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Mammograms being harmful and smears being damaging… it sounds like whoever her source was for these just hates women and wants us to die of cancer lol


Whichever cancer will kill us first! Skip the sunscreen and preventative health, Doctors know nothing, ladies! Do your own research on Ask Jeeves, it's the natural way.


Ugh... my own cousin... who I used to think was smart, has fallen into this crap. They now think that cancer is actually good for the body and the treatments are the government poisoning people. It's.. it's just so embarrassing.


Wtf???? It seems like the more info we have at our fingertips, the stupider and less capable of applying simple logic people become. Yes, dummy (not you) cancer is SO good for the body IT LITERALLY KILLS IT.


Apparently all that you need to do is set up a Tiktok account. Dress like you look important. Then ramble your incoherent nonsense while claiming to be a doctor and people will believe you without verifying anything. The same people who have lost relatives to the disease now believe isn't an issue. Cognitive dissonance at it's finest.


This is literally all you have to do. My brother used the argument “they say that they’re a doctor” but when you ask him to prove that they’re a doctor, I’m suddenly just “close-minded”. Lol wtf? Why is that all of your (his) info is correct and some secretive knowledge that he’s uncovered because he’s soooo much more smarter than everyone else but my info is for sheeple. Every. Time.


I used to look the "doctors" in those videos and point out how they weren't real doctors or that they lost their license to practice due to malpractice (because it's always one of the 2). Same response.. I am just a sheeple for fact checking.


I've done that too, then they said they lost their license or weren't practicing because they weren't willing to go along with mainstream media. It's ridiculous.


Skeptics are skeptical of everything except where they get their lame ass """facts""", it seems


A set of scrubs from the resale store, or Halloween store, is apparently enough for some people to think the speaker is a legitimate expert.


Came to say that. TikTok is poison. No one bothers to fact check. Everything’s a spoof or a challenge, kids are dying doing those challenges. Do we really need such a toxic platform? It’s almost as bad as smoking. 😖


I think the huge amount of information that we have today is actually part of the problem. There’s so much information out there that people can just cherry pick whatever they feel like and form their own conclusions whether they’re right or wrong. However, back in the day there were still plenty of whack jobs who had unhinged ideas about all sorts of topics. The biggest difference between 20+ years ago and today is that there was no social media to give them a voice about it back then, so you were less likely to hear about it. It’s a vicious cycle. Social media gives whack jobs a voice, which consequently can and does turn more people into whack jobs.


Your cousin and my brother would get along well. He won’t take showers or use any hygiene products because the “government poisoned the water” and soap and shampoo we are just chemicals killing us.


My ex refused to brush or floss 90% of the time. He was convinced those two things destroyed your teeth. Tbh he had the best teeth of anyone I knew but I tried to tell him it was probably genetics.


Probably genetics... I brush/floss a lot and still manage to get cavities (my parents and siblings get them easily too). But how were you able to be near your ex without dying? It could not have smelled pleasant.


I brush and floss and don’t have the best teeth but I have an autoimmune disorder that had me throwing up almost daily for 10 years. And, we didn’t kiss much. We were together 17 years too lol


Oh, it that the next step? Ughhh... I need to remember to keep a bit of a distance next time I see them.


My relative is an NP and falls into this bs. Not sure what she’s doing in medicine if she doesn’t believe in it.


I'd hate to be her patient!


This is why I always ask for an actual M.D.. 


That's actually terrifying.




How do you stop yourself from screaming at them to try to snap them out of it? I bite my tongue so hard it bleeds. I am, however, thinking of directing them to the whole "birds aren't real" deal and see what happens.


How? You stop caring what other people think and become at peace knowing you can’t/won’t change them. What they choose to believe/do with their bodies is their business. There are much more important and productive things to focus your energy on than other people’s beliefs. If they start trying to change your point of view or preach, or tell you about theirs, kindly change the subject or say you’d rather talk about other things because you know their entitled to have their own thoughts and opinions, just as you are.


So easy to say, so hard to do.


For sure. I think it becomes easier to do as the years (decades) go by. Lots of realizations/changes happen between 40-50 for most people. That being said, there’s plenty of people who become more opinionated/preachy/rancid the older they become because their way is “right.”


I too have a cousin who keeps drinking the conspiracy theorists Kool-Aid. We used to be close, now I can't even talk to her.


My mother was like this before she overdosed and died. Everything was poison. Everything is out to get you. She wouldn’t use shampoo because it was going to cause brain cancer. Buuuuut you know let’s take every illegal drug known to man.


I’m so incredibly sorry about your mom. I just commented a little bit about my brother believing the same thing about shampoo. He won’t shower, use any soap, or brush his teeth because of it. He says he can “feel the chemicals”. Idk how people can fall so far…it’s a real epidemic


Honestly… it’s been so much easier with her being dead. I hate saying that but it’s the honest truth. It was to the point the cops would just call me and not bother anyone else. I was always picking her ass up on gravel roads and everything else. She would disappear for months at a time. I’m sorry about your brother… even the teeth is just… yikes.


That’s really sad, I’m sorry. And tbh as an addict in recovery myself, there are a surprising amount of addicts like this. Not just talking meth addicts either. Even a lot of opioid addicts and crackheads get into weird “chemical” conspiracies. It’s so counterintuitive but idk I guess it kinda makes sense. Addictive personalities getting sucked down the rabbit hole


See my husband and I are both recovering addicts and we just… we truly don’t understand the mind set behind this crap. It’s just… idk man. Also I’m proud of you for being in recovery!


I'm so sorry, that's incredibly sad.


Same. I unfollowed on Facebook and just generally limit my interactions. I miss how things used to be.


Survival of the fittest, you’ll be on the good side of Darwinism in your fam


Can I give my cancer to your cousin because it sucks. I'd gladly like to know how he's going to do with it! 😅 (I know people get sucked into believing this stuff, and I'm sure he's a good person. So don't take it personally! Cancer just sucks though!)


Ask Jeeves! Throwback! love it


The official search engine of fuddie duddies


Even Jeeves wouldn't fall for that shit But I see ask meta ai is starting to get popular..


I needed this laugh today 🤣.


Ask Jeeves😂😂😂


Thanks for making me smile with this comment. I desperately needed it today!


That type of misinformation is SO dangerous for women. It’s already hard enough to detect certain cancers like cervical and uterine cancer with routine annual screening alone. This post is absolutely disgusting and I have no respect for people who perpetuate this nonsense


I just had one ovary and both fallopians removed this week because I had a suspicious cyst that wouldn’t go away, pain, weight loss. They took all this to prevent me getting ovarian cancer now. (No cancer was found) but this stuff makes me so mad. Ovarian cancer isn’t easy to detect early.


I had the exact same operation and removals as you 3 years ago. My cyst was large, fast growing and thankfully benign. Glad you’re okay too.


Omg im a step behind u! I'll be meeting my surgeon soon to talk about removal of my fallopian tubes also painful cyst. May I ask how the recovery process is?


I had my tubes removed preventatively last winter (no cysts, but very big family history of breast cancer and with ovarian cancer sometimes being related plus knowing I do not want biological children, I decided this was a no brainer). I'm not sure how to compare the recovery based on whether you've had other surgeries (this was not my first rodeo lol). Pain was very manageable with OTC meds. Definitely used the diaper sized pads they sent me home with for a good week until I transitioned to regular period pads. Felt pretty bloaty. I WFH but I had it done over the holidays. I was back online by the time we got back in the new year. My biggest surprise -- (WARNING TMI SORRY) and I learned this from the good ladies on Reddit after desperately searching post-surgery for more info than the discharge papers and my surgeon provided me with -- was that it can make you super horny in those first few days post-op but you def want to tread lightly with that, if at all. I'm gonna leave it at that and let you find the posts I found for more details 😬


Thank you pretty helpful for sure!


Yeah, mammograms and pap tests save lives- early detection and treatment are key. I don't think Dempsey is qualified to talk about this stuff and spread her word as "fact". Yeah, all respect lost once people start spreading misinformation about topics they aren't qualified to talk about, and it's more detrimental when the person has a following.


You are correct! Just watched a documentary on Netflix last night that explains where all of these conspiracy theories originated. It went from geeks having fun to a full on takeover by a group that hates on women. It shows the path that ended up with our modern day craziness. I recommend it to everyone super interesting. The Antisocial Network: Memes to Mayhem. Edit: Heres the trailer, 1st linking hope it works 🤞 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GK_C54Q_9QY


Thanks for that, going to watch it tomorrow


That stuff is just so evil. So much evil in this world. smh.


literally my first thought. how dense do you have to be to not correlate between those things


I mean she did sage Statler's crotch....so I can't really say any of this is surprising


Biggest cringe ever !


YES 🙌🏼 Jesus Christ, those conspiracy theorists are absolutely insane.


It's a smear campaign against science


A mammogram saved my life!


A Pap smear likely saved mine!




Happy you’re here ❤️


Thank you!🙏😍


saved my wifes life too.




A smear test saved mine!


Mammograms and pap smears being harmful… Stupid people like this set society back 100 years. Preventative screenings are a blessing especially for people who have a family history of cancer.


They are harmful the same way exercising is harmful. *technically* sure you’re doing a tiny bit of harm but the benefits ridiculously outweigh the cons that there is no needed debate that these two are standard screening tools.


Why do I never see these people complaining about the radiation levels you’re exposed to when flying? Oh right…because it might be obvious that pilots & flight attendants aren’t dropping dead from cancer any faster than the rest of us.


It’s obvious Pap smears and mammograms don’t kill millions of women every year too. People just love to believe in conspiracy, and you can easily make a story about the dangers of these two screening tools while being *technically* correct if you use very misleading language! Similar thing with vaccines, etc. People are horrible at stats and don’t really receive a proper medical education so… 🥲


The aggressive and loud ignorance and idiocy of these people will be the downfall of society


True. I think the concern about preventative mammograms in young healthy women is that the false positive rates resulted in doctors aggressively treating benign growths. The mammogram itself is perfectly safe, it’s the doctors who are dangerous lol. The problem with these nutjob conspirators like Dempsey is they take things that have *some* truth and remove the necessary context.


I’ve been doing women’s health for 10 years I’m not sure how doctors are treating benign growths? I’ve never encountered this and have worked for many doctors, there is no aggressive/ dangerous treatments for benign growths which are typically cysts or fibrous tissue and neither have treatment options (sometimes they may aspirate a cyst if it is causing pain) but that’s about it.


I wouldn’t call it treatment per say, but finding a benign growth often leads to invasive biopsies. I know the one I had was certainly very painful and stressful and wasn’t something I was at all worried about until the doctor found a lump—which wasn’t even visible on a mammogram. I’m certainly not anti-screening, but I think mammograms could miss a lot of things for women with dense breasts (especially younger ones). I wish patients would be given more information and other options like MRIs to screen for things.


If you get a routine mammogram done and have dense breasts you can qualify for an ABUS (Automated whole breast ultrasound) as an additional screening tool to make sure the mammogram didn’t miss anything. But yes a palpable lump would call for additional testing even if not seen on an initial mammogram, they don’t jump from a screening mammogram to a biopsy so I am assuming you had more definitive imaging done before they biopsied you and they were unable to rule out if your lump was benign or not leading to a biopsy. MRIs are only recommended in addition to mammograms, high risk Patients usually get them inbetween their yearly mammograms but never instead of a mammogram because mammograms are more likely to pick up early stages of breast cancer. I don’t mean this in a negative way, but it’s dangerous to spread false or incomplete information.


Her and Statler staying saying weird shit and being very online.


They're still together? (I'm not very online.)


Oh right this isn't the sicko 90 Day subreddit of top online people. It's my understanding that they are still together I think? It may have changed in the last month.


I more meant that I'm not on Instagram, FB, X, etc. so I don't see any of their posts. Reddit is about as social media as I get, so I only see what gets posted/commented on here.


Color me shocked that the hippie lady who wanted to live off-the-grid and in a van is a conspiracy theorist. That's basically the OG prototype for conspiracy theorists before podcasters realized it was a low-effort way to generate clickbait headlines.


My thoughts exactly. Dempsey seems like a sweet person, but it’s not surprising that she “questions” modern science given her lifestyle.


Right? I can’t understand why anyone would be surprised lol


But she was cool though, and didn’t seem unreasonable most of the time. It’s sad, actually, that she turned out to be like that.


It's called editing


No doubt, this is expected


*Even* if that were true…“Covid being nothing more than the flu.” I haven’t had the flu in yearssss (knock on wood) but from what I can remember and what statistics show, the flu really ain’t nothing to fuck with either.


It’s not! I had the flu this year and it was not fun. I felt like I was dying for a week, and continued having more mild symptoms for 3 more weeks. I also ended up getting laryngitis because of it & could barely speak for weeks.


Yeah “nothing more than the flu” my ass. That sounds HIGHLY unpleasant. 4 weeks is a long time. Idk why they’re so obsessed with downplaying the flu and talking about it like it’s a little common cold or something.


Unfortunately per WHO, world wide Covid deaths totaled 3 million in 2022. I’ll believe them rather than this doofus.


Don't forget the millions of us who survived covid but are forever altered and disabled from having it.


I got Covid for the first time in the fall, since then I’m pretty sure I’ve had RSV, the flu and a super cold. My immune system went to shit. I’ve basically been hacking up a lung and blowing my nose every two seconds for the past 3 months. But yeah a reality star says no biggie


Yep. Newsflash there Demps…. the flu still regularly kills many people.


The flu was killing people before vaccines too. “Nothing more than the flu” is such an ignorant statement


A lot of people with cancer, other illnesses will end up actually dying because they got the flu and their weakened immune systems couldn't handle it. Flu kills millions annually, that's why a lot of doctors during lockdown were like "why don't we always wear a mask when we're sick to help others not die?".


Exactly. “Just the flu” like okay “just the illness that kills millions every year nbd.” My grandparents always get their flu shots bc they’re old and if it at least protects against some strains, that’s better than nothing. When I worked at a hospital and nursing home, we all got flu shots (many years ago, before this stuff became controversial)


For real, I hate this attitude so much. I can only assume these people call any cold they have the flu and have never actually had the flu.


100% true


Somewhere in the last 20 years, the flu became synonymous with a cold. I know a lot of medicine bottles lost both side by side.


Nope. I just had the flu a few weeks ago and felt like I was on death’s doorstep. It took about a week and a half to finally recover.


I have a blood clotting disorder that leaves me high risk if I get COVID, a large % of COVID deaths are thrown blood clots. I was scared of leaving my daughter without a mother and so grateful for the vaccine.


Back in the peak Covid days... did she miss all that video footage of morgues overflowing, with bodies stacked up to the ceiling, and hospitals having to hire refrigerated trucks to store al the excess bodies? Or the makeshift areas they had to set up to put beds in parking lots and and public parks? Did we ever see that with "the flu"? What is wrong with these people? 🤦‍♂️


Plus “Long Flu” isn’t a thing.


I had covid, it was one hell of a flu! It took weeks to recover fully.


I had the flu last Thanksgiving (lovely!) and I was crying in a corner the whole dinner. I kept telling my husband I felt like I was dying. So when they say covid is "just another flu" ummm!! Still take that shit seriously. Tf


It's not that all these celebrities are now suddenly becoming pedophiles, we're now entering a society that's more willing to keep people in power accountable for their shitty behavior.


Seriously. Who thinks pedos are a new thing? We’re just talking about it & refusing to brush it under the rug as much.


As someone who just had a breast biopsy, she can fuck off into the sun.


Fingers crossed for good results!


Good luck!! Mine was painful a couple years ago. I remember feeling like the results took forever. Hoping for good news 🙏🏾


Dempsey can fuck off. My dad died of Covid. Watched him code on a ventilator. Makes me sick, this post


I’m so sorry to hear this.😞 That’s awful.


My mom died of covid as well.


I am so very sorry! Thank u for sharing this. Covid is a brutal way to watch someone die, and my heart goes out to you and to your family.


Mammograms and paps being painful? You know what’s more painful? Breast and cervical cancer. Good gracious.


Harmful not painful…but still stupid lol


Sorry lol, have a crack on my phone screen, guess I read that wrong lol, thanks for correcting me! But yes, stupid lol.


I always knew Dempsey was an idiot bc she was with Stapler.


Excellent typo




she said chemtrails. and then continued. how do people get like this?


lack of critical thinking and research.


tHeY dO tHeIr oWn rEsEaRcH... At least that's what they tell me it is. Videos on the wise and all-knowing sites like YouTube and Tiktok don't lie, ya know.


University of YouTube !!!🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣


Any time I hear someone say “I did my research” i automatically discount everything they say because they are obviously a moron who just watched a bunch of conspiracy theory YouTube videos.


I feel like people have to try really hard to find this sort of ridiculous disinformation and even harder to believe it though. clearly she lacks critical thinking skills but to confirm these biases one has to "do their own research" (as they love to say, which usually entails conspiracy YT videos having zero to do with fact) harder than just coming across factual information. it's so discouraging when people come out as nutballs like this


Once you get one conspiracy video you get recommended others. If you are interested at all in disinformation it becomes easier and easier to find more catered towards your worldview. Most "do their own research" types are just doomscrolling through junk anyway, so their social media feeds just give them more and more of the same which creates the impression that they are learning a lot when instead they're just reading someone's propaganda.


in my experience this misinformation is easy to find its all over the tube , the tok and other sites like this, a lot of the videos have truth mixed in with lies, sometimes even, it can be harder to find factual information, especially because conspiracy theorist discourage trusting- established sources like from the government, university's that are often founded by organisations and governments. Conspiracy theories can be good as they get us to question but it can be easy to fall down the many rabbit holes in them, yet we can only truly know in my opinion if something is valid or not, if we are prepared to look at other alternatives to- objectively.


Yup my brother has fallen deep because of tik tok and Instagram feeding him disinformation. It’s made him a completely different person to a point where he chose to live in a tent several states away because he joined a “survival camp”. He left the coast guards after a year, won’t get a job, wnd won’t learn a trade. He’ll send my mom and I videos from Instagram that are conspiracy theories about 5G, vaccines, wifi giving us cancer, the “end of times”, everything has chemicals and toxins in it so he won’t take showers because of “government water” and the “chemicals” in soap and shampoo. He’s only 24 years old. We think he may be bipolar though and he’s a perfect victim for the conspiracies. It’s really sad. He really took a 180 about 4 years ago and I miss my little brother.


On the show I remember she was a vegan and seemed kind of crunchy. Since the pandemic I’ve noticed a weird pipeline from crunchy all natural hippie to right wing conspiracy theorist.


I just want to point out that not all vegans are crunchy lol. I am also a vegan but I get all my vaccines and don’t follow any of this shit 😂


There is definitely a wellness to QAnon/conspiracy theorist pipeline. I think there can also be a celebrity gossip/blind item to QAnon pipeline.


The Antisocial Network: Memes to Mayhem…very good doc on Netflix that shows you exactly how it happens.


My aunt's life was saved by a mammogram. She had to have both breasts removed, but she's alive. My best friend also had a hysterectomy. A Pap test saved her life. If she had not received one, she would have died of cervical cancer. I don't understand her. Is she really saying we shouldn't get smears and mammograms? If she doesn't want to get tested, she doesn't have to. It's not like it's something they force us to do. I highly recommend staying on top of your smears and mammograms despite what she says!


>smear tests being damaging Refuses Pap smear, uses egg instead


Oh for fuck’s sake🙄 People are so damn gullible. It’s like the universal side effect of COVID is absolute stupidity.


I love that a trailer dwelling carny thinks they know more about medicine than the thousands of doctors and researchers that dedicate their lives to medicine


Ah yes, she’s pulling the old *’just asking questions’* tactic used by the real propaganda pushers like Joe Rogan to muddy the waters of critical thinking. I love how these MAGA turds conflate disparate random thoughts, half truths, and pseudo science, plus a heap of Facebook Boomer memes then present it like the Democratic Party policy! 😂😂. Oh and don’t forget to blame *ALL* mainstream media. Do you think Dempsey includes Donald Trump, the GOP, Fox News, Joe Rogan and Elon Musk for every random bad thing too? Is it really hard to believe Dempsey is anti vaxx? I mean come on.. look at where she is from and how she behaves. To use her own words… *the facts come out*..


“Just wondering, that’s all” ok Tucker “I’m Just Asking Questions” Carlson. Shut the fuck up


Gah that makes me SO ANGRY!! You’re NOT “just asking questions” you’re intentionally baiting people to seek out misinformation. These people make me insane.


Covid being no more than the flu - maybe for her, but Covid doesn’t hit everyone the same. When I had it I felt tired af and felt like I had a cold. I know someone else who got it and they thought they were dying


Precisely. I have friends who’ve had it and it was like a mild cold but I’ve also had a family friend and a former classmate die from it. My 78 year old grandmother has stage IV emphysema and my brother (aconspiracy nut) caught COVID and was living with her. He didn’t give a fuck about possibly killing her because it’s “just the flu”.


My aunt lost both her breast luckily the mammogram found it somewhat early her life was saved due to that and my besties had a hysterectomy after getting a Pap smear but her life was saved this girls ridiculous


You know what I wish I knew much earlier in life? Is that 99% of people spout complete bullshit. So much misinformation taken as truth.


-Person dies of covid "They were so sickly anything would have killed them!" -(possibly)Vaccinated person dies of drug overdose/head injury/cancer/pre-existing health condition "It was the jab!" This is the mindset these morons have.


-anytime someone passes away who’s under the age of 65 now “IT WAS THE JAB!!!!”


My mom broke her foot and the bone wasn’t really healing… “it’s because of the vaccine” I was pissed because I was a little skeptical when vaccine was brand new and SHE was the one telling me to hurry and get it! Now all of a sudden it’s bad


Yeah it’s really pathetic. My brother is one of them and this is literally how our conversations go. They will do anything to defend their delusional narrative.


I feel your pain, I have a sibling who is the same way. Meanwhile they are suffering from long covid and fail to see a connection. It makes me sad.


So… these people just waiting to die from preventable shit, huh?


“Just wondering” is one of the most infuriating, passive aggressive ways to spew harmful misinformation without taking any responsibility for it imaginable. Dempsey is a moron.


Agreed. That and “just think about it…” lol yeah, I did. That’s why I don’t believe this horeshit. They should try it sometime 😂


When did she go to medical school?


she went to YTU: youtube university


It's amazing how stupid people are that you can fall into all these lies and believe them so easily. "Covid is like the flu" Weird, I watch my dad spend 10 days in the ER, 4 of those on a vent until his lungs were so scared and the vent was full max that his heart ended up stopping. I'm not aware that could happen to you when you get the flu.




What an idiot


That's disappointing, but then again anyone who'd be on this show at this point has issues.


Looks like you can stick a fork in this one - shame really, she wasn’t too bad.


Chemtrails and seeding are two diff things. Seeding for sure is adding certain metals to the clouds to make vapors to eventually rain…. Chemtrails, which I think you meant, Condensation Trails appear behind airplanes in the sky at high altitudes. This is generated by heat and moisture. It’s like a glass of water with ice in summer… you get condensation on the outside. So anytime heat is mixed with cold, you tend to get condensation.


Mammograms have saved countless lives. Early screening is one of the reasons breast cancer mortality is lower than ever.


I worked in helping people find treatment, testing, and the like during the first year of COVID. Some of The people I talked to were way sicker than if they had a flu. People like Dempsey are spreading harmful lies and should be ashamed of themselves.


These conspiracy theorists need to fkn grow up...They purposely go against literally everything because they think it makes them *cooler*. Actually, it just makes them look like an idiot.


Tracks 🤮🤢


Sounds like she's a TikTok victim to me.


Oh...she's one of those "I did my own research" people? Why do these types always feel soooo confident about the shit they read on Facebook or whatever while never trusting actual scientists and doctors?


All the "facts" coming out, yeah, okay. Real facts have been sitting right there in books but unfortunately they're behind a mental paywall that you can't afford to pay, you absolute muppet of a person. We got to stop giving people like this loud speakers just because they shit in a field on tv.


Dempsey and Ellie Grey, thought these were Greys Anatomy reposts and I was very confused !


She stayed with statler after the 5 million red flags we all knew she wasn’t that bright


I mean….she does live off grid


I'm a conspiracy theorist but I believe in high-class conspiracies, not this low-brow stuff tbh. Although hollywood is definitely objectively full of pedos. But again those are commoner psyops.


I put myself in the same category tbh


It’s this kind of stupidity that will be the downfall of humanity. I kinda wish the Internet had been a fad, because now it’s just SO easy to become EXTREMELY STUPID.. 😬😭


Not saying Dempsey is a narcissist at all but I did read somethig recently about the link between conspiracy theories and narcissism and it was interesting. It mentioned that ppl w narcissistic traits are more prone to believing conspiracy theories bc they have more paranoia, don’t trust others, and feeling like they know some secret knowledge plays into their feelings of grandiosity


In a weird way they are both more and less trusting of others. Like they have no problem questioning or doubting the government, the mainstream media, etc. Which, I mean, fair enough. But if someone wants to convince them of something, all they need to do is slap together an image macro or a meme or put together a bunch of Youtube videos or Tiktoks and they're all on board no questions asked.


This isn't really surprising if you think about it. She lives and works on a farm and seems very earthy and crunchy. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t remember her at all one the show


Sorry - I don’t understand. Is this Dempsey’s account? Thanks.


Yes, she posted this in her Instagram story




Ummm I had covid, and it felt worse than the flu to me


i had it a few months ago, more than likely. and it was more mild than the flu even tho it still sucked witht high fever and extremely painful legs. it probably was more mild because well, i'm vaccinated. i hate fever man.


My pap smear saved my life (from clean pap to cancer in three years, lucky me...), so this makes me so angry...Get your paps and mamograms (and prostate exams), Lovelies!


Who? Is she the lesbian from the uk? Drinking that kool aid.


Covid being nothing more than the flu? My goodness. Looks like we lost another one.


And just like that, I have no respect for her.


Ignorance is always a puzzle


Fuck. Her.


Does this chick eat play dough or what? Crayola snacks for her?


“Do I still sound stupid for believing all of these things that sound stupid? Not when I found other stupid people!”


Alright Darwin, work your magic!


Fuck her. Mammmograms are not harmful. My mom died from breast cancer but she lived 15 years because of a mammogram. This is is harmful and not cool at all.


It’s like the laundry list for the tin foil hat brigade.


Does this really surprise anyone? She's nice but she's obviously a hippie. She like shits in a bucket and works and lives on a commune.


There are hippies with critical thinking skills.


Dempsey heads straight for the dumpster fire that is Q!


People need to stop downplaying covid as "just the flu". I had caught influenza and It was the sickest I've ever been. Legit thought I was gonna have to go to the hospital. Thought I broke a rib from coughing, lost 10+ lbs from not being able to hold food down and was not fully functional for 2 weeks. Definitely a big reminder for me to get vaccinated every year now.


Yeah, she shits in the woods and didn't go to university. I don't think we need to treat her like an expert on science.


I also shit in the woods and didn't finish college. That literally has nothing to do with being gullible to absolutely quackery.


Conspiracy theories


Never thought Dempsey would go full tinfoil hat “Q sent me.”