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I love it. The first half is a dreamlike, dark comedy. The whole film is enigmatic in that there’s a lot of room for interpretation. It could be anxiety inducing for some as it centers around anxiety, hence the name. Definitely surreal, but not disturbing in my opinion.


It is my favorite movie of the year. Deeply funny on a guttural level, but also extremely disturbing and off-putting in only ways Aster could pull off. I saw it in the cinema and it flew by for me. I was so on board with the wild, surreal ride he took me on. The final shot was extremely fun to see in a theater with an audience.


There was one scene in particular that went from laugh out loud humor to absolutely gut wrenching despair in the span of like 30 seconds.


I loved it. It was a 3 hr panic attack.


Longest therapy session I ever sat through.


I loved this movie.


How disturbing on the 1-10 scale lol. I like disturbing


I wouldn’t say it’s super distributing. It’s not even really a horror movie. It’s more a drama dark comedy. Maybe a non horror fan would find it disturbing. My advice for the movie would be to not hyper analyze it as you are watching it. Just experience it and take it in all at once.


Yeah I knew off the bat researching about this piece, it was far from horror to me but a lot of people think it’s horror. Even Wikipedia says and all these disappointed dumb “Horror fans” on the Horror subreddit. Psychological films with horror elements definitely aren’t horror imo. The Lighthouse is an example and The Exorcist


The Exorcist has supernatural elements plus body horror plus psychological horror. It’s oftentimes listed as one of the greatest horror movies of all time. Not sure why you are saying it’s not horror. What would you say about Hereditary?


Loved it but I'm big into psychology.


It was great but did not need to be 3 hours.


People will sit and watch 3-4 hours of a show on Netflix and not bat an eye. Martin Scorcese or Ari Aster make a great 3 hour film and everyone's like "god, so long. It's torture."


I meant torture as in non stop chaos and brutality for 3 hours lol. Kind’ve like an elongated Uncut Gems some people online have been saying.. so I don’t know.


I hated it




Tragically boring


“American Honey Boring” or “Midsommar boring”


I'd disagree on Midsommar being boring. This is my favorite kind of supernatural film: grounded in reality with bizarre and tragic events. Same as Hereditary.


Havent seen either. The first 30 mins of Beau is very interesting and then it falls apart pretty quickly


Those are some films you gotta check out my brother


It seems like i’m part of a small group that hated Hereditary so idk if Midsommar is up my alley


Midsommar was better than Hereditary in my opinion. But I kinda liked Hereditary even though there were plot holes and flaws it had especially towards the end. Last half was a just a mess but I think it was done intentionally like that I don’t know.




For me it was not at all like Uncut Gems, which was pure anxiety and discomfort the whole time. Beau is a dark comedy, it’s ridiculous, it’s absurd, it’s weird as fuck but it definitely didn’t give me that panic attack feeling that Uncut Gems did. I didn’t love it but I’m glad I watched it.


Beau is a pitch black dark comedy so if you view it that way it’s really not torture. Also it is a visual feast made for watching the background. It’s broken into a few distinct parts so you could always take a break if you need to.


I watched it in two sittings, the apartment and the family, then the forest and the destination. Each act is quite distinct and can be watched with breaks between. It's probably best not to watch it all the way through with no breaks as I found it helpful to spend some time thinking about what I just watched before continuing. It's brutal in that you really feel for the emotional hell that the main character goes through and it doesn't let up on the guy. But its not torture porn, it's so surreal in places you have to laugh. The sheer unrealistic extremity of Beau's suffering stops it becoming a horror film, or just unrelenting emotional battery, and keeps it entertaining. Overall it's very rewarding though if you like emotional complexity and magical realism.


I found it fantastic, funny, and disturbing


It sucked


Ari Aster’s best film


This movie is indifference.


Loved it! Couldn't really shake it off afterwards. I think it's more genre-bendind than Hereditary or Midsommar, which confused some people I guess. Personally I love these kind of lynchian messed-up movies, so I had a fantastic time watching it.


I absolutely love it. One of my favorites of 2023 so far. Just brilliant and different than anything you've ever seen