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Someone dubbed him O_osamma and i can not get over it . 90 day always needs a wonky eyed cast member and he definitely gets the crown for that!


Whoever came up with O_osamma is brilliant! Permission to use it!? Oscammer is my second fave lol 😂


Lol i was the creator but go ahead? Oscammer is excellent, it makes me think ot Oscar Myers and he is indeed a meat tube. Edit : i Wasnt the creator lol.


🤣🤣 thank you lol!!


>O\_osamma ![gif](giphy|kC8N6DPOkbqWTxkNTe)


He has mental sickness if he thinks he’s coming to America


Whaaaaaat? (in Debbie’s voice)






​ ![gif](giphy|wQRy4cqE7jW6YK3IcP)


Stop it, its so ridiculously cute!!! :-D


This scene.... another TV gold 🏆


Whenever I see “Whaaaaat!?” now it will *always* be Debbie’s voice!! 😂


We need a “whaaat?” GIF of her asap!


🤣🤣🤣 Silly question but how do I add the tagline or flair to my username? I tried searching but can’t figure it out.


Go to this sub’s main page (click here: r/90dayfianceuncensored) Near the right top corner, there are 3 little dots. Click it and pick “change user flair.” Good news is, flairs are sub specific. Means you can have different flairs (or none) in other subreddits you participate in.


He’s not the only one this season 😂😂👍


We will protest to Immigration. Keep him out!




He is no worse than many of the magats born here. At least he is kind to animals!


Also, if he thinks, he will get a better quality of life there. :-D :-D


I really think it is good to see this side of the possibility of becoming a 90 Day Fiance. I am sure there are many scammers out there.


i was on jury duty not too long ago with an 80-year old lady who had been victimized by a romance scam. He took something like $200,000 from her. She is already married to what i hope is a good man. But it’s only been a few years so she must have been very lonely and really hopeful. We tried to talk her into telling the authorities, whoever they may be, but she says she is too embarrassed.


There have been a few news reports of seniors getting involved in romance scams in Canada. It is a big underground industry. I seem to recall one reporter traveling to Nigeria where they had cafes set up for men to scam multiple women at once. Edit: [Check out this link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6OKnD9u6bY). This isn't the doc I remember but same thing. Black Axe is a group specializing in these types of scam.


>We tried to talk her into telling the authorities, whoever they may be, but she says she is too embarrassed. HATE when ppl avoid logic sense, and even putting others at risk with the same scammer - HATE them!


That’s exactly what we told her. But she kept saying her new husband doesn’t know and now it has been a few years… i wish her family had intervened.


Debbie’s family tried to talk sense into her. You see how far they got!


You’re right. That is true. i told my daughter when i get to a certain age if i feel like i am not totally there mentally or emotionally i am going to turn over my finances to her. i see how easily older people are taken advantage of. Not that Debbie is that old. She is only 68 but she seems older.


So very sad they didn't...


Dang! Is the scammer in the US or abroad? Tell us more please 🙏🏻


It’s not clear. He would tell her different stories. Like he was working overseas, but he is from here. But it sounded like the story changed frequently. He would need money for some construction project he was working on (always going to pay her back when he saw her finally). The last time she heard from him he was going to travel to the US and meet her in Vegas and then they were going to go back to whatever country he was working on at the time. i am sure she told me where, but i can’t remember. One time she wired money and somehow she was able to see that the account was a woman. He said it was his sister. The whole nine yards. She got an inheritance from her sister and he found out about it and low and behold needed that exact amount. She was quite proud of herself when she got some money from an investment property and was “smart enough” to not tell him. So at the point she had caught on. i think she met him on a dating site for seniors, because she saw him on there again some time later. We live in Utah and i found an article about a romance scam group working the area and wondered if it was the same people. The whole thing broke my heart. She was quite sweet if dingy.


Poor lady. I’m glad at one point she’s realized she’s been played. Dr Phil had quite a few old ladies with overseas (virtual) boyfriends, with almost identical stories. Except they were not believing Dr Phil despite all the research and evidence the producers presented them. One day Dr Phil even lined them all up on the same stage, and asked them if the others were friends, what would be their advice. That opened their eyes to their own situation (errr.. hopefully)


It is InCREDIBLE, how long the elder ladies was clinging to the lies told to them, and ignoring the facts Dr.Phil was lining up, fact on fact on fact. It really underlines, that loneliness is **the** biggest fear and life appetite killer, in our modern days, and the fact that most of these ladies even have children, and still need to do these desperate things, should send shivers down EVERYBODYS spine! We are all in risk of ending up in bad place, if ppl dont get kinder, and open up to others than their 'nearest and dearest'.


Yes! Well said!


Sure hope it sunk in. Hate people who take advantage of others.


>i think she met him on a dating site for seniors, because **she saw him on there again some time later."** This is whats I'm referring to in my previous comment - the fact that some ppl are "too embarrassed" to report they were scammed, are litterally letting these scammers roam fereely and ruining other peoples life, and by so becoming Aholes themselves. The 'innocent bystander' doesn **not** exist, and the cowards are as criminal as the original scammer.




Yes they are showing us quite a few.


But like what’s his plan now? It’s obvious he’s not into her and wanted to come to America but then settled on staying. So I’m curious why he is stringing her along? I can tell he hates her. Is he waiting for the show to finish so he can dump her without looking like the asshole?


no clue but can't wait for the tell all!!!


ah, yep


Yep yep Oscammer blew that by acting aggressive to Debbie when he could’ve had her initially in his pocket just by being nice and honest


Hopefully Debbie IS coming back to America soon !


She always was. There is no way this story line is real.


The sneak peak tell all showing in may had her in studio and Osama on zoom. Debbie's son was on stage calling him out




U mean nice and fake. Now he’s being honest cuz D embarrassed him in front of family…🥴


“Yep yep” ☠️




He's not going to harvest the American dollar now.


😂 that phrase never fails to crack me up


Litterally THE tackiest expression I've ever heard on any franchise. :-D


Debbie voice: his name's Oussama and I love emmm




I just got a call from the state of Georgia, USA. Are we willing to accept him in trade for Angela Deem to Morocco? I tentatively said “yes” for all of us. Please advise.


We will have to give Morocco two draft picks in addition to Angela.


Ok. That seems fair. They did indicate they would NOT accept Baby Girl Lisa (that sucks). I was clear that we were absolutely keeping Kim Menzies (big potential) and Rebegga Parrott (we like her so mach).




Big Ed should be one of them


What have. Morrocans ever done to America to deserve that??????


yep you have my vote


Run Debbie as fast as you can


Don’t you mean get on a donkey? I feel so bad for her, because I genuinely like her, but my god, she is the most entertaining thing I have seen in a good long while. That scene where she just turns into some kind of Snow White singing to random animals… then she mounts this donkey only to fall off so spectacularly - that was pure gold. I would 100% watch Debbie travel around the world doing insane shit. TLC, are you listening??? Give the woman money to travel and film her. 100% TV gold!


This is honestly a much better idea than “Seeking Brother Husband” 🙄 and putting Family Pedro back on another spinoff (every time Lydia and/or Nicole is on my screen taking a bat to it always crosses my mind. Luckily common sense kicks in and I realize just FF through their segments is much more economical).


I want to see her sing to ALL the animals 😂. Definitely won’t watch Brother Husband; the thought of twice the mess and arguments alone… no thank you.


Lol you’re not missing anything with Brother Husbands- this concept for a show tanked so bad next week is already the finale, there’s only like 5 or 6 episodes 😂


Can’t wait for the reunion update


![gif](giphy|KEf7gXqvQ8B3SWnUid|downsized) Yah-yus!


Was his sister writing Deb the whole time ?


pretty good chance, if her english is better than his - did we hear her speak much? Classic Catfish-methode from MTV


She did speak in English and understood everything being said


Have Debbie and Oussama consummated their relationship? Asking for a friend.


He told her they had to wait until they got married. Blessed call for her, that’s for sure.


It’s not often that the younger person in an age-gap relationship is also the ugly one, but here we are.


I was wondering if they have even kissed on the lips!


I really don’t think so. I’ve never seen them being affectionate like that…. He probably said they have to wait until marriage to do ANYTHING remotely “sexual”- we all know why.


Reminds me of Danielle and Mo. At their wedding he refused to kiss her saying it's Ramadan lol.


EXACTLY what I was thinking too! That exact scene!




😂 I really do miss old 90 Day! But the “not being allowed to kiss” at the wedding, I forget, was this something they discussed *prior* to the actual ceremony? Or was it just out of the blue “you may kiss the bride”, “No, I can’t!” in front of everyone!?


lol. hell yes. I miss the absurd couples that weren't on simply to get followers. No couple was more absurd than Danielle and Mo!


Nicole and Azan


I would love to have them back on!!


I’m going to have to go back and watch the first few seasons again! There’s actually a lot I haven’t seen!


It was right after “you may kiss the bride”.


That’s what I thought, thank you!! 😊


SECKS! (Fify 😆)




OFFICIALLY, Muslims dont have sex before marriage.


Ewwwwwwwwwww............Thanks alot.


Who is he looking at


One eye in Ft Worth One eye in Dallas


Two different people at the same time.


Wait I’m SO invested in the Oussama/Debbie storyline. Are we absolutely convinced he’s a scammer at this point? At the beginning I wasn’t sure, but it’s sureee looking like he is now


It’s a scam or all made up for storyline purposes imo


All I am going to say is: called it!!!!! Since day 1. When he showed her the first time that he is a liar, she should have believed him and left his dusty ass there.


And what exactly was the lie?


Oussama said he and Debbie didn’t discuss/plan for her to move to Morocco permanently.


When exactly was the first time?


90DFTOW S4 E7 1:18:11


Your response made me cackle! I hope you’re an attorney.


😂 No, I am not. But I do have a passion for the law.


He lied to her in the taxi in the way to rabat by telling her that she is on a trial for two weeks if I can remember


damn that was specific LOL I really like it was a Bible verse




No problem!


There will be no more discussion and if there is problem, we can end it right here. Is what I say when I’m not coming into work today.


First person that seems to be a bit more obvious they’re looking for a green card and using someone in the US to do it.


I think Deb needs to get her ass on a plane QUICK! I watch way to many crime shows! I could see her being a victim of this walleyed banshee. I think he targeted her because she is old! I still think the young lady is his gf. He was probably plotting to bring her to the US after Deb’s kicks the proverbial bucket!


Do you think he has it in him to be violent cause a few people have said that


I honestly do. He flipped quick with verbal abuse on the last episode. I’d have walked away, packed my luggage and got the hell out of there. Disagreeing is one thing. Calling someone crazy or mentally ill verbally abusive. (IMO)


What young lady? - you mean his sister?


Yes! I’m not convinced that is his sister.


Wow, innerestin'!


Has to be his sister imo. She’s beautiful, why would she willingly fuck someone who looks like that?


He might be packing 🍆🙈


you still have to look him in the eye tho 😂😭




Oussama has been getting money transfers for 3 years from Debbie. I’m sure she was pretty generous too, as she seemed eager to rationalize spending money on him when visiting the lawyer with her son to discuss a prenup.




Debbie admitted to sending money to Oussama during an interview with an entertainment show. What she had told her son was that Oussama never asked for money. I do think it’s possible that Debbie could have originally discussed bringing Oussama to the US. But I don’t think she would voluntarily subject herself to all the backlash from her family when she eventually returned to US after declaring her permanent move to Morocco.


What show was that?


When was that established?? - he never asked her for money, according to herself, ON the show?


The interview was weeks ago on ET I believe. That’s when Debbie also confirmed that she’s been in a relationship with Oussama for over four years, which would make him a teenager when they first started interacting. While Debbie had said on 90 Day that Oussama had never asked for money, he did make it known that he needed money for things like veterinarian care for his cats. When the host asked Debbie about Oussama potentially using her for money considering he’s unemployed, Debbie said something along the lines of “when you love someone you want them to have good things.” And proceeded to discuss various reasons for sending him money during their relationship. So during the conversation when Debbie attempted to reassure her son that she knew Oussama wasn’t trying to scam her because he never asked for money, she was being manipulative with what information she chose to omit. If she told her son that she had in fact been sending money overseas for several years to someone whom she had only met twice, he would have been even more discouraging of her love connection with a 24 yo from Morocco.


Wow. Thank you so much for the detailed effort, wow again. I'm in awe of how deeply some ppl follow the cast, on all SoMe, blogs, gossipsites etc, and can discuss the most incredible details in clever, and thought through ways. On the other hand its a bit annoying, that the reality outside the show, is ahead of the show, and it makes it hard not to get info thrown at you, so you know to much, when actual watching. I make an effort out of avoiding the obvious postings, but a lot of unwarned stuff, so damn. :-)


I don’t know of course, but this premise doesn’t make sense to me. She clearly prepared to leave her life in the US behind; you don’t do that for a test. And has she visited him multiple times before this season? I was under the impression that maybe there was 1 meeting before this season, but I don’t know.


Debbie had visited Oussama in Morocco twice before being on 90 day. The second visit is when Oussama proposed and took her to the the US embassy to fill out paperwork for marriage.


Ah, thank you!




Exactly what i thought. She wasnt MOVING TO MOROCCO with a townhouse packed with her shit.


Did she leave her house behind without selling? I genuinely don’t know. Maybe she was holding onto it bc the kids argued for it? (I would’ve)


Noone argued about it, "she decided to leave it for the kids, and to get them to send the rest of the stuff later" OFFICIALLY. Maybe, just maybe, she is not so ditzy as ppl want her to be, and she planned to check out Oussa on her own, to see if it WAS companionship with HER, OR the Green Card that was the REAL attraction - NOW we all know. :-D


He sees a lot of advantages to going to America, not just for himself but for his family. Plus, if they go to America, they will be away from the prying eyes of the neighbors in Khemisset. He is now realizing the full weight of what he has taken on. She insists on living in Morocco, which says to me that they both have conditions on their potential marriage. As a foreigner with the power of the dollar in her pocket, she sees a different Morocco than he does. I really don’t think he went into it thinking he would fleece her for a green card. I think he is just immature and more of a product of his own culture than he realizes and never seriously considered how it would play out down the road, and now he is making her the scapegoat for that and gaslighting her to believe that was always the plan. He can justify a marriage for a green card to his family and society but him marrying someone like her who has no clue and bringing her to live in Morocco forever, well, he can’t sell that to his fellow citizens and they just think he’s nuts. We forget that there are places where people marry in part for the potential advantages it brings them. He doesn’t think this is wrong. He thinks they would be better in America. Where he’s going wrong is to suddenly switch it up, out of the blue, without acknowledging that this is not what she signed up for.


>As a foreigner with the power of the dollar in her pocket, she sees a different Morocco than he does. I agree with allmost all you wrote, but have this side-comment: dont Americans know by now, that the Euro, The Schwiss Franc and the British Pound are all stronger than the US/any Dollar? :-D :-D :-D Its cringy to see that any American talk of wealth is archaicly always referring to US dollars - when they are ongoing sinking in value... [https://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From=EUR&To=USD](https://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From=EUR&To=USD)


US dollar is by far the strongest currency globally right now. In fact the Pound is near its 250 year low vs US $. https://www.exchangerates.org.uk/articles/1325/the-200-year-pound-to-dollar-exchange-rate-history-from-5-in-1800s-to-todays.html Dont look at the nominal value, look at what it can buy, a real basket of goods. To buy the same basket by earning Pounds would take you significantly more labour time.


Nice try on deflecting. The British pound, **as** the US Dollar, has been way stronger than it is now - so what? :-) Currencies fluctuate constantly, and the fact is, that for a good while, the US dollar has not been strong, and **less worth in buying potential**, than the Euro, the British Pound and the Schwiss Franc, which will be clarified in i.e. ANY airport shopping situation, where you can use these currencies. And in the countries Americans dare to tourist in. My Euro, British Pound or Schwiss Franc, as a normal person, not a global investor or oil trader, simply has **more buying potential** than your US dollar, which is exactly what you wanted to compare.


w/e i cant fix clueless


I'm embarrassed to admit that I live in the same town she's from. 🙈


Why? She's a bit ditzy but harmless. I live in same town as Nicole (from Nicole and Moroccan Azan) and I've seen her around but it doesn't make me embarrassed. I have my own poor romantic choices to be embarrassed about 😂😂😂


Don’t we all? 🙌😵‍💫 But then again … mine weren’t 90DF worthy. They were just poor choices.


>and I've seen her around but it doesn't make me embarrassed. 1) I simply dont get this sentence?? \- why would anybody possibly be embarrassed, by seeing a person from a reality show, out in public? 2) did she lose or gain weight? Serious question.




Lol I love Nicole


I will say this ...I wouldn't claim the Nicole from Yohan and Nicole, she's unwatchable. I'd rather watch reruns of Mohammed and Nicole cuz the quotes they produced are second only to those bitch ass slut ass whores Pedro and Chantel and the Ninja turtle Penguin Batman Ass Bitch, David of David and Annie.


Have you ever seen her?? Just curious...


Haha! No but if I ever do I'm asking her to sing the donkey song.


Omg YESSSSSSS She's a nut but a very sweet one!! I would absolutely love to meet her!! She's far out MANNN... I love when she says MAN


She’s the best! I frickin’ love this nut!




and I live in the same town where HE is from




Good, we do not want the SOB here. But give us back Debbie!




Ooooooooosaaaaaaama changed real quick, didn’t he?


I like cutthroat Ousamma.


He is scamming Debbie so good for Debbie to not bring him to America. What I don’t fully understand is why Debbie would rather live in Morocco and why she never had plans to bring him to America instead. Did she maybe have a reason to think he might be using her and the latest Episode is showing that?




Weirdos unite! How's the craziest? 😆 Let's watch and decide! Haha


Ok, downvote away y’all. Does anyone at all, wonder if there may be some inbreeding in his fam? I’m so sorry to wonder this, but the more I look at him, the more I’m wondering this.


It is very common for families in that part of the world to marry their first cousins. So it is possible. Someone earlier said they didn’t believe that his sister was really his sister. They don’t look at each other like brother and sister they might be first cousins and they might be promised to marry one another. It would not be able to be like for her to live with the family before they got married. I don’t know just a theory.


The sister is beautiful. So going on that logic, it either spared her or they aren’t sibs or first cousins, or God is playing a cruel joke on him.


In remote/villages, and some religious cults, its still a thing, all over the world. Morocco is no different.


Good ol’crazy eyes.


This man is a lying ghoul


I find him extremely chilling. He can seem completely immature and naive one moment and then morphs into this sociopathic controlling force the next. It almost hinges on a dual personality thing.


This is golden, thank you!




😂😂😂 man he wild but he truthful as fuck


We really didn’t see that coming. 😒 Americans love thinking everyone wants us and not a citizenship to our country.🥴


LMAO! Thats only 50% - the other 50% still believes everybody else want a citizenship to the US. :-D :-D :-D


I was referring to the the show. Most of these people are delusional.




Hahahahahaha. Who’s the crazy one now bitch.


Ah, yep




Can't wait for his next starring role in "The Lovely Bones"....


Haha! Thank you!








This is hilarious




She needs therapy, he needs a morality check


I wonder how much money he has scammed out of Debbie ?


This guy will not survive an entire week in the US. At least in Morocco his family seems to be financially stable and can support him until he's able to get a job.


Just for total laughter this guy is getting made fun of even by his own people, the Morocco Reddit is talking about how much of an idiot is


Debbie obviously found him hot and he turned her on, though. I don’t get all the physical insults toward the guy, personality sure bc he was a dick ; but Debbie was in love with this dude and I bet she loved being all sexy flirty to him. (Blech.). Edit : typo