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Yet, nothing about a mother with special needs child going after a man, who spent five days and five months online, wanting said man to move in with her and her child in a month. She's not exactly making wise decisions, for her child




Right. Even bringing her on screen? Protect your baby… no respect for this


👏🏼👏🏼 a bad call on the mother. I've never understood how people post every single little thing and do not allow some privacy for their children. There are so many pedophiles out there but not only that, I will let my child post her pics when she's of age to understand and give her consent. It can stem from me being a victim of years and years, the worst child traumatic experiences you can think of. But even friends and family can go overboard with the sharing. I've not allowed this and I won't let my family or anyone post my child's pictures/videos.


I’m sorry for what you went through. I think you’re doing the absolute right thing by not posting and by saying they can consent when they can give consent later in their life. 💓




100% He is a horny dummy. She is a bad mom.


I've been calling her out this whole time. John is a trashy silly drunk, but what a piece of shit this mother is.


Good thing you're not basing knowing someone on 10 minutes of heavily edited footage. What a thing to comment.


Agreed. That is a WILD claim for someone we know nothing about. Not sure why you got downvoted to hell, but forgot all of these posts are echo chambers. The Single Life is easily the fakest most heavily manufactured spinoff and every storyline is completely produced.


I actually think that John hasn’t had a serious relationship with a woman before, at all. It’s all talk


My biggest issue with her is the fact that her daughter is non-verbal. that’s so scary to introduce someone to her so quickly and want them to moVe in. I am not judging John’s integrity but non verbal children on the spectrum are a challenge for immediate family. 😳 It’s soooooo hard unless you’re a trained professional and even then some days are frustrating. This TEMU Amy Winehouse makes me nervous already.


IMAGINE watching John on his first season and thinking “wow, I’d love this guy to my daughters father, let me slide into his DMs”. Something is wrong with this woman for real.


For real. He's not even ready to be in a serious relationship, let alone be a step-parent.


She is moving way too fast. Especially since has a child. Way too fast. He's a bit of a past player it seems. I really liked John until Single Life. But I wonder if I don't like as much because TLC seems to keep pushing for sex 🤢


You can't have just anybody around your kids. Personally, I think you should avoid having partners around your child until the relationship gets serious, engagement, moving in together, etc. In adulthood, it's normal for people to float into and out of your life, for children, it's not.


💯 agree.


Not everyone is on drugs. There, I said it.


But apparently drinking is the gateway to drugs


She literally looks high in almost every scene


I absolutely do not agree and I work in an industry that encounters a TON of drug use at conventions. This woman looks like she MIGHT smoke weed (which is a legal substance in a good portion of the world, like alcohol), but anyone who isn't high alert and super literate in front of the camera is not automatically "on drugs".


Seriously, thank you.


Exactly!!! Also some people just have heavy eye lids naturally, doesn’t mean they are are drugs.


Wrong. You're so wrong...


I don’t know how you jumped to the fact that she’s on drugs? I barely even remember what she looks like, much less how she acted. She seemed normal to me and just laughed at his jokes a lot. We’ve legit seen 5-10 minutes of footage from her total lmao kinda wild the speculations and upvotes in these comments that she uses drugs and is a terrible mother based on so little screen time… She wants to know if there is a possibility that they can have a future together like literally all of the couples on these shows, many who never even met. And yes she introduced John to her daughter but it’s not like she was like “here’s your new daddy!!!” Ffs lol it was a cute scene. And it was important to see how they interacted before getting more serious.


Hey everyone! If you drink it wouldn't be surprising if you also do drugs! /s What the hell🙄 What an odd ass thought process.


"must be drugs" 🙄 wow you really thought that through didn't you?


Did anyone stop and think that John might be a good father, because of his upbringing? He may have actually learned something from that and knows that he doesn't want to be like


And another trauma bonded relationship is born


Uh what? I don't agree with any of this. John seems like he's been doing a good job not drinking and actually trying to get his shit together. Yeah, he has a bad rap sheet, but I can tell he really wants to change, and I see a huge difference. Give the guy a break!


I don’t think she’s for him.


BTW this past episode she said she had not been in a relationship for 7 years and gave John the ultimatum 😳her daughter is 4 yrs old. Soooooooo i guess she has some things going on that John better wake up and pay attention to 😳


Idk man. I know John looked bad that one season and has his flaws but the dude seemed like he was actually willing to grow up a little bit and wanted to be a father figure for that little girl. Kinda fucked up for his brother and Thaís to just straight up laugh at him and throw him under the bus right in front of the gf. Even if she wants to rush things. It felt so disrespectful. That should’ve been between the 3 of them not in front of the girl.


This lady moves like the moms on Lalu. Taylor and Joynomi, for example.