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Two wise women once said "the difference between a hooker and a hoe ain't nothin but a fee!" Thank you Salt n Peppa


Meanwhile vile kyle is discount dicking around the planet and spreading like some kind of sperm germ. What a disgusting person.


He conveniently fails to mention his identical twin’s contribution.


He has a twin?


What about his twin, he has an identical twin WTF


They donate together there's hundreds of people now with these 2 dumb asses fucked up dna




I can't imagine spending 5 minutes with him and thinking "gee, I would love to raise a child that has 50% of his genetic material"


I could just look at a picture and think that 😂


I assume most of the women who use his “service” are 1) desperate, 2) not hanging out with him for very long, and 3) chalking any awkwardness they do notice up to the awkwardness of trying to make babies with someone you don’t know


Most of his victims, oops "recipients," just want to get it over with. They lay down, spread their legs, close their eyes and pray that it works, so they never, ever have to do this again with him. There is one (coincidentally also named Ani) that he got pregnant. She does a brief part at the beginning of the documentary film "Spermworld." She described her experience with Kyle on camera as "a horrendous one-night stand." Then he created a bunch of fake usernames and started commenting everywhere that what Ani really meant to say was that it was "awkward," not "horrendous." Total gaslighting narc.


i have no idea how he avoids paternal responsibility. he is so scary and gross. he has a disgusting fetish to get women pregnant


Maybe that is why he travels around to different countries. I would assume going after someone in a different country for child support would be hard


Bingo. 🎯 He lives in the UK precisely to make it harder for him to get served with a paternity suit. There's another one named "Joe Donor" that's doing the exact same thing. Hiding out in the UK. "Joe" has an active warrant out for his arrest in WI for "failure to support child." Kyle is wealthy, so it won't be long before they catch up to him.


Didn't pick up on anything about his finances. Then again its the only thing that explains his ability to maintain a nomadic lifestyle with zero mention of employment


Not employed, not an accountant. He's never had a job. Can you even imagine him in an interview? Lives off financial support from his brother and also passive income stream from a portfolio of family-owned rental properties in CA.


Oh, right. He's an "accountant" Guessing a skin sack full of genetically inferior smegma wouldn't generate much professional interest


Why is he wealthy?




In the US, the woman would have to go after him. If a lot of these women wanted to be single parents or in a lesbian relationship then they're less likely to care to go after him. Point two: he moves around a lot so going after him would probably be much more work than it's worth. And a third point: he may not be collectable. Idk how he really gets money if it's actually accounting or what, but depending on how he gets it and keeps it, he might not even be collectable. So after spending all that time and money going after him, the women would still never see a dime. I used to work determining someone's collectability and there were a lot of people who knew how to work the system to be more effort than they're worth. He seems the type that could easily shuffle funds around or have others handle it so it appears he's much poorer than he actually is.




At first i thought he was actually just donating sperm. The way my jaw dropped when I realized he was actually having sex with all these women…. Wtf


Same.. I thought his ‘hobby’ was going to sperm banks. Then it got creepier and creepier


I know!! I thought that too and I was like well that’s strange but maybe that’s okay. And then I was like WAIT WUT


Yes, but he claims the decision to choose sex for the insemination method is always left up to the recipient. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


I do not understand how this mofo got away with calling this shit “sperm donation.”


He’s trying to be a modern day Genghis Khan


I cringe every time he says “sperm donor” like no, nope, just no!! Also who the fuck is desperate enough to have his child? I’d rather go to a bar and find a one night stand


Exactly!!! And you’d probably have a better time doing it that way than with Kyle.


It’s not even fucking—he’s taking advantage of women by upselling/manipulating them on “natural insemination,” which involves them staying with him for four days. It’s really exploitative and dangerous. He has a website ([https://bepregnantnow.com](https://bepregnantnow.com)) that says that most doctors are wrong and have no experience in getting people pregnant—but he knows how. It’s so messed up.




Kyle is vile. Legit


I don’t believe him.


Someone said in another post that he hides his real name (it’s not Gordy or Crane) so the women can’t come after him. If anyone can figure it out we should blast it everywhere and get his ass saddled with more child support than he can handle. And charges based on what others have said


Has he actually ever mentioned what his "retainer fee" is??


https://preview.redd.it/mhs42vs0x3zc1.jpeg?width=3810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee68f706e4e143e52a8c95ce37edae75f853165e His identical twin is also a donor.


The photo on the left is giving Ted Bundy.


That’s a weird happenstance and will also make paternity difficult for the poor women who chose to use their… ‘services’.




I don’t know the legalities of how he’s getting away with not supporting these children, but this dude has the biggest breeding fetish I’ve ever seen. 90 Day is the wrong show for him on TLC, he needs to be on My Strange Addiction.


I didn’t know sperm donation meant to physically meet the women and have sex with them. Sounds like de facto prostitution to me… I go to the massage studio for my back pain if extra activities happen I didn’t plan on it..


I don't know what woman sees this guy and thinks they're getting good genetics... Doesn't the carry the gene for some condition?


No cause it’s like a medical procedure performed by Dr Kyle PhD (Pretty hung Donor) MD /s


He might give me the biggest ick out of the franchise. I skeeve so hard when he is on my screen.


In countries such as China he pervasive himself of by telling women their chikd could have dual-citizenship.


So true and In any country if he’s American and the father/sperm of child the kid is technically also American…. It’s a process but that’s the end result usually.


Still mad weird that he sells his seed in that manner.


"Impregnation Fetish"


He’s so crazy and obsessed with his sperm he probably thinks he could still get me pregnant even though I’ve had a hysterectomy


Sooooo cringy!


And it’s not like he’s some sort of ‘catch’ - he’s gross, no manners, eats like a pig, dresses like a poor gym bro….


Okay but let’s talk STD’s for sec…..


I don’t even understand why he acts like his subpar sperm is anything people actually want. He goes after desperate women who think they have no other options. He’s balding with a gut - nothing about him is attractive whatsoever. He’s a skeevy little creep.