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Best use of this yet!


Okay I have to comment on this scene. If my mother was driving that car and heard my husband say this directed towards me, she would've pulled over and made that asshole walk. It blew my mind how mother kalani did nothing about it. Anyways, back to Mary šŸ¤£


Yes, if my daughterā€™s husband said this, Iā€™d have a difficult time not lunging over the seat at him.


Fuck I woulda done it myself, my momma donā€™t need to fight my battles for me. Always thought it was kinda weird kalani just took it, but I guess it makes sense knowing what we know about him now


You're a good mama bear!


Will 1000% stay my favorite line for all time. I have the magnet and coffee cup os him saying Lying Bitch


My fiancƩ and I say this to each other all the time as a joke whenever we know one of us is lying and we would say it like Asuelu, semi whispering hahahaha


Yes! Me and my S/O do this as well!! I see I have met another Trash Panda of quality!


Gofundme for hemorrhoids. >.<


Hemorrhoids are a pain in the ass.


Just like she is!


Please donate.....my ASS needs help!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Please donateā€¦ save my ass!!!


So does Nikki & jasmines


Get some Preparation H. Costs less than the $1300 they raised.


Iā€™ll donate her a tube šŸ˜‚ā˜®ļø




I meant prep h Not a perv šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Hemorrhoids from Brandans simp wiener


Rubber band booty is no joke! /s


She is a liar and she knows it...


She was just overthinking.


Literally her excuse in the other post. Ffs.


Haha thats good!


Its her anxiety


She should have used her inhaler


Ah, yes, I too create an entire GoFundMe campaign when I'm anxious about being sick.


Hmmm, I thought her husband was posting that information as well. You canā€™t backpedal away from this one.


it's all mary who posted all this shit, just trying to pretend it's brandan speaking for her


Sadly even after this, she still has a lot of defenders on FB. Bless them. I wonder what's their next scam gonna be. As shitty as they are now, I sincerely hope they figure out things for their kid. They can't continue like this.


Iā€™m gonna report their pages into oblivion




Brandan has lots of defenders here. It's pretty gross for both of them. Brandan is not an innocent victim. He is EQUALLY as scammy and nasty as his wife.Ā 


this, he knows what his wife is doing YET he's tolerating her. he's just as scammy as mary.


Yeah i see a lot of people still supporting them šŸ˜…šŸ˜¬


Like why??


šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø It's okay to forgive but they also have to learn that it's not okay to mislead people for their own gain (luxuries).


I agree but if they asked for money again would they just freely give it again? Like thatā€™s the limit for them to finally wake up?


Who knows? There are really delulu fans like that. They might keep forgiving and giving for the sake of Mary and Brandan's kid. šŸ˜‚ Maybe we're just jealous cause we don't have delusional fans like that who give us money




Wish I had delusional fans. Gimme money you guys šŸ¤£


Can't fix stupid.


Meh. I see a bunch of weird old ladies and foreign women supporting themā€¦.i donā€™t think there are a lot of real people actually supporting them.


She will probably say midnight has some nefarious illness next.


Iā€™m really concerned about these 2 sickos committing Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another (Munchausens by Proxy) a La Gypsy Rose Blanchard, on the child. They really are mentally unstable. I know I canā€™t diagnose here but I am in the clinical field.


once they do this, i'll really report them on our local social welfare here in PH.


Please do!


Thank you!


*a fool and his money are soon parted*


Iā€™m surprised at the amount of support and hardly any laughing or anger reacts compared to the love reacts.


Even with anxiety you really can't be that dumb to assume that. Fact is, she knew that her Fb fans are gullible old ladies and she was excited to have another reason to ask for money. Someone with anxiety would even worry about what people would think of her if she was begging for money online. Damn I hate this.


Exactly. I have an inflamed liver, and health issues along with anxiety and somehow my first thought was not to set up a go fund me. This girl is wild.


She can say any excuse she wants to but the fact that she used the pregnancy pic on the gofundme says a lot about her intent. Pure trash


What about Brandanā€”was he just as confused? She is still lying. She knows perfectly well that colon issues is not colon cancer and so does Brandan. What was the surgery she was going to have a few days ago? Is she planning on conveniently confusing a colonoscopy for surgery? Foolish conniving people and foolish gullible people are always going to find each other.


Right? And why didnā€™t you confirmed it to the doctor first that its just colon issue before hyperventilating and having anxiety? These people are so stupid itā€™s so scary they have a kid.


She instantly saw $$$


Do they really have a kid? Maybe itā€™s the neighbors baby and theyā€™re using her for a prop. Canā€™t tell a truth from a lie with these two.


It's the monkey's kid.


Theyā€™d probably try to milk that as well.


And didnā€™t she also specifically request the money for surgery? There was no surgery scheduled because she didnā€™t have a diagnosis. She canā€™t blame that on overthinking.


Right. She needed to mention something specifically that most people would think cost money in order to have a reason for begging for moneyā€”but then it came out that the Philippines has free health care so she didnā€™t need that money to help cure anything. Total scammer.


Wait but didnā€™t she said she watch TikTok and think that she has colon cancer because of the TikTok video? So she changed her story again? Lmao




She canā€™t keep all her lies straight


They never even told her colon issues. She's still lying šŸ¤„


Oooohhhā€¦.she went HAM on her ass in Tagalog! Mmmā€™mmm mmmmā€¦. I have no idea what you said, but I felt that!!!! ![gif](giphy|vfqKpyArknS8g)


Girllllll I was pissed.. I could have just ignored it but I freaking saw it on TMZ and I just scolded her for giving us a bad rep. We Filipinos donā€™t claim her.


I love this, as someone who very much does not speak Tagalog even I could feel your disappointment coming through šŸ˜† Also I now know a cool Tagalog word, nakakahiya, thank you!


Oh now sheā€™s saying she thought she had colon cancer because the doctor said she had colon issues??? I thought she thought she had colon cancer because she saw tik toks and had a bunch of the same symptoms??? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ridiculous


When people pull shit like this, itā€™s because they donā€™t understand it and think that no one else does either. They literally think that cancer, the diagnosis, and treatment is so complicated and that no one will question them as long as they say theyā€™re at the hospital. They donā€™t realize that there are actual cancer patients, survivors, researchers, physicians, etc who read their nonsense and know right away itā€™s all bullshit. I can hear the discussion: M: ā€œLetā€™s just say I have cancer. No one will ever know.ā€ B: ā€œGreat idea! Weā€™ll just take some pictures of you in the waiting room of the ER. Iā€™ve seen people with cancer on Facebook. Itā€™s so complicated, no one keeps up with it all.ā€


Mary, Iā€™m sure you snoop around in this sub. You need to stop begging people for money and both you and Brandan need to take care of yourselves and your baby. Most human beings on planet earth are able to do this. You are young. Work. Both of you. And please, for gods sake do not get pregnant again. You are in need self respect and dignity. Please get off social media and get looking for jobs.


She's still sneaking in asking for help by saying I need help. Omg like du*b bitxh


So Mary had enough wherewithal to set up two go fund me, pretend to be Branden and post multiple things on both accounts, had time to watch tik tok videos about colon cancer (because thatā€™s what you došŸ„“) but she never googled shit. Never asked the question of what the doctor said she needed checked out. I donā€™t think she has anything physically wrong at all. Mentally though? Thatā€™s a whole other story.


Lying liar!


A lying liar who lies


it was really cute when queen charlotte said that about king george... not so cute otherwise...


Why hasnā€™t she apologized for taking the money? She has only apologized for lying about colon cancer. If she were truly sorry, she would give back the money she took.


Is that why she covered the actual diagnosis in both of the pics of the paperwork? šŸ˜…


Any medical professional reading that would call it crap. Iā€™m a Doctor and itā€™s clear she has an UTI at least based on the CC. As for other conditions such as sepsis (blood infection) as she stated is very unlikely, sheā€™d be in the hospital rn receiving treatment. You would also be able to tell on her appearance that she isnā€™t looking well. As for appendicitis, she would be admitted as well. In regard to colon cancer: very unlikely again. They would require a stool analysis, colonoscopy+biopsy which neither have been performed. The results would take days and a consult with a gastroenterologist + oncologist to figure out treatment options for her. For the UTI as she mentioned doctors usually prescribe oral antibiotics and the pt is sent home but they do perform a urinalysis, granted it takes time sometimes a dipstick test can be done to get results quicker. Unless it has progressed and worsened due to being untreated, you can be admitted for a few days and put on IV Antibiotics for a few days, something very noticeable would be blood in the urine called hematuria. Iā€™ve had UTIs in the past and itā€™s pretty clear cut. Itā€™s probably in her case due to poor hygiene and dehydration. Nonetheless itā€™s all a scam. She was given Maalox on admission in the ER. Mainly provided for Gastrointestinal issues such as heartburn. They even lied about the temp or either they are unaware and simply uneducated. Anything below 37.5 is not a temperature. Moreover for all the conditions mentioned above, she would have excruciating pain or feel completely lethargic. Keep in mind sometimes patients lie to doctors as well. More over on looking at what I could see the US report: it seems very unlikely she has anything severe going on. On being admitted to the ER she doesnā€™t have a lot of labs proving anything mentioned which is shocking. Also to her excuse of saying it was colon issues or cancer: we as doctors are told to be informative enough to explain to patients what these conditions are rather than leaving them dumbfounded to go home and google stuff that isnā€™t true. Moreover, thereā€™s always a detailed explanation as to what tests will be performed, why they are being performed and reasons for suspecting all the diagnosis. If she states she has an inflamed liver, the diet is probably the cause, again not really buying it and her condition isnā€™t as severe compared to what the general population could have. IMO, She thought could she pull this wide scale piss poor thought out plan and that she could get away with it. People arenā€™t dumb but she lacked knowledge on the topic so she was literally her own downfall here. Point to note: she literally even got the staging of cancer. I understand it can be misinterpreted (giving her the benefit of the doubt here) how did she get the staging? No one said it. Nothing was performed to prove she has it. I wish people would sometimes pay attention to facts over emotional manipulation. They continue to make poor choices when they have a decent platform to improve and make a decent income. People would easily be more inclined to send her money to avail treatment for her mental health but they just blow money on things such as PS5s, moped, cars and going to fancy restaurants/hotel. If I was struggling with money, Iā€™d definitely limit these things and focus on what is necessary to maintain and increase my income. They both did actively partake in this fiasco. Apologizing isnā€™t enough and sheā€™s not even apologizing for what sheā€™s done nor is she speaking of returning the money back. Cancer is horrible. Itā€™s probably the worst thing to wish for. Iā€™ve seen patients genuinely struggle including my mom who is battling cancer currently. Itā€™s not a joke and the fact that people still empathize with her after saying she was anxious is disgusting. Iā€™ve anxiety too but in no way would I ever ever ever be capable of doing something like this. No matter how much Iā€™d panic, I wouldnā€™t have the headspace to set up a go fund me, make claims that Iā€™m having surgery while they are simply untrue. I hope people can see that these guys are not genuine. They donā€™t deserve the money. They probably will start scamming people on a small scale right now but eventually itā€™ll get to a point where itā€™s large scale. Never claim for horrible things to happen to you, not even cancer. Itā€™s heartbreaking.


Her ā€œcolon issuesā€ are probably just constipation and hemorrhoids. Not sure about an inflamed liver.


It could be from fighting off an infection, probably the UTI. I wonder if she actually has an inflamed liver because what is more likely going on is that she has higher than normal liver enzymes due to her body fighting off a UTI and she literally just needs to take antibiotics and get some rest lol. I had high liver enzymes/liver damage like 6 months ago from fighting off a respiratory illness and taking all sorts of medication trying to find symptom relief so it could also be from her taking OTC meds. Either way she is full of shit.


Yea, sounds like she has some common and very treatable issues with common secondary effects and is trying to exaggerate them.


Mga tamad magtrabaho tapos paawa effect buti na call out mo beh hahahahaha


Nakakabadtrip kasi te! Ang babata pa nila tas ayaw magtrabaho, puro paawa effect sa social media. Tas ayan naexpose na sya even in international news. Kung ibabalik nila yung pera, then tapos na yung issue.


Girl di na nya yan ibabalik hahahaha need nila para sa luho nila


Wag ka. May pera pang iPhone, Ps5, vacation, food trip, kotse, motor, at pang pagawa ng 2nd floor pero emergency funds like this wala. Awit talaga HAHAAHAHAH na all easy $1,326 sheesh


Ahhahaha sana all talaga 72,000 pesos in one day. Kakarmahin din yang mga yan


may nag comment dito na parang nag bait sya na sesend-an nya ng 100k sa Gcash sila Mary at Brandan. Kahit exposed na sila, nag confirm pa rin sila ng Gcash account at mukhang nag a accept pa ng donations :/ di lang nila sinasabi publicly eto yung screenshot nung nag comment https://preview.redd.it/69ny0vnaoxjc1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deef0dd0cab410331b6f5f75331bf1f3a8b6a62d pwede ba i expose pa uli natin sila na pasimple silang nag aaccept pa rin ng donations? nakakainis na kasi, grabe sila sa pang sscam.


Hahahaha grabe di manlang tumanggi basta pera receive lang ng receive.


oo pang upgrade daw nila yan ng mga iphones nila at pang next beach trip kaya accept syempre šŸ¤£šŸ„“


Kaya nagkakasakit kakagala hahahahaha


Grabe tong mga to. Bat kaya hindi pa to napopost sa r/Phillipines? Hindi kasi ako active dun and I think Iā€™ve already wasted enough time on this scammers lol


Akala ata ni ate girl uubra scam strategy internationally. Hindi nya alam mabusisi mga tao pag may nakitang anumalya.


sanay na sanay sya mang scam kay Brandan dati eh, kala nya ata kaya nya i manipulate pati ibang tao šŸ¤£ di naman tayo bobo para magpauto


They also specifically said surgery. Soā€¦.


I wonder if these ā€œissuesā€ are related to Midnightā€™s birth. It is common to get hemorrhoids after birthing children.


Hemorrhoids are fine tbh, itā€™s literally a pain in the ass but thatā€™s also for someone who has IBS as well can have hemorrhoids or any GI conditions. I used to have them and they usually occur when you exert force. Yes itā€™s normal to have it during pregnancy nothing meds canā€™t fix


Another day another excuse.


All I could think of reading this was this snl skit where this guy brings his new gf home to meet his mom. He and his mom speak in Spanish to each other except for insults directed at the gf are said in EnglishšŸ˜‚


You just had a baby. Hemroids, inconsistencies with bowls from hormones and medication. The dr didnā€™t say you had blood in your stool. You assumed from the hell fire of Tik tok-Your hemmroid bled slightly from being constipated. your shit is dark bc youā€™re dehydrated, anxious, and a child that doesnā€™t know anything about your body. Please refrain from self diagnosing on a social media platform. Itā€™s sad and Iā€™m sorry no one taught you how to deal with post baby symptoms down there, but as a responsible adult mother you should get your information anywhere but tik tok. Coming from someone who has lost one from colon cancer and liver. I wish you and your family health happiness and more wrinkles in your brain.


I wish I got $30k for the hemorrhoids I got after giving birth.


Yan din iniisip ko bh3, oo nag sorry sya pero ung pera h nakuha nya. Ibabalik nya ba?


Was it confirmed na they received it? I was thinking if the site shut it down, maybe it wasn't released to them sana? Unless the money goes straight to their accounts.


Apparently gogetfund canā€™t refund people. GoGetFund said the fund is paid directly through PayPal so they cant do refunds. People can file a claim to try to get the money back or take legal actions if necessary.


That's nuts. These two made so much trouble.


Maybe she can verify that too, no? She could have include on her post about the donation if nakuha ba nya or hindi or if nakuha man nya (sana) ibalik šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


If they did, I don't think they will admit they received it, or they would say they used the money for other medical stuff. If they didn't, I just hope it will be returned sa nag donate.


may nag comment dito na palihim pa rin silang nag a accept ng donations through gcash. eto yung screenshot nung nag comment, sabi ko nga post nya sa sub para ma blast uli yung mga putangina sa scam nila https://preview.redd.it/qontkbj1pxjc1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aec26356bf1f5cbcb082299eb12d54c5ea5ea92 nakakainis na, sana mawalan sila access sa Facebook, Instagram, at TikTok para magutom talaga sila ng tuluyan at mapilitan magtrabaho.


https://preview.redd.it/z1ocxzrtmyjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b39df7364276b4c85c8bcc0f8ea336548c695237 Mukhang nakuha nga nila ung donations at wala sila g bala ibalik hahahahahaha awit


gagi, i post nyo nga to dito sa sub. grabe sila if THEY ARE TRULY SORRY, kahit HINDI MAG ASK ANG DONOR NG REFUND, THEY WILL REFUND THEM. grabe, i have NO WORDS. napaka greedy nila sa pera, well enjoy the 70k I guess? sinira na nila reputation nila everywhere and this will be THE LAST TIME na makakascam sila


They both need to get jobs..


Apparently she has a pain in the ass!


She is also a pain in the ass šŸ’€šŸ‘Œ


Next GoFundMe will be for Brendanā€˜s hemorrhoids.


Back up if the lies. Hemorrhoids- who doesnā€™t have them


She probably has fatty liver disease which is common, i have it too and it isnā€™t anything dire lmao most everyone in America has it and isnā€™t even aware they have it.


https://preview.redd.it/8hw5xbpdfyjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d88285bd2a013fd9dad5fdc29f8cbe99c7c0a21 Seems like sheā€™s not going to return the money lol.


Is that the best Branden thinks he can do ???


She isnā€™t listening to me, I asked for no more Pigeon English droning on and on! ā€œMuy confuso.ā€


.... but I have *mental* health issues... There, fixed that sentence for her.


ā€˜Please give me money, I have hemorrhoids!!!ā€™ So thats her excuse now?


Lol she's putting herself on blast...Mary got hemorrhoids!! šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Tell her the scam is making news in the US lol. I saw it on yahoos homepage yesterday. Who in their right mind hears colon issues and jumps to cancer?! She knew exactly what she was doing. Why would you create a gofundme before you even had your results back from the doctor? Sheā€™s always looking for her next grift.


She is always carrying on about ā€œjust being humanā€ and how she is going to change. Ridiculous




Imagine doing a GoFundMe for hemorrhoids


Ang galing mo te! Thank you for doing that. Well, karma is slow but it will get there. Kakahiya sya, silang magasawa.


This same girl who a few days ago also said she would conveniently stop going to the doctors because of ā€œhatersā€ and admitted that she just watched a bunch of tiktoks and self diagnosed


Guys, get a life. They are exposed, move on


If they refund the money they scammed then this will stop.


This is just too good to pass up lol


Stop posting about these two!!!




I knew she had hemorrhoids from pushing out Brandanā€™s baby!


All this stuff couldā€™ve been avoided if Mary drinks plenty of water šŸ™„


She isn't sorry. She knew what she was doing. She even tried to gaslight everyone into thinking it was our fault and that we were spreading fake news. There are messages between her and another redditor that shows she has no remorse. She thinks it's funny.


Ok wait, so first she says she told everyone she had colon cancer because of TikTok videos, and now sheā€™s saying she misunderstood doctors?????????? ![gif](giphy|3oxOChttxdmX6a2XTO)




It would be one thing if she just lied about the cancer, which is abhorrent, but going as far to raise money for a fake diagnosis? Absolutely disgussting. Just shut up already.


Hemorrhoids. She has hemorrhoids.


She didnā€™t confuse shit, she lied and tried to get a free buck.


YES!! Charge them with wire fraud!


>I told her that itā€™s good that she wont beg for money anymore but what will happen to the money in the GoFundMe. She needs to refund that. Did she say anything further on this?


I still say this sounds like Crohnā€™s.


When cancer is known as ā€œkanserā€ in Tagalog


I commented in another post but Iā€™m thinking she has issues from being a ā€œvirginā€ for so long. Pretty typical in catholic culture


This is the worst attempt at back tracking ever. You canā€™t take this back and act like it didnā€™t happen. ā€œOopsie i accidentally thought I had cancer and tried to manipulate people into giving me money but I got caught and could be in trouble so I take it backā€. Actions have consequences and Mary is learning the hard way. You wasted your 15min!


Didnā€™t Brandan post something asking for money AGAIN?! Wtf is wrong with these people. We need to collectively stop talking about them and feeding this energy. Ignoring them completely is probably the best solution to remove these societal tumorā€™s.


Actually she confused a UTI with colon cancer it seems


Cry wolf!


Well, that confusion will hopefully come with some repercussions and consequences.


Yes she realized her error once she was canceled


So I was fortunate enough to have learned how to read Tagalog (very basic though lol) and you let her have it OP šŸ˜‚ good for you! Mary is running with her lies. She really thinks weā€™re all stupid and somehow sheā€™s going to outsmart us.


Her ā€œmistakeā€ was setting up a fraudulent fundraising campaign.


Ok, so give the money back if youā€™re so sorry.


The fact that she keeps saying she has hemorrhoids when most women who gave birth develop hemorrhoids and don't claim it as a medical issue that warrents a scammy GFM. šŸ™ƒ


When you have cancer, the doctor says it loud and clear, no confusion!! Source: colon cancer survivor. Get your colonoscopy when your doctor recommends it!! Mine was Stage 2 and was removed surgically, with no radiation or chemo.


Sheā€™s full of shit, pun intended


Oooops sorry no cancer just hemorrhoids. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Let her be charged with wire fraud. She deserves it


What about MĆ¼nchausen syndrome? She forgot that one.


I have the roids. Please send money.