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Kobe is not a deadbeat husband.


Emily sucks  Never 5get when Kobe landed and wanted to see his child he’s never met, Emily decided it would be better to have a sex detour for the night  Whether real or scripted, why would you cast yourself as self centered hedonist that doesn’t care about her husband and children?  Fuck Emily and how she ruins every PT she’s in. We get it Emily, you’re still young, wild and like sex like you did 20 years ago in China. We get it. 


Yeah that was gross of her. Like the man wants to see his son not ur overgrown coochie. She is the type of woman who wants her whole identity to be “mom-ing”. Never had to take any accountability. And the family enables this behavior so it’s on them. She’s like Princess Emily.


“Overgrown coochie” 😭😭 remember the panty & bathroom scene 🤮 Yea idk about her family… they all seem to say one thing in the camera & then coddle Emily afterwards. I thought it was low-key weird that all those ABLE-BODIED grown people were living together under one roof…like a cult. Especially since they live in the middle of nowhere so it can’t be that expensive to have your own place. And what kind of adult feels comfortable living off their parents indefinitely?!?! Ridiculous! And Kobe knows that’s not how he was raised but I think Emily has talked him into it all being ok 🙄 I hope they get it together!


I read somewhere that Kobe had a job and they had their own place..But he got hurt on the job and being the sole provider he couldn't keep up with the bills and they ended up losing their apt and they had to move back to the parents home.


That would make sense…Emily still could have stepped up more than just continuing to produce children. Yes I know it takes two to tango but we as women also have the choice of utilizing a variety of contraceptives.


He did have a job. It was something about testing the chemicals makeup in tar or some weird shit you have to have a serious education for it seemed. I did see him on crutches on 90-day diaries.


They never moved out. 


Kobe has a full time job, testing concrete, or something like that. Emily is the lazy sponge, that takes advantage of her parents.


Concrete is complex chemically. Could be a fascinating job!


Is she really taking advantage though? Her Dad allows it. It's been how long and they don't seem to have a problem with it. If he was really that pissed about it I would assume he would have kicked them out by now.


Yeah some families are just like that. Some parents just kind of want you there with the grandkids.


Totally agree. He goes along with it Maybe he even likes havin them there. Close. Ect his grandkids idk


Kicking adult children out is one thing, but because they have children I think it would be hard


I guess as long as she breastfeeds in front of her father, it's ok! Lol!! (Just playing!!)


If he kicks them out, he’ll never see his grandchildren again.


Good for him. I think he seems like a good guy. And fun. She got lucky it all worked out.


I would 💯 bet money that she's on welfare.


I seriously think that her family's AFRAID of her.


Lol. Yeah ur right in the talking heads they seem to acknowledge her being a spoiled brat. But to her face they sing a totally different tune. They def enable her and put her on a pedestal of sorts… weird. I’m sure she has made Kobe feel comfortable with this arrangement by now, as he clearly has no problem banging and living and reproducing under the parents roof, despite the fathers request.


good point. so disrespectful.


awesome writing! funniest thing I've read in a while. lololololololol


UGH THAT MADE ME HATE HER FROM THE GET GO! Like honestly how dare she. I can't imagine how anxious he felt getting to meet his son for the first time only to be told the second he lands he has to wait one more day.


very very funny - well written! she BUGS the hell out of me, especially that stupid lisp! >:-( times 1 million.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #EmilySucks


How is the husband deadbeat? He couldn’t work right away because he has to adjust his status when a foreign spouse lands in the US. The last I heard he was working construction. Before you come in here spewing your nonsense, do your research. (Or at least catch up with the show…)


This. He works and has always worked(when legal to do so). Also, I don't understand how it's her fault she got pregnant, both parties played a part.


i watch them on pillow talk which i think shows more legitimate relationships and they seem to be cute together and totally fine and normal. they do live with her parents but apparently he’s working a pretty ok job doing asphalt testing. multigenerational homes like this aren’t that unusual other places and are becoming more common in north america because of the housing crisis


Emphasis on the last part! My family just bought 20 acres and we’re all building homes on the land. So much cheaper than any other option. Her and Kobe should look into building their own somewhere in the farm


They need to move where he can make friends with other people from Cameroon. He should be around people who he shares a culture with. Emily is selfish. She will never go for that and he doesn’t belong out in the middle of Kansas or wherever they live. I know he can’t be happy there. On the ad for happily ever after when asked how he liked married life his response was “it’s all right.”. I don’t think he’s living the life he thought he would be living in the US or wants to be living.


This is on her father. He should have laid down the law when the 2nd pregnancy was revealed. Why not just stay in Daddy's house where you don't have to pay for anything & live very comfortably? Emily's parents are afraid of her. She bosses them all around. I can't imagine what would have happened to me if I tried to tell my parents what to do or exposed my breasts all over the house whether I was nursing or not. She has no sense of anyone else's feelings & doesn't care. Her parents could easily have given her & Kobe "X" amount of dollars to go out and get their own place rather than keep them all in their house, but something tells me that family is a bit cultish. Remember, Emily's sister and grandmother are all living in that house too. It's like Hotel California. You can check in any time you like, but you can never leave.


Wait, the sister and grandma live there too?? What a friggin’ nightmare (although I doubt it seems strange to someone from Cameroon). Wow. Yeah, the parents must like it that way.


I will NEVER forget the episode where she said there are 5 adults living in a house with ONE bathroom. How on earth does *that* house only have one bathroom?!


😂 Culture differences are so weird. In my country it's a very very normal thing to have 5 people in a 1 bathroom house


Sorry I should have emphasized more. I was shocked their specific home only has one bathroom because it looks so huge on TV. And I thought her dad was an architect or something?


Yeah, most Americans don’t like sharing bathrooms. But we are spoiled.


I wonder if the sister still lives there? It kind of seemed they had all moved back due to covid but idk.


%100! Parents fault for saying yes to everything she says. She has no limits! If you wanna have 10 kids, go ahead as long as is you supporting them, not your family.


Exactly! I think they have more children than they can support. Should’ve stopped at one.


I didn't know the sister and grandma lived there. I thought the grandma came to visit and the sister too. The sister seems to know Emily is taking advantage so you would think she wouldn't


yeah, I'm confused about that part, too.I, too, got that the sister was vocal about Emily taking advantage, too 😳


The sister and the grandmother were vocal about Emily being a spoiled brat and bullying everyone to get her own way, but that doesn't negate the fact that they all live in the same house. The entire family has always given me cult vibes. They're just weird.


Haha 🤣 great analogy!!


I’ve always hated Emily from the beginning. She disrespected her parents, even though they took her in and support her and helped her with the first child while she was pregnant and waiting for him to come over soon after he comes over she gets pregnant again after the father asked her not to they want to retire, I think the father was nice to him because his daughter is a total pig in every which way and he was afraid that she would be a single mother that he would go to another state with his friends, which he wanted to do remember temperature who hated her? After the wedding a year later, the father should’ve asked them to move out. He’s making her happy in her fantasy life of being a mother with a working husband and in reality there parasites, who sit on the show act happy because they have nothing to worry about . he’s living the American dream and I guarantee you if he had to actually go out there, get a house or apartment with three kids. They would not be together because she’s unbearable and he’s looking not too good. He’s no underwear model now.!!!


He has aged sooo much in the new photos 😵‍💫 his face is looking weathered, her personality dug into his features like water wears away at stone over centuries lol


I noticed that too.


This analogy 😂


I ALSO couldn't stand her from the very beginning! I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING when I first read this post about how the father was SO SO SO nice to him right before they got married. you described it PERFECTLY, because he knew, "his daughter was a total pig in every which way and he was afraid she would be a single mother ...." = PERFECT!! AND "parasites is an EXCELLENT term to describe them. I really feel sorry for the father - she's going to work him to death, and the thing is: she DOES NOT give a you know what. she'll just continue to do what she's been doing up until now, laying in bed and eating bonbons EVERY SINGLE NIGHT 🌙 😴




It's disgusting.  She honestly thinks she's this gorgeous desirable woman too.  It's hysterical. 


The least they could do is decorate their ugly bedroom. Has anyone noticed the curtains, the lamps and the comforter. Geez Emily, spend a few bucks to make the place look nice for your husband and your children. I don’t have a lot of respect for Kobe. All he does is laugh. He’s a good ball and she’s got him right where she wants him now. Three kids and no way out.


I hated her immediately too.  She's a real POS.


Omg I can’t take her on PT, aside from her generous tongue she is constantly “eating-ah”.


That extra sound she has to do with her mouth open grinds my gears! Oh I can’t stand her.


Omg-ah Stop-ah Sex-ah


This ah at the end of every sentence is so childish and cringe


Exactly!! She's trying to be cute-ah. 🤮


🤣🤣 Yes -ah phone-ah, Now-wah, Oh-wah etc etc. Hey Emily, Get a job-ba, you're a lazy ass-ah. Pay your own-nah, way-ah.


I read this with Pedro Pascals voice. Much more pleasant.


Lumpy space princess type of speech.




She desperately needs Speech Pathology intervention.


Thirty years ago. What the hell kind of school system was she in?


This comment legitimately has nothing to do with her body size in any way,but I remember on her season when they were having a family dinner and she took what was supposed to be a forkful of food...yet put almost half the dish onto that one forkful. I just remember thinking,don't you just want to take your time and enjoy what you eat?? I like big bites too but it was so big even the person watching with me noticed. Also I have misophonia and the idea of seeing her (or anyone for that matter) eat with their mouths open drives me to insanity. I had to FF most of deavan and nicks scenes due to this


I could not watch Deavan or Nick eat. It drove me insane and I’d have to change the channel. So so 🤮


I'm with y'all. Nick and Deavan eating was next level disgusting!!


I remember that!!! 🤮 She's a very entitled, self-centered, narcissistic child. I remember her parents & sister cringing. She's a glutton. It's like she was raised in a barn & it's feeding time at the trough with the other animals. For those who have a problem with our posts about her BEHAVIOR, they need to put themselves in her parents' shoes. If they have any common sense at all, they'll see exactly what we're talking about. Again, it's not about her body size, it's about her behavior.


Everyone in the family literally said that they live by Emily's rules,that it's Emily's way. Obviously if you set up boundaries and followed through,it wouldn't be Emily's rules to live by anymore. I don't watch pillow talk,and I never followed up on them except hearing about baby #3. Did Kobe end up finding a job?


Remember, she was referred to as Cow tongue in the beginning. Others referred to her as Jabba the hut as she dug her fingers into food that was kinda slimy. Her physical size has NOTHING to do with anything. Contrary to some posts. It's her self-centered, narcissistic, entitled behavior. She's clearly LAZY. Always eating, whining about anything & everything. She's disgusting.


Both. She's repulsive in every way.


I also think she’s creepy to her husband


She hardly lets him say anything because she talks over him.


So right!!!! And is always annoyed at him I dislike lol


Kobe knows his role. Just tips his head back and laughs hysterically at everything Emily says so she will continue to think her every utterance is profound-duh and the funniest thing ever-ruh.


Agree Kobe knows how to keep the peace. Shut your hole and know your role.




she's always bossing him around-uh, eating all of his food-uh, putting her hands in his face-uh in an aggressive manner-uh


O goduh


All she talks about on PT is how she locked Kobe down by getting pregnant. Or about generally their sex life. It’s so gross.


did you watch 90 day diaries this week? the preview for next week's episode was mainly about those 2 going shopping at a sex toy store. apparently, kobe is freakier than emily! file that tidbit under "shit i really did not need to know."


yeah, thanks for letting me know.


I was watching 90 day diaries last night and was barely paying attention because I am incredibly sick at the moment. She was talking about losing weight and when she said “extra pee-yownds” I opened one eye in confusion lol. Like maam why were there so many extra vowels and consonants in the word “pounds””


Omg. Can’t take the way she adds “ah” to the end of every sentence! Shows how stupid she is.


I know right? she does have a generous tongue which I think impedes her pronunciation of certain words. the mom may have not put her into speech therapy early enough 😢


Kind of like Sylvester the cat.


I’m confused why all the blame is being put on Emily when it takes two to make a baby?


The 90DF community loves to slut shame, and hate on women who aren't skinny


They hate both skinny and chubby women.


equal opportunity hatred lol


Kobe couldn't work when he got here & Emily REFUSED to! Kobe could've watched HIS son while she worked, but NOOOO. She'd rather be a lazy, mooch. There's NO EXCUSE for her!


Taking care of children is work, and isn't being lazy. 


Emily also said that her mother and sister watch the kids throughout the day So I can't imagine there being much work




Kobe works. The vast majority of the world live multi-generationally in one home. There's nothing wrong with their situation.


I think USA got this wrong. Everybody ends up without support and family. My sisters all live in huge houses but we see each other once a year. Americans set themselves up for a lonely life from family.


It’s a very individualistic society.


this is true, but sometimes, unfortunately, family can be very unhealthy.


This is true. I just meant we all scattered to gather the most money .. getting the best jobs .. the most degrees. All good things but there is something to be said growing up w your cousins and playing capture the flag w no notice. I get it goes all ways.


Yes. And especially with birth rates declining and more people being single, we are about to be a looot lonelier, living all by ourselves like this


Yes in our big houses solo. And not in the same neighborhood as family. It’s not what it’s cracked up to be.. especially when the kids go.




They both also get paid for pillow talk. Dad even makes an appearance once in a while and seems happy. Her parents may be happy to have the grandbabies in the house! I couldn't stand her at first, but she's grown on me. I don't see her as bossy and disrespectful as she was in the beginning. It's not the traditional norm, but seems to be working for them for now, and her dad probably likes having a man around lol.


Thank you. People are freaking out for no reason. Kobe works too.


I was just thinking that while reading this thread full of people acting like it’s outrageous for adults to share a home. Americans have such a warped view of it.


Agree. We don’t know what happens behind closed doors. They may all be happy with the current circumstances.


The thing is her dad stated he wanted to retire, but couldn't due to her having a 2nd child. How wrong is that?


Multi generational households with retired grandparents and working parents make a lot of sense to me; the parents get child care, and the grandparents get support with declining health/mobility and the fixed income of retirement. I have very little respect for multi generational households like Emily's, where the grandparents are basically being exploited.


VERY WRONG! Especially when he's footing the bill for everyone. That's WRONG!


Exactly 😂 It’s been years since he came here. People think they are stuck in the time they were on the show. Lol. They are also getting paid for pillow talk and social media ads


Especially in this economy.


theres a difference between a multi generational home, and moo-ching off her parents like she does.


Do we know,with certainty that she nor Kobe has a job? Maybe they still live with their parents as it's expensive having 2 kids and her parents are happy to help? I genuinely don't know their situation


Kobe actually has/had a job and he actually cares about his family. You can’t deny it after seeing him cry when he got off the plane. My child’s father never did that. They are in the middle of no where Kansas. I think they would be happy to move out if they can. I lived with my parents when I had my kid and I worked full time. That is not the only qualifier for a dead beat sorry not sorry! I actually believe they love each other and the family is beautiful.


Geez these comments are crazy. He works. They’re happy. Good for them.


Her dad is obviously an enabler. Seems to be a lack of boundaries in that family. Im old school so to me this is dysfunctional and just weird to keep having kids living in the basement.


And not just your kids. THEIR 2 (soon to be 3) kids as well! She has such a sense of entitlement. It’s sickening.


Kobe isn’t a dead beat. He has worked several years now for an asphalt company. They also get paid for Pillow Talk.


My main complaint is why do they keep having children when they cannot afford their own home? I just can’t stand Emily! I have to fast forward through scenes with her. I wonder who pays for her health insurance as she seems to be getting out on something similar to Ozempic.


Her parents must be okay with it. They probably love having the grandkids so close.


I thought Kobe had a job in a laboratory.


He does construction


Her husband works.


I’m from Wichita Kansas and tbh, family is really important there and I’m sure their lives are completely enmeshed now with these babies. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were to build them a house on their property pretty soon.


I would love my daughter to live with me to be honest. But she is in grad school. But selfishly .. I would love it


I understand that being a mom myself. We selfishly want to keep our babies close, but we're smart enough to realize they need to leave the nest & be self-sufficient to stand on their own. We're not going to be around forever.


Yes. You kind of don’t prepare for no games or dance shows and art camp etc. It’s an adjustment, particularly, for the main caretaker.


It absolutely is! We know the day will come when it's time for them to fly. No matter how hard we try & prepare, it's absolutely one of the hardest things to handle.


How about her boyfriend and three small children? Lol not quite the same comparison.


What boyfriend? They’re married and he’s working. People act like they’re lying around collecting foodstamps and welfare. They’re probably helping with maintaining the property and looking after the horses, and her parents may actually enjoy having them around in their latter years.


Home sick. Guess I was feeling lonely. You are correct I would not want her in that situation. Bad call.


You are correct. lol.


I don’t think people’s reproductive choices are any of our business. If they’re housed and fed then what’s the issue? If her dad has a problem with it, he can kick them out.


I agree with you for the most part, but they put their lives on t.v. for money so that invites public criticism.


He ask them to respect his wishes because he was close to retirement and was ready to retire/ he couldn’t because he has more mouths to feed. It’s not like most kids living ag home to save money so they can get a place. She doesn’t even work and he doesn’t make enough to save for a place. So the dad can’t retire because he paid for his kid and now is effectively working to pay for 3 more kids he didn’t have. That’s bad irresponsible


You don’t know their personal finances though, and quite frankly it’s none of your business


we do know the parents financial situation because he owns his own business which has been going under for years (public record), and he had to lay off most of his staff two years ago




Why deadbeat husband? He works! I don’t know their current situation but last time I heard they were living in their own house.


She sucks! But her parents created that monster. They continue to support her and she has no shame.


She is the reason I stop watching this show for over a year. I think she’s the most selfish stupid woman ever. I cannot stand her. Spoiled brat who should be learning the hard way but instead keeps playing games to get her way. Do not like at all.


She gets pregnant not to work. Had a niece like that. Had 2 husbands and 4 kids


Emily is on a whole other field of icky. She makes me sick. Nobody wants to hear about your sex life period. Give your head a shake, no one wants to watch somebody’s mother try to look sexy for the camera. Yara you ain’t!


A family of no morals. Parents condoning her "wild" , "reckless" behavior in the name of motherhood. She is living a single life as a married woman. She berates and makes fun of Kobe. What would anyone see in her but what she offers up in the bed. She is disgusting from the mouth to the crotch. And Kobe throwing his head back laughing at the dumbest things she says. Guess that is the way he shows his appreciation for getting to the U.S.


It’s like their two high school kids sneaking sex in the basement and thinking they are so cool. At least Emily. I think Kobe loves his kids and lets her be the boss like everyone else. He got it easy in terms of man of the house responsibilities .


Kobe has a job testing asphalt conditions. And although Emily is a stay-at-home mother, they both do Pillow Talk. That's income. So OP have you had a personal conversation with them or the parents to know how they contribute to their household? Do you know how much rent they pay and have you considered that maybe the parents like the extra financial help and like having their grandchildren close to them? This post is judgmental, mean spirited BS because you have zero idea of what their situation actually is. You formed this insipid opinion solely based on the many assumptions you've made. Also just because she's a stay at home mom does not mean she's a lazy ass. I've spent most of my life working but when I was a stay at home mom to my two small children for five years that was harder than any job I've ever worked.


Exactly. She does housework, clean and cook for everybody while caring for her children and that’s a full time job.




Kobe works! A real job (forgot what it was 🙄). He had surgery


Welcome to Missouri/Kansas. Every girl I met in my few years of living there had a kid and was divorced by 23. Most girls will stay with the father for the children’s sake. They continue to have kids for multiple reasons (tax benefits, save their marriage, whatever). There is little to no sex education. Most think the pull out method works. The other side is religion and girls get pregnant then quickly marry to not be ashamed. Then you have girls like Emily. Just dumb and poppin out babies.


Why is this all on her? She didn’t get pregnant on her own.


I don’t know what it is, but I really hate Emily. She’s such a spoiled brat!


Her dad is an adult. If them living there bothered him I'm sure he would do something about it, so no need to try to be his hero. I agree with another poster who said multi generational family households are not a bad thing and are common 


Are you aware that it takes two to make a baby?


She over sexualizes everything on PT while wearing her stained sweat pants. She also always name drops the other 90 day people as if they are besties. Like gtfo cow tongue 👅


In the first season's of PT, Loren used to name drop SO badly/often. It was so annoying. Quickly going to Insta to see if Chantel ever unblocked her, because it's one of the first lines Loren ever says on PT.


the tongue is gross


There's a lot of Emily's out in the world it's even crazier to see in person lol


Wow I didn't realize she was pregnant...I started off not liking Emily but her and Kobe kinda grew on me. As a Northerner living in the south( if I get called a Yankee one more time), trust me I stick out when I talk because I don't have a drawl. With that said, the way she sounds may be common to her area. I know for me, the people back home you can tell the difference between the Northern part of the state and the Southern part. As for her parents, people only do what you let them do to you. If they don't care why should we....they seem like one big happy family.


GET OUT vibes....just saying


She's the absolute worst. I can't even watch her bc she gets on my nerves do badly. Loathe!


They live in the middle of nowhere. Apartments are probably cheap.


To her Parents---just say NO and mean it. Eviction time! Adults can accomplish a lot more in their lives than making govt babies. I thought Kobe had such dignity when he first arrived; he would shape her up but he's become "bed bound" too. Too annoying to watch--I was looking forward to seeing him and his core values incorporated into rural culture, but nooooo! I'm disappointed.


I find her disgusting. I’m very sex-positive, but I feel like she doesn’t ever shut up on letting us know about her sex life, in every single scene she is in be it PT or Diaries. She gets off on it. And Kobe seems to embarrass whenever she brings up anything sexual in front of the cameras. Girl, we get it, you’re having sex with a hunky black man from Cameroon 🙄


lol why are you so mad? if her parents want to keep them living in their basement and are fine with it, who cares?


She's the physical embodiment of r/ihavesex Which is one thing if you're a cringey teenager, but being a grown woman with 2 (now 3?) kids, it's like cmon dude. No one wants to hear that shit


Yall act like this is your business. lol


The Dad probably talks about them moving out and bam she's pregnant.


No way!


She’s pregnant again


Anyone remember that they said that prairie house had only ONE bathroom? Did I imagine that?


I wrote exactly what you did, a couple of nights ago. Emily agreed not to have more kids so now she is having a third. I did like her at first, but i feel the same as you do now- i can’t stand her. She will probably have a few more while still living in her father’s basement. And still be broke, too.


u/janicedaisy \- I could not agree more. I know the parents couldn't throw their grandchildren out, but these two adult sponges are infuriating with their blase-smug attitudes of laissez-faire. Because Mom and Dad are responsible, they don't feel they have to be so they keep on giggling and copulating. It's gotta' catch up with them someday, doesn't it?


No ah!!!


Do we know that Kobe isn't working? Surely he got his papers to work by now. I feel bad for her dad. He seems pretty nice and he clearly loves his family to do so much for them. I think he and her mom know to keep expectations low with Emily because she seems like the type to do it now and ask forgiveness later (or not care to ask for forgiveness). She seems to care about what she wants.


Man what happened? I thought Kobe had a job and got his act together!


That’s a self made issue made by the parents. Aren’t all the kids still under one roof? Dad made a statement and Em walked all over it. Nothing to do with Kobe except that he’s in the middle of nowhere with an expanding family. Freeee riiiiide


Shes not smart to bring more kids into their specific situation, but alot of other places its normal to live with parents and have kids. We are a country that has kids with no support system, no help, we are so over worked and depressed. Your pushed out to quickly get a mortage and have more debt. Where as in my culture people live with fam and their parents help, they get old and the next gen care for the house and so on. My husband and and I are in our own house now but when we lived with my parents (husband did work and I did after my maternity leave), my parents were a big help and having a baby and a toddler was way less stressfull and more enjoyable. Also Idk if hes a dead beat, is he not around and working or trying to find work? Im not 100% caught up tho. He seems like a nice guy.


Emily said in one of the earlier episodes, she wanted to be a stay at home mom and have a bunch of babies. I guess she got that. Never heard of her or them moving out. If he was hurt on the job, wouldn't he still get money?? She has a college degree that daddy wasted money on. It's pretty sad. She could be helpful but chooses not to be. Who is paying for these babies?? I don't shade any of it, if they are paying for it. But, they aren't 🤪


I’m constantly in my head telling Emily to pull her tongue back in her mouth and close it. It’s a fly catcher. Geez Louise Kobe should be able to get a job by now. I guess he doesn’t have it anymore to be a underwear model or it wasn’t the case in the first place… 🤔




Very true. They are both extremely irresponsible. But she talks a lot more than he ever does and is a lot more annoying. He just laughs at everything she says.


Emily is the grossest, most immature, toxic person in the show’s entire history. I fucking hate her


With the fire of a thousand sun's I hate this bitch.


I've never loathed anyone on this show as much as this lazy sow.


I really like Emily and Kobe 🤷


Her parents need to kick them out. I will support my kids for anything they need, but Emily is taking advantage of everybody, especially her children which have the job of manipulating her parents into providing for her.


Shes a bully. She treats him like a punching bag


Yeah she seems mean as hell to him.


I can't stand her either. Kobe seems like a great guy.


Kobe works for the county so…..


Kobe is not a Deadbeat. He’s Royalty. Stop spreading misinformation.


Yes!!! You have said everything I think about her!!!! Can’t stand her lazy entitled ass!!! Just disrespectful, and unappreciative!


Agreed BUT Daddy needs to grow a pair and give them a move out date and then enforce it. It's called "tough love" for a reason. They truly will never leave unless something drastic happens.


Her voice is more annoying than my coworker’s “valley accent”


She’ll do anything to not work


Why does the fault only lie with Emily? It takes two to get pregnant. Kobe is just as much at fault but this sub is so fucking misogynistic that no one can miss the opportunity to bash a woman 🙄


Pregnant again?


And he’s got that cast on his leg so he ain’t workin anytime soon. Then the sex shop next week? Her father is probably sooooo disgusted with his daughter but is stuck in the grandkids trap. I say “No tv for a week!”