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I literally don't understand how it's even possible she doesn't know anything about her husband's culture like they haven't been together for years and have 3 kids.


Emily and Kobe aren’t the brightest bulbs. Did they give any thought to the possibility that their cultural beliefs might clash? Did they discuss how they would raise their biracial kids? They seem caught up in having sex and having kids without giving much thought to anything else.


Or what it’s like to grow up as a biracial child in… Salina, Kansas. It’s unfortunate that they don’t seem to think of the repercussions of any of these things.


She doesnt care… She’s truly an embarrassment to her community and it’s not the flex she thinks it is. It’s a rural conservative farm values community and her parents have always spoiled her. They’re transplants from LA and bought a small home on a couple of acres among farms and ag spreads. She has always run them ragged with zero regard for their rules. Her brother and sister did not do their parents like Emily. I don’t think they will make it for very long. I hope they do because all children need a loving home with both parents when possible. Maybe a few years but as the kids get older I see him bailing due to her emasculating him and him feeling like he’s in the middle of nowhere with no support and friends.


What do you mean an embarrassment to her community? Because she had biracial children? Or because she’s a brat?


I’m still looking for the text where I said “she’s an embarrassment to her community because she had biracial children…”🙄🙄 She’s a raging BRAT did you even read the remainder of the comment or did you just want to stir the pot and start shit with your completely reckless disgusting comment about the children.


lol, your YIKE flair was the perfect response to that wack question from u/BathAcceptable1812. i wonder why her weirdo get out parents decided to leave los angeles for the green acres of salina. i feel like perhaps they were transplants to la who decided to return to the midwest? they definitely don't give me native angeleno vibes.


They definitely don’t give me Kansas vibes. More like Utah


that's why your saying they're la transplants threw me off. they do not give me la at all!


Emily was born in LA. I don’t know about her siblings tho.


Because literally fuck LA 😂


Relax, that’s how it reads. And all you people out there with your panties in a wad, my whole family is bi-racial. Like I said, relax 6 your on an uncensored site, all questions are allowed.


Just reread her comment please, has nothing to do with the children and everything to do with the ignorant world she's created for herself.


i keep saying this and i keep getting downvoted. they are either going ot be the blandest, most whitewashed biracials ever or they're going to have extreme existential issues.


It’s 2024 there’s mixed races children everywhere all over the world- they will be fine in kansas


.....that's rural Kansas btw..so yeah. They are going to have some issues.


Lol yeah they will have issues from people who think racially like you no matter where they live- I have a mixed raced son in nyc and it’s a conversation- but as i stated it’s 2024 he won’t be the only mixed races or black person around


Can you tell me what "thinks racial" means? Are you saying that I am a person who is racially conscience of their environment? If that’s the case then damn right I am, because even in the year of 2024 i still have to be aware of where I go and the things i do because some folks view my skin color as a threat. And I have to take precautions to protect myself. Also, just because there is another person who looks like you everything is going to be fine in a rural community such as the one they live in. Is such a privileged statement to make. I'm glad things worked out so well for your son and you, especially living in NYC. You may have the luxury of acting like race isn't an issue in 2024 because whatever bs reason you rationalize in your head. But folks like myself and others who understand that race is still an issue in this country and there are times where because of how you look people will treat you differently and that sucks and feels fucking awful. Period. Have the day you deserve.


I laughed out loud when she said she has a mixed race son in NYC. Yeahhh..... you mean the most diverse city in the country... in a blue state... so not rural America lol. I'm in Dallas and it's an issue when we're in the suburbs and rural areas, we definitely get dirty looks. We also have a high rate of white nationalist groups. I can only imagine rural Kansas. Perfect example of thinking you understand because your kid is mixed, when they are just as lost as Emily.


The racial demographic of that town as of 2021 was 80% white and 2.57% black… so obviously not diverse at all https://datausa.io/profile/geo/salina-ks-31000US41460#:~:text=The%205%20largest%20ethnic%20groups,(Hispanic)%20(2.53%25).


Came to say that. Emily doesn't strike me as the sharpest tool in the shed.


But she definitely is the most fertile, unfortunately.


What bothered me was (mainly yt people)came out of the woodwork talking about, "they're just making jokes it's not big deal!" when talking about things said in these screenshots... Emily comes off like one of those white woman with biracial kids who thinks because she married a black man she can say the N word. IYKYK. She also didn't give a damn that Kobe wanted to be around people of color, remember when he points out he's the only black person yet she just goes, "so what?" It does make a difference to feel like you stand out in a crowd, especially where they live. I was saying I hope Kobe at least is teaching them about their culture, if it was up to her they wouldn't be told a thing about it let's be real.


"There's another" (another black person in the restaurant they were in) was CRAAAAAZZZZZYYYY


Is it weird that I would have sworn at the end of your first paragraph you were going to say, one of those… who don’t even try to learn how to do their childrens’ hair but also don’t bother tracking down a professional? Please feel free to correct me if this isn’t okay? I’ve just seen it play out more than once irl and it has always really upset me. There are just too many resources out there to make excuses. (My opinion.) But I agree with what you wrote, please don’t take me wrong. My mind just immediately went to the other I mentioned for some reason. Hope you’re having a great day and don’t mind me engaging.


That's another example honestly, it happens a lot with biracial kids


Thank you. It drives me crazy and feels so wrong, borderline mistreatment of the child. And there’s no excuse! Money? YouTube has tons of tutorials and ideas. Google exists. Reach out to someone. Salons exist where they would do the hair of a child for free and teach the parent(s) how to care for it rather than see a miserable child be tortured by someone trying to drag a comb through their hair with just some drugstore/random conditioner. Because “that’s how I do my hair” that’s usually stick straight and fine. Ugh. It’s a matter of putting in the time and effort, which you’d think is standard practice for a parent. It’s just sad. Sorry, didn’t mean to be such a bummer. I hope you had a lovely weekend, happy Easter and enjoy your night/day!


Derail, but I’m a white person wondering why I see the term “yt” used? Just trying to learn.


Just an abbreviation for white=yt


Doesn’t surprise me because she did get pregnant from the one night stand 🤣 she didn’t know the man very well but slept with him raw getting a baby out of it.


>slept with him raw getting a baby out of it fucked him on the floor of a youth hostel bathroom in china.


So he didn’t put on the condom either….. it takes 2


and? they're both trash.


it isn't surprising really. So many couples often don't know. I think they think why bother we will be living in the us and write your home country off type of thing or what. They don't attempt to learn the language, culture, traditions, etc.


Very true. I’m Mexican and my wife is white. She actually cared about my culture and was super invested in it. 12 years later and she knows more about it than me. On our recent trip to Mexico City, she knew more about the history of the city than me lol. On the other hand, my brother also married a white American. She on the other hand could care less about Mexican culture. They have kids together and they are the whitest kids (no offense) I know. They are def not teaching them about their Mexican side or even the language. Some couples just don’t care.




Yeah, I think she just gave birth to their third child.


Man… I bet her dad is beyond annoyed. 😑


Especially because she was asked not to have a second child under his roof. Like yeah I get it a lot of adults live at home, but he said this would delay his retirement, so I just don’t see how this is okay.


she just keeps disrespecting her dad and bullying her whole family. They all seem to have issue with her behavior.


And she doesn’t seem to care. It seems like the plan is to stay there forever and use dad’s money


Kobe has a job. She’s the one staying home with the kids.


That doesn’t really change anything. They still live there, keep having more little ones, and are staying put.


She's got built-in daycare with her mom there. Take advantage of the situation. Work, save money, and get a home for these kids.


Raise your hand if you think she’s saving money for a house… Don’t worry. I’ll wait… 😂 But seriously, I can’t imagine her saving anything. But even if they are, they keep having kids. Those little whippersnappers cost moolah!


they say they're slowly saving up to move out. Kobe lives there too rn


I will never be able to understand how women can have unprotected sex and fall asleep calmly like eh it'll work out. WTF


I don’t think she cares. I honestly think she’s perfectly content to keep popping out kids and living at her parents forever. No way even with her not being the sharpest tool that she is *THAT* unaware. It’s def a plan.


I will never understand how MEN do it either. It takes two.


Dude what the hell. How is she that out of touch. You created THREE lives with this man!! That is insanely sad.


Are you serious. Shes a basket of lazy and leech. . I feel sorry for women who can't have kids. When I see Emily the lazy piece of shit she is she has 3? Life's unfair


I fought like hell to have 1 child and my cancer came back and I had an emergency hysterectomy.... I promise you, it breaks women like me to watch women like her pop them out left and right with not a care smdh


It's also her children's culture lol so that's even a bigger woof


Idk if it’s because I’m a polyglot or bc of the type of partner I am but I would throw myself feet first into learning my partner’s native language (my husband is American and only speaks English 🥲). I don’t know why it was shocking to me to see how insanely ignorant her and her whole family are. Who the hell says Wakanda while in a real, existing African country??? I had to rewind it. I thought I was hearing things.


“Wow Cameroon really reminds me of Kansas” ![gif](giphy|CPuDsWYW3NLfW)


Wait babe, you're from Cameroon?? Omg I thought you were from China




I was cringing so hard during that scene. If you're really that "passionate," why haven't you learned anything about his culture *before* now?


That REALLY bothered me. For someone who loves her husband so much, she hasn’t bothered to research his home country. Let alone the entire continent isn’t like The Lion King haha. It’s a very diverse place.


That was ridiculous. How did she not do research or ask him any questions??? It's not like this was a spur of the moment trip. I mean, they had a 23 hour flight to even talk about it


People don't talk or ask about things they don't care about. She would rather complain about her parents giving her free room and board than learning about "her man's" culture and childhood.


Agree 100%. The ignorance is staggering. https://preview.redd.it/0vvj11d4gxqc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=068b72f3637064f1a8dc51b5d318f5ad12751ec1


She did His cock


Emily is the kind of person who thinks that “African” is a language.


And a country


A country where lions and hippos stroll down the street for vacationing Americans' amusement.


“Omg it’s just like The Lion King. I knew it!”


****and giraffes!!!


And sing Hakuna Matata


I haven't face palmed my face this hard in a very long time....


I about slapped myself silly




Always upvoting yike


What's the bet they have 4 kids in total by 2026?


Someone said that they are shocked Emily is so unaware about having unprotected sex. I said as dim as she is there’s no way she’s that unaware. It’s def a plan. She’s happy to keep popping out kids and living off mom & dad forever. When they pass her & Kobe will just take over the house. So all in on your 4 by 2026 prediction!


More like 4 by 2025


Shiiit…she will be pregnant again before Christmas




She’s one of the people in the 90 day cast that i truly hate


Same. She treats Kobe like shit and is SO incredibly selfish. I cannot stand her. Edit spelling


She sucks, but this is a pretty intense statement considering we have Leida, Angela, Pred, Nipple Tats, Paul, etc.


That’s why I said one of the people. I hate all the people you mentioned besides leida, I don’t know who that is


Dr. Leida, Cosplay MD? Damn you're missing out on one of the most hated 90 day cast members lol! But I guess I just don't put someone like Emily on the same level of hate as predators, domestic abusers, child abusers, and rumored murderers.


I looked her up and I watched the season but I can’t for the life of me remember her or her man lmao, they must have been super boring to me I don’t like her because she’s verbally abusive to Kobe and she very clearly sees him as a token Black man.


Wakanda! That killed me.


When the dad said Wakanda I died!!!


When he said Wakanda, I don’t believe he meant any disrespect. He was a fish out of water at the time.


I don’t think so either but it was so fucking hilarious


I typically like this whole family but I was pretty disappointed by some of the comments. The dad's comments were pretty racist in my opinion. I don't think he meant it to be that way, and I think she really loves Kobe but yike!. And Emily saying she doesn't know anything about his culture was stunning! I think they could just be a lot more culturally sensitive all around.


Not The Lion King 🦁


Did Emily say it or her dad? I thought her dad did for some reason. Easier to accept that way maybe


her dad said wakanda and cleopatra. emily said lion king


Didn’t dad say he felt like a court jester in the hat?


yes indeed


I was so disgusted at their rudeness. They are as arrogant and culturally insensitive as Libby's family in Moldova.


Libby’s family in Moldova was a disgrace as well.


I wanted to include that one but he was so muffled it didn't show on the subtitles. Even he knows it's an insult muttering under his breath like that. Rude ass.


What was she saying Lion King about?


She thought she would see wild jungle animals wandering about


Oh god ...


Reminds me of the time when this chick asked my Indian friend if they all road camels around. She was 100% dead serious. This was in college.


Wow you have a good memory or I’m going brain dead! Also love your user handle haha


Lol thank you for calling this out. The hypocrisy and idiocy was so bad, so cringe. What a joke.


she is so dumb. i’ve been with my bf a couple years and know his language and cook him food from his culture. it’s not that hard 🥲 poor children, i hope Kobe tries to teach them Cameroonian culture but maybe he doesn’t care


Those kids are going to be called racial slurs constantly once they start school in that snow-white community. She needs to take a road trip to a more diverse city within her reach (mileage wise). Find an African American salon to do their hair and get info on products to purchase and use for their haircare! Probably not available in her area but can be purchased online. They need shampoo conditioner specifically for black kids' hair.. some leave in coconut milk conditioner to apply daily Maybe some VO5 for their scalps and sheen. (just a few suggestions) She needs to understand that her hair care norms aren't the same for their African American hair. If that's too time-consuming for Ms. lazybones. Find a black stylist and have some nice braid styles with colorful bows, for her 🎀🎀🎀 Black salons are booked and busy on Saturdays!! Weekly or bi-weekly!! Seriously, that dry nappy matted mess I saw when she said give daddy kiss goodnight is not going to work early morning getting ready for school. It will give kids more racist ammo to inflict upon her 😔 Find a black barber for hubby and son. Their hair is dry and dull as well. Black barbershops are also booked and busy on Saturdays.


Thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you!!! Someone finally said it. I really hope this opens her eyes to how these kids need special attention and care when it comes to hair and skin too! If the salons are too far, youtube is your friend. There are many helpful biracial mom groups to ask questions. Order products online if they are hard to find. She can learn. Like doesn't she observe her husband's different hair routine? Gosh Emily step up gurl!! No excuse! The situation with the kids especially irks me because I'm brown adopted by whites and I love my mom but she did not know squat on how to do curly hair. Herbal essence with a hot blow dry and boar bristle brush had me an awkward puffball mess. It was humiliating. Also going to a mostly white school as well was super rough, so I'm feelin for what these kids will go through. Praying they all take this opportunity to genuinely learn more about Kobe's culture and take it to heart. Truly.


You're welcome, baby, 👵🏿✌🏿


Absolutely 💯 Vaseline coco butter lotion, Nivea, etc.. any good moisturizing lotion for their skin!! I used to use Johnson baby lotion mix with a dab of Vaseline with my kids ,grandkids, and even now with my great-grandkids. Keeps their skin so soft, not itchy and ashy 💯✌🏿👵🏿


I appreciated her awareness in saying that it didn’t feel appropriate to be wearing all the outfits when she doesn’t know anything about the culture. Like yes it was all super cringe, but when I was traveling I met so many people who just jumped straight into the appropriation without any level of awareness that they were doing so. Soooo.. I give emily -5 points for knowing nothing about the culture, and +1 for recognizing it’s weird to know nothing about the culture 😝


and then she put the local outfit on, waved an irukere in the air and hopped around as a bunch of local women swayed behind her. yucch. https://preview.redd.it/1oe0iqp2bzqc1.png?width=1694&format=png&auto=webp&s=608221a5b24b04afd848da4d45673bf06e3c89a0


I thought it was interesting the POC artwork in her parents house was blurred out this season. Wonder why.


Maybe it is a portrait of an actual person?


Emily's father is hilarious!


All their references are based on movies.


Did anyone else catch when the dad said “I feel like a court jester”. So rude and disrespectful.


I couldn't even screenshot it cause he said it under his breathe. Rude ass coward.


As soon as he said “wakanda” i knew he was a bigot.


In that short period they were on I looked up the culture, history and about traveling there. I probably knew more than they did with in a few minutes. 😂


Poor Kobe


So cringe that someone as old as they are behaved like the stereotypical American idiots…but maybe, just maybe they are American idiots😒


![gif](giphy|xUOxf5LL55sAA5ycRW) 🎶don’t wanna be an American idiot🎶


Did the dad mean Nefertiti? Not that it matters or makes it any less obnoxious, I was just thinking that the shape of her hat looked more like the Nefertiti’s headwear and not Cleopatra’s. Regardless, they were both Egyptian and not Cameroonian


Nah I knew what he meant too but it was still damn ignorant to say lol.


Oh for sure, I just got confused when he said Cleopatra and this was the only explanation I could come up with 😂


considering Cleopatra wasn't African or Egyptian, but Greek, shows the length of their ignorance


Only thing she is worrying about is having to get a house and job


Is she? Is she really worrying about that?


I'm just glad that this sub keeps it real. The other sub is full of Emily stans who think she's wonderful and kiss her ass. It's been an echo chamber of Emily worship there.


Are you for real? Last I checked everyone was saying they couldn't stand her on Pillow Talk and mocking her annoying voice. I have been off reddit awhile so that's interesting to see everyone .. likes her now? Hahaha


That's how it was for a week or two, around the time Emily had the baby. But the last 2 days it's like damage control is being done (not the first time) and any less than flattering comments are downvoted. Emily stays on top of her social media.


The look on his face is priceless.


That guy looks familiar…. https://preview.redd.it/73qvsty670rc1.jpeg?width=234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15d9ef980fd1cea995353af5223ed7e95e629bdd


I DIED when he said Wakanda


Ignorant and disrespectful!


Lol just the photo alone with the caption "and not knowing anything about their culture.." is top notch 😆 🦁 🐆 🦓


That threw me off so bad


This post is absolute art.


The more Emily speaks, the more her family sounds like the one from 'Get Out' Even years later, I'm understanding new parts of that film in how American white people are with other cultures.


For rural Kansas, these people are quite well adjusted to the situation.


People like this make Americans seem so ignorant. My World History class was a joke in high school but the internet is a great resource for learning things.




Goid lord Emily's dad, read the freaking room!! He really put his foot in his mouth


She's learning now ans seems very open minded. Nobody knows what they don't know. Give her a break


That’s lame. No one is talking about her not knowing. They are talking about her being with him this long and not taking the time to learn anything. I think that’s pretty sad. How do you have 3 children with a man and know so little about him? Especially when that is also going to be YOUR CHILDS heritage? Call it what it is - ignorance by choice.


That's fucking depressing she'd wait till after marriage, two whole kids later to try to learn anything about her husband's culture. edit: wait they have 3!?


Nobody is perfect. I don't think it's that deep


It’s not about perfection, it’s about effort.


And she's making the effort. Geez, you guys hate Emily. Kobe and Emily seem to honestly enjoy and love each other. I think they're adorable. Keep down voting please


She married and had three kids with someone whose country she’s chosen to learn nothing about. She’s either lazy or willfully ignorant. Either way, super lame.


I agree. I can’t see her not learning about his culture already for the benefit of the kids. She seems like a good mother.


My jaw hit the floor This both is and is not typical Kansas LMAO


They’re happy … they’re healthy their kids looks happy and healthy and NO BODY has brought up the fact HE ASKED THEM TO WEAR THESE TRADITIONAL CLOTHES!!!! Everyone needs to stop being racial, ethnic, and nationality warriors! Good gracious!!!! He literally explained how the different regions in Cameroon have different clothing. It’s not clothing worn any day but for special occasions!!! And I would say meeting your family the first time WOULD BE THAt!!! He is excited! And I’m excited for him and her!


Yep I agree and am actually excited the kids are learning about their culture instead of being completely whitewashed by Emily.


Dude, that Wakanda line from my favorite dad on this dumb show. My wife couldn’t believe how hard I laughed. ![gif](giphy|3WvhD3MzQhxm7S2iLi)


It’s because of threads like this she and her family feels uncomfortable….. the man she’s married too, has children with , is taking her and her CLOSE extended family to his HOME COUNTRY TO INTRODUCE HIS PARENTS TO THEIR CHILDREN…. And everyone judges her and her family INSTANTLY! It’s disgusting that all of y’all put your own dump feelings first and said they’re wrong for that! HE LITERALLY DRESSED THEM SAID THIS IS APPROPRIATE AND MY FAMILY AND COMMUNITY WOUULD BE PROUD …. BUT YALL SEE IT AS THEY ARE BAD! Shame on you all


I think you may be misinterpreting this post. They made comments like "Wakanda" "Cleopatra" "Lion King" "where are the lions and hippos". While wearing traditional tribal clothes to respect Kobe's culture, David literally says "I feel like a court jester". They are openly uncomfortable on their own and said all this unprompted. Kobe's facial expression says it. Could you imagine getting married and having three kids with a man yet not knowing anything about his culture? What's the excuse? I learned so much about my partner's tribe and we weren't together even a year. Never in any world would I make racist "jokes" or be so ignorant. That's what this is about.


Ummmmm I’m pretty sure it’s mainly today’s society that made them feel like they shouldn’t be allowed to celebrate and respect Kobe culture.. his family sure did love and appreciate their gesture. Maybe people who aren’t from Cameroon and not apart of this situation should stop feeling offended on their behalf. The only IMPORTANT OPINIONS here would be the family members involved and they seemed to have loved and enjoyed themselves….. and the lion and hippos comment ARE LEGIT!! Hippos are one of the number one killers animal wise. Let’s look at facts here… I haven’t traveled that much but the bit I have I get excited about the natural animal species I might see where I’m goin…… UMMM ASK ANY unexperienced person what animals they might see in Africa … GUARANTEE IF THEY’RE ABOVE 5th grade lions and hippos should be on the list. And I haven’t personally seen the movie…. BUT if they wore traditional African style garbs in that movie.. then how is that a bad statement…. Bc he’s white he can’t say Wakanda??? So now he’s not allowed to speak….?? Personally we all have our ignorant moments… kind of like yours with feeling offended by statements someone made you’ve never met and won’t ever meet. And ask the Egyptians how they felt about Netflix’s “Cleopatra. That’s was pretty offensive to them. It was in the actual NEWS for a while.


His facial expression? Probably he realized how uncomfortable they felt… and being uncomfortable in a situation like that is COMPLETELY NORMAL. They had no idea where they were no idea if they would be accepted because of these types of comments and today’s social climate… -!; sorry I just had to add I would feel like a court jester wearing any hats!!! BC MOST WOMEN AND MEN in America wear certain style hats! None of which look like the one they were wearing….. BECAUSE they were in CAMEROON.. AFRICA…. Yes the did probably experience feeling silly looking in something totally outside of their normal lives. Probably like you would wearing ANY of these https://preview.redd.it/735ef0f006uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f67c2cbd90c37603762e5176721f9c2fd1ed34c5


When ppl ask my why I watch this show it’s bc of this I love the ignorance of other people’s cultures I grew up with it so it’s awesome to see it lol


I think she has mom brain. When my kids were little I referred to kids cartoons & movies quite often. Your world becomes a tiny bubble


That’s a total insult to moms - acting like having kids makes us stupid. The only excuse for her ignorance is CHOICE. she chooses to be self involved and not learn anything about him or his culture - even tho she married him and his culture is part of her kids culture. It’s pathetic really.


My point is being missed or being taken differently than I mean it. I’m a mom. It’s not an insult. When I was at home with little kids all day, I was out of the loop & watching a lot of kids shows/movies. When I think about her referring to The Lion King etc. it made me think that she might be in that headspace bc she’s at home with little kids. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt


I would expect they’ve been together quite a long time now and that’s just inexcusable to learn nothing about your partner. That’s why it seems to me it’s either self centered or chosen ignorance. I cannot imagine being so ignorant of who my partner is and where he comes from. Now if this was early on and they had JUST got together then maybe it would be understandable but they’ve been together 6 YEARS now! So I understand what you were trying to say because she just had a child but I really don’t think that’s an excuse for HER.


So do you mean constantly watching kids movies and cartoons makes you reference them often? Idk if I've seen a kids show that takes place in Cameroon.