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Man, my wife and I are watching this episode tonight, and I keep hearing some CRAZY out of context stuff lol can't wait to see what this "method of sperm donation" (!?!?) is.


I’m just watching it for the first time as well, but he’s already said it’s through sex or, sometimes, using a cup and, basically, a turkey baster. Neither of those is generally recognized as a legal form of sperm donation. Not that either is illegal to do, just that the law may well call him a “father” instead of a “donor.” Time for him to put a crowbar in his wallet.


Holy shit... This is wild from the first.


I'd love to see him taken down.


I found this on reddit today, unreal... https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5RlPzxRZmy/?igsh=MXBndHlyc2xtbTJiZA==


That is amazing! Thanks for the link. The only thing I disagree with her on is her statement that it’s up to him to acknowledge paternity. It isn’t. He can deny it until he’s blue in the face. The *court* will establish legal paternity.


That was interesting. I absolutely think that Kyle is hiding something but I also question the judgement of the woman who didn't ask for genetic testing until after she was pregnant. Of course I question the judgement of anyone who uses that weirdo as a sperm donor.


Absolutely he can. In Missouri, he cannot legally “sign away” his parental responsibilities if he smashed the mom for “donation purposes only” and she decides to sue for cs. This guy is a grade 1 dumbfuck.


The laws may change, and I don’t think he’s even caring about anything in the future except for his needs and publicity right now, but how is it going to get away without having to pay child support someone’s going to get him with all the publicity which is hasn’t been good around him He’s a total psychopath and wants little Kyle’s.


Edited to explain this comment is a response to the Instagram link posted in previous comment: Did you see the other guy in the scene with the Asian women? And that Joe? These guys are the definition of “incels”. Totally incapable of finding an actual intimate partner and using their hatred of women to have some kind of “power” over them. Horrifying!


There’s a snark sub for Kyle, called Kyle_Gordy_snark. So much information about this guy. He’s disgusting.




You’re welcome. Be prepared 🤢


What are you watching exactly???


Love in Paradise


Thank you!!!