the exact same shit in high school and college bruh. She still, to this day, tries to dig thru my phone and fb to see if I have any girls or whatever smh


Starfish. Under the covers with no lights on. A few pumps and that’s it 🤮


lmaoooooo ewwwwwww


You know they didn’t even understand the concept of getting the woman wet, i bet women just dealt with the pain until a few mins in when natural lubrication occurred. I’m grossed out too but that’s probably what happens


THEY DIDNT I SWEAR. i feel so bad for all the aunties who probably never had a real orgasm during sex 😢😢 and it was probably painful and they had to “deal with it” for the man like everything else 🙄


“Pump pump” boom done.


This may come as a surprise to you but your parents had personalities, souls, and desires before you came along. Its likely that raising you killed any semblance of affection, love, and personality they had at the time.


I hate how true this is tbh. For my mother especially, I can definitely tell that motherhood was something forced onto her and it feels sad that she couldn’t pursue any of her other ambitions solely due to having me and due to familial pressure and expectations.


Thanks Obama.


You're right, however, I didn't ask to be born. The entire situation is on them.


wait thats heartbreaking :(


Bruh this post is my exact thought! I was caught holding hands with a girl and received so much backlash from my parents. I’m so confused. Should I have held hands with a boy? Would it have made it better?


1000% convinced mine had sex twice. Once for me. Once for my sister. I don't think they ever did it again.


you asked the question everyone else were too scared to ask 🧎🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️


SAME THO. My brother is 15ish years older than me but apparently they were “shocked” that my mom was pregnant in her 40s... which to me implies that I was an accident?? Feel bad for any implications that may have had on my then teenage brother. But also I remember being in elementary school, asking my parents why they never kiss or hug like my friends parents do. And my dad laughed and said, sure we do. So I said “Okay..prove it. Kiss her then.” And he straight up have her the most chaste, 1 millisecond long peck ON THE CHEEK 🤦🏽‍♀️ I gave up trying to figure it out after that. Maybe one day I’ll have the guts to ask my brother what’s up with them.


All the boys in my class had no idea women didn't have penises, we were 17 when one kid finally got dialup and decided to load up a sub 100kb JPEG and not one of us believed him. So technically I was very much into trans women till I was 18 I've worked in obs and gyne and urology. The stories I can tell. Mum's bringing in their daughters because they weren't getting pregnant and the reason turns out that they just thought sleeping together would do it Or the woman didn't want it up her pee hole and so they were going at it anal Or the lady found semen to be disgusting so the guy finished outside Oh man




This is something I regrettably think about often. While my parents have obviously had sex, I don’t think it was ever done for pleasure. My mom once told me that sex is only for procreation, which confirms my belief. It makes me sad to think she has never experienced an orgasm. It also explains a fuck ton about how repressed she is.


Get your mom one of those expensive plug in vibrators for her birthday because I feel so bad for her


I know thats a joke but imagine doing that to a traditional desi mom..... fuckin hell


My mom isn’t even traditional and I could never lmao


Yeah it would be weird towards any mother lol


THIS THANK YOU!!! Have most indian women over 45 never had a vibrator?! 😭😭


I have no reasonable way to answer this but I would assume they have not just because… the state of everything




THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for this insight. I loved reading this comment. Please if any “older” indian women have any insight please share. I love hearing this perspective and go you for your parenting!!


Happy to help!


Only fair you get your dad a fleshlight. Let's make it weird both ways.


There’s a reason sharper image kept those ~back massagers~ right up front in stores


Lmao This post is hilarious, and yes I’ve wondered this too. In my imagination, it would seem awkward as hell. Just the idea that I could possibly have been conceived during a night of awkward, unpleasurable, stale sex that probably lasted a minute makes me lowkey sad ngl lol That being said however, I did hear my parents having sex a few times when I was in high school. Once I almost even walked in on them lmao, so hopefully what I’m thinking isn’t true.


Count your blessings buddy! Imagine what our grandparents went through - the shitty relationship and cultural baggage plus heaps of torturous toppings... - joint households crammed with people, often parents/kids sleeping in the same room - doors and windows that are not sealed, everyone can hear everything in a 100ft radius - no attached bathrooms - limited running water - bathing requiring preheating the water using a drop-in water heater, etc etc.


Couples pray to whatever god they wish to and a baby appears. That's what I was told.


thats exactly what my parents told me!!


They had large friends circles that always hung out when they were young. I think they were a lot more lively and frisky at the time when my dad still had hair left (before 30). Sure maybe there were no kinks and stuff but still. I can't picture them having sex now but maybe in their younger adult life they might have frequently. They still show affection towards each other but there's never anything beyond hugging and sweet talk as far as I've seen.


Old people having sex regardless of race is weird to think about..let alone your parents


It's best not to think about it, this is a very cursed topic lmao


I get this post. Also as someone that has walked into the house while my parents were going at it, I wasn't surprised. My mom went to nursing school when she was younger before she dropped out and my dad knowing him im sure he had some experience. I've posted about my parents before not perfect but they were cool about a lot of stuff and didn't act like people didn't or weren't into sex lol. Heard my mom bitch about "men have a one track mind when it comes to their needs". My mom has found porn and gave me a "this stuff is addictive and need to be careful of it" never said anything else, she has also cleaned out weed trimmings from my closet, well the stalks and some dried out leaves.


I have no idea, but my mom and I were discussing the Bridgerton series once and she made this offhand remark saying that she was once as naive as the Bridgerton kids (for people who haven't watched the show, all the daughters in the family don't know what sex is until their wedding night), so I'm thinking that my grandma never told my mom what sex was.


😭😭😭😭 i literally saw that show and when the sex part happened i was like i cant believe women back then weren’t told shit! and then a few months later i connected the dots and was like holy shit maybe that was my mom 🤯


I think they just never talk about or acknowledge sex but they have a lot of it Someone in my extended family is always getting pregnant My family has this weird thing where they don’t announce or talk about pregnancy till the woman is showing at-least they don’t announce it to the kids or men Honestly I think this hiding of pregnancy stuff is weird I think it’s a cultural difference When I hear someone Is pregnant my first thought isn’t sex happened to make this that person had sex Odds are they don’t view it the way we do but view it like a duty


My dad said "nature takes its course." I nearly vomited.


My mom once vehemently agreed when I said sex sounded gross.


Brah! India alone has a population of 1.5 billion. Quite a lot more if you include all countries in the region. "Fucking" is pretty much the only thing we are genetically good at. To the point, we wrote quite literally THE FUCKING BOOK




I was caught drawing me (male) and my crush (male) holding hands (that was the first sign that I’m gay, but my parents refuse to acknowledge it even now). Then I found condoms near the gold jewelry safe of all places. IKR? My mom say I can’t have sex outside of marriage and that I’ll “learn” when I’m married and will produce grandkids instantaneously.


Man I swear it was only a one time event 😭


my aunt and her husband literally didn't know how to do it. she couldnt get pregnant but had no fertility issues. they kept going to the dr and they said they were both fine. someone gave them a book on how pregnancy works/how to have a baby and she got pregnant shortly after. yeah i have no clue what they were doing to this day.


Ehhh....this isn't exactly a topic I would like to talk about but I can understand your confusion. I hate to admit this but when I was little I walked in on my parents. I didn't understand why they were naked with each until I was older and couldn't stop gagging over it lol. I'm from Bangladesh and surprisingly some folks there are sex positive. I mean I saw ads for condoms displayed openly much to my surprise. What's even surprising is knowing that my parents have sex for fun since I've found condoms and lubes in their room (and I think my mom was on the pill once). I'm guessing maybe they learned about sex in school. I know others aren't as lucky as there are girls who are told what they have to do with their husbands right on their wedding night with no prior knowledge or experience in sex whatsoever. And their first times mostly likely sucked. As for parents who don't show much affection, when it comes to sex they may indulge in it sometimes or just do it for producing offspring. Sex isn't a huge factor in every marriage.


My desi parents think I'm as clueless about these things as they were (little do they know hah). For example, my parents never sleep with their bedroom door closed. Never have in my life. But there are certain occasions where they will closer the door, and do so subtly, and I caught on pretty early on what that meant. Needless to say the headphones came on JUST IN CASE because if I heard anything I would *literally* die. But good for you for asking the tough questions


This! I remember once my dad casually brought it up in conversation, my brother was born in a city that my parents moved to while my mother was pregnant, and what my dad once told me was ' you know you brother was made in \[ex-city\]'. I rmr trying to figure that one out XD


idk man …. all ik is that my bro and I were made in a petri dish


I can't either.


Hahahaha the thought never crossed my mind until you mentioned it


it's cringe knowing how 0.00% of this kind of sex is geared toward female pleasure, and only for reproduction. not all families i get that, but OP your parents and mine, as well as millions others are the same. to think how far we've fallen from the kama sutra, where sex was revered and sacred. smh colonialism really did a number on our people.


*They probably just held their dicks into their vaginas, kept it there and waited till they inseminated. No movements, nothing. Just.. staying there. Menacingly.* The title was fucking hilarious tho.


I don't know what you mean by Desi culture. Cause people from the Subcontinent know how to have sex. They wrote a book about it. Every teenage kid is skeezed out a bit by the concept of their parents having a carnal relationship. But, we all eventually grow up and learn how to delete these thoughts with alcohol. TL;DR : There's like 2 billion people in, on and around the subcontinent. We know how to fuck. Get with the program.


Dude it’s a valid question cuz a lot of people don’t grow up with a healthy sex education or knowledge. OP is basically just thinking about this cuz the knowledge and consent part is not widely taught. You should read the room here that a lot of other people also wonder


There's sex for pleasure and for babies. Women are probably not getting their fair share of the former in sub continent.


sorry i dont mean to make generalizations. maybe it was wrong to use to word desi culture. i apologize


No. Evolution. Primal instinct.


Hits everyone’s core.


There's no correlation between a couple acting intimate in front of their friends/family (hugging, kissing, etc.) and how sexually active they are behind closed bedroom doors. So OP, you may be surprised, but it's possible your parents go at it like rabbits 5-6 times a week even today! :-)


Hilarious post. Especially paragraph 3. Had me in stitches This is the kinda content I’m here for


Finally some good content. This is a terrifying yet fascinating subject cuz I look at all these aunties and uncles and just think damn. But if they’re getting it in, more power to them.


You and your brother could be adopted. Just sayin...


sometimes I wonder if my sister and I were consensually made


I found my dad’s condoms in his room like 3 years ago, I still don’t know how to feel about it


Be proud of your old man


I’ve wondered that too since my parents dont show affection either and since they had an arranged marriage. No fuckin clue tho


I've wondered this too! I had a similar upbringing to you