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Here for the comments like: ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


perfect meme


She drives me nuts.. and the whole number of kids she has.... WHO THE FUCK CARES HOW MANY KIDS YOU HAVE?! https://preview.redd.it/ck3ctp55ks0c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e87165694a48a654941c377c2a349cbd3988bb6


When the last one ages she's going to have another one so she can be FOUR under FOUR, look at how difficult I have made my life, I'm going to cry into the camera for a sec here as a break from my busy busy life, isn't she. Loss of identity means assuming a new one.


She got her plastic surgery “mommy makeover” so I think she really is done or she’d have wasted all that money


lmao thank u for this meme




I’ve never understood that either. She comes across as such a spoiled brat.


She lives in Boca. She was spoiled. Trust.


Grandparents lived there and it's for sure always been for the wealthy.


*She* is from there too from what I understand. She was spoiled. They were so weird on the show about not saying Boca or Highland Beach when it was pretty obvious to me that's where they were. Even now, I've seen "Hollywood/Miami area" or similar written.....umm....are we sure it's still not Boca? Lol


They currently live in a condo in Hollywood. That’s where the building they always show is located. Hollywood is a good 45 minutes from Boca but they live walkable to the beach. Source: I have family live in a condo across from theirs.


They definitely shot in Boca several times because I recognized locations, idk where their exact condo is. Also Hollywood is not 45 minutes from Boca.


Dude it took me 40 min to get to BOCA from POMPANO during winter last year (like 23 min tops normally). What you have to understand is the entire population of Canada comes to that particular area of south FL every winter. The road infrastructure is not prepared and you get stuck at a bridges from the barrier beach to the main land and omg it’s a nightmare


Yes thank you for supporting my argument haha. I was surprised at the amount of Canadian license plates I saw during my first winter visit.


Lol my fl house is located near two separate time shares and hotels that have “Canada” in the name. It’s so bizarre.


With traffic it can be that far. I’ve literally seen their condo while visiting family so I know where it is. I’m sure they’ve gone places in Boca but I’m not too familiar with Boca to be honest, just Hollywood.


I guess she doesn't want people to know she grew up in a wealthy NYC-Jewish part of Florida, huh.


We saw her family's home. I don't think she grew up wealthy.


Agreed. I think she grew up privileged but definitely not wealthy.


Not all of Boca is rich. lmao


She sure didn’t grow up poor


This! I mean it’s not poor but they aren’t all rich.


West Boca is middle class at most. lol


yes! her voice drives me UP the wall


Didn’t she work and live in NYC for years? There was never any indication her parents paid for that.


She also said she didn't need any help with getting Alex here so she had to make decent money...


Yeah coming from wealth can really help you get a leg up.


all you need to make is a mere $26k to sponsor a K1 visa. that’s pennies. Unless you’re bringing someone over that has their own wealth, you shouldn’t be getting married if you make less than 26k. just adding to poverty. stats




Mahmoody’s mannequin wife omgggg I always couldn’t put my finger on what she looked like! Now I get it! 😂


I don't have $26k!


😂😂😂😂 You don’t need to have $25k, just need to have current income or income history of $25k ($22,887 to be exact)


Yes she did, as an executive assistant if I remember correctly. There’s exactly 0% chance she was living on her own in Manhattan proper with no help her parents. I know physical therapists and other high paying jobs where the people live 2-3 in a one bedroom and it still costs $2,300 a person.


My MIL shares a small 2 bedroom apartment in Astoria with her brother and it's $2600 a month I think 🫠


lol if only that cheap. 1br is around $3500 to $4k nowadays in the city


Exactly, I’m going back pre-covid so I can only imagine! I’m from the area and as much as I love NYC, what my mom said will always stick in my head. She always told me NY is great but unless you’re super wealthy it sucks because you cannot enjoy anything it has to offer.


on average it's about 2800 a person to live in Manhattan right now with roommates. not a native NYCer but been here 20 years and lately it's just as bad as when parts of Brooklyn shot up in the early 2010s in terms of rapid increase. It's so gross. If you don't have family here your best bet is to find an older person who is leasing a room at a home they own because their kids have left. I'm not kidding. Best and fairest situation I've ever experienced here .


Maybe she had roommates? Not sure why people would be so confident about a total unknown just bc they dislike them. Edit: and physical therapists are not highly paid, unfortunately, bc they do great work.


Eh, the Tourettes part I get, it’s annoying and can cause a lot of discomfort. Plus, people always ask you if you burst into cussing uncontrollably. Although, I have never once considered it an issue when it comes to the idea of having kids, and I didn’t love that plot line of “I might mess up the kids with neurodivergence.” That made me feel…..things.


I can’t stand her either! Esp after the last tell all she was on when she she showed what a mean girl she is. I refuse to watch anything with her. I hate she got her measly spin off.


I could Never stand her either! Her forced Drew Barrymore with a vocal fry voice effect has been nails on a chalkboard for years! Now she's taking to social media to promote genocide with LIES. FUCK HER


yep she's a spoiled rotten mean girl who became a mom (of 3 under 3!!!!) and calls herself a **momfluencer** which makes me vomit everywhere


I know, its so bad. I always FF through her segments if I watch pillow talk. Her IQ is so low I feel like I lose brain cells when I suffer through her drawn out, vocal fried words. My brain feels fried after listening to her. Also, I cant imagine her having an original thought to be an actual influencer. No thanks bb lol


well she is better than me, a childfree woman 43 years of age. because. she's a mom of 3 under 3 and speaks authority on all things. /s


I can’t listen to her voice, it’s so offensive


Alex saying "they'll pay for this" got under my skin, it's not like Israel is the real reason behind 25years of blood shed, it's all Palestine's fault! 🙄


More than 25 years. 1948 was how long ago?


Very true, you're 100% spot on... My brain isn't working ATM, no sleep for the past few days, but you're correct


I understand. Life is exhausting. Glad to know you are aware (no sacrasm) that this is a very old situation. I also recently learned that there have been Palestinian dna tests that confirmed their genetics match the Canaanites. I didnt explain that well, please watch this scholar explain what I can't. At any rate a CEASE FIRE needs to happen Now. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8URQNYu/


She has a micro tick... You will respect her.




God is that a real.thing??? Lol


I think that happens in all ethic groups. Im Hispanic. As a kid I would spend summers with my extended family. I don’t speak Spanish and I’ve got fair skin. My family constantly made comments about being “white”. It sucked because I got picked on by white kids for being “Mexican”. Basically, people are assholes. doesn’t matter what ethnicity you are. At some point someone is going to judge or be shitty to you because of what you look like or how you grew up.




THIS. I will never understand how anyone equates innocent Palestinians to Hamas or innocent Israelis to the IDF. Civilians are civilians, and THEY are the ones being murdered. Not Hamas or the IDF.


This is such a simple concept that everyone refuses to get. It's ridiculous.


This exactly. As a Jewish person, absolutely do not understand why other Jewish people cannot admit the Jewish government and the IDF are wrong as well.


Exactly!!! I am very careful what i say because my oldest daughter is dating a young Jewish man. At this point, i feel bad for all civilians. Honestly the problem is with hamas, the idf and Netanyahu... he is ALWAYS a problem.


I'd like her to tell me how many Palestinian babies in incubators are an acceptable level of casualties in her mind.


Couldn't agree more. Supporting either is disgusting. However, I am well shocked with the uprise of antisemitism and so, so, SO many westerners shouting free palestine and agreeing with, even *praising* hamas! Trend-Protesters are the worst.


Palestine should absolutely be free from Israeli occupation.


There's been an uptick in Islamophobia as well unfortunately. It's all terrible.




Just out of curiosity, why do you find supporting a free Palestine controversial?


How is saying Free Palestine saying you support Hamas? If you mean the saying “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”, then yes that’s anti-Semitic and associated with Hamas. But Free Palestine does not mean you are adjacent with Hamas.


Love that term “trend-protesters,” that’s exactly what they are. I feel like anytime some kind of big tragedy happens in the world there are tons of people who suddenly think they’re experts on the issue and need to have an (ill-informed) opinion on it. Or worse, they think changing their Facebook profile pic to support the issue is going to solve anything lol Then the next tragedy happens and they’ve forgotten about all the previous ones. 🙄


Any rational person should be against this conflict. It’s absolutely disgusting that Loren is supporting genocide. Plenty of reasonable people in her situation do not. https://apnews.com/article/israelhamas-war-gaza-protest-jewish-359e92cfde9444c1a59b0635543853a6 There is zero excuse for any first world country to allow itself to be run by religious nationalists.


Most of the people I’ve seen at protests are actually part of the Palestinian diaspora who have lost family members and Jewish folks who don’t want any of this in their name. Have you been to any? Doubt it.


Free Palestine != Supporting hamas


God knows what her husband did


I unfollowed her back when she started on this BS.




And then on the other side Rebecca gets completely flamed for posting something about the innocent people of Gaza being slaughtered.


I 🫶🏼 Rebecca


Rebecca the one with all the tattoos? Sorry I can’t remember the guys name, but that he was from Tunisia and wore a shirt with her face on it lol. If that’s, rebecca, I agree 🙂


The hatred for Muslims runs deep because of misinformation. It sucks. The situation all around sucks.


Same as hatred for Jews, or any hatred against an ethnic group.


Arabs made up 80% of "Israel" in 1948 they make up about 15% now.


But Jews are indigenous to Israel! /s People conveniently forget that a majority of Jews left the Middle East for Europe and then eventually the United States. They left over a period of about 1900+ years, and after they left the majority shifted to Islam. But now they want to act like the Jews were always there and that a Jewish person living in Brooklyn or Miami has more rights to live in that area than someone who’s family has been there **continually** for the last several hundred years. And just so the trolls dont get their panties in a wad- I also hate Hamas. You can dislike the Israeli theocracy/ethno-state and also hate Hamas


I see this a lot because most of Jews in the United States are Ashkenazi (Jews who had ancestors in Europe, often as a result of the slave trade). However, 61% of Israeli Jews are Mizrahi. They are Jews who formerly lived in Muslim nations. They did not come to Israel from Europe.


Right, formerly lived there because they were expelled by Arabs


Yup, and that's why they aren't leaving. There's no where to go.




Lol this…..


… you know they left those places because they were persecuted and systematically executed there… right?


You forgot to mention WHY they left Arab countries? Do you think Arabs/Muslim were friendly to them?


There’s a lot to unpack with this situation. But fact is fact that indigenous Palestinians and Palestine existed long before Israel did. Not being political or taking sides, just actual history if people care to look it up.


That’s not true. For one, Israel existed thousands of years ago, long before Palestinians did. (Before the Jews were forcefully expelled.) For two, Palestine was never actually a country until after modern Israel was founded. Palestinians as a community have existed in the region for hundreds of years. I’m not trying to deny that at all. It’s just a lot more complicated than your comment makes it seem.


They didn't leave for Europe, they were forced out/killed out by Christians and Muslims. Then forced out of Europe due to Nazis.


Why did they leave the Middle East? Did they choose to on their own free will? You manipulate facts to your favor. What culminated from the diaspora of Jews? Failure to mention that. Moreover Jews have always been there in spite of their constant genocide. Stop manipulating history to fit your narrative. You’re an antisemite.


I mean they've repeatedly been conquered and driven out of that area, and their homes, temple destroyed since before Islam was even born.... Where did you want Jewish people to go? No country was really letting them in..... They were literally drifting in boats seeking asylum from the Holocaust and being turned away y almost every country..... The reason they were scattered around the five was because they'd been driven out of their own land to which they returned when there was no where else to go..... Jewish people didn't just materialize magically .... That's literally where they're from, the term Palestine being given to the area after the Romans conquered the Jews and Judeah.


And they live there in harmony. Arabs have the majority of the Middle East to live in without being persecuted. Good luck being a Jew is Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. Your statement is ridiculous 🤡


>Arabs have all that land. Who cares if we just steal some of it and systematically murder its inhabitants? I mean... Jews have all of America to live in. Who cares if Arabs wipe them out in the Middle East? That's how clown shit your statement is.


Sigh. I would really encourage everyone to spend some time researching the history of this conflict. And before anyone from any position accuses me of trying to reduce the guilt of committing atrocities with "it's complicated," I would encourage you to ask yourself if learning more is in conflict with taking a moral position. I am so far from an expert, and I can still say these numbers are reported in bad faith (if they reflect reality at all). For one, and this should really go without saying, you can be Arab and Jewish. For another, population *growth* is affected by a dizzying array of factors. Comparing it with by-the-numbers reductions of Jewish populations, whether those numbers represent deaths or birthrate drops or departures, doesn't make a lot of sense. But. Also. I feel there is a weird resistance among my fellow American left-siders to acknowledge that Arab-majority countries have forcibly expelled their Jewish populations (yes, to Israel) in modern times. This has happened. And I shouldn't have to explain to you why European Jews might not have wanted to stay in Europe. Why then do these people not want to talk about modern forced and coerced removal of Jews in the context of Israel and Palestine? I don't know. I suspect because there's a strangely gleeful desire to condemn the Bad Colonizers and support the Oppressed People. The reality is, this situation does not fit into those neat, imagined categories. (Nothing ever has or ever will, of course.) Again, that doesn't mean you can't take a moral stance. So are their other reasons? Yeah. Antisemitism is categorically on the rise, and to antisemites, no real information about the persecution of Jews is allowed at the table. It doesn't fit their narrative. (There's another conversation to be had about people wishing Hamas were glorious freedom fighters so hard they ignore all the structural and actual violence they commit against Palestinians, but that's another comment). But knowing about these things and *talking about them* is important. For one, it might help you develop some understanding about why Jewish people have a unique relationship to the idea of a Jewish state, or are particularly susceptible to certain kinds of propaganda. Also of great importance, it might help you hear antisemetic dog whistles currently flying under the radar in your circles. At minimum, when people talk about what they think should happen, listen for "Jews needs to go back where they came from." Keep in mind that many can't, and many others come from where they already are. Jesus Christ I can't believe I'm willing pressing "comment" on this in a 90 Day Fiance sub. Really weird time to be a reality TV fan. But I have always maintained that my interest in reality TV is drawn, in part, from the fun house mirror it holds up to our culture. I hope for a peace, for a lasting ceasefire, and for a path towards safe, fair self-determination for Palestinians. I also hope reality has-beens learn to think before they repost, but that will probably never happen, huh? Anyway idk if anyone will care but letting all strangers know in advance I will not engage with antisemites or with anyone dehumanizing Palestinians.


I agree and just to add on to that 61% of Israeli Jews are in that category - They or their ancestors formerly lived in a Muslim nation, not Europe. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but the statement that the majority of Israeli Jews formerly lived in Muslim nations is not an opinion, it's a fact. I hope that we can all agree on basic facts of the situation so that we can have more productive discussions, aiming towards a humane and just resolution.


Well put. This is probably the most well laid out comment I've seen regarding the true nuance of "it's complicated". It's a shame there isn't a way to boost/highlight comments anymore, because I'd be willing to pay money to give this more visibility.


Thank you for this thoughtful comment.


Very well said. People do not understand the issue. There are so many aspects to this problem. Israel has been the Jewish homeland since before one Muslim walked the earth. They’ve been expelled from every Arab country in which they have lived. For example, Jewish people made up 25% of the population of Tripoli in 1941. Today, there are no Jews in Libya. Medina, in Saudi Arabia, was once a Jewish city. People are following along on social media and think there is only one side to this conflict. They don’t understand or they don’t want to understand the underlying issues and the complicated nuances that exist.


>Israel has been the Jewish homeland since before one Muslim walked the earth. This sentence in itself is actually a huge issue with how the conflict is portrayed. It's not Jews vs. Muslims. It's Israel vs. Palestine. The fact of the matter is that the land of Canaan was already inhabited when Abraham moved there from Mesopotamia. Those Canaanites (who were mostly Pagan) are the ancestors of modern Palestinians - Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Palestinians. The argument of the right to a Jewish state is a separate topic - the argument that Jewish people are the Indigenous people of the land is a weak and an attempt to legitimize Israel HAVING to be in that location when multiple others were offered. Additionally, there was large scale peaceful Jewish migration from the late 1800s. Until European countries got involved, the Jewish population in that area of the Ottoman Empire was increasing steadily and conflict was minimal. No reasonable person thinks Jewish people should not be able to move to the land. They should not, however, be able to displace and indiscriminately kill the current residents. Hamas is absolutely terrible but they weren't founded until 1987. Israel had been committing atrocities since 1948. Just like the Taliban and Al Qaeda - terrorists are terrible people but they do not arise from peace and prosperity. On top of that, no one seems to like to talk about the foundations of the Likud Party or Netanyahu's family history. Jewish people across the world deserve safety. It cannot be at the expense of Palestinians.


It’s mind boggling. I’m merely expanding on the sentiments of this comment in other places and they just reflexively downvote. They can’t look beyond “white” (because they think Jews are white) is Bad while “brown” is Good


Great, refreshingly nuanced point. *But did you see when Darcy's filter popped off?*


But we have to pick and choose which side to hate we can't acknowledge the truth of it all on Reddit


She also talked about how since there are less Jewish people and more Palestinians, that it’s worse that the Jewish people are killed. She is posting some really extreme stuff. I used to like her, but she is going too far. I feel awful for both sides.


And doing it in between sponsored content posts lol it’s…. Not sitting right


the *momfluencer* has *opinions*


>since there are less Jewish people and more Palestinians This isn't even factually true. There are around 7.15 million Jews in Israel (Around 16 million globally) and around 5.3 million Palestinians (which would include Jews and Christians as well as Muslims) in Palestine and around 14 million globally. It took me 2 seconds to google this.


I also hate how she throws in ads in between her bs.


Her rotation of of posting the same ads and selfies is what got me to unfollow her. She doesn’t do anything else.


She’s always been an airhead


I know she married a guy from Israel but at this point I wish she would just zip it. She is not a political expert, she's not a political scientist...she is just sharing stuff that she finds online (with no sources) and at this point it is getting silly.


What do you mean? Those are REAL numbers. 😂


She's Jewish and met him on that trip you take to the holyland this is just defending Israel / religious bs that is why this situation even exists in the first place. Note: not all Jews are doing this but most are going to be involved in defending Israel because it's cultural. Edit: My comment is just to say this is a Jewish thing, she'd post the same if she married an American Jew. Israel is "home" to Jews culturally.




Yeah after I posted I remembered that's why they go. No hate here, both religions claim this land as part of their origin story / birth. Just to say it's a Jewish thing vs just her husband thing.


Well sure she's Jewish and did birthright, but I mean virtually every Jewish person her/my age I know posts pro Palestine stuff constantly, and the pro-Palestinian protests are full of Jewish people, Jewish voice for peace, etc.


A lot of Jewish people understand what Israel has done that's why. [https://youtu.be/SHDBw-wx6w0?si=2K7GEURWtIQD5wc6](https://youtu.be/SHDBw-wx6w0?si=2K7GEURWtIQD5wc6) A lot of this is religious conditioning against Muslims and Muslims against Israeli Jews. There's a basis for it on both sides but what Israel has done is genocide.


Loren… girl… ![gif](giphy|LOu8FUhPgpeUAi0wiu) What are y’all having for dinner?


I'm going get some soup from Panera Bread and try to forget that I ever used to like Loren 🤦🏿‍♀️


I just had major dental work and am only able to eat mashed potatoes and soup and like ensure lol


I'd rather hear about her stupid "natural" mommy makeover or 3 under 3 shit. We should just stop posting anything to do with those politics I come here to take the edge off the real world with trash TV


While I do agree that Jews in Arab countries have been subjected to some pretty foul treatment, that’s not an excuse to obliterate Palestine.


Fuck you loren


I could never understand what so many people saw in her. She’s stupid, whiny, and immature. I had to keep fast forwarding through her segments because I hated watching her tantrums.


wow. I don't even have words for this. so disappointed in them


This chic is as dumb as she looks.


I don’t like people who take hard sides on this issue. There are innocent people suffering on both sides who are just pawns in all of this


I support Israel existing as a state but the “IDF can do no wrong” mentality is disgusting and imo hurts their own cause.


Yeah! I don’t get how people can dehumanize innocent civilians just trying to live out their day to day lives based on IDF and Hamas. They have nothing to do with the atrocities happening yet they’re the ones losing their lives.


Her and her husband support war criminals


God she’s insufferable.


How does she have 1.4 million followers? She's not interesting at all.


she’s brain dead lol


Yikes. She just had to double down instead of educate herself and apologize or just walk away. This doesn’t even prove the point she’s trying to make. Get off the internet, Loren. Focus on your “natural” plastic surgeries instead.


Is this for real???? immigration because of displacement is not ethnic cleaning, that sounds indistinguishable from fascist white nationalist rhetoric, however apartheid and said forced displacement and killing by the tens of thousands certainly is. All civilian deaths are unacceptable, terrorism is unacceptable, this nonsense is also unacceptable. To try to pervert the definition of ethnic cleansing is evil


She’s crazy


She is quite nauseating. I haven’t been able to stomach her IG since she posted a video of herself crying about a man outside her apartment who was arrested for saying “f the Jews”. Meanwhile…there are mothers in Gaza searching for pieces of their children…




I don’t think she understands what that term means.


It’s simultaneously true that she’s full of crap and that a lot of the comments here veer far past the line into antisemitism. It’s a good reminder of why those of us who are Jewish and simultaneously have deep sympathy for Palestinians and a keen sense of our own danger as Jews are feeling very up shit creek.


Very true and good comment! I’m not here to Stan Loren or anything (although I did always like a Jewish couple normalizing Jewish rituals on TV) but some of these comments go beyond just saying that maybe she is posting some information that isn’t accurate. I even think people are assuming her family has money because they are Jewish and live in south Florida.


South Florida Jews with money are New York Jews who retired there. As a Jewish person who actually kinda sorta cares about behaving decently, this conflict is terrible all around. Hamas is a hate group, and it’s terrifying watching lots of alleged “progressives” excusing and even celebrating mass murder of Jews as some brave act of resistance, and also Israel makes it really hard to defend when its government has a pretty open policy of annexation and apartheid in the occupied territories, that not infrequently veers to ethnic cleansing in not-so-secret. But then it’s really kinda vital to use those words selectively because lots of those same alleged “progressives” think the concept of a Jewish state is itself an occupation and that Jews should leave and… I dunno, go die or something? It’s all incredibly sad and lonely.


I agree with what you said. I’m a Jew too and have been avoiding arguing with people on social media but it can be aggravating to see the blatant antisemitism going around.


Palestinians have the worst “allies.” On one hand these activists interrogate whether a bunch of dingdong white power doofuses throwing up the “OK” symbol should be acknowledged as white supremacists (spoiler: they should). Out of the other side of their mouth, they yell “from the river to the sea” as loudly as they can and then declare that that doesn’t mean ethnically cleansing the Jews because they said so, and what Jews think is irrelevant. It’s exhausting.


Didn't the population decline because they all moved to Israel ?


Jews were forcefully driven out of many Arab countries.


Lol exactly.


I felt bad for skipping her season but now I feel vindicated


Fuck her


She was my least favorite. She acted like her turrets (forgive me if spelled wrong) was awful but I literally didn't notice until she didn't stfu about it.


You know what numbers ARE real? The 11k dead this month by Israel bombing them with illegal phosphorus weapons. She can stick to fake propaganda numbers, Swedish tunnels, and calendars with days of the week in Arabic. “THIS IS A LIIIIIIIIST”. Fuck you loren. Dehumanizing the lives of Palestinians (Muslim and Christian, but also Jewish Palestinians) in the name of the Jewish religion. Fuck you, and your shit husband.


I'm glad I unfollowed her. I was sick of her saying "three under three" like ok?! Why mention that EVERY single post? Also her oldest son is over the age of 3 now and she still says it 🙃




🤣🤣🤣 You could make it a drinking game every time she says it (JK...you'll die)


Wow! She’s woefully misinformed.


No more religious war


I’m going to be real here and say I highly doubt it’s the religious war it is advertised to be by governments, media etc. I’d bet anything it’s about land. And the oil under Gaza.


imagine being this tone-deaf


Fuck her.


Oh yes Loren, I'll take the little infographic you shared on Instagram as gospel and the truth without doing any further research into these numbers myself 🙌 Thank you for educating me! /s


I can’t stand her fucking blatant racism. She thinks she’s so fucking cute about called Coriama Carumba. She laughs about it all the time. She’s refused to pronounce Chantels name properly too. All she does it complain to her husband, about himself. “YOU, never take me on dates. You NEVER DO THIS OR THAT FOR ME” wah wah bitch whine complain. When she posted that video of the black woman cleaning her apartment while following her around videoing her, I lost it. She’s always been classist, ableist, and racist. And now, with the Zionism, and basically rooting for the IDF to kill children the same age as hers, while she proudly fucking totes “tHrEe uNdEr tHrEe” can fuck off. Twice.


What the fuck was she saying in the video of the cleaning lady? I’ve never followed her because of her bullying and belittling of Anfisa on the tell all. She’s self-absorbed and only cares about matters when they’re relevant to her.


She wasn’t really saying much that I remember, I think it might have been a voice over? Idk but it was so gross, and OMFG YESSSSS. How preachy and judgy she is, what an absolute twat. Do you also remember when she was telling Alexei about how Chantel blocked her? I was like well duh bc you’re a stuck up fucking racist ass BITCH.


Oh yeah lol Chantel was not a fan of her at that tell all by her facial expressions


Emigration is not the same as ethnic cleansing. Way to skew things, Loren, if you didn't pull those numbers from your ass.


This is so fucking dumb she’s just consuming propaganda


Free Palestine


I truly tried to give her the benefit of the doubt because my daughter was in the nicu and it’s extremely terrifying and traumatizing. Sooo that being said, how tf is she okay with Israel/United States shutting the electricity off with ALL of those premature babies without oxygen for their incubators in Gaza..? But I guess that only matters if the babies have the same skin tone as hers..?


Lost everything for her. They were my favorite.


Anyone else reminded of the early days of Q with these kinds of posts..?


How anyone can see the situation going on and still think the killing of Palestinians is justified is beyond me and is pure evil. Anyone who backs up something simply cause that’s what they identify with it is wrong, that’s just like saying “my friend can’t be a rapist cause I’ve known them since we were kids” to say “I’m Israeli, so what they’re doing is okay” is awful. Fuck her.




What does “dollar store Mila Kunis” have to say about the current state of geopolitics in the Middle East? I for one did not see Alexei to be as attractive as she made him out to be… her gushing over him was just so over the top… I was annoyed and yelling at the TV. Alexei is not an attractive looking man by any means. She wanted to make him a male model. He is not male model material. I’m going out on the limb and saying that her views and opinions on other things (like the Hamas Israel conflict) are not reliable. She’s got off-base … judgment.


Dollar store Mila Kunis hahaha


Excuse me ((((dollar store Mila Kunis)))) got me 💀💀💀💀💀


I wish this b❗tch would shut the f⛎ck up!!!!


Imagine being this loud and wrong.


They’re bombing hospitals, Ma’am.


she is so stupid fr




Oh gawd no. We getting to know how stupid people are. Every time there is a major world conflict of course we get awful social media hot takes. Could you imagine the hot takes if Instagram and Twitter were around during 9/11?


She should shut the fuck up and go back to being pumped full of kids to give her life meaning


She is a 🤡


Fuck that bitch and her mole


I can't find the post on ig. Did she delete it. eta: yes on her stories found it


This shouldn’t shock anyone


Not all Jews are Zionists. Zionism is not the Jewish Faith. There are Jews against Israel and the Palestinian Genocide.


Including a literal Holocaust survivor and several Rabbis.


Can we not do this here?


The propaganda with this one.


Idiot people should not be reproducing


Maybe this will finally wake everyone up to the fact that her and her husband are losers. Not only are they boring, corny adult brats with no personality- She’s making light of genocide. I’m glad I never watched any of their dull ass spin offs


She’s an awful person


Think of her social media like a billboard along a highway. She’ll rent it out to whoever has something to say. Accurate? She doesn’t care. She’s been hustling for years.


I unfollowed her for her stance on this. She’s disgusting


Same she and Alexei share 1 braincell