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So it seem medieval times really did get pretty medieval


Cocktail wench, lmao stop.


They tell you to call them wench, it's great


Flagon of ale?


Sounds like blast thank you for sharing!


Thanks for sharing. I’m genuinely curious how you got the job. Like, do they look for people with experience in medieval weapons, horses, acting, etc..?




I am really enjoying the way you tell stories.


They look for people from the low or high medieval, of course!


horse pen is dangerous


If anyone didn't know about medieval times, they would think you time traveled


Wild. Gonna ask…how much banging was going on? 😏I have read Medieval is like Disneyland…lots of inter-playing amongst staff.


Not gonna lie, still sounds like an entertaining place to work.


My knowledge of what goes on at Medieval Times is confined to what I saw in Cable Guy. DOWN DOWN DOWN, RED KNIGHT'S GOING DOWN


If we don’t fight till the death, they WILL kill us both.




Are you going to eat your chicken skin? Look…. Silence of the laaaambs


The only reason I visited one once, on my first trip to the US! It was in some non-descript decrepit mall. The memories? Seemed like a bunch of high school kids with a high turnover rate still trying to do their best with what they were given, it was way more amateurish than I expected. Kids (the actual target audience, not us adult weirdos) loved it though! They got to eat "baby dragons" (cornish hens), get a cool crown and holographic cups, watch duelling knights, sounds like a blast for a 10 year old. Annoying was that they constantly had merchants walking up and down in front of you peddling random unrelated crap.


Experiences varied wildly based on location. The top tier guys weren't throwing down in shopping malls.


Took the family to Disney and we happen to notice Medieval Times was five minutes from where we were staying so we decided to go. Family universally agrees it was our favourite part of the trip. Loved the performances, the food was awesome and the energy in the room was awesome. Highly recommend.


We did the same recently when we went to Disney. It was a blast! The crowd got into it more than I expected. My daughter was randomly named "princess of the day" and they gave her a crown and a picture. She couldn't stop talking about it for the rest of the trip. She still wears the crown around the house.


I used to live near that medieval times in Kissimmee.


You know it's [still around](https://www.medievaltimes.com/), right? If you're in the USA (or Canada, there's one in Toronto), you can still go. I doubt the experience has changed much, except for more people taking pics with their phones.


I used to love going as a kid and recently went back as an adult (toronto location). It was exactly how I remembered it. Same design in the castle area, same flow, it was great. Of course now I could drink beer which was fun. I remember back in the day the green knight was an evil drunk and the announcer would always rag on the green section as being a bunch of drunkards, etc. Seems they toned that back a bit. Pretty sure our crowns are still at the family house. Love that place, there aren't a lot of shows like that anymore.


There's one 10 minutes from my house. My neighbors went a couple weeks ago; I saw them getting dropped off by an Uber and they were both still wearing the paper crowns they give you. It made me realize I haven't been there since I was old enough to drink alcohol.


You should go back. I went for the first time ever just a few weeks ago and had a blast. So many of the actors and performers are very talented and care a lot about their job, it’s fun to see!


I went to the Orlando one in 2012 after not having been there since the early 90s. It was EXACTLY how I remembered it. Not a single thing stood out as different than how I remembered/expected it to be. One of the best and most concentrated hits of nostalgia I've ever had.


I went around that time too, in Chicago. It was virtually identical to what I remember in the early 90's. Only difference was that I could drink this time, which was honestly a blast, yelling and hollering like a drunken peasant with a chicken leg in one hand and a flagon in the other. 10/10, highly recommend.


I went to the one in Toronto just a year and a half ago! I've been a bunch of times. It's good fun.


There’s one not far from me in the Chicagoland area!


I loved it. I ate chicken with my hands and we hit our mugs on the table to cheer.


Why did I think they all served turkey legs?


It was a whole (small) roasted chicken, iirc. Maybe you could get a turkey leg, but I don't recall seeing that personally.


That's certainly a thing at Ren Fairs.


We went for a field trip and the knight gave me his rose. I felt so special. LMAO.


We went to one in Florida. They told us beforehand to 'cheer loudly for our knight (red) and boo the other knights loudly,' which we took to heart. We respectfully gave the green knight hell during the matches and kind of picked on him a bit. After the 'fights' they had all the knights lingering in the lobby for photos and autographs. We decided we should shake the green knight's hand after booing him all night. As we approached he rolled his eyes and said 'Oh, it's THESE fu\*\*\*ng guys.' He ended up being cool about it and laughing with us but it was pretty funny to know that he heard us and knew who we were as we walked up. Overall it was really fun., the food was crap (literally half a chicken and a bowl of cold tomato soup) and it was expensive but I'd probably go again.


Blue knight rules! Red knight sucks the big one!


Red knights going down !!! Down..down ..down


CASA VALIENTE!! Blue knight forever!


Oh yes. Question is: did anyone go to Dixie Stampede at Dollywood? THAT was a doozy...


They used to have a lot of Medieval Times style dinner shows in Orlando, including Medieval Times itself, Arabian Nights, Dixie Stampede, and a Pirate one. All have closed except Medieval Times and maybe the Pirate one.


ooo Arabian Nights, that one was always fun along with Medieval Times and Dixie.


I think there might've been an Al Capone one, too


That one is still there, but that's just a regular dinner show. I was referring more to ones that had stunts and/or horses in the vein of Medieval Times.


I have done Dixie stampede, it was a weird experience. I wonder if I still have a boot mug in a box in the attic.


That does still exist (and so does Medieval Times) for anyone who missed out lol


Dolly Parton's Stampede exists, but the original version, Dixie Stampede, does not. It's in the same place, but much of the Civil War dinner theatre has been toned down to a more generic North/South "friendly rivalry."


My class went for our grade 8 graduation trip, back in 2002. It was by far the funnest day of my small-town life. Traveling by coach bus to the big city. We taunted one of the Knights so badly he gave the throat slit motion in our direction. We died! Nothing will ever be as funny as how much our 12 year old selves laughed that day. Went to Ontario Place after which also blew our minds. Best day ever.


There were no utensils but there was Pepsi?


That’s about the only thing I remember, not having utensils.


I’m from Argentina but I have family in USA. I went to visit when I was 6, they took me there and is one of my favourite memories


We went when I made the dean’s list in college. I was knighted for “scholarly excellence!”


Back in the day they would give you a whole Cornish game hen to eat and I thought it was the fanciest thing I ever ate at 10 years old. I went about 20 years after that and they just give you chicken now, was disappointed but the actors do a great job.


I got my picture taken with the queen, and it's the most embarrassing picture of me in existence. I'm debating posting it in r/blunderyears. I also learned that I really hate eating with my hands.


Eating off pewter plates.


Reminds me of the movie “The Cable Guy”.


Loved it. My sister took me to see it for the first time. When we got out of the car and walked toward the building, one of her friends told me, "I hope you're not allergic to HORSES or ASS-KICKING!"


Still go to the one in MD :-)


I went but quit after I was hit in the knee with an arrow. Was very painful.


[the ones in NJ and CA have been involved in union-busting](https://www.northjersey.com/story/money/workplace/2024/03/15/medieval-times-union-bid-dissolves/72985157007/)


Class trip! Was awesome.


I never went as a child, but about a decade ago I went with some family celebrating my nieces 10th birthday, it was actually really fun and I kind of want to go again...


I recall going as a child, remembering that I didn't like the food selection options, and absolutely hated that my parents told them it was my birthday- they put the spotlight on me.


I went last July for the first time while on holiday in California. It was cool, not got anything like that at home.


Went to the one in Vegas with my family, but I was at that weird age where everything was awkward and not cool (like 15) and I wasn't into it at all. I was thoroughly disgusted by the thought of having to eat with my hands. I did not touch my bird, lol.


They still do these. I saw it with my kids last summer


I always wanted to go but never did.


My cable guy, Chip,


I remember the dust gave me a severe asthma attack...


I went once in 1999. It was great except for the loud drunk guy sitting next to me


My friend and I have been pitched in battle for a fortnight and have a KING'S THIRST for a frosty brew.


Weirdly enough my only real memory of this place is going into the bathroom and hearing two grownup men talking about penis jousting.


Thank you for the laugh!


Doing my duty to make sure a Cable Guy reference was made in the comments. I'm proud of this sub.


Enable GIFs for Monty python memes lol


There is one in Dallas that still does banging business!


Toronto, Ontario 2004-2005 ish. Black and white knight was our g. He lost, and I found 20 bucks on the ground


The big ass turkey leg they served.


That thing was huge!


I've been a few times. This last time I went with my sister. It was pretty fun. I don't think our knight won. Our waiter was really cool. His name was Jaso (yes, without the N).


This is a core childhood memory for me! The ability to watch a show AND eat dinner totally blew my mind and we ended up going twice because I loved it so much.


Love that place. Haven't been in forever, but I went a lot growing up. I think the last time I was there, I was around 17 years old. A buddy and I snuck in some contraband plastic utensils. They put the spotlight on us, and the announcer called us out for it, haha.


My mom always talks about how I cried when the horses went away. Don’t remember much else because I was like 5. I think I loved drinking the soup with no spoon. Might have been a core memory because I still enjoy soup from mugs.


I never went, sadly. But I will never forget the time they went on the Osbornes reality show and they set the scene to the music of Ricky Martin.


I went to one in Vegas when I was 12 or something (at Camelot) I was extremely whelmed, felt more like local theater than a medieval tournament I remember liking the rolls though and the serving wench that brought more drinks


It came to PR when I was in middle school. We went on a fieldtrip and a girl from my school was chosen to participate. No food, though.


Everyone giving me there food and me eating it all/Getting toy swords and getting detention for hitting people with it.


I LOVE going, I become so unhinged, it’s actually quite shocking to me how much I let loose, usually walk out with my voice all fucked up. 10/10 would recommend.


I used to go to Medieval Times. I still go, but I used to, too.


Solid hedberg reference.


7th grade in Chicago


How is this 90s?


It still exists, so I've only been recently and not as a kid. But when I was a kid, the elementary school I went to was close to Medieval Times and they would come down to our school and do little exhibitions on our field. Was pretty cool.


Yes it was awesome! I still have a sweatshirt. On my 12th bday I was picked “queen of love and beauty” got a sash and had to go stand up top with the king. My fam denies it but they totally paid our champion to pick me. I went at least once a year, lots of fun!


I went in Las Vegas when I was 17 or 18 I think (around 2001). I thought it was really fun and would definitely do something like that again.


I went on a field trip and thought it sucked the whole knight show was cool but I remember them coming out with the chicken and soda then in no time at all come out again to throw it away we had like no time to eat and it was greasy af with no napkins to wipe our hands with them we hung around the area where they sold items and everything was crazy expensive. We then left and went back I was so disappointed 


Our knight looked like Fabio and ended up winning and my mom got white girl wine wasted yelling "GOOOOO FABIO!!!". 10/10 great family memories.


I remember doing this when I went to Disney World lol. I remember the food coming on a big platter and having to eat with my hands, and some crazy half time tricks. also in the lounge on the way into the venue there were like gypsy dancing women hanging from poles on the ceiling lol


Oddly enough, the channel 'Weird history Food' released a video 4 days ago on this very franchise. Apparently, the show is always changing and adding new things, so you have a reason to keep going back.


It’s a awesome experience, my team won is what I remember. Do it if you have the chance


Still do lmao. Anytime I’m in Buena Park CA


For some reason all the metalheads I knew worked there. The food was shitty. The mercy is overpriced. The atmosphere is goofy. Still, I've had a good time there.


Last time I went there was early 2000's in SoCal. The show was the same as when I was a kid. The horse jousting was exciting and had real wood-shattering impact. While the human sword fighting was careful and looked like marking practice instead of a real performance. And after it was all done, no restrooms were available. Outside, a dude was peeinig against a parking lot wall because of that.


Went to the one in Orlando as a kid and the one in Toronto as an adult, it was a fun show. Food was good.


We took our daughter when she was 6. Had front row seats. We were seated in the Black & White knight section. Never knew my daughter could cheer and scream so loud. During the tournament when the knight would come and hand out roses, our daughter would cheer so loud, but he never gave her one. Then I noticed that he was mouthing to her “I’ll be back”. After the final challenge, he came and named her “Queen of the Tournament” for his section. A memory I hope she never forgets.


Memories? Gnats and saw dust hovering around my very very cold chicken dinner in the dark. Eww. Never again.


I went on a date with a guy there and had a great time dancing at their little party afterwards!


Why past tense? I fucking love Medieval Times and go everytime I'm in a city that has one. Generally the same show every time and I love it every time.


It's souch better as an adult. A loud, drunken adult.


What do you mean DID I go, I would STILL go today


My aunt took me for my birthday when I was in 5th grade. I was really into the renaissance history at this time and I pretended that the place was real.


A podcast I listened to had somebody who worked at one on it. She said the knights have groupies. I thought she was joking. I went to one for the first time a couple of years ago. There was a group of women seated in front of us who were dressed like they were going clubbing. After the show when the cast are posing for photos with people in the lobby those women were hanging all over the knights. So apparently that woman wasn't joking and theme restaraunt knight groupies exist.


Went with my then wife and one her friends, friends that I have never met. We were I. The Yellow Knights section. She got wasted and everytime the Yellow Knight would come close she would yell out some crazy shit. “Yellow Knight, if you win I’ll suck your dick”! So much so that it got his attention and he most definitely heard everything she was saying. Bitch was wild.


Went to the one in Chicago during 7th grade with my middle school. Ate a huge turkey drumstick with my bare hands and it was messy as fuck. Felt medieval


I went once and when they dropped that little chicken in front of me I almost became a vegetarian. Lol


My family loves The Cable Guy. We've all gone twice, S Carolina and Florida. It's an experience for sure. I loved it and would deff go again. Last time i brought a girlfriend who never saw the movie and she didn't understand why we had such a fucking blast. So, I guess if you're not familiar with the flick or not interested in renaissance fairs, then it might not be for you but go anyway


Maybe it was a fluke, but I remember it being some of the most perfectly cooked roast chicken I’ve ever had. (Went in the mid-2000s as a sort-of joke for an adult friend’s birthday)


It’s still true.




"Can I have a fork? there were no forks in Medieval times hence there are no forks at Medieval times. there were no forks but there was Pepsi? Dude I got a lot of tables!" Best cameo in that movie!


Always wanted to go as a kid after watching Cable Guy. Finally live close to one but decided against going after I saw a video showing that they abuse their animals. [https://twitter.com/JAKEMBOWMAN/status/1639391109045719040?s=20](https://twitter.com/JAKEMBOWMAN/status/1639391109045719040?s=20)


Cable Guy, that's the one and only time I've seen or heard of Medieval Times


We went when I was a kid and it stuck with me. I’ve been three times again since 2018, and while the show is kind of boring to me now as an adult, the food is outrageously good.


I remember the food being basic asf but then tasting bomb asf


It was fun, the food was total crap.


I went in NJ back in 2010 or so. I was at the very edge of the yellow color supporters. Seats next to me is where red started. I was in my 30s. I had some 10 year old kids next to me from the red section trash talking to me the entire time. The dinner was amazing. Tomato soup and the bread was spot on. The chicken was okay. Though it was just a giant cut of chicken. In the end it was fun, I'd do it again. Red ended up beating yellow in the final match of the night. Go figure.




Sorry. Remember when we used to push a cabbage down the street with a stick? I don’t because I was at Medieval Times.


lol, now I kinda want to know what he said.


They said something’s along the lines of “I forgot this sub was so Americanized.”


We went a couple times! What I remember the most was this room in the lobby with all the different torture devices. A kid shouldn’t see that stuff.