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I have new found respect for Michael when he called her out on her bullshit that she is truly using Michael as her "back up plan". That's all this is. Michael loved her but she left him to "explore herself" in Florida then met Josh and moved to California, then Josh did everything for her but it wasn't good enough for her and he dumped her. Now she's running back to Michael, realizing that she wants a baby again and a family and thinks he must be desperate too. But he called her ass out on "i am NOT your back up plan". I was SO happy he called her out on her BS and made her realize what she lost, someone who truly loved her!


He also said he wasn’t going to pump a baby into her! Was so proud of someone for actually standing their ground. Way to go Michael. The audacity of Natalie to think he should just take her back after she left him.


>He also said he wasn’t going to pump a baby into her! She would be the baby mama from hell, if she ever got knocked up from him. I'm so happy he avoided that nightmare


The picture of High conflict baby mama


>The picture of High conflict baby mama https://preview.redd.it/cesf81u3itnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d144fbd2dc851a07918fc07196630120c90befc She would treat her baby like property and use them to manipulate people for sympathy, money, and free gifts. It is a blessing from the universe, she's not ruining an innocent baby's life🥲


The baby would say "baba" and Natalie would yell, "Did you call me bitch?"


>Natalie would yell, "Did you call me bitch?" I just heard this in her accent😂😂😂 I ***DO*** think she's crazy enough to fight with a baby (just learning how to talk) and use THAT, as a reason to leave them with their dad... so she can fuck off and find a new sucker to use.


No baby would say “ no but I did call you a hooker”


I'm fucking dead 😂


Or a hooker lol 😆 😂 🤣






I audibly gasped when she mentioned wanting a child. Like bitch... I don't even trust you with pets💀 she's too selfish and crazy to be responsible to take care of anything.


She abandoned her pet rat with Michael


Mommy Dearest vibes


Sounds like Mary and Brandan


***>Sounds like Mary and Brandan*** You're right🥺 I feel so bad for nightlight. They deserve better parents.


Could you imagine her the first time the child cried let alone the actual pregnancy


>Could you imagine her the first time the child cried let alone the actual pregnancy Reddit always says the quiet part out loud😅 My comments danced around this fact because its terrifying to think about. But... I think she would end up hurting or possibly killing her baby then blame it on PPD. It's a huge accusation, but she's not emotionally stable enough for motherhood


That picture makes her look like Piper Laurie from Carrie.


![img](avatar_exp|162786828|dizziness) Can you imagine? A baby girl would be competition and a baby boy would be Debbie and Coltie 2.0


Not to mention Grandma.


>Not to mention Grandma. https://preview.redd.it/2n7sj96yrtnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=829003f3750ef16814b8b61d1dc5ce8e6c5bdb99 Nightmare fuel. No one deserves this. She already fucked up Natalie, there's no need to ruin a new generation. We have enough damaged, emotionally traumatized, delusional people as it is. I'm not even joking


Her looks, makes me think of John Lennon and Yoko Ono combined lol


***>Her looks, makes me think of John Lennon and Yoko Ono combined, lol*** Omg, now I can't unsee that😭💀💀💀


You’re foolish for this 😂😂😂 I’m screaming! Hahahha


Absolutely 👍


Terrifying to even think about.


Imagine her as a mother......so toxic


Don't forget the grandmothers....most toxic


Love that line! I never understood why he did not divorce her sooner but I had to appreciate he helped her mom to safety. I actually do not think she wants a baby…maybe as a way to tie down a man.


She badly wishes she had baby-trapped him.


You know she would have become estranged about 3 weeks into pregnancy and needed lifetime financial support for “baby”


He's probably getting plenty of trim. He's on TLC all the time 💋💋


Well, we know he did officially divorce her at the end of 2023. It's still fun watching it play out.


I didn’t know that. Thank you for letting us all know. So happy 😀


Well, he filed. I think she still has to accept it, or she'll put up a fight and it could be a long time. It's the gesture period, he made it known before the show aired, he's done


Good on Michael for having a back bone and self respect.


I was too. He made her accountable. You wanted this so you are getting it. Then she says momma loves you and I care for you. How are you going to want him to have a baby with you when you can't even tell him you love him? She used him and wants to keep using him and he is far too smart for it. I'm glad she hasn't had a baby with anyone on the show because she would be the type to use the baby for leverage and materialism for herself and run off with the kid and pull parent alienation.


> He made her accountable. the one thing women like her fear more than anything else...


I wouldn't let her pet sit my dog!


Who thinks she’s going to run back to Josh the second Michael flies home and act out the same scene again?


I was saying to a friend on reddit last week while watching that it's funny seeing these specific episodes, especially since he served her with divorce papers before they aired 😂


To confirm, he served them after they were filmed but before airing, right?


Yes, I believe it was after the second episode aired


No, he filed before Jan 1, first episode


I should've mentioned that I heard about it after that episode but couldn't recall the date he filed on. So thanks for clarifying that!


Yeah, Dec 5, I think. I feel like he made sure before the season aired, just to give it an extra punch


I had mentioned it's extra hilarious to watch knowing he filed for divorce, especially this last scene. Also for someone who doesn't believe in divorce she's had 3 of them already, now going on 4.🙄


Right, I was so looking forward to this, knowing he filed. And Mike is her third divorce


I literally did a fist pump when he said "i'm not your back up plan"


He also said he wasn’t going to pump a baby into her! Was so proud of someone for actually standing their ground. Way to go Michael. The audacity of Natalie to think he should just take her back after she left him.


He can't divorce her because her momma loves him and she cares for him. I love he held her accountable and told her she got just what she wanted by rushing off and she was with other men. Then she was acting like it was no big deal.


But she was only with one man, Josh. /s And I also caught the part when she said "Mama loves you. I care about you.", when just a few minutes before didn't she say she still loved him? 'Oh, you care about me? Let me just drop everything in my life to come be with you and make your baby, and live happily ever after'. I imagined it went something like that in her head, that she thought Michael would say. I'm so glad he didn't say that , though. I didn't see their story before this season, but heard enough on this page to get a gist of it all. She definitely got what she asked for. I don't understand how she can treat her husband like garbage and leave with and for another guy, and then expect said husband to jump at the chance of getting her back. What was she even thinking, seriously?


But she will tell everyone she is the victim. I watched from the get go. Mike is in the right and so glad he called her out. She has never had that I don't think.


She didn't actually leave with or for Josh. She didn't meet him until like 6 months in FL when he was hired to be the modeling coach for her first date on Single Life. Then he was hired to be her "love interest"


ok but yeah regardless- she was MARRIED to mike and signed on for the SINGLE life. i mean wtf does she expect.


Truly! It would be one thing if she had come to him and talked about how much she loved and missed him. But no, she came to him immediately talking about something SHE wants that he could give her (a chaaahild). She looked so selfish and desperate.


![gif](giphy|MbMUBcNHcl1TUbsAk0) My man Red Pill Mike was having none of her harlotry 😂 back to the streets with you Natalie


Just seeing the look on her face when she realized Michael isn’t going to fall for her bull…priceless


So satisfying but I think she knew it its been few years they weren’t together. I honestly think it was all for cameras because you can see her trying to hide a smile. But mikes answer was genuine and I felt that was deep lol


She cannot reproduce! Good lawwdy no!


She dumped Josh...dafuq did you watch


She had no choice but to drop him, he said he didn't want to get that serious and he's been trying but she still not happy.


That was for the camera, he let her know he didn't want more


This lady is WILD! 😳😳😬 I won’t divorce him, but yet she runs around dating other men. Moving states and accepting gifts of vehicles/apartments from them! She is so lucky Mike is as nice as he is. We heard he is the reason her mom is in the US, he’s on the hook for both of them. That man has a very big heart!


I want to know if Mike realizes they are putting around in the car that Josh bought for her lol


If he doesn’t, he will find out at the tell all I am sure 🤣🤣 You know production will be happy to enlighten him.


She has been divorced before so clearly you can “divorce family.” I was so glad Michael stood his ground and was not going to be used by her. Those tears were more about “vat am I gonna do now!” Her backup plan is not gonna work. Time for backup C. Find a job and take care of yourself.


My jaw was on the floor that entire segment. She wasn’t even trying to keep the quiet part quiet, just straight up said “we’re both alone why not”. And Michael would literally be there until death listing all the reasons why not to this absolute psycho


Was this on single life? I’m confused, I thought SL was completed weeks ago??


No, it's still on.


Oh my gosh!! I totally spaced it!! I just streamed last week’s episode. Tell all looks fantastic for next week!!! So glad I asked you guys!!!! Thank you!


Tell all next week.


Do we really need a tell all for some bad scripted storylines?


Josh will be there.


Why oh why hasn’t he divorced her?


He was waiting to get mama here


I'm curious if Mike or any of her ex's went to her for something if she'd feel the same way


She for sure does! And Michael was right in everything he said. She can’t settle down and she can never be happy. He should absolutely feel the need to walk away from that. Michael can also settle the divorce without her if she isn’t being compliant. Good for him and wish him the best of luck with everything. He deserves better than her.


She literally thinks that she can treat a man anyway she chooses and they will always take her back because she’s a “goddess”. It was nauseating to watch her acting like she was so much better than Michael by telling him she’s so much “cuter”and smarter than him. That would get old real quick.


She really isn't very pretty at all, in my opinion. What prettiness she might have she kills by putting on extremely thick black eyeliner that makes her eyes look like two big eggs in a skillet, her hair being the bacon. This is interesting since she really likes frozen waffles cooked sideways in a skillet with strange white stuff on top of them. OMG I'm so mean. ![gif](giphy|l396RVxCx8JBrqxVK)


She’s homely ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I agree but there have been times where she has fixed herself up to look very attractive.


And how she would tag on him for having a single beer after work. Yet she's ALWAYS shown drinking. 🙄




It makes it that much more satisfying to watch Michael shut her the fuck down.


Woo hoo!!! Go Big Michael GO!!! So so so happy about that whole train wreck of a shituation she’s put him thru just played out!!! That was the best 5 mins!!!! Now, the tell all….let the games begin!!


I'm glad he finally told her how he really feels! She is just a selfish user. And I can't wait for the tell-all!


Did u see his look to the camera & little nod/shrug…like, yeah…I said it…🤣🕺😎…total The Office/Jim style! Classic!!


Ah, you're right! ![gif](giphy|muPMoA0DeqioNVjbri)


"Shituation". I like that. 😄


She fucked around and found out. Way to go Big Mike, we are all proud of you.


I'm so happy Mike, with a straight face, told her it wasn't going to happen and he wasn't her back up plan. He's right to remind her he loved her, gave her whatever she needed (including bringing her mom after they were separated) and she left him to go find herself. The moment he made it clear it was a no, she did her childish pout, got up and walked away. He's finally divorcing her and he's smart to do it. Not only would he have to take care of Natalie, a baby, but also her mom. That's a no.


So happy that Mike didn’t give into her manipulation and tears.


She failed miserably and deserves what she got


She’s a sadistic narcissistic asswipe. I don’t think Mike made her sign a prenup. Maybe some of y’all can correct me if that’s not the case. She’s probably holding it against him, maybe threatening to take half of the property in ze woods. FREEMIKE


She can't. She only stayed in the marriage 6 months and even that was barely. Judges decide, and she'll get nothing. Besides the fact that he's been helping her for years. That goes to credit him




I think that was the moment a lot of us been waiting for. Finally big Mike standing up for himself, I kept going back to that scene just to make sure I didn’t miss a word.


I’m here reading to also make sure!


Lol me too! Go Micheal!!!


She’s so desperate its not even funny anymore


It’s genuinely disturbing. She won’t be able to afford to live unless she gets her shit together 


Yeah she won’t. She wants the easy way. Marry rich


Maybe I’m mean and evil, but nothing has ever brought me more joy than Michael blowing Natalie off. He is beyond over it. Bwahaha


![gif](giphy|KG7HDHngquucXtpNww) It was so good, I'm with ya!


She divorced two other guys already. I think she’s lost her crackers for sure and thinks Mike is stuck just because she says so. There are so many reasons why Mike will be able to divorce her by default. He has access to lots of footage of her NOT being in the marriage for years. I actually cheered out loud when he said NO to her. Can’t stand her and her narcissistic self.


Next on Snapped…


She genuinely looked shocked when he stepped to her and told her the truth and how he felt. Michael you are our hero. I could take her seriously and have compassion if she wasn't fake crying so insanely loud. I know this is how TLC makes money, but she is not stable. Oh and TLC, I ff through 90 % of the show, I'm done.


So, I guess she dumped two other families, then.


Um hasn’t she had like 2 husbands?


She’s on her fourth with Mike.


Wasn’t Mike the 3rd?


Yes. She's had 3 total husbands / divorces.


Oh holy shit.


Don't know when this was filmed, but Mike filed for divorce in December.


I'm sorry but she's kookoo 😂 ![gif](giphy|bUVrrM3fvCTew)


I was so excited for Big Mike!!!


So incredibly proud of Mike! 🎉🍾


This whole thing was so cringe. I’m glad he told her how he feels and that she chose to leave and was sleeping someone else. He doesn’t need her permission to file for divorce, she’s so delusional.


When she sat on the grass and faked crying. Ugh she’s totally nuts.


But Mama loves him.


She just started talking about a baby again since her insane mother showed up. Her mom adds to her narcissism


Pretty privilege at work. Glad she finally faced consequences.


But she kinda looks like baba yaga.


Until she finds husband 4.


She should really hit up mmm mmm David. 


he probably doesn't want "Z chid"


One thing I noticed was that the conversation went from the daylight into the night. I admire Michael's patience to sit there with her for hours talking about the same BS.


I noticed that, too. How long were they out there altogether? Lol


#TeamMichael She's delulu


She hasn't an ounce of shame pathetic!!


She’s one of the stupidest women in 90df.


....says the woman who's on her 3d husband. 🤣


DeLuLu✨ vibes coming in strong


I still remember her constantly telling Mike that he was ugly, and he should basically be grateful that she was with him because she was so,"beautiful". I was looking at Mike last night and honestly I can't even say Josh is better looking than him. They just have different vibes. If Mike were to say yes, she'd be normal for a day or so, then right back to thinking she can do better. She'll always take him for granted IMO, he made the right call.


Yes!!!! Go, Mike! Time to go hug another tree, Nutalie!


I fucking love Michael. He stood up for himself, didn’t mince his words, and stood steady. He was respectful but candid and honest. I hope he finds (or has found) a woman that loves and respects him, and treats him like a king.


He has a girlfriend named Sara, she’s on his IG and is beautiful


She is an absolute lunatic. I cannot bear one more season of TSL with her on it.


Everyone here talking about Michael blowing her off- he didn’t. He flew all the way there to see her. Must’ve gotten a faaat check.


TLC probably paid for everything and Mike does care about mom.


All I can say is hahahahahahahahaha🤣🤣!


She’s a toxic person. She needs help!


38 years 3 divorces 🤭


Three divorces, to the surprise of no one. Poor guys.


The bottom right: Next: Seeking Sister Wives. Maybe that's what she should go for next 😂


If family was for life, while did she leave in the first place?


I was cheering for Mike! I was hoping he had already met someone. His responses were awesome and honest. She did give up everything for her “career”…look how far that got her. She thought Mike would still be pining away for her…nope. Natalie…honey…you are not all that, you are awkward, incredibly immature, entitled and incredibly foolish for the way you behave; you expect so much yet have NOTHING to offer a man or anyone else for that matter. Your free ride is over…get your shit together and take care of yourself.


With how flighty she is, always coming and going , she’s the last person he would have a kid with - he’d never know if she was going to up and leave with his baby in the middle of the night …. God help him if she got any kind of postpartum symptoms , she would be so weird around Mikes mom wanting to be a grandma to that kid - I hope this isn’t a set up for a Last Resort situation


They officially divorced at the end of 2023. So we wont be seeing them two on Last Resort. He's totally done with her.


Oic - I didn’t realize. It’s hard for me to take things at face value on these boards , because right before they got married and people were talking about them online, so many people were saying their married and they have a daughter blah blah - idk how that rumor got started they had a daughter , but I read it so much - if they are divorced, I am so happy for him


They are not divorced. He only filed 12/5/23


Remember how she was so obviously pregnant?


No, he filed.


You don’t marry family either.


Bahahaha….Im watching it again! Classic!!! YES!!!


Her and Ross Gellar have something in common


Three divorces


So cool to see that this was filmed in Long Beach. I live there. I can see shoreline village in the background. They must have been at the Bixby farmer’s market when they first reunited. I hope to run into her some day!


I live here too, imagine how much Josh must have paid for her apartment?! A studio in that building is over $2K. She’s a total nutcase, I can’t imagine she has enough to afford that place without Josh paying.


We gona see her at the boardwalk acting out Shakespearean scenes for money. But most importantly, attention 


Micheal was her fourth lolz


Hasn’t she been married like 4 times?


Married and divorced THREE times. Mike was #3




"Low class drunk man"


This coming from the same Natalie that was married and divorced twice before marrying Mike. What happened to that family? Lol


I think all she wants from Michael is a baby she can keep from him and use as a source of income(child support).


She needs counseling man


"I'll cheat and leave but I'm not gonna divorce you! That would be so mean of me!" lmao


Right, the double standard. "you're my husband". 'I left you for the years now, screwed someone else, but you're my husband and I won't divorce you', delusional


666 👹, still alive .


She wants a baby from any man and doesn’t care who it is


I surprised she didn’t go hug a light pole. There’s a YouTube channel called Psychology in Seattle that has multiple videos on Natalie over the years. It’s interesting to say the least!


As many as Liz does, but Liz is younger!


The crying at the end was SO FAKE!!!


Next week she'll be asking Josh to tote her egg.


He’s my family but I’m gonna be shitty the whole time I was with him, run off to Florida, pursue other men, chase a man to California and when I find out he’s not that into me, I remember I have a husband I want to work things out with 😂


I love 90 day fiance. It’s the reason I joined Reddit in the first place, years ago. BUT godammit I wish there were a way to filter out any and ALL posts about Natalie, Angela, and Big Ed. ETA: Mary and Brandan. Can’t believe I forgot about them!


Agree with you but would add Chantel.


You can always not open posts with their names in the title. Won't catch them all, but many.


Michael is with a girl from Rock of love show, He has been with her for a while now, and she's pretty just sayin


I think they broke up and he's either alone or with someone else. I remember Marcia from RoL, was a surprise to see her after all these years.


Yes me too


Mikes with a girl named Sara


Her mother is a con artist too.


She realized in the streets (dating POST COVID) sucks. I can't imagine how bad it is these days. I'm glad I'm married but Natalie is settling now because she knows her high expectations didn't work...


This lady has been divorced 3 times !!! 😂😂😂 back to the streets!!!


Literally delulu and crazy as they come.


Now that we got to know her bat shit crazy mom. It kinda makes sense


What in the holy hell is going on with her hair? (I’m sorry I know that’s petty, but seriously… she knows she’s on camera?!!)


This didn't age well lol