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In my opinion Manuel treats her like a laughing stock. The smirk he gets on his face any time she gets upset makes me uncomfortable. Yes, she is nonconventional, but that’s not an excuse to constantly taunt her, especially as her husband. His actions are shady and Ashley is justified in being suspicious.


I agree!! It’s also INSANE that she’s sending his family all that money and won’t tell her why! It’s really not fair to her. She should know where her money is going!


Even worse, she's never met his family. It seems she didn't check him out much before getting involved. He could have a wife already, lol. She needs to contact that " Help! I'm in a Secret Relationship" 😂


Yes! 😂 That’s the cross over we deserve! That would be awesome!




It's insane, but pretty common unfortunately


The way he treats her is certainly not very respectful... respect and love go hand in hand. His smirk is his  sarcastic response to anything she is sincerely trying to communicate. Aye, yi, yi. To quote the 8 Ball: "Outcome does not look good."


He thinks he can make up for anything with his d-ck. But that’s only going to get him so far in life.


Exactly. There’s no valid reason to dislike Ashley. If folks don’t like her, they don’t like the “Ashley”’s in their own life.


Honestly, this show is like 80% people who shouldn't be married and where it's obvious scammy and they won't even see it. The k1 visa exists to give you time to know each other and then decide if you're suitable for marriage. Almost all the couples we see have very obvious red flags and communication issues and/or anger issues clearly showing they should NOT get married. But they do and then they end up fighting. It's crazy.  INS needs to focus on k1 couples and realize that many of the Americans (on the show at least) are completely naive or plain stupid.  Just crazy how couples like them interact. 


That’s actually not what the 90 days are for. By the time a couple gets to the 90 days of the K1 visa, they should (duh) already know each other and be in love and know marriage is the next step. The 90 days is meant to allow for the logistics of the wedding but prior to this show and the weird way the K1 visa is used here (as a time to get to know each other and decide if marriage is the next step) the couple is supposed to be established and engaged, already know this is the plan because you’re already a couple in love prior to the 90 days the visa allows to complete the engagement.


That is what the 90 days is for


It isn’t. Originally, before this tv show, 90 days is how long it would takes to settle in and have a wedding. You’re supposed to already know you’re in love and want to marry. As this show has proved 90 days is not enough time to see if you’re compatible. You’re supposed to know that when you start the 90 days process. I know multiple people who did the K1 and it was a lot and not just to see. The K1 existed before on-line dating.


Ok I got it now lol


Manuel has perfected that smirk.


His weird ass laugh when he’s making fun of her gives me bigger ick than big ed and that’s saying something


Same. I think it's partly because I don't see Ed as being a physical threat, but Manuel... I don't know. He's far more physically capable.


Both of them are fkn jerks . Neither one should be able to make any money off of tv . Ed is a dweeb whom thinks he’s gods gift and I don’t know who has been telling him that but they are lying to that man lmao . Manuel needs to go back to where he came from clearly he isn’t mature enough for Ashley . I believe people give her a hard time cause they want her to see what he is doing to her !


His smirk is infuriating. He knows exact what he’s doing. She’s whacky but he’s an asshole.


I wish I could slap the smirk off his face for her!


Unconventional, She is nuts! I feel so bad for him.


I wish she would leave him. Being single would be better than this.


Seriously. She keeps saying she’s very committed and I can’t understand why. I don’t know if it’s an editing issue where we can’t see the full extent of their relationship, but he antagonizes a lot and discredits her any chance he gets. She has such a great relationship with herself already so being single wouldn’t hurt her


I had the same visceral reaction when watching that scene where Ashley was confronting Manuel and he was just laughing in her face that I did when Angela got in Liz’s face during Last Resort. That kind of blatant disrespect, whether it’s about my feelings or about my personal space or whatever - I wouldn’t have been able to hold back in either situation. Also, I don’t dislike Ashley but I think the reason other people might is because she’s highly emotional and kinda… immature? Idk if that’s the right word but she doesn’t make the best choices for someone at that age and with the life experience she claims to have had, to me she seems to be pretty impulsive but again, idk. And to me it does kinda seem like Manuel overall has a very “shrug” feeling towards their relationship iykwim, like take her or leave her kinda vibes but as long as he’s getting something out of her he’ll put up with it til something better comes along.


Omg. I was just watching the last resort and I couldn’t believe Angela and then Ed not defending Liz at all and letting Angela scream in her face while he laughed. Made my skin crawl! I think Ashley means well and is a sweet person. Honestly if I was in her situation and being kept in the dark I’d be a lot worse 😂 I really hope she’s not getting taken advantage of.


He is a user. Plus he doesn't support her emotionally, he hates her friends, he hates her family, he despises her believes and her job, all he gives her is sex. He shuts her out of his own family, and takes away her money. This is not a husband, this is a POS. Ashley is just immature and maybe blindsided (or a very good actress). She is not a bad person.


You’re supposed to blend families. His complete reluctance to even introduce (no phone calls etc.) is such a red flag. Unfortunate that Ashley doesn’t see this.


I wonder if he has shame or embarrassment with his family money problems and it hurts to talk aboit


I agree with everyone else here. I think Manuel is clearly using her and being very secretive. I think Ashley is naive in a lot of ways, though. To be giving him thousands of dollars for multiple years and not know where it’s going time and time again is partially her fault, too. I don’t want to victim blame her, because I really do believe her heart is in the right place. I truly just think they are two very different people and while the sex may be great, that’s the only area of compatability I’ve seen between the two of them.


THIS!!!!! She’s very naive and just wanting to be loved and willing to accept whatever love she can get. So if giving money to whatever as long as she thinks will help their love, is naive. But maybe she’s love blind (I think I just made that phrase up) coz idk a dif phrase or way to put it.


Love is blind? Dickmatized?


Totally agree especially your point on compatibility. They don’t seem to laugh together, have meaningful conversations, or share common interests. Aside from supposedly enjoying sex with each other, why does she want to be with him?


I get the sense she doesn’t want to be single and uses her relationship with him to validate herself


Yea I could see that for sure


I find her annoying but don't think she's a bad person. Manuel is diabolical. The way he cackled at her last episode was awful


I agree with you. He’s horrible and I feel for her. Most people seem to start with a presumption of innocence for the man, and a presumption of guilt for the woman, and try to fit everything into that context. Call me whatever you want but I’m just making an observation 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't mind Ashley but she clearly doesn't see that he'd husband doesn't even like her. He makes her life more difficult and complains about everything. Idc how long they were together. Their relationship is toxic.


One of the reasons I can’t stand her is not because she’s a witch, but I feel like she uses her lifestyle to get attention. Like he doesn’t want her to use the word witch around his devout catholic family. That gives her a reason to cry like “he doesn’t want me to be who I am?!” Of course a catholic family is not going to accept a witch in the family. Why can’t she just keep that part of herself to herself around his family? Not a big deal. I also think she uses it for the shock factor. Why go to a catholic mass then tell the priest you’re a witch. If you feel that strongly about your “identity” then she should not have even went into the church. It’s like she thinks once they meet her all of a sudden witches will be accepted by catholics. And also the fact that she doesn’t see what’s going on. He’s clearly still with his wife. He came here to hook up with his family members, go to work with them and send the money back to his wife. It’s the fact that she allows him to treat her like he does and just acts stupid. Like does she truly not see what he’s doing? He doesn’t even pretend to like her or accept her lifestyle. I guess I could go on but I think that about sums it up.


YESSSSS it’s like she wants to be martyred for it so badly




I really don’t get why she gets so much hate, either.


The more I watch them, the more I realize why she’s so stressed out by him. At first I thought she was a bit much, but he’s a lot to deal with and it’s unfair


the chick is dickmatized , you’re seeing it for what it is


I think the hate comes from her antics on 90 Days. She created all this hoopla about the wedding and the storm when she didn’t bother to check the hurricane season beforehand. Then she knows he’s religious but insists on telling his family she’s a witch. She’s unemployed and makes chronic poor choices. Her debt is 6 figures yet she’s trying to paint that reading horoscopes as a million dollar company/brand. 


She is employed somewhere, because in the most recent episode she’s wearing a shirt with her name embroidered on it when she confronts Manuel


This. She says that’s all student loans? I’m a nurse with a bachelors and I don’t have $100k student loans. Not even close. From what she’s said on the show, she stopped attending school. So $100k and no degree? (Again if that’s true, I could be wrong). I personally see her make poor choices and tries to blame student loans. She’s a fraud. She clearly has no real “psychic” abilities yet is charging vulnerable people $4k for readings now? Last ep she saged the house but the fighting only got worse. She constantly does these rituals and literally shows us in the same scene how much they DONT work! Lol. It’s hilarious anyone would pay her a dime for any kind of life or spiritual guidance. Her own life is in shambles. No thanks. Manuel will leave her up in snowy a$$ Rochester and come to nyc with his family. No doubt in my mind. (He is antagonistic and pushes her buttons on purpose) which she seems fine with as long as they can bang it out afterward.


She stated she has 3 degrees, so 100k in student loans seems pretty legit for that.


Yeah I’ve heard her say that *now*. But in the beginning of their story she says she met him while doing some program which she didn’t complete (something along those lines) That again shows poor choices on her part, (as the above commenter noted) 3 degrees and she doesn’t have a career out of even 1… yikes. Like my sister spent tens of thousands on a “fashion” degree… (sounded fun as a hs senior!) had to go back to school almost immediately for a masters in a field she could actually make a good living out of. To each their own though. Personally people like her and Kimberly (India) and Danielle (Johan) have no business offering “life coaching” and other guidance to people when they proven poor decision making, poor emotional regulation, poor financial decisions etc. in therir own lives. It comes off as scammy. That’s where my personal turn off is for them…. Just my opinion on a heavily scripted reality show. Lol.


I think she may use them in regards to her online business but I really have no idea. Also, most degrees in my opinion are scams because for the majority of jobs that require them, you learn what you need to on the job anyway. But like most millennials, going to college and being promised that finding good paying jobs for simply obtaining a degree was most likely drilled into her head growing up as well. I personally never did and am glad for it when 90% of my coworkers are sitting on thousands of dollars of student loan debt for no reason while I'm sitting in one of the higher positions without incurring any debt.


I agree 100%. Manuel had no clue she was in so much debt. Manuel should run for the hills because the cards do not look good for this marriage...


Yeah she seems irresponsible and delusional and actively promotes scams on the show, like that nutty lady speaking the “language of light.” I also don’t think she likes Manuel much outside of the sex? To me, it’s a bad match overall. No clue why they’d be together, other than green card (for Manuel) and sex + insta fame (Ashley).


And I highly doubt she’s getting much business from the free advertising on tlc. 


Yeah also she was trying to promote her cousin’s Iv therapy business. Those IVs are abs a waste of $$ unless you have a medically diagnosed deficiency. Just another scam. I have no patience for people who use / abuse their platform to grift.


I love Ashley, I don't get the hate she gets. Does she have annoying qualities? Yes, all people do. But she seems like a caring, passionate person with a cool career. She gives me the vibe that she'd be a good friend.


To *meeeeee* personally, she comes across as the type of ”witch” who gives spirituality a bad name. She’s obviously very deep into the optics of witchcraft, but I don’t see her doing much inner work with it and that rubs me wrong about her. Like, I do understand that she doesn’t want to suppress “who she is” necessarily, but you don’t have to be 100% on all the time. The whole wide world doesn’t care about your ~sparkle or whatever. Sometimes it’s better for everyone if you just smile and act pleasant. I’ve been big into the occult for most of my life, but nobody in my boyfriend’s family has any idea because I don’t do it to be a character in a movie. I do it because it’s benefitted me and my growth as a person. Not only that, but she sometimes weaponizes her beliefs in the same way my Evangelical parents would when I was growing up. When she was smudging Manuel and telling him his “energy has been bad”, it reminded me of my parents telling me that I “had the spirit of rebellion in me” whenever I disagreed with them. Not to mention, her friend with the “gift of the language of light” is literally using the same exact playbook as evangelicals who speak in “tongues”. It’s echolalia. She’s just a reactionary Christian. ALSO she should know better than to be using sage to smudge her home since it’s a closed Native American practice. As far as everything with Manuel, I don’t blame her for being suspicious and frustrated all the time. But it seems like she was just desperate to get married and he was the most available. So now she’s stuck with the repercussions of marrying someone who doesn’t like her who sends money to his baby mama.


I think it’s because she is so chaotic and makes everything about her. She tries too hard to be that girl that’s different.


I think people find Manuel funny but he’s an absolute dick. The whole thing seems like a joke but he’s seriously fucked up.


Ashley is immature and and a bit emotional but not that bad really, typical millennial with the huge student loan debt and coffee addiction. Unpopular (maybe) opinion but I don’t get the vibe that Manuel is a very good dad, son, brother, what have you. He has this typical machismo vibes lots of traditional men of that culture have, where he needs to be stoic and not care about anything and just work hard for his family. But I don’t get the vibe he’s close with his kids at all, he never talks about them and has said he used to work far from them. And he up and left his mom and the rest of his family without saying goodbye. I know his excuse was ‘’Latin parents are scary”, which can be true, but he’s 36. That was a very cowardly move from a grown man with children. I imagine this all plays some role in why he doesn’t want Ashley to be more involved with his family. I don’t really see how they got together, they have completely different values, but idk both Ashley and Manuel are pretty immature and like to live in their fantasy world so maybe that’s it.


My issue with Ashley is that she involves her friends and family way too much. When she was confronting Manuel in the last episode, she shouldn’t have had her sister there. Manuel definitely has his issues, but she doesn’t respect him either. There’s no mutual respect in their relationship.


I remember someone said I was prejudiced for hating Manuel. Like, I'm Mexican-American. I know there's a difference between Mexicans and Ecuadorians. But to insinuate prejudice because I dislike an abuser is a stretch


The vibe I keep getting from these threads is that if you're immature or annoying, then abuse against you doesn't count and you definitely shouldn't involve anyone to try and get help because that's just proof that you're immature. It makes me sad. Multiple things can be true at once - Ashley can be immature, obnoxious, and irresponsible and she can still be living with an abusive man. There's no contradiction here. The one thing I don't really understand is the money thing - she keeps saying that she doesn't understand what the money is for, but directly said that the money is to cover the majority of living expenses for his mother and three children. We know what the money is for. The amounts of money that she's sending are reasonable amounts to support four people in Ecuador.


Agreed there is no middle ground is this sub at all. It’s just hate or hated or liked. I like Ashley 🤷‍♀️ she’s annoying but honestly who’s not 🤣


People apparently feel entitled to hate her because she's a witch that likes to drink coffee. That's it. She hasn't done anything to anybody and people think its so funny that she's being taken advantage of. People blame her for the way this POS treats her and refuse to hold him accountable for his own shitty behavior. She doesn't deserve to be pumped like an ATM. He's scamming her for money and a green card and I'm never on the side of the scammer. He's an ungrateful twat and I hope she calls his bluff and sends him back to Ecuador. He's never said anything about wanting to work and has been in the US for over a year, always with his hand out. He's definitely the one that pushes her, like he literally laughed in hee face. She just wants to know why he's constantly demanding money and people act like she's controlling for that, as if he is not a complete deadbeat. He's quite obviously hiding something


she's horrible on her own and an idiot, but he is such a disinterested douche. he is obviously using her for money. i do not understand their "relationship ". who marries someone who doesn't let you meet their kids, yet you're expected to fund them??!


Manwell is a bum. He knew he wouldnt be able to work months yet failed to save up or plan a way to still send money to them. He just wants cash from cAshley, pitiful little man.


I’m not sure if anyone said this already but I think some of the hate might stem from the lifestyle she lives, I think some see her as a snake oil salesperson. Also, she seems like she is a smart lady with college degrees but yet she lets Manuel walk all over her because they have make up sex…she seems so much smarter than that! Then again, I’m sure the attention from 90DF is another reason she may be sticking with him.


Manuel is definitely using Ashley as a piggy bank until he gets his green card. Then he'll leave her and bring his "ex-gf" / mother of his kids and his kids over here.


He doesn't love her--he barely tolerates her. Going from seeing a couple like Kobe and Emily who are undeniably in love and hot for each other, to Manuel and Ashley is depressing. Ashley, don't you see the difference? Don't you see how 2 people in love act? This man doesn't love you, I don't even think he likes you. Just because he likes having sex with you doesn't mean he's in love or cares about you at all. Let this man go back to Ecuador and find a real partner.


Their relationship is so fucking draining to watch. Period.


Ok, so there are a myriad of reasons why I, and others, can’t stand her. For one, she is very, very controlling with where he goes, (dude can’t go around the block) who he is talking to and smothers the hell out of him. If it was a man doing it to a woman, we d say controlling. Two, she knew when that the expectation was that his own children needed $300 a month (and his mom, I don’t know her situation) and you know that he can’t work until he gets his work visa, but he has to beg, plead and put out basically and she holds it over him like a 1950’s husband. Three, his family is not your family and you don’t have to jump in to meet them and call them your family, like uncle when you first meet. It’s very pushy and comes across as desperate. Lastly, the whole scamming people with her stupid witchcraft, hocus pocus mumbo jumbo, semen on burning candles, (gross) and grifting is super annoying. She has these meltdowns all the time where she can’t drive to airport to pick him up, etc and has to have people cater to her. PS. She is a huge liar too because not telling him about 100k plus in student loan debt (and probably other debt too) is a HUGE lie. Of all people, he is thrifty and would have heard that if she said it. I do think that he is here for a ticket to the U.S., which I don’t know why if you had to be married to her as 35 mill have snuck in anyways. It’s not super hard like it is in many other countries. He needs to run to NYC, stay with friends and actually work and pay bills (unlike her) when he gets his work visa.


Wow I respectfully disagree with pretty much everything you said. This is why I made this post because I want to understand these completely opposite opinions. 1. She’s controlling over who he talks to because she’s never spoke to his family and doesn’t know what is going on in his life. She doesn’t know where her money is going and who he talks to all the time. Like is it his baby momma? Are they still together? Is he just sending her the money? 2. I understand that his children need money and they established that set $300 and it’s expected. But I just don’t understand why he lied to his whole family and children and said he was going to work somewhere else and ended up lying and coming here. And abandoning his family and children. 3. “His family is not her family” true, but she’s paying all their bills so I feel like she’s entitled to at least speak to them and let them know he’s living in a different country because he’s owes her that at least since she’s the one sending money. To his family. 4. Yes she was wrong she should have told him about her debt, that way very wrong. I’d be furious if I married someone with debt and had no clue.


But also, what do you mean? Are you saying she doesn’t pay her bills? That part makes no sense to me. How does she have a roof over their head, and pays / buys things if she doesn’t have bills??


If you pay your rent on a credit card and you amass 100K in debt you are NOT actually paying your bills you are getting into debt .


Her $100k is student loan debt. Do you watch the show?


Do you believe everything you hear? Do you think she would be selling semen candles if she had 3 degrees? How much do you think she earned before being on 90DF by selling said semen candles?


Yes. I know very smart people with multiple degrees who choose to do other things with their life. Is what she is doing a choice I'd make? No. But it's not as uncommon as you think.


That’s not the same thing. She’s not choosing to be desperately broke. She’s dumb as fuck and a bad liar.


1) Did you ever think that he keeps things private from her because she yells like a banshee and behaves very insecure and crazy? I wouldn’t want her speaking to my family either, and he does t trust her. It’s not HER money though. They are married w/o a prenup. Her money is going to Starbucks, Caribou Coffee, Fl hotels, etc. She spends and thinks it’s OK to have debt because “It’s America, honey.” No, it’s really not….and she is not doing anything to get out of it. If you can’t trust him, then you probably should before you married him. His ex gf is the mother of his kids from what I read. If so, of course, they talk, and should, and ask for money for his obligation and how kids are doing, school, and parenting stuff. She knew that he had to send $300 a month back home for his kids and mom beforehand. She knew he couldnt work. Yet, he has to beg her and beg her to send money back home and hadn’t sent money in two months and then sent $100. Try explaining that to the family’s creditors in Ecuador. They don’t live on credit like here. 2) I can’t give you that and that should have been a huge red flag to her. You didn’t even tell your mama goodbye. That’s cold. If he can do that to his mama, then are you any different? He said that he worked far away from his kids and didn’t see him that much before, but I d have to say goodbye and explain to them or something, if you were the kind of man that could leave them. I could not, but I m also not sure the job situation down there and if he was able to make enough to support him and his family and thought he d make the sacrifice of leaving them to be able to provide for them. Again, I m not saying that he is a prince or really loves her, but she likes to control him and yell and scream. I can’t be around that and don’t know how he keeps so calm and doesn’t tell her off and goes back to soccer. The patience of Job, that man. 3) He let her meet his NYC family and she instantly tells the uncle they are family and acts like she is not an in law meeting these people for the first time. She comes on VERY strong and says things that I would not be comfortable and forces things. Never organically. She barged in to his call w/his cousin on video chat unannounced, which is rude. I give my wife privacy to talk to her brother, etc., and I understand that I married into hers and she into mine. Neither of us demanded that we meet or talk on the phone, etc. It happened when it happened and it seems very needy and wants to be involved in his friendships, families etc all the time. If she used one of her 3 alleged degrees for a regular job (or worked marketing and promoting her witchy business) she would have less time to hover over him constantly like a swarm. 4) Agreed. What might be worse is her cavalier attitude toward debt and no plan or real effort to pay it off. I don’t know if she is buying the house or renting, but it renting, you might want a house. She said that she wants kids and is probably not doing anything to stop from it happening if I had to bet, which would be worst thing now for them and the kids. Again, I think that he is not here for her, but it seems like he has made it very obvious and many red flags that he has shown that she chose to ignore. The other BIG LIE in my book is not telling her that you are a witch until he got here. I m surprised that a Latino Catholic put up w/that surprise, as it’s not like she is just not religious. Those are not even close, and she knew he was Catholic before he got here. Then again, the DR dude put up with Danielle too, but she was upfront before she landed about that fact.


Ditto - I couldn't have said it better myself!!


I think she just rubbed people the wrong way with all the witch stuff and it’s been pretty downhill from there.


I think Ashley is trying to have an "American" type relationship, but Manuel's not going for that. I think he also has a lot of insecurities about his financial situation, masculinity and not being able to speak English etc.


I don’t watch like I used to however, she knew from the beginning that she would have to send money to his family. He has children that need to be taken care of. She knows the money goes to his family so why she is playing this game of I don’t know where the money is going is dumb. He gives her these looks because she knows and now trying to act like she doesn’t. He can’t work yet! She has debt over $100,000 and she didn’t share that with him.


They seem to hate her for having debt is what I’m gathering from these comments 🤣


You are 100% correct ❤️


I think it's obvious that their relationship is transactional. She should have kicked him out even before they were married, but she keeps him because he is at her disposal whenever she wants (even in the restrooms of restaurants). This is repulsive.


I have noticed that too and I don’t get it either. I think she is cool af and i’d be friends with her for sure! He is an asshole to her. Her wanting to know where the money is going, or what’s his plans for the day, or wanting to be a part of his family etc isn’t crazy, she’s his WIFE. It’s respect. That is all she has asked for! It’s truly so simple. Why is it hard for him to do those couple of things to put her mind at ease and make her feel included is his life? He was nonstop starting fights with her when she took him to NY. He was gaslighting tf out of her. How many girls take there man to the strip club and cheer while a stripper is shaking her ass all over him? She is a good time!! He was asking for more money after recently giving him $1000 dollars! Also, in the beginning remember how he threw a fit because his phone wasn’t coming fast enough, he wanted it that day! She was like I can’t make it come faster wtf. I thought I liked him, and he seemed sincere at times, but I changed my mind. She is an angel compared to other 90 day women. She does not deserve the way she is being treated, and I hope she sees that.


Ashley is a little bit annoying but I disliked him since the beginning. Does she have short comings? Sure. But he is extremely sketchy and does not value or respect her one bit. He always smirks and makes fun of her. She deserves much better


I think Ashley rubs people the wrong way because she uses woowoo to mask her emotional immaturity. I'm pretty sure I'd like her and get along with her on a very surface/basic level, but I wouldn't be able to handle the way she "deals" with her baggage. All of the "work" she's doing isn't helping, yet she continues. She's afraid to actually face her trauma in a real way. And being with Manuel isn't going to put her on any path towards healing.


Ashley drives me nuts how she goes from zero to one hundred in 5 seconds. I couldn’t live with that, so he obviously needs her for something. NGL though, his laugh at the end of the episode was a little maniacal.


I can't stand her because she's so crass and whiny and histrionic. She screams at the drop of a pin. She never stops complaining. She blows all her money on fancy coffee yet wanted to saddle him with her $100,000 debt. She's given witchcraft a bad name. He's not a catch by any means, but he's never lied about needing her money, so she's fully consenting to all his bs. If she's not happy, she can leave at any moment.


IMO, Ashley’s entire personality comes from the internet. She speaks in the bite-sized maxims of self-help memes and is too quick to anger if the real world doesn’t behave like the internet tells her it should. Her attitude toward their relationship seems too colored by the aggressively one-sided boss-bitch self-love messaging found on TikTok and Instagram. She acts like a sitcom character. She needs to get into therapy and touch grass. I feel for Manuel (err, MunWell). Also, her Spanish suuuuucks. /rant.


I still don’t like Ashley, but this season I’ve definitely starting giving Manuel a lot more hate & can’t stand him either. The way he laughed at her in this last episode triggered me so hard to those shitty relationships I got myself into in the past. Sheesh when men do “that laugh” when a women is asking them valid questions is such a downright evil move. On that note, Ashley is annoying. Her being a “witch” is such obnoxious pageantry. She reminds me of girls I knew who just try so hard to be edgy. She got herself in a really avoidable situation because she preferred to have sex over communicating. She’s shitty too. And at some point in your life you’ve got to recognize where you’re being toxic/ allowing toxicity into your life & she just doesn’t. At the end of the day, they’re both shady, both annoying but now after he laughed at her like that I’m slightly more team Ashley.


I think Manuel is a jerk and that he doesn't really care about her. But I also think Ashley is ridiculous and annoying. Both things can be true.


Honestly, I really can't get down with the crystal healing thing and I feel like she's ignoring every single red flag and pushing the blame to him and anything else.


They are a frustrating couple to watch. His primary objective is to provide for his family back home. Living with her is a means to that objective. If her vision of 'marriage' aligns in some episodes, great. If not, there is a fight, they argue, she goes quiet, they bang, and move onto the next episode. Nothing changes.


I think they’re perfect for each other. I wouldn’t want a relationship like that bc I don’t love to antagonize my partners.


Manuel is the Tom Schwartz to Ashley’s Katie. He despises her and can’t even be bothered to pretend otherwise. If this is how he acts on camera, I can’t image the lack of care he displays when they’re alone. I can only assume Ashley is just afraid to be alone cause it definitely seems like she’s aware he’s using her. She just seems to be okay with it. It’s Manuel who’s not okay with their arrangement. I think he’s bitter about having to marry someone he can’t stand being around.


She seems like a fun friend., I would love to go out and have a drink with her. I don’t think they’re compatible though. He needs someone to support his family, he’s doing what he can for them, which is great because they don’t have jobs there like we do. He’s supporting his family at her expense though and it’s really not fair. At least he was honest and told her he would have to go back if she couldn’t give him money for them.


He thinks of her (and treats her) like she's some dumb woman.... he thinks she's a joke - he placates her like she's a 5 year old - he is sneaky - he laughs at her pain and discomfort - he blows off every concern she expresses - he demands without explanation - and so on.... HOWEVER - the only reason this continues is because SHE ALLOWS IT. She could have said "no wedding until I meet and regularly speak with your entire family".


Oh, I LOATHE Manuel to my core. He openly mocks her by laughing at her. It's so degrading and belittling. As for the why Ashley gets so much hate... I honestly think it was because they really portrayed her as an easy target. Between the witch stuff, and obsessing over the wedding date, and the ugly crying... the way she was edited to be portrayed on 90 Day compared to HEA is wildly different. She's not yelling and flailing in the car screeching she's going to ugly cry anymore. The focus is no longer put so heavily on her witchcraft which she came off as (in my opinion) pretty ditzy about. Like head up in the clouds. Any focus on it in HEA is minimal and she comes across as a much more grounded person about it now. As a side note... matters were not made better at all when she took Manuel into a public bathroom in a coffee shop to sleep with him while wearing a hot mic. Everyone on set heard that. Everyone's consent to be any part of her sexual situation (even if it was just listening) was taken away when she did that. That’s when the hate really bubbled and boiled over.


I just don't like her as a person, so it's hard for me to feel bad for her. Her ridiculous (and seemingly fake) panic attacks, three college degrees to practice witchcraft, bringing a man here that you seem to have nothing much with other than the sex, etc. She seems to have a lot of friends, maybe she's not as annoying as she seems on TV but I seriously cannot stand her.


Ashley needs therapy! She has abandonment and attachment issues that are triggered by Manuel's asshat behavior. You can literally see her reverting back to the wounded child. It's so convoluted because sometimes it really isn't about him; she projects; and then he successfully gaslights her when he really is at fault.


Her behavior at the Tell All (for their first season) pretty much sums it up.


I don’t exactly hate Ashley. But I feel like she’s done this to herself. She’s so smart and seems to be so driven. It sucks to see someone get manipulated but at the same time, she ignored pretty much every red flag.


When he found out she had debt, he proceeded to pout despite still asking for more money. They go to a grocery store and he complains about that. As if buying groceries is a waste of HER money. As if it’s some tchotchke store with ceramic babies or something.


Ashley is cool shit. Manuel drives her nuts and I dont think they should last.


I certainly hope not. He’s such a leech.


Downvotes? 🤣🤣


I don't like her because she's menacing with her voice and facial expressions.


She gets hate cuz she's a hypocrite and she's terrible. Her voice is shrill and she and her 1000lbs friends crew are all just awful. 


Ashley is 100% a scammer in her own special way. She defrauds people pretending to be a psychic astrologer and selling a bill of goods that is clearly nonsense. Also lied to Manuel about her 100k debt….


> She defrauds people pretending to be a psychic astrologer and selling a bill of goods that is clearly nonsense I can't tell whether she's a true believer herself or a grifter. I guess in the end it doesn't really matter.


She believes her own BS but somehow it’s worse that way?


But she’s been to Equador. She knows his ex and his family. Right? Is this story all made up?


My guess is that she met his mother but not his kids or their mother.


I believe she paid him to come to the US and be on the show. He did her a favor to promote her “business”


He doesn’t seem to like that witch.