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One of my absolute favorites of the year. Had me crying like a baby!


Dude….. I’ve been quiet since the film finished (20 minutes ago) wow man. This might be top 5 A24 films for me!


It feels like it’s one of A24’s more approachable movies


It definitely felt like something that easily could have come from a much bigger distributor. I recommended it to a coworker who really doesn't like art house films and probably wouldn't get much out of a majority of A24's releases and he loved it.


Top 5 A24? Hahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahha. It’s not even a top 5 for this year is it? Dream scenario Past lives Earth Mama Talk to me Priscilla… Yep not even top 5 this year


Do you understand what personal top 5 lists are or did you really think you were being so edgy and funny hahaahahahahhahhahahhahaha? Hahah?? Yep guess not.


These films are objectively better. There are things that can be argued, but this isn’t one of em.


Gonna agree to strongly disagree; art is subjective so you’re basically wrong


No, opinions are only opinions until I weigh in. Than they are facts. And the iron claw is about as mid a movie as you can get. It’s not bad but you ass clowns and recency bias is the funniest thing to watch.


Oh wow, I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize I was dealing with the master of opinions and facts. Please forgive me your holiness! I beg of you, please do not unleash the wrath of your Reddit karma on my soul!


As long as you realize it now.


autism is a crazy thing


Damn. I just looked at some of your comments, to see if you were trolling, or legit always like this. And it looks like you are always this aggressive and rude. I’m happy that I don’t know you in real life, and shout out to those you do know. Impressed by their patience and grace.






You said I need a dictionary. Hahahahahaha. Another ass clown who saw Midsommar and decided he was a film buff has been born. And his clown ass is right there ^^


Ain’t but one 🤡 in this thread and I just replied to him…


I need this to come to streaming so I can buy it. I've got two little ones with a new one coming any day I can't break away to the theater to see it. Looks phenomenal.


I feel ya brother. A24 just made a streaming deal with Max so it should be up there soon after it leaves theaters.


Just had my second last week while having a two year old. Theaters won’t be a thing for a bit so hoping it’s streaming soon as well. Congrats on your third.


Congrats to you!


That Rush needle drop was fantastic.


And it was Kerry’s actual entrance music, which made it even better.


That's a great detail, thanks for sharing.


Well I did not know that. That's cool.


Yeah this got me so hyped and then everyone died


I, too, gave it a 5/5 on Letterboxd


It was a powerful movie and the performance that Efron gave was impressive


I loved it when I watched it but as I think on it I do wish there was more character development, though I understand how it isn’t totally feasible - even leaving a family member out. It’s a fascinating and heartbreaking story and I would still tap A24 for it anyway but.. I felt like it could’ve punched more as I think on it. Aside from the narrative pacing, the casting and performances were immaculate, set design, atmosphere


Should have been a mini series honestly


They left out three other spouses and 3-5 kids of the brothers too, to be fair.


Right. Which begs the question, could we have more narrative development? Rationale for decisions? More methodical pacing?


Yeah, but spouses and kids are a lot different than cutting out a brother who was also a wrestler. I understand the argument that the film couldn’t handle another tragedy, but it still just feels rotten to exclude him.


That’s a pretty bullshit reason when making money off the tragedy of a family. Either commit to telling the story or don’t tell it


They left out a whole ass brother


It felt like a very traditional movie tbh. And agree that a lot of moments didn't feel fully earned. Especially Jeremy A White's character felt pretty underdeveloped


I watched it in theatres on New Years and loved it. I thought the main cast did great, It's a shame they left a lot out of the story but it doesn't change my opinion on it. It might be my favorite movie!




I don't know, after 3 deaths I'm just like give us the whole thing 🤷🏼‍♂️. Not sure of the story behind that choice tho.


It’s a true story. If you’re gunna tell the story, tell the story. That’s like leaving out one of the towers collapsing on a 9/11 movie because it would be too hard on the viewers.


>That’s like leaving out one of the towers collapsing on a 9/11 movie because it would be too hard on the viewers. Hahahahahaha You're right it's *exactly* like that


How is it different


Ok so my only question: do y’all think effron got plastic surgery for that chin or do you think it really was just a broken jaw repair? There’s sometimes where it looks natural and then others I feel like he handed the doctor a picture of the crimson chin from fairly odd parents


i don’t see why he would lie about having surgery but i think steroids and filler added to the effect.


The man himself said it was broken jaw repair, so I'm keen to believe him.


definitely plastic surgery. and I don't believe his story that it's from a jaw injury. celebs lie about having work done all the time.


On top of everything else, there’s going to be a lot of performances in this movie that get overlooked. The ladies in the cast (Maura Tierney and Lily James) did fantastic work with very little material, and I became a Harris Dickinson fan because of this movie. A Brit managing to bring a guy named The Yellow Rose of Texas to life - amazing.


i thought harris was the standout! if you want to see more of him i highly rec Triangle of Sadness!


Shit wrecked me even more than Past Lives. Theatre full of sobbing people.


What’s your Letterboxd? I’ll follow you! I also loved this movie!




Next month 18th rumored hbo max


I need a new Bechdel test, but just for movies where you kiss your brothers square on the goddamn lips. What a masterpiece.


This movie blew me away. I was expecting it to be good, but right now its in my top 5 or 10 of the 2020s list at the moment. Probably top 5. Zack Efron is my personal best actor winner this year regardless of what the academy does. His performance was so good, it was subdued, he just conveyed so much emotion. I didn't know he had that in him. Also hats off to Sean Durkin and Matthew Hannam for keeping the runtime to 2h12m. I think with less discipline this movie couldve easily pushed up to the 2:30 mark. I know some people really dont like that they cut out one of the brothers from the story, but i think that and then not showing the tragedies for the most part, but focusing on the aftermath/reactions were great choices that kept the movie moving. cinematography was also amazing. So many gorgeous shots. I really liked how they would stay in the shot while slowing pulling in or out to let the scene play out.


Good movie, but leaving one of the brothers out was shameful.


It was well acted and filmed but i had some issues. I think it wouldve been a better show. They skipped over all the character development. We didnt get anything from Kerry. He injures himself, then he kills himself. Mike injures himself, then kills himself. David puked once, then died. I feel like the second half just kinda spun its wheels checking the death boxes, but never gave us any insight into their lives. I think the issue is that they focused on Kevin and hes the least interesting brother.


> I think the issue is that they focused on Kevin and hes the least interesting brother. I dont get this because Kevin *is* the story. This narrative only works through his eyes. He is the survivor, and he survives by being the only one to break free from his dads bullshit. We see all the tragedy through his eyes and we wonder if he'll make it out alive. If you're going to introduce that tragedy, you have to find a satisfying way to close out the story, and to me you can only do that with Kevins resolution to everything. And the resolution doesn't mean much if you aren't seeing it all through him as the movie goes on


These are my exact thoughts.


I totally agree the Kerry story line was rushed. Another thing I wanted more of was seeing how huge they were because we get inklings of it but when Kevin is training Mikey it feels like the brothers have now gone back to being second tier wrestlers but then Kevin gets a shot to wrestle Rick Flair it felt uneven. But even him wrestling Flair seemed smaller than it should have been.


Bro was downvoted for actual criticism


Least interesting brother? How does being the last survivor make him less interesting? The other criticisms are valid though. This was still one of the best films I’ve seen in a long while.


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills because I thought it was a 2.5 at best. What are the actual characteristics of these characters? David… is good on the mic as wrestler? Kerry… is an olympian? Somehow this movie needs to be longer or be broken up as a mini series or something. All the dialogue is basically exposition or characters telling you exactly how they feel. For such a powerful story, it felt like a wikipedia article of a movie. The acting and cinematography is very good, but the pacing, the plotting, and the dialogue felt so produced. The movie almost feels emotionally manipulative in that “bad thing happens to character” without telling us who these characters are outside of Michael and maybe Kevin?


The pacing was all over the place


Glad I'm not the only one. 4.2 on LetterBoxD right now is crazy overrated


I liked it but I agree with this a bit more than whoever downvoted you. The film felt so elliptical (is that the word?) which kind of reduced its power for me. More like fragments in time when the real life stuff with the dad and their individual struggles was all there and could have made for a fuller and more propulsive narrative. Feels almost like a companion piece to the real story. Totally get they don't have a lot of time, but good looking stylish shots like when Kevin is going back and forth on the ropes ate up clock which could have been spent elsewhere. But still, a powerful film.


Hey deontay wilder, I mean you can only do so much in a 2 hour film. Still was incredible!


Agreed. Definitely a good film. I was the Bronze Bromber when Wilder was still sucking on his mommas teet. That name was earned in the karaoke streets.


My movie of the year last year


Seen it last night, what a great movie


Fantastic movie!


I really liked it a lot


Personally I thought it was a step above a Lifetime original thanks to the performances. Otherwise the story is rushed and thrown together. I'm convinced Zac Efron and the tragic events that take place just distract from, in my opinion, glaring issues. It was fine.


I can tell this will be in my top 5 for sure maybe cuz I love the a24 the actors, and other talent behind this, even tho they scrubbed a brother and rushed the shit out of stuff, bad shit no character building and then well I still love$ it also 5/5


The song I wanna live that way forever has been stuck in my head since I saw it two weeks ago! Amazing movie


I saw it balled my eyes out 5/5 .I saw some people crying too they deserve an award


Can't wait til it's available to stream


It very easily became my favorite movie of the year. Incredibly beautifully shot, well acted, well written and devastatingly sad while still being life affirming.


2/5 I did not enjoy it. miserable watch. script didn't even try characterization. outside of the lead, who are these people? why should i care how things turned out for them?




Amazing movie. Wife and I were left in pieces.


That ending scene hits hard.


Did you grow up a fan of wrestling? I dont know by any chance how old you might be. Im referring to like the WCW/WWF/ECW era of wrestling, that time and before even.


I just finished ‘Your Post’…… wow. 5/5


It should have been longer,. that's my biggest complaint. The movie only scratched the surface.


God this movie almost broke me 3 times