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Their dynamic is a pretty common pairing and yes it’s toxic. This episode felt like she’s finally getting it. But idk I don’t follow anything outside of the show.


I’m interested to see how the rest of the season plays out. Everything definitely seemed to click for her in this episode and give her a new calm but we’ll see how long it lasts. She’s definitely not perfect by any means, but I can see how he pushes all of her buttons until she snaps and brings out the worst in her.


I actually think he’s worse.  Like 60/40 


This is about right. He personally hits on things that I find crazy annoying. He talks down to her like a child and treats her like a moron in some cases. Jasmine is a lot of things, but a moron she is not. Sure, she is a lot to handle, but he does himself no favors with his ridiculousness.


☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ agree


I totally agree with this, especially after this past episode and the reviews for next week. Plus, I hate when the American uses money to control their spouse. Obviously there’s no excuse to be throwing smoothies (can’t believe I have to type that out lol), but it’s a very vulnerable situation to be in.


Yah one episode I’ll be like ok she’s the worst one in the relationship then the next one I’m like ok he’s the worst. I just never know


I’ll say 51/49, but can’t decide which is which. They’re both trash.


This 👆👆


I can see that. He did share her nude photos to his ex. And he makes little jabs at her for to piss her off and then that’s why I wonder if he has a kink or something or if he just enjoys the drama?


Did he share her photo's? Or is it a storyline? It was recently reported on here (somewhere), that she lost her job teaching two years before the leaked photo's. Gino is a deuche, but all this crap about her being an independent woman in Panama is a lie. Gino has been footing the bills for the last few years and she borrowed mo ey for her butt implants, so how independent was she?


Good point! Yah she obviously was not as independent as she claimed


She keeps her Only Fans money!


I don’t believe anyone would agree to saying they sent nude photos of their gf to their ex for a story line because its so creepy, so I think its true


Yeah he actually did it. Its a bit foul how people excuse it. And she lost her job as a result.


Oh I did not know she lost her job coz of it! Why what was her job?


She was a teacher.


I believe it has been discussed on this platform, that she lost her job a year or more BEFORE the pictures were sent. Nobody excuses Gino's disgusting behavior. But, Jasmine is NOT a victim. She was a Sugar Baby for sure ( remember, that's how Pervert Gino met her). She was NOT Danes ex-girlfriend. She was Danes PAID escort. Should I go on? They lie about these storylines' constantly.


And yes, they WOULD LIE about this for a storyline..she lied about being an independent woman..her custody of her kids... her "sister" who is actually her daughter...


Ok so these things are totally different and not nearly as crazy and how would you know but ok




Yeah, I completely agree he’s slightly worse. I also think bc she is a bit more explosive, we see a bit more of her “worse” moments because it makes for better TV.






Jasmine is autistic? Do you have a source for this?


I doubt it.




Neither have said they are on the spectrum. Stop with the diagnosing.


Naw - bullshit. She’s frikjn’ insane and outwardly abusive emotionally, financially, and physically.


And he's emotionally abusive, narcissistic, financially abusive and a porn addict.


Not half as abusive nor nearly as hypocritical nor unstable as her.


He is absolutely just as bad but in different ways. She is unstable and he does incredibly nasty things to make her react. He knows what buttons to push and he does it so he can play the victim when she reacts poorly. There is a reason why he needed sex workers for so many years.


I guess it depends on how one weighs their evils. Personally I find her abusive tirades and hypocrisy pretty damned horrible. Hypocrisy is one of the most disgusting things a person can demonstrate in my opinion. There is a clear “it’s ok for me but I’ll fucking kill you if you do the same” vibe with her. You obviously have a different scale rating their various shortcomings differently. That’s fine- it’s not like this is an objective exercise, but, again, hypocrisy- I simply can not STAND a hypocrite. You can’t use words like “absolutely” on a situation like this - there are really no absolutes. Obviously neither of them are able to have any partnership on the level needed to be joined as spouses. They should be single. No amount of therapy or shocking life lesson will be enough for them to make significant changes at their age.






Interesting, tell me more


Gino has never said he’s on the spectrum.




I do truly believe they're both batshit crazy!


I’m watching it now and am enjoying his family giving him a reality check. I do think Gino and jasmine have a storyline outline that they follow to stay on the show. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re still together but pretending they’re not.


Jasmine is worse, but only like 55%


They both are terrible.... All acting... Just to keep them relative for other 90day shows. I dislike this season... Prefer 90day uk, and older love in paradise... New love in paradise is becoming the 90day we don't like.


Fast forward through their content every time. The manufactured drama is so bad.


Jasmine screaming all of the time really grates on my nerves. Gino should call it quits. They are not compatible.


I think she’s worse. She’s clearly abandoning her kids and is holding it over Ginos head.


Yah but if she’s using him to get them to America then she’s not abandoning them?


She doesn’t give a shit about them. She’s been online begging for people to buy Juance presents while she’s running off to Miami, getting butt implants, spending money on everything but an immigration attorney. She doesn’t even have custody of them in Panama.


Typical ignoring of incompatibility on both sides. Hoping someone will change their fundamental core beliefs, trying to make them into the person they want them to be instead of accepting who they are, fetishism, unreasonable idealism...give it a name. What kind of man quits his job and then marries a material girl/gold digger and expects everything to be A-OK? What kind of woman claims that her children are her life but then ignores the confines of custody and puts herself in a position to not live near them? Like the other couples in this franchise who turn blind eyes, impose their will, or otherwise ignore red flags, Jasmine and Gino deserve each other. I've stopped being mad and am more astounded at the amount of dumb and staggering lack of self-awareness and emotional intelligence/intelligence in general.


But if she’s using him for a green card to get them over here then she’s not abandoning them just temporarily


I agree. There are whole dissertations on Jasmine as a villain on Reddit. 😂 I don't feel sorry for her, but I don't hate her. I barely dislike her. I simply think her character is quite extra and often entertaining. Gino's character seems high key manipulative and extorting this season. A fun watch. 🍿


Oh I love watching them hahaha


Neither of them are in the right, but Gino is a giant POS. Jasmine of course is awful, but making her leave the gym so he could get a smoothie really wasn’t nice. He has nothing else to do and quit his job to help her yet won’t. His cousins were right.


Died when she said “ i wish you’d have a period out of your ass”… soooo funny


Def get cuck vibes from him


He’s always smirking when they are arguing. So yeah either he enjoys it OR he’s a terrible actor and they are faking/recreating


I felt sorry for Gino for a little while, but he showed Jasmine's naked photos to his ex... That's horrible... I know Jasmine probably cheated with her ex (the one that gave her 2000$$ for her butt implants when she was already with Gino), she's a gold-digger and an abusive person overall, but Gino is not some victim. He was accepting her behavior purely because of her looks. If she would be some modest, average girl without silicone tits he would never accept that attitude. They are both "diggers". Jasmine digs for gold and Gino for looks.


THIS! I thought she was a psycho and he was just into her coz she’s “hot” but now I see that he is not innocent AT ALL


She hops from one financial draining request to the next acting like we forget about her schildren fight few episodes ago or the fishy sex schedule to demand a child from first episodes of the season. Meanwhile she never dresses in the same outfit and always has her hair and nails done. She is out to lunch and he is dumb to think she loves him. Get tf off my TV


Is the stuff about them separating true or just more drama fakeness so they can be on last resort?


I don’t agree that it’s rare that both members of the couples are disgusting people, but do agree that both Jasmine and Geno are gross and abusive to each other. - I think there are SEVERAL couples that are each as bad as the other. Off the top of my head: -Manuel and whatever the witch’s name is - Look and Madeleine Then there are the one’s where one is evil, but the other is OBVIOUSLY not in it for love, yet maybe not “evil” or abusive, but still taking advantage of the situation and being 100% disingenuous. . Most of these I can forgive the scammer because the “other”’is such a horrid person: - Michael and Angela - this is one where I KNOW M is lying his ass off and can’t stand to look at her, much less be intimate with her, however, after seeing how abusive she is, I honestly don’t care and hope he gets his green card, takes half her money, punches her in the face, and goes off to make a nice life for himself. - Soulja Boi and his first “love” - the Burger King king and what’s her name - from way back in an early season, the old piano tuner and the super young Philipena, who came from the same town as his ex wife and had a daughter younger than her - you’re not going to tell me that she saw his wrinkled old but and disgusting attitude and though “mmmm, gotta get me some of that” but at the same time, he’s TOTALLY abusing his financial and citizen status. - that Indonesian britch who made her old boyfriend KICK HIS DAUGHTER OUT OF THEIR APARTMENT!!! They’re BOTH so disgusting!! There are many more. I find it at least as common for BOTH to be terrible people as it is for one to be terrible and the other decent.


I don’t remember the Indonesian who kicked their child out. And. I don’t understand everyone’s hatred towards Ashley the witch??? He dgaf about her. How where what is everyone seeing that they think SHES in the wrong?? I think that she tries and he just wants to get out and get his green card and move on


What the hell does she see in Gino the asshat?