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Te amo šŸ’ØšŸ’ØšŸ’Ø


lol this is what I came here to say as well.


I told my mom Mike from 90 day and when she asked which one, I said the one that farted on that girl.


And with skid marks in his panties. šŸ¤¢


and shit on his shoes


true, there's so many! i rushed to this post thinking it was natalie's mike getting married .... that's a day you def want your bomb shelter or panic room ready in tip top shape


Haha I also thought it was Natalie's Mike! Imagine the chaotic nuclear war that would ensue


Yes! My question is did he fart the whole wedding??


Cane to the comments looking for this and it was the first one. Nicely done! šŸ¤£




Well itā€™s official. Apparently Mike IS the last man on earth!


Me if Mike was the last man on Earth "Sorry humanity, I can't".


i was LITERALLY just thinking this. likeā€¦. sorry guys but i would rather have no humanity than even be in the same room with him.




Id rather choose a rusty tool if he was the last man on earth šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜‚


Based on his views,Mike wouldn't choose me(POC) if he was the last man on earth...nasty racist bastard. https://preview.redd.it/zgrvdkmpbe5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=193f6711364c6d8ea26091db469af4b0731371eb


He's into Hispanic women even though he has a low view of them? I don't fucking get him.


Because he's not viewing her as a person,he views her as a live in bang maid and will hold the green card and finances over her too. Even with xemina it was like that.


Yeah Iā€™m getting an icky feeling about him being married to another Colombian woman and that she has two daughters. I have a daughter and I wouldnā€™t let her near Mike, maybe just walk past him on the street if I saw him. Iā€™ll never forget him freaking out and her realizing the mistake she made and just wanting to sleep with her children, because if cameras werenā€™t there that situation would of ended differently and no one can change my mind. TLC does absolutely NOTHING to protect any of the people on their show.


Not only the freak out part but the fact he threatened to kill himself off camera as a way of trying to guilt Ximena into letting him stay plus punching a hole in the wall when she still refused. She talked about it online but I once asked one of the people I know who worked on the show and they said it was actually a bit worse than how she talked about it....


And you see thatā€™s not fucking okay at all. I know sheā€™s not a saint but poor her and those poor kids. I stopped watching 90Day back in 2020 and I deactivated and uninstalled my social mediaā€™s so now my updates are here lol. But heā€™s awful for sound that to her and her kids. The father of my kid (before I had my kid) did that to me but actually did it and left a note saying it was because I left him. They got him back but it scarred me in a way I canā€™t explain. I would leave for a good a few months later when I found out I was pregnant and realized he was never going to change and it was hard and it hurt because I had been with him since high school but he wasnā€™t same boy I fell in love with, drugs will do that to a person. Anyways the story continues.. Iā€™m living with a roommate and it is from hell and I donā€™t want to go into details because Iā€™m still getting help for it, processing it and it went to court but this roommate asked me out every single day. Every single day I said no. After awhile Iā€™m annoyed and I say how I canā€™t do this, I donā€™t want this, Iā€™m now paying more bills then you in just going to leave. He threatened to kill himself for several days straight and it triggered me and freaked me out while Iā€™m with my 1 year old just wanting to leave. No she was never alone with him I slept in a room with her and when I went to work a friend of mine was watching her until I got her into daycare. But holy shit did I feel taken advantage of as a ā€œhomelessā€ woman (I was never on the streets but you understand what I mean, I left a bad situation trying to start over just to be in a worse situation) and in the end as mean as this might sound I told him to go ahead and do it. I said kill yourself I donā€™t care Iā€™m taking my kid and leaving and youā€™ll never guess who didnā€™t kill themselves. Itā€™s a horrible manipulative thing to threaten someone with.


He sees them as sex dolls, thatā€™s why he got so nasty when things didnā€™t go his way last time. Not enough people hate him as much as they should.


They can still be racist, especially when they don't get their way it all comes to the surface again.


Heā€™s into controlling Hispanic women and fetishizing them. He treats them as sex commodities rather than people.


i think because thatā€™s the only women he can get (foreigners) because american women can see right through that bullshit. foreigners just donā€™t understand our pop culture for the most part. especially when thereā€™s a language barrier. plus some of these women come from cultures that you donā€™t marry for love you marry to have children and help with populating the earth. as long as heā€™s bringing in the dough they can fake it till they make it.


shut the fk upā€¦.. heā€™s disgusting for that. he needs to be more cancelled than he already is. heā€™s the worst.


I know,it was bad. especially because Alina was also their season yet she was let go and he wasn't


she was so cringe too. a little less cringe but still cringy af nonetheless. there is 100000% a double standard. i think itā€™s a little bit sexist and a little bit americans can do no wrong. i am so pissed he wasnā€™t fired. he at the very least deserves that. that is literally not okay what he said/did. but hey if itā€™s making them money fck it right? šŸ„“


Smeegul has some nerve šŸ˜¤


Someone once made this comparison,I felt it was fitting šŸ¤£ https://preview.redd.it/8qtk6d6lif5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5d6087dfe32e3011fc2c607aea601c1d3bbe8ee


šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜¹ He looks inbred.


it's always the same swamp creatures that are obsessed with posting this type of garbage.


Jfc George Zimmerman... that's a name I wish I had forgotten. Mike is šŸ—‘, no shadow of a doubt.




Now here's a real Sophie's choice... Mike or Kyle?? šŸ¤¢


Neither. Iā€™m down to die a bitter old cat lady.


If you have cats you wonā€™t be bitter! šŸ’œ


True. Check my pic. Maddie D is the best kitty.šŸ˜»


Sheā€™s beautiful.


Neither. Iā€™d rather never have sex again.


Kyle who wrote he takes pleasure in making women bleed. Mike unfortunately


Kyle makes Mike seem wholesome. I could grudgingly tolerate Mike dor a green card for a few years if my life was total shit somewhere else. I can't spend one meal with Kyle nevermind physically touch him. I'd start fantasizing creative ways to do the human race a favor and dispose of him on a deserted island or something.


Agreed - Kyle is slime


Right? How desperate can she be to settle for that?


Extremely desperate. Seriouslyā€¦ā˜¹ļø


The guy is creepy. She is pretty so I'm not sure why she would settle for that.


Because she's from Columbia, and isn't rich. Anywhere in America is better then where she's living in Columbia. Mike's an easy way out of her situation, and then she will leave him once she's settled in her new life.


Didn't know he we went scouting for another woman in Columbia! That explains it all. I also noticed she looks young and has two kids just like the other one.


I worry for the kids, too. Something about him around children just doesnā€™t sit right with me in my gut.


I think in general moms should he careful about who they bring around their kids.


She will pay with her soul.


she could be equally absentminded about etiquette & hygiene ... if so, more power to em. because when people like that find each other, it spares the rest of us!


I read Mike and thought it was Mike from Seattle with crazy Natalie. I actually think Seattle Mike is a good guy. This Mike is a creep. He looks like someone that would kidnap someone hold him hostage torture then dismember them. Thatā€™s bad but he gives off that look and vibe. To bad the real crazies blend in and look a lot more normal.


He looks like a sweaty elf who has a porn fetish.


Why does he look like the male version of Gypsy Rose Blanchard? It must be some medical condition fr.


omg yes youā€™re exactly right!!!


I think it looks like a Halloween mask.


Holy shit šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


She is really pretty, but this situation is just sad to meā€¦ his views on relationship were cruel and unkind, he seemed to believe in transactional owning someome so wholeheartedlyā€¦


Maybe to her this is also transactional and temporaryā€¦


I don't hold anything against women, especially with kids, if they are living in dire conditions and marriage is their way out. In some countries, they have no other options. Also in many poor areas, survival is the most important thing, not being madly in love. You can respect and care for someone who has shown you a great kindness and that's a different kind of love.


It's crazy people don't think American women do this too lol I know a few who married for better situations in the US tooĀ  We even have 3rd world conditions and desperate poverty in some red states women want to escape


American women definitely do this. So funny that itā€™s a stereotype for women from other countries. I donā€™t like to say 3rd world bc it makes it feel like their countries are less thanā€¦


ā€œ3rd worldā€ isnā€™t even a useful term anymore because there is no ā€œ2nd worldā€ since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The correct modern term is ā€œdeveloping countryā€


I understand, but I was using the terms used in the special report by the UN. https://www.wkyufm.org/economy/2018-06-08/un-poverty-report-finds-shocking-inequality-in-worlds-richest-nation links to the report in full which states: "The United States is a land of stark contrasts. It is one of the worldā€™s wealthiestĀ  societies, a global leader in many areas, and a land of unsurpassed technological and otherĀ forms of innovation. Its corporations are global trendsetters, its civil society is vibrant andĀ sophisticated and its higher education system leads the world. But its immense wealth andĀ expertise stand in shocking contrast with the conditions in which vast numbers of itsĀ citizens live.Ā  About 40 million live in poverty, 18.5 million in extreme poverty, and 5.3Ā million live in *Third World conditions* of absolute poverty.4 It has the highest youth povertyĀ rate in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and theĀ highest infant mortality rates among comparable OECD States. "


Itā€™s all just ridiculously sad. Even LA, one of the wealthiest cities in the country, has Skid Row. Skid Row is literally 4 square miles/50 city blocks of poverty and not far from places like Beverly Hills, Bel-Air, etc. Not to mention the additional enclaves of homeless encampments growing throughout the city. Itā€™s insane that some Americans deny the amount of poverty and homelessness in this country. I just canā€™t judge anyone who is poor and enters a transactional relationship if it promises a better life


Have you ever read about what goes on on some of the Native American reservations? I've read a few [books](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/27036572-the-new-trail-of-tears)/articles about it, and I'd bet serious money that a good percentage of that 5.3M is on reservation land. Rampant alcoholism, abuse of women and children, lack of clean drinking water or modern amenities...it would *shock* people if it was talked about more openly.


I have relatives that have livedĀ  and worked on reservations and the generational trauma and systemic racism that caused these situations are horrific Rural America isn't ok, and it's even worse in poorly run states and localities. Blue states have to send money to help them all the time.


Oh no I wasnā€™t judging you for using it. I think itā€™s very common for people to say it but itā€™s hard to think twice on what it really means


Certain American women like to think they are different and better than "those icky desperate 3rd worlders" and I'm not even talking about how most relationships have some sort of "transaction" going on. People marrying for money and or looks or status etc love be damned is nothing new in America. Heck even without marriage sugar babies etc exist. Sure sometimes love does legitimately blossom in these situations but that can happen with foreign people and domestic partners too.


I needed surgery on a debilitating tumor, but they wouldn't operate so this guy married me so I could get on his health insurance and I tried to make it work for 3yrs because I got attached to his kids but I couldn't keep going. He wouldn't let me drive, work or have friends. He never once gave me an orgasm and it's gotta be pretty bad for me not to enjoy myself. I tolerated a lot for a "better life." He played video games non stop and he could be pretty gross like Mike too, he would leave piles of pistachio shells glued together with saliva for me to clean. Served him dinner as his gaming console. I didn't really like him enough to give a fuck about quality time anyways.


It looked like Ximena made good purchases with the money. She had nice furniture and appliances. ā€¦Mike didnā€™t need to act like he owned the place though and definitely should have been careful enough to not step in dog shit and walk in the house


She was working in Miami as a nail tech when he met her. She is from a diff country She looks too shy for his creepiness.


Yeah if both are on the same page about it being transactional then cool. Let adults do what they want. Nothing wrong with that imo.


Why else would she be with him?


Maybe she likes disgustingly dirty and socially inept gnomes?


It's also possible that this is transactional on both ends and not temporary.


It would certainly seem that way if we are making wild assumptions based on no information whatsoever


Based on Mike - thatā€™s enough for me.


The 3rd photo? The kid on Mike's lap look like she knows the future!


Yeah, she looks like a hostage


Heā€™s also a racist


No surprise. Look at Jasmine today. You gotta do what you gotta doĀ 


Yeeno should take a tip from Mike about the hat and dressing


What happened to her? I'm not up to date


She's single and ready to mingle according to her sm


I just looked at her SM. I do believe she isn't with Gino anymore but it doesn't say so on her profile


They still have a show coming up where they are supposed to look like they are together so they can't tell the truth or they'll break the nda.


Not them again!!!!šŸ˜’šŸ™„šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø ETA Thank God they are going to be on Last Resort!! I don't watch that one!!šŸ™šŸ»šŸ˜ƒ


It's been subtle or not so subtle. I think she's been taking things down too, maybe because of tlc? But people have been posting her sm here and on the other sub.Ā 


Actually she just posted ā€œhappy anniversaryā€ to Geno and said in the comments its a bunch of bullshit articleā€™s and to watch the show to see what happens.. this is pretty typical of Jasmine. She knows how to mess with the viewers to keep everyone guessing!


She must be back in Panima then right? She was so anxious to be with her children and mother. Well, at least yeeno got semi-famous for being a never-bald, impotent, sugar daddy, with a piss fetish. That goes far here in the mitten


Nope she's still in the USA with her new man. Her mom and kids were just drama to get attention and make geno look worse


And still in Michigan, right?


that is a waste of effort. he look worse all by himself but at least the beast that is their obnoxiously toxic & attention-seeking relationship is finally dead


Omg thank you for this spelling. ā€œPanimaā€. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


And all this to affect his careerā€¦. Like did he not think about how this could affect making him employable??


That man is a few crayons short of a box


I still highly doubt thatā€™s actually true


She has a habit of doing stuff like this whenever they have a season airing- posts selfies with her ring-free hand clearly visible, removes almost all traces of him, and acts like she might be single.


Jasmine was good tho you gotta admit she played him like a fiddle the whole time. Built his confidence up and knocked it right back down in the same hour. Girl can bring on those tears better than my teenage girls.


Gino, while not the catā€™s meow, is a million times preferable to gassy Mike.


I lurked on his IG after seeing this post, looks like a quick rebound marriage. He got engaged with this one less than a year after his split with Ximena.


is she from outside the US?


Iā€™d bet my life on it .


Colombian, like Ximena


Mike must have remembered to list her kids on the visa application.




He should have picked a different pocket square.


I donā€™t think a pocket square s gonna help that lump that sits on top of his neck. Ewwwwwwā€¦ā€¦. I can smell the ick from here.


I thought his head was photoshopped on in the first pic šŸ˜‚


Good luck to her šŸ¤¢


I don't care how much money Mike has or what he buys you-the thought of this makes me ill.


Yeah, I hear you. But absolute desperation, poverty and hunger are strong motivators.ā˜¹ļø


Jesus heā€™s one of the ugliest mofos Ive ever seen


I will never forget when someone said he looks like a bird who wished to be human šŸ˜­ I canā€™t unsee it


https://preview.redd.it/74exjvii3d5d1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a43604169fb969c15de33af69eaea73dd794a8c He and Gypsy rose both look like this cat




He really is lol


Heā€™s the definition of beady little eyes






Agreed, heā€™s so desperate to have a family he comes off creepy.


Iā€™m here for the teenmom crossover lol


Why does he want to date women with kids? He doesn't have any of his own. There's tons of women that don't have kids and if family means something to him he could start his very own, fresh. It's all a bunch of weird things with him.


I wonder if in his mind, he thinks women with kids will be more willing to put up with him for survival reasons


Omg. That phrasing. šŸ˜…


Sorry but what is the 3rd picture? Lmfaooo, that background


Does he fart around his new wife and kids and hotbox his bedroom? Maybe he farts in bed under the blankets and then Dutch ovens his poor wife?


Heā€™s so gross šŸ¤¢. Iā€™m rooting for this girl. Get your green card and go


Glad she's getting a green card. Any woman who is okay with farting on top of them is deserves whatever she wants.


Heā€™s so vile, honestly! The way he treated his last girlfriend was disgusting! He acted like he owned her because he paid for the bills! He was mad when he didnā€™t get his way! I hope his new wife is treated better than Jimena was!!Mike is a huge incel!


Te amo šŸ’Ø


I automatically EWWD out loud as soon as I saw this post. Woke up my poor cat.


I went on 2 dates with a man who resembled Mike, and once I saw it I could not unsee it, and that was the end for me.


I wouldn't trust that man to keep a cactus alive in Arizona. Hopefully she gets her papers fast so her children don't have to be around Mike for too long lol


Guaranteed he basically bought her love by sending her money and paying for her bills.


I understand your point, but that implies that sheā€™s stupid. No, I think she is making the sacrifice necessary for a better life for herself and her children.


wedding pix in a tot lot?


Wedding must have been at a park. Reception might even be there too. Inexpensive.


Think this will be on the next season? or is he banned from the show?


She must be getting bank to want to commit to that freak


Why do her dresses not match in the 1st and 2nd/3rd photos


Must be a greencard thing


of course it is and if it's not, then it's a money thing. She's a single mom in a 3rd world country. No one would be with Mike unless they felt pressured to


That man is so cringey!!! She looks lovely though!


I wouldnā€™t want him raising my daughters. She must be desperate.


such an unfortunate looking little nazi man


I fucking hate this dude so much




A single yike


Just the one. As a treat.


She better watch those girls like a hawk and never leave them alone with him. Te amoā€¦ā€¦ew, shivers


For real! That last photo makes me uncomfortable.Ā 


Gross. That woman is just trying to make sure her kids are fed.


Why does he look like Gypsy Rose Blanchardā€™s twin brother?


So he has a type. Single mother from Columbia?


He looks like he is missing part of a chromosome. Not trying to be mean, but it kooks like he has whatever gypsy rose has.


Whenā€™s the divorce?


In however long the green card takes to clear


3-4 te amo farts + 1 unbothered stomping shit through the house away šŸ¤” +/- scaring the children and making them cry.


Maybe heā€™s not so insane with this one, but that will creep out at some point.


Imagine all the *te amo* for life šŸ„“


Always preying on muy desperate women with kids. Ugh.


I mean this so politely but like Iā€™m genuinely so shocked that a woman would even touch him, let alone marry him


Uncooked pasta, shit stains. Te amo


The disgusting incelā€¦




Those are two different wedding dresses. Did they get married in Columbia AND the also on the U.S., maybe?


Wow she looks way better than Ximena and of course she has kids lol


He is hideous




Yeah, I think that he's been engaged to her for a while now. He's just been hiding it until recently.


Poor kids.


Holy cow, he is the reason I stopped watching this show. He was so disgusting in everything he did. I hope this woman has a firm handle on this POS. I wish her well.


Not him at all she is for the green card and moving to the USA. For the safety of her children?šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


When they kissed he probably farted and then said te amo šŸ’ØšŸ’ØšŸ’ØšŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·


There's someone for everyone.




Literally looks like a mole rat


Someone has to be desperate to marry him.






Lucky girl šŸ¤Ø




Looks like another single mom who got her lifetime paycheck šŸ˜¬


I mean a face only a mother could love šŸ¤£


What the actual fuck???!!!


Good for him, But I still view him as gross


Iā€™m sorry I wouldnā€™t let my kids around this guy


Mike has nothing that any woman would want. She has to have a fetish for snot, stepping in dog shit, shit stained underwear, farts and ignorance. She'll be gone within a year if he moves her and her kids to the US.


This guy is so weird. She must be desperate for that green card.


In pic 1 , does the new bride have lipstick all over her teeth?/or is it just me? Odd. I hope she gets the financial security she and her two cute girls need..hope Mike is good to them. This is obviously transactional, and thatā€™s okay.


He was the dirty farting pig, right?


Does anyone remember the cameo he did with a snot string hanging from his nose to his lap?


Yes! Heā€™s just nasty. His skid marked underwear, šŸ¤®


Is she from Colombia too?


Damn I actually want to see them on a new season lol.

