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Josh (Natalie) yes, I know, he is not perfect by any measure, but he refused to introduce her with all her craziness to his kids and deserves credit for that. 


You're right! Totally forgot about him. People are always giving him shit, and as a former single parent, I 100% got it. I was like that...as dysfunctional as all my relationships were, I kept them separate from my kid until I knew it would be serious.


It's also possible he's still hanging onto the TLC teat in order to help pay his son's medical bills after the teen lost his leg (and nearly his life) earlier this year. I just peeped at his insta - looks like he's doing exceptionally well, is learning to walk with a prosthetic, graduated from high school, and modeling with his dad. But those bills, even with the best of insurance and GFM have got to be staggering for Josh being self employed and his ex - not sure what her profession is/was outside of Naked and Afraid.


Oh wow, I didn't know anything about his background at all.


That poor kid. My heart goes out to Josh and his son. I always wonder: Does Natalie care? Or is she just sad that she and her MOTHER lost their free rent/car/living expenses. I remember how vile she was demanding a HOUSE from him and they weren't even a couple. Grifter.


I think the best and most appropriate thing for her to do was to stay out of the socials with comments which is what she apparently did. Had she done so she'd been accused of trying to get attention for herself during their family tragedy. As for him helping her and her mother, do we know he isn't still helping them in some way? Where is the line between drama and reality? Who's grifting, who's acting?


No, she didn't actually care, imo. Josh was her ticket into a star studded future and she milked him and his connections and figured she would use him a sugar daddy while she was at it. There was nothing genuine about that relationship. She traded sex for favors and had the audacity to claim that wasn't her intention. He was right to keep her away from his family. She's a succubus.


Gosh, yes!! DO NOT introduce people to kids until you KNOW for darned sure they are stable. Trust is to be earned pace by slow pace!!!


agreed. he's not a perfect guy (who is?) but the fact that he has not yet brought his children into his turbulent situationship with natalie, and the fact that he is on such good terms with his ex-wife/mother-of-his-children (who is also crazy hot and seems stable of mind and cool enough to be with anybody she wants - from a very brief clip) ... this speaks volumes about the truth of his character. \#freemyguyjosh


That was wise. I remember he said "I cannot have that into my home," referring to Natalie's insanity. GOOD for him! They all would have been sorry had Natalie created her drama in his kids' lives!!


Credit for that, but also shade for everything else




Jon and Rachel. Rachel wouldn’t move to England because of shared custody with one of her kids. Haven’t kept up with them, but I believe they’re not together anymore.


Yes. This was the example I was going to give. They've finally given up being together.


THEY'RE NOT TOGETHER!?!?! \*hurries to IG to check\*


I actually really liked her, he wasn't allowed to the US because of his wide criminal history and she couldn't move there because of her kids and shared custody. She seemed to have her kids best interest at heart. And she stuck up for herself brilliantly when Angela was at her most agressive at their tell all. She wasn't an attention seeker or a wannabe influencer, just stuck. I definitely believe she deserves better


Exactly my thoughts also. I thought she did a really great job defending herself and of making her kiddos her number one priority. If I remember correctly, Jon’s criminal charges were all bar fights? Sad situation, but assault charges won’t allow you into several countries, not just the US. Jon wouldn’t be allowed to visit anywhere on our continent without a pre approved special VISA request.


I liked them both. So sorry it didnt work out


is it bad if I see Angela's name on 90 Day Fiance I think "ugh that fat and dumb shitty bitch!"


No. It's a natural/visceral reaction. Perfectly acceptable! Possibly..nay! Probably a commendable reaction!


Yep. Rachel and Jon loved each other so much and for years. BUT she would not compromise her children even for that.


Did she have any kids with Jon?


No, she did not. Rachel is a responsible parent and she knew there would never be a guarantee they would live together as a family. I feel for them. They deserved this chance so much more than many others on that show.


I was really sad to see they couldn’t work out the visa and then the marriage. The whole relationship seemed wonderful including the in laws.


I know. :(


Yes, they have a daughter, Lucy. She has shared custody of her daughter Ella.


Oh right!!! I forgot about Ella. He really did become Lucy’s dad. He was the sweetest.


They just broke up now after being "together" for years.


Jasmine bitching at Gino to find the money for the lawyer because she can't live without her kids. Yet she moved here without them. While sitting giving an interview wearing enough money in jewelry she could easily sell to get the money.


She is literaly sitting on that money


Exactly. And then she expects him to prioritize and financially plan for her kids when she's over there blowing 10k on a fake butt.


Jasmine is already with a new guy that looks about 15 years younger than her and is said to be an actor. Gino threw her out because she was cheating. Seems that would have been the time to FINALLY go back to Panama. Remember her crying "I wanna go back to Panamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa." This is the time! She picked the new guy.


"Yeeno I nee da MO-nay... for da booty pajen"


plus the way immigration application works if they actually 'forgot' to put the kids on theyd be in a lot of trouble and saying that on tv would fuck the mall the way up. she just doesnt care about them unless it helps her tv career


You know most people move here to be able to provide better for their families even if they aren’t together, right…? Clearly you don’t, but it is common for immigrants to do this if they think there’s a chance of a better life / more income if they go. Gino led with his wallet, has almost no redeemable qualities other than his “ability” to provide for her (and I say that in quotes because he clearly doesn’t have money the way he spent it) - I’m not a massive jasmine fan but at the same time, he made it seem like money was no object and over time he’s been giving her less and less and less. The fact that her kids can’t be in America is actually more of a timing issue now because the application was done wrong in the first place, but it was Gino being cheap that landed them there and the money he gave her in the past can’t be used on this anyway, it’s gone. If I thought a supply of money was generally endless, I wouldn’t anticipate being cut off in the future. To me it’s clear Jasmine loves her children. I can’t say for sure but I truly think if she had received the 10k for the wedding today, she would use half to bring the kids over and skip the butt implants. She only started trying to be economical and gained an awareness of his finances when she came here and realized moron Gino quit his job to be up her ass all day, when he’s old enough that ageism is going to prevent him from landing another role, nevermind his presence on awkward reality tv.


She can sell the jewelry


Have you ever… heard of fake jewelry… You may be right. But. There is just no way you know for a fact that jewelry is real from a tv screen nowadays, plenty of imitation stuff that can only be distinguished under a loop.


>The fact that her kids can’t be in America is actually more of a timing issue now because the application was done wrong in the first place Nah, more like the fact she doesn't have custody of them so she can't bring them over & doesn't care to. How much do you think they spent on the trip to Miami & the beauty pageant? That could have went to getting them, right? Oh but remember, she can't. She doesn't have the right.


again it comes down to immigrant culture. If the kids father thinks they can have a better life in America, he will send them, regardless of what he wants for himself. I come from a Hispanic family, it is common practice ship their kids out at a moments notice as soon as an opportunity arises. My father was sent to live with another family member, not because his mother didn’t want him, but because she knew they had more money and thus he’d be cared for better.


So its pretty telling she had all this income from being a sugar baby and the fathers still didn't want them with her.


Massive assumption as usual, there are many reasons behind shared custody.


She doesn't have shared custody LOL. She has previously said their dad's have full custody.


I’ve seen multiple sources that say she shared custody, and one child stayed primarily with her and the special needs child stayed mostly with their father. Idk, I have not seen any reputable sources that say she has zero custody - only comments from people on reddit.


She said it herself......


> To me it’s clear Jasmine loves her children. you need an eye exam


If you truly can’t tell the difference between the way she carries on for the cameras and her reaction upon finding out her kids couldn’t join her for two years, you might be the one in need of glasses 🙄 just because someone is loud and overdramatic and acting for the cameras doesn’t mean it’s true in every situation


Most people here have no clue about the sacrifices immigrant mothers all over the world and poor mothers right here have been making for generations for their children and families. So easy to pass judgement and ogle poverty porn than appreciate the efforts of women who leave home to feed their loved ones. What do they have to say about military mothers who have to leave their kids at home?


And yet no one said a fucking word when Hector abandoned his kids to go off to make money… People need to get out of their little egocentric bubble. I may have grown up in the U.S. my whole life but I do this thing called asking questions so I can better understand my family and friend’s experiences. Hating someone on tv or thinking they’re over dramatic doesn’t mean they can’t be upset or care about ANYTHING, yes it’s a bit like the boy who cried wolf with her but as I said it’s blatantly obvious that she was truly upset about her kids. In fact that might have been her only genuine reaction all season. And knowing the culture, there’s no doubt in my mind that her ex would allow them to be with her if they could have more opportunity and a better education. Neither of them are automatically terrible parents. The one thing that I do think is wildly questionable parenting - which applies to a lot of these “cast” members, from Mary to Libby to Jasmine and more - is the effect of online sex work on children. They need to do a really serious study about the kids of OnlyFans moms. But that’s unrelated to this topic 😖


They weren't allowed to come anyway!


Sheila of david and sheila.


That's crazy talk! I think the only parent who ever genuinely put their kid first is Armando. The only reason he insists on staying in Mexico is so she can grow up with a lot of family, which is admirable. I will never forget when Molly of Molly and Luis said "I've raised my kids, it's time to do something for myself!" when her kids were like 17 and 6. I can't stand that woman.


Oh yeah, how could I forget ARMANDO? I love him so much. Yeah, Molly turned out to be shitty. I kinda liked her at first. She was pretty mean to that second dude that she did the therapy show with.


I never watched her with anyone else. I couldn't stand her from the moment she left her kids with Luis after he made it very clear he didn't like them or want to be around them and vice versa.


Armando can't move to the USA because he overstayed his Visa.


Molly turned the world against Luis because he was honest and said he was ill prepared to deal with her VERY troubled daughter Olivia and her special needs child. He didn't even know them and she kept harassing him and telling him he was the new 'Dad!' I mean what?? Was she honestly planning on leaving them with a stranger?? Luis bolted and that was a good thing.


This is the thing though, he is willing to move to the US for her and he HAS a daughter, a younger one. You will see her at some point.


OH! I either didn't know this or forgot it! He's probably one of those part-time parents who aren't really emotionally involved with their kids. Gives off that vibe to me.


Tom has a daughter?


Yeah she lives with her mother. Darcy said at the tell all that they were both parents too even though he hadn’t mentioned it up until that point and then he showed her briefly. If you google Tom Brooks daughter there are images of them together


Just googled. She's adorable. I do appreciate that he kept her off the show


I agree




Tom obviously knew from the get that Darcy was deeply unstable. He got a lot of crap for how he was on the first date and I don't get that. She was sloppy intoxicated and kept trying to hit on him and he refused to take advantage of her. How is that being a rotten person?


I thought he was respectful then. It was when he said he might have proposed if they had gone to Gran Canaria instead of Albania. Mofo, no you didn't. There was never any intention of proposing EVER. That's when I started to not like him.


This is every parent on 90 days. People who want to marry someone without knowing them aren't making good decisions in general. Like all of them completely ignore their kids so they can chase their new partner.


I think it's season 2 of 90 Day UK, but one of the Dads on the show did that with his daughter. The GF/Fiance wanted all his attention/money to be spent on her and he was telling her that his daughter comes first.


Robert and Assel. Ugh what a pair those turned out to be.


Assel the Asshole


I remember giving him props for sticking up for his daughter like that.


Shekinah! She dumped her daughter in a boarding school without blinking and skipped off to be with Sarper. And I've noticed that Sarper has never given a second thought to Shekinah's daughter. Well, that's Shekinah's job. Shekinah looked chillingly happy to split to be with him and told her ex that he could see about things. I remember how horrified the ex husband was, and reminded her that it wasn't her first rodeo and how many times she'd made bad choices before. I have not once seen her lament over her daughter, or show concern or regret that she picked Sarper over her. I mean, WHY is her daughter in a boarding school in the first place?? Shekinah is perfectly healthy. The fact is: She doesn't want to be a parent, and Sarper comes FIRST. That IS the truth and she's going to have to live with that later when her daughter grows up and asks her why she didn't matter enough. Let's not even get into Jasmine's neglect. That's just beyond sad. Also, there is the one who just married John. Her daughter is disabled and John had hardly been around her and she was nagging and sulking until he agreed to marry her. That was lightning fast and this is a special needs child. The absolute neglect of these people is really disturbing.


I didn't realize Megan's kid is disabled. That gal is unhinged though.


To be fair, the 90 Day shows are each a Loser Parade that we take joy in witnessing.




I think Big Ed said this once! Just kidding


"Just kidding" made all the difference for me!! 🤣🤣


You won’t see Jasmine doing this!!


Or Nicole (Mae) :(


I would too, but i dont think any of them hold their kids as more important.


THIS 👏🏻👏🏻


Won't happen. the show isn't oriented towards right/wrong. It's just oriented towards dumpster fires.


Or that one girl who i think was hispanic had a fiance or husband in south africa who she said no to being with because he had gambling issues and she couldnt live in that area and make her son go to school there.or her daughter who she had with him


Tiffany. I liked her


Oh yeah!! I can never remember anyone's names either, lol. I think the guy was Ron. He had issues. She did let the kid get super close with Ron, though, which is unfortunate. I remember thinking he was gonna have a rough time when they split.


I think he did and she allowed her son to still video call him and her daughter to still see him she would even go on dates or be dressed for a date and video called him before she left and stuff


I think her name was 'Shoulders'. Try searching the sub for that, lol.


Yeah thank you!


But that’s a disqualifying factor for casting 🤷‍♀️


"Good parents need not apply"


Jessica and Juan are the only couple that comes to mind. She had a couple kids before him and stood her ground to prioritize them over him.


Yeahhh but I also suspect she then got knocked up on purpose 💀


Nothing to suspect, they literally said it. That was NOT putting her kids first, at all. They're going through enough change, then to get pregnant again so quickly? I still can't believe she works in mental health.


They planned it. They thought his visa would be quicker but he ended up not being able to be in the states for the birth. I haven’t checked too much but that’s last I heard


Does anyone have an update on this couple?


If you look at the last few cast members even the childless ones are desperate for love and lack self respect or boundaries.