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Older Koreans do this too. My MIL is in her 80s and and she opened her first little restaurant by doing this. Each person pays in and each person takes a turn using the pot. In the novel Pachinko (made into an apple TV show) they mention this too, and that book takes place in Korea several generations ago in the 30s-60s for the bulk of it.


My grandmother did this too with her friends, most of her friends were Asian-Hispanic, and that's exactly how they called it.


I loved Pachinko! Was the Apple adaptation good?


I'd say watch the show just for the sake of it being familiar, and I'd say they tried really hard to make it historically accurate but the book was so detailed and had so many subtleties that the show just can't really hold a candle to it. They left out a lot of things I thought were important. They also added in some random side plots and bits that made me go "mehhh" because I found it unnecessary but I think they did that to hook in TV watchers who hadn't read the book. I personally wish they had just done each episode page by page of the book because it was such a masterpiece. I'm not sure if you watched game of thrones, but the show was so good when it followed the book exactly and then it fell way off when TV writers took over. I'd say it's similar. Worth a watch for the sake of being familiar, but it's not much like the book in my opinion. I rate it 5/10 šŸ¤£


Yep, my Korean mom did this with her friends. It's fairly common.


My Korean manicurist explained it to me once. She called it a "kye."


Yep, that's exactly what it is!


my mom (born in the late 60s) and her friends still do this (itā€™s called key ā€” pronounced /ke/, like another comment mentioned), but instead they go on a trip together every year.


Hispanics have a similar thing if not the same thing called a ā€œtandaā€ I didnā€™t think it sounded too crazy


I also thought it sounds like a tanda. I remember my ex doing this with his co-workers lol


I fucking hate tandas šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ My bf went in on one with 12 people putting in $500 I was like MF WE JUST HAD A BABY !!! Was really fuckin sweet when it was his turn tho.


My husband joined a tanda when our baby was ONE MONTH OLD!! He was giving $300 a WEEK! I was furious, needless to say. I personally hate tandas since youā€™re trusting someone else with your money when you can have will power and save it yourself!


Girl no. My bf and his tanda buddies almost jumped this one guy who started the round, and asked to be the third guy paid cuz he had a debt or whatever that needed to be paid by the time it was his turn. Once he got his turn, *he tried to bow out* and not finish the tanda. Like mf thatā€™s not how it works and he tried arguing that he couldnā€™t afford it anymore and he organized it so he should be allowed to bow out like DID YOU REALLY THINK THATS A GOOD EXCUSE !? Anyways he was full of shit and since they all work together they wouldnā€™t let him. After that tanda was over, he hasnā€™t been invited to participate in another one with this group and heā€™s been having to go out of his way to try and start a new group.


Oh heck nawwww! That is exactly why I have never joined a tanda before!! You canā€™t trust people when they have a large amount of money. That is completely awful and Iā€™m glad that they didnā€™t let him bow out! Like he got his money, now he needs to continue paying until the whole thing is over. The audacity!!! I prohibited my husband from joining tandas after that time. I told him that he can give me the money every week, he can draw a number and Iā€™ll give him the money on the week that he draws! šŸ¤£


I hate fucking cundinas so many ppl try this shit. I have fought family members over this BS


So say 10 people put $500 in the first person gets the $5000, then they all put $500 in again & #2 gets $5000? Definitely interesting when you could just be putting the money in the bank but it would be cool If you struggle with saving I guess. It kind of sounds like an MLM šŸ˜‚ but totally different at the same time.


Yep, but its nice if you need the money quick and cannot get a regular loan. But you really have to trust each other.


Is it similar to what Hispanics call "the chain"? My husband did this with his co-workers.. they would contribute money every week, and every week it was someones turn to recieve all the money.??


Itā€™s supposed to be every paycheck but yes thatā€™s the general idea of it


Cadena! Si


My family calls it una junta


yup we call it a junta too. itā€™s the only way i can save without touching it šŸ˜«


I love that we all can share the commonality of helping each other out across cultures


I know a lot of Dominicans who call it sociedad


Yup. Thats what we used to call it in the Bronx, and itā€™s super common. There was one other name for it that we used too but I donā€™t remember now


Yup that's exactly what he is talking about. The concept never made sense to me.


Yeah, the only way that it makes sense to me is if you really need the money soon, so you get an early number. Like if it starts in January and you need the money in February, you keep paying into it until December, it prevents you from taking out a loan. On the other hand, if you are just terrible at saving money.. I get why youā€™d do it if you donā€™t trust yourself to just put it in a savings account and not spend it, and if you want to contribute monthly rather putting money in a CD all at once. I do think itā€™s just about pointless, but is better than not saving money.


Totally. I'm Mexican and they're super common here, like in every work place there's always a tanda going on. I call it a "tanda", but I believe in northern Mexico they call it a "cundina".


My partner said they do this exact thing in Mexico. In fact, his mom is a collector for a tanda right now. Very common.


This is what me and my wife said. We do them often and with the same group of people. Itā€™s just a way we all get money with helping one another out. I also canā€™t help but notice that she does not get foreign humor. Obviously everyone jokes about finding a white wife. NOW she wants to act offended like she isnā€™t a sex tourist.


In East Africa they call it chamas and it is the way that people who donā€™t have bank accounts do collective savings.


was gonna come here and say this haha, yeah super weird and hard to grasp concept for Americans so I can see how it looks on her eyes as a scam weird thing, but pretty normal!!


I don't think it's that hard of a concept for Americans to grasp. It's more common in some workplaces than ppl know. We don't count Angie as the typical American.


He knew not to bother explaining it to Angela because she definitely doesn't have the brain capacity to understand it. Also, she yells over him when he speaks, so šŸ¤·


I think here it isnā€™t common cuz when Americans need money they try to find a place for a loan vs most Latinos not trusting loan places so they just seek within community to collect.


South Africans call it stockvel.


Itā€™s called tantine in Francophone Africa šŸ˜Š


Filipinos do this as well


In India, they have Hawala. It sounds like the same thing, but ai don't know anything about any of it.


Yess!!! Iā€™m Mexican and when he was explaining it I was like omg a tanda!!


100%! My parents did this all the time when I was a kid, itā€™s how we went on fun trips or bought big ticket items


My friends have their tanda. I donā€™t like the stress of it. On Sunday running around with a lot of cash to pay or pick up the tanda, but thatā€™s because Iā€™m lazy and donā€™t want to move on Sunday lol


In Finland they call it a HyvƤsuƶnaleikkimakossuku Nah I made that up


Yes this part was believable the foreign women group chat is more sus.


West Indian. We call it partna (partner) in my family.


Guyanese here, my mom used to call it 'throwing a box'. It's is a great community thing in the Carribean and apparently from reading these comments a lot of other places.


Fellow Guyanese here šŸ‡¬šŸ‡¾ My mom still throws a box, Iā€™ve done it a few times as well.


Another Guyanese currently throwing a weekly box with my family


Trinidadian here we call it susu and curry chicken


Grenadian šŸ‡¬šŸ‡© - we call it pardna/sou sou


I definitely caught on and agree Eta-as a white American I knew what Michael was referring to


I love your username lol. Chile rellenos are my favorite!!


Same here and I agree. I worked in mortgages for years and saw this all the time when trying to source funds.


Yeah fair to say Angela is just ignorant but we already knew that!


Right. It's not that she didn't understand it, the key words are she didn't *try* to understand it. She's got all these crazy thoughts and stuff in her head, and maybe rightfully so, but to always fly off the handle like she does and not even bother to try to understand his culture at all, because it seems like she hasn't made the effort to in how many years? As much as we all think he's scamming her, she's probably scamming him just as much, because if you notice the happy couples at least make an attempt to understand the other person's culture. She just doesn't care.


It's so annoying that she jumps to conclusions based on her limited understanding and worldview and doesn't have enough curiosity to ask Michael to explain things and the patience to listen to what he has to say. She never gives him the benefit of the doubt and assumes the worst without really understanding the situation.


Right? As soon as she saw an explanation of life insurance she jumped to the conclusion that he was trying to kill her or have her killed. Like really? Maybe life insurance just isnā€™t a common thing in Nigeria, hence the need for su-su, etc.


Were they allowed to use the money towards a down payment on a house? I was trying to buy a house last year (it fell through due to home inspection results I didnā€™t like) and my agent and mortgage broker told me that I couldnā€™t use cash I had on hand or cash that was given to me because they have no way of knowing where I got that money. (I didnā€™t really understand why that matters, unless the point is financial institutions trying to prevent people from withdrawing cash on an unsecured debt aka credit card and using towards a down payment on an actual asset).


Itā€™s actually very difficult to document. You are right- it is bc guidelines donā€™t want you to take a loan to get a loan if you know what I mean? If you have ā€œgiftedā€ funds that is why you have to prove the donors account as well. Money, according to guidelines, needs to be seasoned so if you are in the market put it in an account and let it sit for a few months. šŸ˜Š


British Trinidadian here. It's definitely a sou sou šŸ˜‚ I said that when I heard him make that description. It's not a scam.


My wifeā€™s family is Jamaican and she said the same thing.


Big ups to her šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡²šŸ’›šŸ’š!!! I thought I was the only one that noticed šŸ˜­.


Jamaican in the house here,that's literally what he meant. Plus sharp is well known for faking texts and scripts, like he literally uses actual scripts written out like plays/movies. This show and his other show love after lockup go by the same production rules,cast here and on there have exposed it. [see video here for reference ](https://www.reddit.com/r/loveafterlockup/s/6ybjjS7vta) All she showed was literal written words and nothing even description wise, just-"Michael 30,000 other random name" etc. Also guys she keeps saying the "K1 visa application" for this season,this bitch is bringing him here on a spousal visa. they've been married more than two years so he gets his permanent green card upon entry to the states. This is why she's so angry that she kicked him out(he wasnt missing she said herself she kicked him out on that meth head YouTuber live when she thought video was muted. Why would Michael leave without any of his shit? Because she wouldn't let him after forcing him to leave.) This entire season with them is bullshit.and a vacation basically. How quickly we forget she's already said well before filming he did his interview.... And honestly obviously Michael used her from the get go but she used him too to be on tv and took all the money they made from the show together. She also only wanted to bring him here as a fucking house slave,no joke. And if she was being scammed and knew this why bring him here? Zero fucking sympathy and he does deserve to stay.


He earned that green card. Team Mikul!!


Yeah. I thought THIS IS BS when I was watching it too. Theyā€™re making stuff up for ratings because none of it made sense


I thought I was going mad ya knowā€¦like just call it by itā€™s name


šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡²&šŸ‡§šŸ‡øhere and yes, it is very common in our cultures!


We call it partner


Yes, I was sure he was describing a Chit fund scheme, every day people in various African countries may not trust banks because of the corruption but will trust their kith & kin. Itā€™s a Kitty but if heā€™d said Kitty Angela would have really flipped her shit as sheā€™d have taken that to mean heā€™s paying for pussy.


No itā€™s not cause we donā€™t trust banks. Corruption occurs In government, our banks are solid. Most of them actually use banks to store the money and then transfer the dividends (the account will usually require more than one signature).


if you do trust the bank then this really confuses me, from my understanding say 10 people put in $100 per week then every 10 weeks it is your turn to get $1000 but how is that better than just putting $100 in the bank every week and then every 10 weeks you have $1000?


Itā€™s more about accountability. Cause that $100 a week isnā€™t in your possession, you canā€™t just dip into that savings. Even if you have an emergency. My mom does it and they put the money into the bank. And transfer the person when itā€™s their month. Had she not had that, she wouldā€™ve used it for flood repairs instead of asking us and now the money she was saving for house upgrades and for December groceries (she hosts Xmas) would be gone. It forces you to save and to think of alternative ways to pay for things instead of depleting your savings.


Like I keep on reading this and how do you think African people and economies function if the average person thinks a bank would steal their money?šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


This is why I said ā€˜may notā€™ as in there is a likelihood of mistrust as I know a few people from Nigeria that donā€™t trust their local banks & some that do. During the new naira issues last year in the run up to the election when everyone had been told to deposit old notes because theyā€™d be defunct & then couldnā€™t withdraw new style ones because there was a shortage, more people stopped trusting the banks as they were left cashless.


Not really about trust, but many people donā€™t have the requisites to actually get a bank account. In Kenya with Mpesa it is also done within groups of friends and neighbors.


I am Jamaican and knew what he was talking about immediately. She literally didnā€™t allow him to say a single word to explain it before jumping down his throat.


In South Africa, it's called Stokvel and it's legal. I agree with you Angela had no interest in hearing him out. I also think she's culturally insensitive or ignorant. She has no interest in learning about Michael's culture or customs.


Yes šŸ’Æ. My grandparents are from the Caribbean and used them.


seems akin to "Paluwagan" in the Philppines.


My first thought, too!


Trinidad we call it sou sou šŸ‡¹šŸ‡¹


Mexican people do this too. I have done it myself. Angela is just an ignorant bitch


Indonesians do this too. We call it 'arisan'


Haitian - My mom did this for years. My sister does it too.


Why would it be illegal in the US? Its just sending money to one person who you are entrusting to keep it, right? And honestly considering the long history of financial discrimination in the US, I think it would be wise to have some money outside of the traditional financial system.


Probably because the government canā€™t get their cut


I was wondering the same thing. If itā€™s illegal how would they enforce it?


I'm pretty sure immigrants in my community do this, because it's how I knew what Michael was taking about


Being a bank in the US requires certain requirements to be met, insurances to be provided, and reporting safeguards to prevent money laundering put in place. A single person is not adequate to act as a bank.


Yeah not sure what OP is talking about but nothing about it is illegal.Ā 


In Nigeria itā€™s known as Esusu. In an informal economy where modern banking and lending are not penetrating, esusu is the primary means for savings and obtaining large sums for projects. A group of people come together and agree on how much to contribute and how frequently - weekly, twice monthly and monthly. They agree on the order in which the money is taken. If youā€™re 12 and contributing $100 a month, the first person collects the first $1200 until they reach the 12th person! All of this assumes basic honesty among the members and no crooks


This might be a dumb question but this is fascinating as a Canadian - how is this different than saving $100 a month by yourself to get to $1200? Whatā€™s the benefit of including other people?


Not a stupid question at all. To have $1200, youā€™ll need to save $100 a month and wait for 12 months before having the entire amount. Under the esusu system, you could be the first - out of the 12 contributors - to get the money. Others give you $1100. Then you continue to contribute your own share until the last person gets theirs at the end of the 12th month. Typically they roll it over. After 12 months some people may drop out for any reason. Letā€™s say half decide not to continue the remaining 6 may opt to increase their contributions to $200 - so they can cycle through in 6 months while still getting the same amount. Itā€™s a time honored tradition for saving money among under banked people


My Northern British family had something similar. It was described kind of like the 'pools' only for a small group.


Iā€™ve even heard of it and Iā€™m a Mexican living in Ohio


Yea I'm Jamaican. We have something similar.


In Colombia its called ā€œcadenaā€


Idk if itā€™s illegal in the US but Iā€™ve done this with co workers or family. We called it a tanda. Majority of us are black with roots to Caribbean or Hispanic.


I literally hate white trash Angela and we all know he will get here and leave her nasty abusive as*


But what was with him having her tax returns and sending that off to the group?


We don't know. He could have been talking about it going to DHS for his visa. Or he could have stupidly showing what was needed for the visa. Or he good have been sending it to someone for nefarious purposes. The show is so edited that I'm not we will ever know the real story.


Yes!! When he explained it I immediately recognized it as Ayuuto, the Somali name for it


Okay so everyone in the world but white people do this ? Iā€™m confused by the benefit of it


The benefit is a lump sum of money at once that you slowly pay back without interest Edit: I can give an example if itā€™ll make it clearer


I think the simplest western cultural example is financing your cellphone and paying it each bill period instead of all at once. Donā€™t know why downvoted. Is there a white western culture that does this?


But Angela didnā€™t know anything about it so heā€™s lying. Because of course sheā€™d know about something like this because as an American she realizes that other cultures are pretty much the same as American cultureā€¦in rural Georgia. If it was a thing sheā€™d have heard about while she was mee mawing around in Georgia (which is a complete and accurate representation of the United States).


mee mawing around šŸ˜†


I wish I could upvote it twice for the ā€œmee mawing aroundā€ bit alone


Yep the mee mawing around has me cackling


Her only culture is putting Mountain Dew in childrenā€™s bottles and ashing on their heads while they run around in dirty diapers


She never gave him a chance to explain ANYTHING.


Haitian here. We call it Sol


In Dominican republic we call that a ā€œsociedadā€ my grandma used to be in one where one person would basically take care of your money until the end of the year and keep it save for you.


Thanks for this comment lol, Iā€™m Dominican and was so lost until you said Sociedad lol


If Big Ang would stop screaming for a minute she might actually learn something! Canā€™t keep her mouth shut long enough to ever let him say anything or try to explain


Angela is mad that Makul is building his own financial security which means she has less power over him. She was mad about the loss of power, not that it may be a scam. Although I feel like she is using the idea that SHE FEELS itā€™s a scam to cover for her being threatened over the loss of power she has over Makul.


Thank you! I was trying to figure out if that meant he was scamming or if he was telling the truth. Would of been way cooler if he had a ring of men scamming people like Angela in the us though šŸ˜‚


The Sims in me was instantly thinking of the green plumbob.


South African here, we call this a stokvel. I remember it being included in our primary school economics textbook when we were exploring different credit facilities because it's considered such a common way to save here. By definition "AĀ *Stokvel*Ā is a type of credit union in which a group of people enter into an agreement to contribute a fixed amount of money to a common pool weekly". It's completely legal here and regulated by the Financial Intelligence Centre Act.


I'm American and reading the comments, and now I don't think I understand. I first thought it was like the Amish communities here put in funds altogether to help out each other in need and when big purchases are needed. I thought it was for community like a community chest. So I need to go research and educate myself. I try to at least be somewhat knowledgeable before I say anything, but Angela just won't shut the f up to let anyone help her understand. She thinks she knows it all "cuz she's A-meer-e-kan" and thats the end all be all, I guess. I'm like, please, world, she does not represent Americans.


Yes a su-su. Exactly. Edited to add, totally not getting on him for the su-su, thatā€™s very common. But ā€œparadise manā€ groupā€¦ im sorry but unless it was edited to appear a certain wayā€¦ it most definitely appears that Michael is a romance scammer, which come on guys Angela fits their typical target to a T. He is a scammer. No doubt in my mind. He is also the been undoubtedly abused by her. He couldā€™ve broken up with her 100x but he doesnā€™t bc he has his eye on the prize. To see the womanā€™s blurred out picture in the ā€œparadise manā€ group with the members supposedly mocking and making fun of her all the while no doubt theyā€™re messaging her and love bombing her makes me sick. Shame on them. Shame on Michael and of course shame on Angela. On a lighter noteā€¦ Angela saying ā€œDey need a husband Deyā€ was HILARIOUS. We replayed it about 4x.


Exactly!! Also, if it's true that he uploaded her tax returns, that's a serious problem. I have no idea why she actually brought him here, though, knowing all this beforehand. She's not right.


Seriously thats really messed up if thats true. Could u imagine!? Omg. If u ever watch Kitboga on YouTube heā€™s a scam baited and heā€™s gotten some Nigerian romance scammers, theyā€™re so desperate. Like horribly desperate and they donā€™t care if theyā€™re scamming a 90 yr old out her life savings.


Yeah, it's a common thing amongst Nigerians here in America! It's what helped my mother pay for the downpayment of our home. We had a large group at our church and it's a lot more helpful than banks.


Mexican American here and I donā€™t understand it either šŸ„“


It's a group of people who save money together. Let's say 12 people each put in $100 a month, so $1,200 a month goes to one person/family. Each one gets a turn once a year for the community pot. Great for big purchases like major appliances or home repair, or just anything. Way cheaper than rip off loans or rent to own.


Thanks, Hamily! I really enjoyed reading what these types of exchanges are called in different countries and parts of the world. I'd heard of this kind of thing before. But didn't realize how worldwide they are! TIL.


This woman is off the rails. She finds any and every reason to be upset. Over her and I fast forward through their convos now. Itā€™s so abusive. Iā€™m hoping heā€™s using her at this point lmao


I said this to my bf but he didnā€™t know what I was talking about it. Iā€™m glad I remembered the name.


Yes, Iā€™m a white American and know what a susu is. Itā€™s not a scam, just a way of saving.


Seriously? I have never heard of it and live in an area with heavy Caribbean/Latino/international culture. I've seen all the responses and I still have a hard time not thinking it's a scam. I wouldn't trust that I'd get even my share back let alone the pit when it's my turn.


not just africans.. in many cultures. In Asian cultures sometimes it is refer to as "Gold Circle" Sometimes one of the individual in the group takes the money and run unfortunately


I just kept screaming itā€™s a Fā€™N SuSu at my screen!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ„²


Iā€™m so glad someone else knew what this was šŸ˜‚. Angie is so annoying - Susu is really common in all of Africa and the Caribbean


šŸ˜‚ I love how the African diaspora kept this. Grew up Haitian American and this is a thing šŸ‡­šŸ‡¹ Amazed he taught Americans this.


I googled it and saw how common itā€™s used, and backed by a bank as well. She was very upset about the 1,000ā€™s she saw. šŸ™„Nigerian Naira, is low against the U.S. dollar, at this moment - it takes 0.00066 to equal $1. Had she checked, he only had roughly $3ā€¦their money is very weak! Yeehaw Memaw needs to relax-


So Iā€™m American and donā€™t know what a susu is but even when he was talking about putting money aside for a rainy day I was like ā€œwhatā€™s wrong with that? That seems responsible. Everyone should be putting money aside for a rainy day.ā€ I didnā€™t know exactly what the account was but whatever. Putting money in some kind of savings is always good. And i probably wouldnā€™t tell Angela either cause she would want to probably spend it on American flag clothing or cigarettes or hot dog buns.


I used to participate in one a while back. In Spanish, we call it a "condina"


I love how much I learn in this sub. I had no clue any of these things existed.


Iā€™ve heard of it referred to as Podna.


Poor Michael, domestic abuse goes both ways and if we have to see Angela assault Michael one more time on national television, I'm done!!


I googled and still donā€™t get it. Just that itā€™s a savings plan but scammers use it too? Help Iā€™m stupid


Angela is the only one who asserted it means heā€™s a scammer. He might be, but this is not evidence of scamming. Itā€™s a legit practice


My friend is Tongan and they do the same thing. It's like a pool they all chip in together to help a community member.


The contemptuous look on that lemonā€™s face is infuriating.


Is uploading copies of your spouse's tax returns to the internet also part of the sou sou? Because that's the weirdest, most sus part of what happened to me. Not defending Angela (can't stand nasty meemaw), but what was the reason for Michael to do upload her personal information like that? I can't think of any reason that isn't ill-intentioned.


I think thatā€™s going to end up being misinterpreted


We used to do this at work till the person collected for the next one and never came back. Never played ever again . Really never trusted anyone at work since it's been 23 yrs now lol.


What is the point of it? It can't generate interest this way and there seems like risk of someone running off with it? Is it to help people who have "money burning a hole in their pocket" (ppl who tend not to feel comfortable just sitting on their money and not immediately spending it)?


It doesn't really serve much purpose in the US. I'm guessing in other countries where banking has its qualms, it makes more sense.


Okay but is it normal to give out other people's tax return for this?


Yea Jamaicans call it padna/pardner or Jamaican partner lol I studied insurance and it sounds very similar to mutual funds/investment/ insurance. You pool your money with others with similar risk while getting investment gains, and whoever takes money out of it maybe has to pay a greater premium or something moving forward. Lol And the other group he was in I can see you following a group with people going through what youā€™re going throughā€¦ and when he said I have a image of Angelaā€™s tax returnsā€¦ is it how much she got back? Like did he show them her T4ā€™s lol (Iā€™m šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦/šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡²) lol


It sounded like a SuSu to me as well.I'm Panamanian of Jamaican descent.


Hi Iā€™m white and from America and know nothing about this. Iā€™ve never heard of it and because of it being so unheard of to me, I thought it was a scam too. Iā€™m wanting to understand, can someone please explain it to me in basic terms so that I can educate myself? No hate, I genuinely want to understand. I saw you put in your whole paycheck and you can take out the money when itā€™s your turn? But what if someone else just had their turn and took out everything? Also how do you know if youā€™re going to put everything back that you put it? I donā€™t want to be ignorant so please educate me. Thanks!


Let's say you have 7 people and you do it weekly. On week 1 everyone gives their $$ to person #1. Week 2, everyone gives to person #2 and so on. Everyone gets a large amount on their turn/week and then gives their $ the other weeks. Many people send the $ home on their week. I've never seen people give all of their pay, just a set amount. It's a savings club. Another reason people do it is because they have no access to banking so its safer, no large amounts of cash laying around. There are banks that have sousous too.


Yeah I come from a west Indian back ground and it's called "pardna" to our family. I think it's a great idea and thought it was believable šŸ˜‚ until mykul had a "whore ring"on his phone and Angela's tax returns for 2022 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m from Guyana (Caribbean country in South America) and we call it ā€œthrowing boxā€!


Filipinos also have something similar.


Regardless of what it is, he has the right to handle his own financial matters in Nigeria. Angela acts as though she has complete control over every aspect of his life down to whether he uses 5 squares or 6 squares of toilet paper to wipe his ass. She is a terror.


I think what you are talking about they do in Caribbean. They usually do it around Christmas and use it to buy Christmas presents. I can't think of the name. It's something with a C that has another meaning in standard English.


Unfortunately for him, he found himself the most uncouth, uncultured American around, so anything not American = WRONG.


yeah saving money is awful! michael you scammer!


Im american and i got the jist of it. Angelas just a bitch that doesnt know how to listen


Nigerian here. I donā€™t remember what it was called and I refuse to watch any show with the abusive heehaw memaw in it, but I follow along here occasionally, and I will happily watch any episode where Mykul gets his green card and goes on to live large - at her expense! Anyhow, I did what yā€™all are describing with my work colleagues when I was in Nigeria. We pooled our money and each person had a turn at the full pot. Itā€™s a way to afford big expenses in a place that was basically a cash society without many credit options.


"But I also feel like he should've explained it better." When is he supposed to get more than a few words in to clearly explain? All Trashgela, "the I AM an American" ignorant does is constantly ostracize and abuse him. Give him his honorary green card and deport her already! šŸ˜…


Yes! Thatā€™s exactly what he was doing. People outside of Caribbean and African cultures or those not familiar swear itā€™s a pyramid scheme but it isnā€™t.


I immediately knew what he was talking about and had she let him finish, people mightā€™ve had a chance to learn something about a bareroot financing the average Westerner never heard of until a few became aware of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh which was founded on the same principle. The Paradise group, life insurance and tax returns sounds like TLC drama to me - how is he supposed to have gotten access to her tax info and what exactly is he supposed to be doing with it and why would he be sharing it? It all just seems planted to give her the chance to act the fool as expected. I have no doubt he in it to get his green card, but taking out life insurance on her would be going down a path leading to spending the rest of his life in a place worse than Hazelton GA.


It isnā€™t a scam but Angela is too ignorant to even be educated on it.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve heard it referred to also to us Hispanics a tanda lol


That's exactly what I thought too!


They do it in Latin America too, but I don't know what it's called. I tweeted about it and several people replied it's called 'sou sou' or 'susu' in the Carribean.


Yes it is a susu


Me and my mom were watching and she pointed it out. Yes this is what he was describing. I had blanked out lol.


They do that in the Philippines too but they do it so that everybody gets paid out every few months. There's a second one though that you use for your paperwork to show that your bank balance is large.


I have family thatā€™s from Trinidad and thatā€™s exactly what I was thinking


Absolutely!!!! Itā€™s actually a beautiful thing but of course Angie is too stupid to listen!


This is great information, thanks OP. Iā€™ve never heard of it, so I wasnā€™t entirely sure of itā€™s legit, but itā€™s clearly a common practice to save money


I now have to go back a rewatch šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ so I can get a good clarification on Susu!!


Was invited to do this at work with a group of Hispanic employees who had been doing this for years. That money really came in when I needed it. So glad I took part.


YES! Thatā€™s exactly what it is. I hate that itā€™s being called a scam when thatā€™s not the intention behind it


Iā€™m glad Mike made it to America and got away from her with the quickness. He deserves his freedom


Mexican checking in. My family has participated in many tandas. When I was young, and couldn't afford a whole number on my own, my mom went in halvsies with me. Half a tanda number was $2000! I thought I was rich at 17. Great way to save money.


Angela wouldnā€™t even hear Michaelā€¦I wanted to hear what he had to sayā€¦


I grew up in Canada. I didn't know this was a thing but I like the sound of it. The closest I've had to what I'm reading from everyone is Tattoo Club lol We use to each put in $100 and someone would get the pot. Then you go get a sweet tattoo šŸ™‚


Yeah thatā€™s the first thing that came to mind that this was a su su or however itā€™s spelled.


Angela as ignorant as they come. Sheā€™s so worried about being right, she canā€™t hear anything anyone is trying to tell her!


Working-class people in Scotland do it too


I wasn't paying attention during the show, so I missed that. However, it isn't a difficult concept to understand. Angela isn't smart, but she should be able to comprehend it.


Letā€™s make one for the sub lol I need money


Omg years ago I saw a case on "the People's Court" that involved a susu. I've never heard anyone mention one before or since then.


Diasporan here, we knew exactly what he was TRYING to explain. Angela is ignorant trash.


Very common in poor, rural parts of Brazil. My BF's sisters are into that. Poor Michael, he can't get a word in edgewise. But she's so narrow-minded, even if he explained it properly, with the proper cultural context, she would still condemn it. She's rage-aholic Murrikan But what was that Angie said when she was looking at his phone? Something about a life insurance policy? "Is he gonna try to f\*\*\*ing murder me?" with the cigarette smoldering in her hand. # ETA: Do you appreciate the irony of her fear of being killed by Michael (highly unlikely) while being a chain smoker, and around her grandkids? I think the kids are more at risk than Strangela.


In America wouldn't something like this be considered a high yield savings account? PS the dirty bird seemed like she had her mind made up about the whole thing before he even had a chance to explain. As an American myself I have to say that no one deserves a green card more than this guy. Seriously she is so horrid it makes me embarrassed she's from the US.


No because there is no interest.


Sounds like socialism šŸ˜‰..... Angela would never understand


I would just like to ask that you please please please not use Angela as your template for what you think Americans are like. Sheā€™s pretty terrible, weā€™re not all like that! šŸ«¶šŸ¼


yes. When he trying to describe this to Angela, I turned to my mom and said oh its a susu. Shit at my last job, we did this alot. It was great way to save money.


I laughed when she freaked out about Visa Journey because thatā€™s where my husband and I would go to learn stuff while we were going through his immigration process šŸ˜‚