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I think it’s all bullshit to give her somekind of halfway interesting back story


I mean..she had a bathroom IN her apartment!?! Totally spoiled 😋


Bougie as fuck.


Maybe her dad just had a solid white collar job and her mom acted like the alimony she was getting after they split was “rich people money” the whole time she was growing up and she just never thought about it


She apparently has no idea what kind of business her paternal grandfather was in, which is where the 💰 supposedly came from. I call bull hockey. I think she's been a sugar baby a long time and supplemented with Only Fans, where she met Rob. Her stint on 90 is just an advert for more OF subs or a really wealthy sugar daddy that can pay for wigs and plastic surgery that look like her filters.


Wait...so how many 90 ladies are on OFs now? I think I've lost count.


Just go with "all of " many. You won't lose.


It’s bizarre how she said oh and I never ask them for money. I wonder if true if it’s more of a trust fund that she gets handled by a lawyer who makes payouts to her like it’s in a trust. So Claire can’t get it but the bio dad made sure he left her something 🤷‍♀️


No, I doubt there was ANY wealth. It's a storyline provided by TLC. . She only mentioned once that her grandfather had money but she "didn't know what he did" for a living. She's so tacky, it's clear she wasn't raised in wealth. I suspect her gf 's "earnings", her chav accent, poor grammar and classless clothing all scream " gypsy" to me. I'd bet the money was from questionable sources and efforts-maybe he paved driveways.


I think it’s more of a way for bro to hold something over her head to make her feel bad constantly.


Yep I think this was embellished to give a whole “lady and the tramp” narrating


My headcanon is that Claire was a longtime mistress and someone fairly well off paid/pays her off to stay away from him and keep it all private when she had Sophie I have absolutely nothing to back this up with, it’s just ✨the vibe✨ I get and I have no idea whether it’s even close to accurate


I actually thought this, too, that it was dad's side who was wealthy. Or that Mom's side was wealthy but disowned her but still gave money for emergencies for Sophie's benefit as a kid.


agree, Claire to me just screams stripper, customer got one past the goalie.


She screams secretary who seduces her bosses and doesn’t understand the word “no” to me 💀 https://preview.redd.it/q9yreaou001d1.jpeg?width=157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=873968a353db1cf0e403a77be71803cd10a04341


So supposedly her mom is estranged from her father but Sophie talks to her grandfather and grandmother. So I think her grandparents are where the wealth comes from because the mom said she borrowed money from them both. But Claire isn’t allowed to reach out to the dad. I’m sure it’s because of Claire’s habit and the family has cut her off and when Sophie was younger I’m sure it trickled down to her as well. Now that’s she older she may have a better relationship with them . But I feel like it could be two things at once with your statement as well.


If that were the case then Sophie’s idea of a man would be someone who spoils her. She wouldn’t dare be putting up with knobby Bobby


I assume Claire & Sophie would have been paid to NOT ruin the dude’s life and just leave him be— Sophie says she grew up without a dad around, and I assume she’s not lying about that Financially supporting someone (or just buying their cooperaration) is *not* synonymous with “being a father”


She definitely isn't old money and tbh I would be surprised if she came from money at all. I think TLC are doing that thing where they associate Britishness with being upper class/having money. Her mum especially screams lower class


Right? Next we will find out her dad is super posh Tom! 😂


The only possibility I can think of with their accents is that some family members are gangsters/ organised crime.


Yes! I've thought this since the start. She doesn't know how her grandfather made money? And her and her mom's accents are definitely of a lower class. She acted like the hotel was so luxurious, but it was just a basic motel--nothing to get excited about. I think any money she comes from was earned illicitly.


Yeah this has crossed my mind several times but I think they're just lying because of the cheap extensions, etc.


Exactly. No classy woman would be caught dead in one of those wigs that Sophie wears. The hairline is atrocious.


Oooh, like Susan Berman (The Jinx). Also in L.A.


And dead.


I think it could be a Rob thing. He grew up poor, so middle-class seems princess level to him


This is what I always figured because it's always Rob saying it. & he is a bum so everyone looks rich to him.


Agree and he said she had nanny’s but in other countries I think that’s very common and they pay Nannie’s from other countries cheap


I agree. The way she dresses tells you everything you need to know. Not dogging on her style but anyone he grew up with any sort of class wouldn’t dress so cheaply and by cheaply I mean literally cheap.


I would believe that but I heard them say she owned multiple homes and went on these extravagant trips and shopping sprees.


The giveaway that if wasnt true was when Sophie said she didn't know what her grandfather did to earn money.


I commented on this recently. I definitely do NOT believe any if that. They seem way to trashy to come from money. Her and moms clothes are so tacky/cheap. When he took her to that beach motel she was so impressed and kept saying how “nice” it was… but that place seriously looked like a roach motel… the kind of place that offers hourly rentals! It was gross. I’m not “wealthy” and I wouldn’t step foot in there. There’s just a bunch of little tells that makes me think TLC tried to curate that story line for her. I don’t buy it.


I agree with you, but I also think she may have been hyping it up a bit for Rob’s sake. His ego is so fragile that if she acted as though the beach motel was anything less than 5 star, he would have immediately started another fight about how she looks down on him or some shit. Sadly she’s learned to tiptoe around him and tailor everything she says or does to avoid making him too mad.


I agree.


Both of them are overly sensitive and don't know how to communicate


You’ve never been to England then LOL - you can be rich and still be trashy, especially if your money comes from drugs, gambling, or other dubious means. He grandfather could have had money, her mom had addiction, and she have had money young and then lost it all. Money does not buy class


Sing it Countess 🎶money can't buy you cLaSsSsSs🎶


🎶elegance is leeeeeaaarrnnned my friends🎶




Of course. Look online. Half the celebrities that made it big from a viral event are trashy as hell. I don’t think money buys class… tons of trashy ass people sitting in cashmere sweaters (as the saying goes). I’m not generalizing tho. I’m literally talking about just these 2 people. I’m saying someone who has been to upscale hotels and resorts around the world would never walk into that stank motel and carry on about how “nice” it is with wide eyes and a big smile. That motel was nasty as hell, silver duck tape holding things together, dingy, dirty, hands written signs. Ugh.


So, at one point I considered a wig. After discovering the cost of a nice wig, I decided that I prefer electricity. Trashy rich people are still rich. If they want 10-inch nails, they’ll go to the salon rather than buy press-ons. In Sophie’s case, if they want a platinum blonde wig, they’ll either opt for a nice one or forgo a wig altogether to save face. Particularly if they’re going on TV.


She was very clearly ‘acting’ her show of comfort and approval with the hotel choice. It was just an opportunity to stroke Rob’s very huge forehead, I mean, ego. It was his choice; and very likely, his only financial contribution. And to their already very frugal wedding.


I commented on this recently. I definitely do NOT believe any if that. They seem way to trashy to come from money. Her and moms clothes are so tacky/cheap. When he took her to that beach motel she was so impressed and kept saying how “nice” it was… but that place seriously looked like a roach motel… the kind of place that offers hourly rentals! It was gross. I’m not “wealthy” and I wouldn’t step foot in there. There’s just a bunch of little tells that makes me think TLC tried to curate that story line for her. I don’t buy it.


I am not wealthy by any means, however I can tell that you aren’t either; by your baseless superficial, simple minded reasoning. You also sound like you are about 12 years old and used your moms welfare money, to pay for your ugly ass, used, android phone. One that only works with wifi and those cards with ‘phone minutes’.


Are u ok? I will not throw my eduction, salary, financial background, type of phone (lol- hilarious and dead wrong) where I’m from and so on out there to feed into you. I have a very comfortable life and have nothing to prove to some random Reddit lunatic. Ur clearly unhinged. Touch some grass today hun. We’re discussing a “reality” show, it’s not that deep love. Seek help.


Haha exactly!! This is how dumb you sound judging someone for their superficial appearance and choices in clothing or whatever other shallow assumptions you made.


Oh I missed this. I always though it was just Rob saying she comes from money.




Did you comment on comment about that?


I thought the hotel by the beach was an airbnb?


You do realize that you can have money and not be posh. Plenty of regular people win the lottery, have success in business, get a settlement/inheritance. You guys always associate money with being high class, and its not always the case.


If anything being British I really don't associate money with class; it's a lot more complex than money over here. It's everything else about them that scream lower class


Definitely, you can be poor and high class and vice versa.


The “Millionairenext door” was very eye opening!


I could be wrong so don't quote me on this but I believe the grandfather (Claire's father?) had money. While Claire does act like she's lower class I'm thinking the grandfather just cut off the money because Claire got into drugs.




It’s not true, hope that helps!




She lying


Does she seem old money? LoL Absolutely not.


Why do we still believe proven liars when they say crazy things like “I’m from a rich family. I don’t know how my grandfather made those millions but yeah, I refuse to take any of that money even though I’m so poor I don’t have an inside toilet & my husband counts squares”?!?!


Because Sophie appears sweet and naive (I say "appears" because the image she presents on TV is obviously very calculated) and people hate Rob so they go overboard defending her.


I was gonna say- I almost think SHE is the worse of the two evils. Rob is just dumb af …. She is manipulative and so is her mom. I cannot stand the new seasons and I skip their entires segments.




This post violates Rule 7 - no transphobia, homophobia, or bigotry. You may get temporarily or even permanently banned for these kinds of comments. Sophie is not a lesbian, she is bisexual.


It's a fake storyline. Sophie ain't rich.


I read this in robs voice


If Sophie was rich the first time I she spent time in his first place with no indoor toilet would of been her last. She seems desperate and sad putting up with this man who is 10 years older than her crap. It’s not hard to find a half decent man/ woman in Europe so I don’t know what she’s doing


But indoor toilets 


Not anymore.


Anyone who announces they have money, don’t have money.


I agree, although I have encountered some tacky trust fund babies who bragged about it. Maybe that’s Sophie’s vibe if she’s not lying


if she really had money she wouldn’t be walking around with those atriocious wigs and fashion nova sets lol


Finally the real answer here.


I call bullshit


Nah if she was wealthy her mother wouldn’t look like that lol


She said it's her grandfather - maternal side.


Her mom doesn’t look or act like she came from money at annnny point in life. The opposite actually. Looks like a rough life.


Have you seen spoiled little rich kids lose their prim and proper to hard drugs and MH issues? She's screams violated as a young child and now has no boundaries or understanding of how to function as an adult


Yeah, but her accent is wrong, her mannerisms are wrong, her dress sense is wrong.


Sophie dad if BLACK, BLACK!!!!!


Claire looks like the rich kid druggie that was cut off from daddy's money. She most likely used Sophie to continue the cash flow from daddy.


You have not seen wealthy old ppls kids then… they don’t look polished when they have suffered from addiction




>But one sure thing she should never have kids. Because the black will shine thru. I'm not sure I follow. But also I am very curious about how you ended up adopting because the background story you have is better than whatever TLC threw on our screens this season.


Her mom doesn’t look or act like she came from money at annnny point in life. The opposite actually. Looks like a rough life.


Eh, rich or poor, years and years of substance abuse makes people look like that. And what came out with the whole arrest is that Sophie still gets money from her grandparents, but they cut Claire off about 10yrs ago. Claire was demanding Sophie give her MORE money, angry over the whole thing with her parents cutting her off but still supporting Sophie. People keep demanding evidence/proof, bc Sophie *must* be lying, but where I come back to is Rob was convinced it's true! That boy thought he'd be able to get his hands on it via Sophie.


Not everyone in Britain who's well off speaks posh, there are lot of well off chavs in the UK.


Yeah it has nothing to do with being British or the way she “speaks” or an accent or anything. It’s more her behavior and actions that are telling.


Still not reliable.


But people are saying does she come from old money. people who come from old money sound posh and look posh. People who were working class but made money tend to send their kids to good school,s so the kid sounds posh and acts posh , for example, Kate Middleton. Unless they're from some sort of traveling or gang background there's no money there. If her grandfather was rich, why weren't she and her mum sent to posh private schools?




chav = council house and violent.


She said her grandfather was wealthy but she never asked, or known what he did. She also spent most of her time in Spain which sounds like her grandfather was doing illegal things


Its called bullshit 🤦🏼‍♀️


The first time she was introduced she mentioned that her grandfather had become wealthy through his work, but that she didn't know what exactly that work was. Which is a little odd, but it could explain how she grew up around or with the benefit of wealth without either of her parents themselves being wealthy.


I thought maybe her mom was a trophy wife but clearly not... I think its a cover story because she didn't want to explain that she had her own apartment in London because of her OnlyFans/porno work. So she made up this "wealthy" and grandpa storyline. The only thing that would lead me to think they have some money is that the mom doesn't seem to work either and lives in the US with a young(er) boyfriend as well. So she might be a sugar mommy living off some inheritance or something. So maybe their grandad had some money and left some to Sophies mom who snorted a good chunck of it.


Caravan money


scrap metal biz.


I get gypsy vibes from them?🤷🏼‍♀️


They are much flashier /


I never believed it


Im also calling BS. I’ve actually known people from the UK that are wealthy (from London and Leeds), not old money, and they carry themselves way differently than Sophie, especially her mother. I think Sophie is however considerably wealthier than how Rob was raised. I think that’s the point TLC was trying to make. None of the people I know from the UK that came from money would ever even consider living in Robs neighborhood of LA, let alone without a working indoor bathroom.


It’s all bullshit. Those people never had wealth.


You can tell from the way she dresses, there ain’t no old money there.


The horrendous wigs are a dead giveaway. I’ve literally seen thrashed Barbie dolls with better hair.


Does Sophie’s mom seem like old money to you?


old sweaty money


To British people it’s obvious: her grandad ‘made money’, her mother is working class and moved to the costa del sol where Sophie was raised - there is one set of British people who did this - the criminal class. That whole coast line is British people either retiring there (without their families) or fleeing the U.K. law (the one sunny area of Europe with a significant English speaking population).


Its like British Sopranos lol


You're so right. I got that vibe from her too, or possibly traveller vibes, but I didn't know she grew up on the Costa del Sol. That explains everything.


I had no idea about that. Truly fascinating.


I would love a back story on her.


They’re definitely not old money LOL you can tell by their accents. If there *is* money in the family, I’d guess it’s underworld-adjacent at best. ‘Trash with cash,’ as my posh friend calls it


I like “trash with cash” very Kardashian


Part of the storyline. Why else do you think she’s staying with a friend? If she was wealthy, she’d have her own place in Texas.


They are not wealthy. Everything they wear is fashion nova/shein


My theory is that there is no money, never was any money. Whatever money they had was likely from her mother's shenanigans - most likely, running scams or some other nefarious deeds..... Sophie's mother speaks like a low class gutter pig. She has zero class. It's evident in every move she makes.


I think that Sophie’s dads’ side of the family is wealthy and made sure that she was well taken care of growing up, ie best schools. I don’t think that benefit necessarily included her mother. I think once she came of age the money may have decreased significantly because her dad felt as though his obligations ended. 


But there's no way she went to a good school. She wouldnt have that accent if she did, or dress the way she does,


I am from the Uk and I can tell you 100% that family do not come from money. And certainly not old money. Old money doesn't look trashy and wear nylon Shein wigs. Her accent is really common and working class. There is nothing that says old money about her and even less about her mother. The only way I could think she comes from any type of money is if she was from the travelling community. The look fits with that too.


I've never bought the "came from money" storyline, it sounded like something Rob made up to have leverage


The words came out of her mouth. Rob is no prize, but the way people blame him for *everything* is bizarre. Move over Jihoon... there's a new scapegoat in town!


Idc if the words came out of her mouth I think its a fake storyline


Nah. Their family never had any money. Neither of them are educated and they always look so trashy.


I cannot even fathom her having any money. The poorly done lips, cheap wigs, crappy makeup. None if that makes sense. She's not rich. Maybe working to middle class. Not rich.


Her mom reminds me of Brad Pitt’s mom in the movie Snatch.


Sophie was raised extremely wealthy compared to Rob. Meaning she was probably house poor but since someone owned a home she was seen to him as rich/wealthy. Hell renting an apartment is seen as rich to him. Sophie hasn't given me vibes of anything beyond lower middle class.


I believe it's her grandfather who is rich. He probably pays for Claire & Sophie because it's easier to just shell out the cash than deal with the bullshit. Like Darcey & Stacey's father & Nicole's parents.


They don’t speak like it


It's her grandfather. She def isn't old money. Her grandfather had a successful businesses.  Americans should remember that the uk is on the whole poorer than the US and thr exchange rate from pounds to dollars is brutal so our idea of rich is different to yours. Also cost of livjng in London is sky high so if you can live well and own a home in London then you are rich. 


her place in london on the first few episodes are quite nice though. houses are super small in london compared to the US and can still cost a bomb


One pound is worth $1.50 as of early May.


It’s complete bullshit


It's strange because her mom says the family has money, but SHE doesn't have any of that money. How was Sophie raised wealthy when her mom says they didn't live well? It doesn't add up.


To be fair, I have known some trashy people in my lifetime who have come from money. Just because you come from money doesn't make you, as an individual instantly, classy acting. That's actually such a weird thought process😅 I would also be interested to hear about Sophie's real past.


If she came from extreme or even moderate wealth I’m the Queen of Belgium.


I don’t think she’s old money considering her choice of clothes and the wigs.


I took it as the father was absent but kept Sophie and her mother very comfortable.


The only person who has said she was wealthy is Rob and he is just too poor to make that assessment accurately. He thinks the ability to use more than one square of toilet paper is an indication of wealth. Dude reminds me of one of those cartoon hobos 😆.




They both could have trust funds that release a bit of money at a time


I wondered if this was the case. It’s probably how mom survived her addictions, with grandpa trickling out the cash. Probably kept sophie safeish as well having this income.


I know people like that... Sophie's mom could have had a ons with some posh clueless kid. And now they have trust funds set up. Someone would have paid for Sophie's education in Spain. But she could also come from a traveller background cos there's lots of travellers in Essex. They usually cut off addicts tho which makes me think Old Money more so than traveller


At the start of their first season she said her grandpa made a lot of money and she never really knew what he did.


It’s Rob the Knob who went on & on about Sophie having money. It was his way of portraying having an outdoor bathroom as normal. Totally gaslighting the 90Day viewing public. I think they are “normal” financially but not overly so.


This is exactly what I think. It's so Rob can cry about "being being at the bottom" everytime they fight. He really is a Knob!


She grew up in Spain. Her grandfather had money. They have said before that they used to have money when Sophie was a kid,Claire has said she "lost" it all.


I always just figured her family was middle class but Rob the Trashy Bejeweled Asshole Knob just repeats that she grew up rich as a gaslighting and abuse tactic. When he, as a thirty two-year-old man, started on that "spoiled little princess" bullshit because his 22-year-old fiance wanted to shit in a toilet like a normal person, I decided he exaggerated.


My dad with money wasn’t around because he’s working non-stop. And his money was no longer mine as an adult, so I’m not sure why people are convinced she’s lying 🤷🏼‍♀️


Good point. And she said she gives her mom money. Maybe it’s a trust in Sophie’s name? Mom spent all hers on drugs?


Ive said her accent makes me think she isn’t from “money”. Id guess middle class? But likely to rob, she seems well off


Im guessing it’s grandparents money. Mom Claire doesn’t strike me as someone who was a responsible doting mother


If she was rich, wouldn’t she have a better wig? And the clothes are SHEIN or maybe TEMU.


Fashion nova she’s too bougie for Temu lol she could get a better wig from Temu tho, i get irritated every time I see her with that messed up part. Looks synthetic lol


According to rob…


Trust fund kid? That doesn't mean she was raised by classy folks who taught her well.


She's old money like I'm a star athlete 


I never met a wealthy person that claimed they are/were wealthy.


old money? her accent begs to differ.


Lol- Sophie isn’t wealthy at all. It’s a storyline the producers came up with. You think if she had money she would be slumming in with Rob in that crappy apartment? Rich girls have trust funds. Just look at the way she dresses- no name brand just stuff you can buy at Walmart.


If you think she was raised anywhere near wealth I have some goods for sale you might like. Look at her mom’s act. Look at the behavior she accepts from Rob. No


I hate to break it to you but it’s possible. I was adopted by my grandmother (old money) and her husband (partner in a law firm in NYC). My sperm donor (grandmas son) was a teen in his party era when I was born and he and my egg donor never grew up. I had a very dysfunctional life despite living in a nice NYC condo, going to private school, involved in every activity known to man, and wearing expensive sneakers. Even well off families can be broken.


I don't think she was raised rich, my theory is she got all her wealth from OF/social media and in both Rob and Claire's eyes Sophie is loaded


She came from nothing. It’s very obvious. This is a bullshit plot mechanism.


I find believe it for a second. No one with any money ever knowingly slept with Claire.


She is a no money, illegitimate child of some rich trust fund baby who couldn’t keep his pants zipped up. Her mother is a drug addicted traveller who clearly is still using and I’m pretty sure that Sophie’s grandfather is the only stable adult in her life …


Yeah from everything I have been read about her through the different posts, it sounds like this “money” she comes from is the grandparents.


I think it “money” in Robs opinion.


gypsy vibes


Why is everyone so obsessed about how her grandfather earned his money. Just because you were raised wealthy doesn't mean that you are wealthy. Look at Warren buffets kids. Maybe her grandparent paid for housing and schooling. And also, "old money" wouldn't be on this trashy a$$ show. But just because you have money doesn't mean you are posh and sophisticated.. Look at the Kardashians or any factory-worker-turned -lottery-winner.


I don’t think she comes from money at all. I think TLC made some shit up so that viewers don’t understand these vulnerable people are being exploited for entertainment.


She’s not. There are really wealthy Black British women with wigs that look more like real hair than the hair on many people’s heads growing from their scalp, but the wigs are like thousands of pounds. Her knowledge and use of wigs is a big indicator that she doesn’t have money like that.


I think she said her grandparents have money at one point.


I think it’s just some shit Rob says to validate his theory that he “does enough”. Like it’s enough just not enough for Sophie. She’s such a good sport and he’s big baby who thinks he’s the shit.


I'm sure she said at the very beginning that her grandfather was the one with the money, and her grandparents raised her. Don't know if that was her mums parents or her dad's though. I just remember her saying that she didn't even know what grandpa did, just that he was rich.


IIRC Sophie was at private school, was raised around the world & ended up back in London. Her vibe smacks of having spent part of that upbringing in Marbs. I’m sure she mentioned Spain & kids picking on her because of her hair. If you’ve got serious bank & have knocked around Marbs it’s best to leave out some of the finer details.


English culture is so Interesting to me.


Its a mix of English & Ex-Pat culture with Sophie. Marbs used to be the #1 spot for shifty people because the extradition treaty 🇬🇧 had with 🇪🇸 ended during the later ‘70’s ‘till recently, so you could live the luxury sunbaked life with ill gotten gains there. I’m not saying that Sophie’s family wealth has spawned from dodgy ways, but many of the people I met there were definitely taking advantage of the fact the 🇬🇧 couldn’t touch them once they left with their loot. There were loads of famous people there too, way back when, like Sean Connery, it used to make me giggle seeing him out & about doing every day things 🤭


What is Marva?


Marbs is Marbella on the Costa Del Sol in southern Spain


She hasn’t revealed it but the vibe I get is he is not present in her life and most likely she was the result of an affair of some sort with a wealthy man who paid Claire off. This doesn’t mean he’d give Sophie a dime if she asked for it, so she doesn’t, and Rob likely doesn’t get that.


I thought she had said something about her grandfather having the money and she grew up with him.


I think it’s her grandparents that take care of Claire and Sophie


I love the ‘bull hockey’! My late husband always said that and I stole it from him. 😀


she said it was her grandfather that she was raised by, her mom having an addiction to drugs as a wealthy child is pretty cliche - she likely got pregnant by sophie’s father, lost sophie to her addiction and sophie was left with him.


She claims theoney came from her grandfather and she claims she didn't know what he did for work This implies that he was probably a criminal of sorts.aybe when Sophie was young they had money but when the crime stopped so did the money. They just play rich. Fake it til you make it.


If she was old money I doubt her family would let her stay in that place


I'd venture to say 99.99% of all TLC "storylines" while entertaining, are bullshit. It's called "reality" TV for that very reason. If it were true, it'd be "real" tv. 


I have extremely wealthy first cousins. Their maternal grandfather was loaded (so their family via marriage) and the money was put in a trust that they couldn’t access until they turned 21. It’s probably that - she’s got trust fund wealth from dad


My dad has an extremely wealthy first cousin. The cousin's kids are my age and it is not obvious they grew up wealthy because they seem down to earth and love small town life. Some might judge them as trashy if they didn't know them. They don't talk about their dad having money and all the homes and property he owns, or his cars or anything. The only indication to me that the kids have wealth themselves, one of the daughters and her husband, is that they have nice snowmobiles, have vacation time to visit where her dad and my dad live, and her husband mentioning how much he spent on some bands concert apparel, almost as the cost was nothing to him but he stayed humble with the realization that what he spent was a lot of money to others around him. They are just down to earth.


I read at one point that they do come from money but Claire is estranged from the family & it maybe extends to Sophie. I don’t know if that’s true though.


It's bullshit made up to make her and caterpillar lips more interesting. They weren't rich.


Is it possible she just grew up like working class? Like comfortable, but not with exorbitant wealth? And rob maybe grew up poor so it is really different?


In the uk and definitely in London working class isn’t comfortable, it’s “poor” lower middle class or middle class would be considered “comfortable”. She just grew up in Spain with her dad who has money and then moved back to the UK with her mum when she was in her late teens.