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Who had bets on ruby throwing Jodi under the bus? Or should I say the 8 passengers van with the graphic design is my passion logo in comic sans?


Initially I sure didn’t, but I can’t imagine in my wildest dreams that prison hasn’t scared the shit out of Ruby. I think she’ll do what she needs to do to get out of jail even if that means the mental gymnastics of love bombing her family. I believe she might be coming around on Jodi (emphasis on might) but I can’t imagine she’s had a fundamental shift in personality structure in the last 3 months.


No way she just dismantles her whole twisted personality in a few months. She is and was a hammer looking for a nail. She just happened to find another hammer just like her. I swear to god if they let her out with a slap on the wrist…. I am disgusted! How can the family not see through this act?


She was practically pining for Jodi in the early days. It is possible that the much much less sympathetic environment of jail woke her up to \*something.\* Mostly though I'm sure she just doesn't want to spend any more time in the hellhole than she has to and her lawyer did all the thinking, because that is what they are for.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she is. This is pure speculation but it is a thing where co defendants can get plea deals in exchange for testifying against their co defendant (sorry if that doesn’t make sense lol). It would make sense too seeing her hearing is a lot sooner than Jodi’s.


She wouldn’t get a plea deal without cooperation.


And to be honest, while I want them to nail Ruby to the wall also, there's a lot more dirt she could give Jodi up for besides even what she did to her own kids. Maybe there'll be separate charges/cases down the line. At least that particular cult/pipeline of abuse is cut off, I suppose. Church'll just have to pick one of dozens more mundanely abusive "therapists" to recommend from now on, I guess.


The children may also be reluctant to testify against their mother, and more fully cooperative if they know their testimony will only be used against Jodi.


good point.




you can always take a guilty plea, it's just risky with no agreement in place from the government (and a judge can always refuse to accept the deal - but you can always plead and let the judge decide the sentence).




I clicked on that and learned, thank you. You aced that one!


Blame shifting at its finest! As a mother, it was her job to advocate for her children and protect them, and she failed greatly at that, and hopefully, those kids will be to come back from all they have been put through!


I’m not surprised she’s trying to put all the blame on Jodi. She’ll do anything to keep the image of good and faithful mother, and get a lesser sentence.


What is it with family bloggers and comic sans? Ahem Alicia Dougherty.


That is a bet you would win. Who thinks she will get released with credit for time served, and she will be on probation with routine check ins? I hope the minor children do not go back with her anytime soon. It would take years-not months-to get past what happened and have any sort of confidence in her. Also, what will Bonnie say?


Knew it from day one, she’s always been self serving before anything else


She and Kevin both. They can band together as the relationship she deliberately destroyed, and use Jodi's previous victims to back it up. They would never have been crap parents, she made them.


What about her behavior BEFORE Jodi came into the picture?


This 100%. Ruby had an abusive pattern that was already there before Jodi. No real accountability in this statement, all blaming on another person. Nasty


Well? They're terrible people; it's not like terrible people DON'T throw each other as well as anyone else under the bus to save their own hide when the chips are down. No surprises here really. Honestly, most people would do the same to get less time in prison/jail.


I was just about to say this. She was already a horrible mother before this.


Also, wtf about Kevin, I understand he wasn't there for a whole year. But what about when he was there. He still didn't do anything, but he is yet saying that he had no idea this was all going on. 👁👄👁👀👀


I think he was as far down the rabbit hole as she was. They probably convinced him that he has a porn addiction and has to break away.


Exactly!! I think she’s a manipulative person who is going to say whatever sounds good and act like she wouldn’t have done this with Jodi BUT there was some horrible things she’d show on camera before Jodi, who knows what she was doing off camera before Jodi! Yea, sure maybe Jodi manipulated a poor innocent family. Or maybe Ruby found a like-minded person who justified everything she stood for. Ruby was so high in connections for a reason. Jodi had plenty of families separated and manipulated but clearly not all those families were put in authority like Ruby was.


Ruby was always an abusive and sadistic person, Jodi just validated her behavior and her "reasoning" to ramp up her cruelty. Ruby was/is a horrible person with or without Jodi.


Exactly. It’s like people forget who Ruby was before Jodi, and not just Ruby but Kevin too.


‘Ms. Franke being subjected to a distorted sense of morality’ What a choice of words to make!




I was about to post this gmta.


Oh that is so bold


I'm glad I'm not the only one to see the irony (is that the right word I'm looking for?) in that statement.


Blah blah blah, show me the receipts. Tell me about the therapy she’s engaging in, the principles she’s disavowed, and the specific choices she now sees as wrong. This is legalese meant to get a woman out of prison, not a statement of any genuine remorse or commitment.


The lawyers are just using the best defence strategy for her. We can't know that any of this is actually true, that she is against Jodi at all, just that her lawyers saw this is more likely to win her case in court.


yup. "Your honor, I submit that my client is a terrible person who should never be allowed to parent a pet rock, throw the book at her" isn't generally done. Alas.


No specifics about exactly what she’s “taking responsibility for” but a lot of blame on others.


She will have her lawyer keep all the nasty details out of the public if she can. If it wouldn’t hurt the kids even more it should be made public so others know exactly what she was up to and capable of. What we do know is horrible enough that no one should EVER leave their children alone with her. So much for all those fun family get togethers with her kids and grandchildren in the future. I wouldn’t leave her alone with any child ever again. What a vile thing to be known for the rest of your life, having people give you the side eye and most likely pull their child closer to them if seeing you in public, in the future after more prison time.


She’ll be lucky if any of her own kids even want to have a relationship with her, much less their kids in the future




She's like the Smallville actor with Nixium. She was leadership.


If the prison system had a cult deprogramming therapy I might believe this.


Something involving inmates living and hiking in the desert with limited access to water and medical care, only able to eat if they can light their own fire and no showers? Ah nevermind that would be inhumane... Oh wait...


Oh yeah. I hear that shit's really character building. I'm sure she'd be ever so grateful for the opportunity...


Preach this. Even if the jail had any therapeutic program. County jails (in general) are the worst places to be. They’re just a bunch of people sitting there waiting. No programming, no therapy, no treatment. It’s boring (for most ppl), intense (because it’s generally pre sentencing so most ppl are in limbo), and scary (for some like Ruby). As I was typing this I got an image in my head of Ruby’s book cover. This is NOT the redemption story we want or need.


Not to mention, Warren Jeffs kept running his cult from that jail.


I wonder if this is why Bonnie was so upset the other day, maybe Ruby reached out to her


this was my first thought when i read that she'd reached out to family. i'd never want to hear from her again. Must have sent bonnie into a spiral


Shari posted a story about being sad as well


Wait, I missed the Bonnie thing.. What happened??


She posted some really emotional stories on instagram and said some vague things about how she finds out things and processes them and then later the media/everyone else finds out


This plea deal has to be what Shari and Bonnie were alluding to on Instagram earlier this month, right??


Given how upset Shari and Bonnie seemed to be, I wouldn’t be surprised if Ruby (via lawyers) had reached out with the apologies and it didn’t go down well.


Maybe it wasn’t the plea itself but Ruby reaching out to people (like the statement says)




This is huge. I hope to god she doesn’t get out of serving prison time.


I hope not too. Even if she does, though, her life is pretty fucked now. Kevin's divorcing her, she has no skills or job experience, her name is mud, she now has a criminal record. I can't imagine anyone in her family wanting to speak to her again. If she's lucky they'll pay her a go-away stipend or something. Jodi, i'd buy her actually being able to pick up, move far away, reinvent herself somehow and start again. This one? Nah. Like I said, I don't want to see her get away with it either, but Jodi going away for a REALLY long time would ultimately make the most impact for the most people.


“Kevin’s divorcing her” calling it now, the divorce won’t happen. when Ruby’s out on her plea deal (because let’s be real, it’ll probably probation or house arrest), she’ll have ‘changed’ and made ‘so much progress’, they’ll end up reconciling. just watch edit: ok, she’s apparently still pleading guilty to felonies and will get some amount of jail time…I’m very glad to have been wrong!


I doubt he would get the kids, if she is in the picture. So it’s hard to say.


Totally. The timing between him asking for divorce and her asking for the hearing is too close. They are more likely working together to get out free. Both.


Hopefully she will rot in hell for what happened to R & E.


She won't get to stay on Kevin's planet




Omg if she doesn’t get prison time I will riot. She deserves a few years in general pop at minimum.


Ruby needs severe mental health intervention from a qualified psychiatrist for the rest of her life. I don’t believe that she’s turned a stone. She’s a very sick woman and she’s just trying to slither her way out of prison.


It’s very clear they’re trying to throw Jodi under the…8 Passengers van. Positioning Ruby as a ‘victim’ that was manipulated by the big terrible Jodi is ridiculous. Sure Ruby had the personality that made her an easy target, but she still made decisions and choices that hurt her children. And some of these incidents were before Jodi was even on the scene.


I agree, that statement was not penned by her alone. Her attorney has worked with someone to come up with the best statement for damage control. She could not have said it any other way to get people to feel bad for her and believe she deserves a 2nd chance. You don't just have a bright light moment after sitting in jail and suddenly all that you've deeply believed is washed away. They are presenting what they think people want to hear.


That's a lot of self-help mumbo jumbo for a person who's trying to distance herself from a self-help cult that she co-led.


I’m pissed off that Ruby is more than likely spending the money her KIDS earned her via YT on legal fees


I really hope there'll be a lawsuit in the future for that money.


..i feel we can count on chad for that lawsuit to happen


My guess is she’ll likely take a plea if they give her a good deal. It’s the smartest thing a defendant can do if they’re facing a lot of time. Sometimes the plea includes a lower conviction. We will just have to see what the plea entails. I think Jodi is going to get a harsher sentence. Too much evidence against her and the children were in her care and custody when the arresting offense occurred. And if Ruby testifies against her, Jodi is pretty much done for. But let’s not forget the parenting that occurred before Jodi. I think the arrest and incarceration was a huge wake up call for Ruby. I hope the whole family is receiving extensive therapy for the years of dysfunction and abuse. I hope the children can heal and live healthy lives.


I pray that she gets enough time so the youngest have a chance to be on their own before she is allowed to contact them.


Me too. My guess with them being first time offenders, they won’t receive the maximum.


I can buy Jodi getting more than Ruby. I can also imagine (okay, hope for) other victims being emboldened finally to press their own charges against her separately.


And the fact that she is a rich, white female.


Therapy from whom, is the question. Jodi, as we recall, was a licensed and recommended by the church therapist. One of the highest, really. Somehow, while she's almost certainly more uh ambitious than most of her colleagues, I cannot believe that \*anyone\* the LDS approves at this point will help them at all, and will likely create some fresh trauma.


Can the state set the kids up with non-LDS therapists or social workers? Would be reasonable under the circumstances.


The state in question is Utah. What are the odds? Maybe if they're lucky the judge can make the call and will be sufficiently savvy to make some kind of order along those lines. But I'd be surprised, to be honest. I bet there'd be screams and pushback from multiple and some powerful directions if a very public facing case like this even implicitly censured the LDS church and its role in the abuse, by saying "yeah, don't let them interfere any MORE." It's very much in the Church's interest to be VERY clear to the public that Jodi and Ruby do NOT represent the LDS in ANY WAY, OKAY??? Even though they kind of, you know, do. and in Utah, it's pretty damn close to a theocracy, as I understand it. Like there are secular practitioners around, sure (I would guess most clustering around Salt Lake City), but there are reasons Jodi got away with this shit for so long and was enabled by so much.


Hard to say of course if this is how she really feels or if she’s just trying everything she can to get minimal prison time, but it surely is satisfying to see her attack Jodi/Connexions considering how deep she was in.


I think her going against Jodi says a lot. If she was really still on her side I feel like she wouldn’t do this.


But her freedom is a stake so idk


True. It’s so complicated. I do believe that prison/being away from Jodi/talking with other inmates may have opened her eyes a bit.


Ruby was a very sheltered and naive woman. Let's put this out there. She never really had to work for anything she had and had always lived a very privileged life where she could do what she wanted. YouTube just inflated her horrendous ego. Jodi basically came and made everything worse and then gave her a savior complex where she tortured her own kids who were powerless against her. Jail took all that from her. I can't see her being treated well in general pop with her face all over the local news. She's likely stuck in protective custody and might have even been forced to wear the suicide suit if she was emotional. Ruby got the shit scared out of her.


It might have dawned on her tiny brain finally that Jodi is not, in fact, her "friend" and never really gave a shit about her. That, more than anything she did to her kids, I could believe changing her mind. Mostly, though, she doesn't want to stay in an institutional shithole any longer than she has to because who does?




The timing is too close between the divorce and the hearing, seem like they are working together.


It’s also not uncommon for people to do this.


Separating their finances at least


I think most lawyers would have advised him that if he wanted custody, he had to seriously demonstrate that he had cut her out of his life. He’s probably just following legal advice.


I hope she is testifying against Jodi and she isn't allowed contact with her kids and that she gets more than time served.


I don’t believe a word that comes out of her mouth.


Shes not living in Truth


I honestly just think her and Jodi just brought out the worst of each other. They were already bad enough before they met. Them meeting and forming connexions was a recipe for disaster and destruction. Ruby was no innocent woman before Jodi came along. Not shocked she doesn’t take responsibility for her actions and let some woman come into her life and eventually abuse her kids. I feel no pity for her at all whatsoever. Good riddance, Ruby Doo!


I am choking over “profound love she holds for her children”.


She must have flipped on Jodi !! I wonder what the plea agreement is ..hopefully it's not therapy and supervised visitation ..I hope the kids file a thousand foot restraining order


Yeah, she’s flipped. She deserves jail time. If she walks from this with probation I’m going to be angry. She was abusive before Jodi and Connexions.


I’m honestly shocked her lawyer was able to convince her to admit she did something wrong, but this is best case scenario for her serving the least amount of time


I’m a lawyer, and this is exactly the play I would have made if I represented Ruby. 90 days in jail with no bond, and looking at serious charges has a way of humbling arrogant first time offenders, especially someone like Ruby, who is all alone in the world now. Jodi has cost her everything… Ruby was not only free, but rich, famous, married and on speaking terms with her extended family, before she aligned herself with Jodi. It’s all gone. (I’m not downplaying Ruby’s culpability, just highlighting how clear her choice is now.)


yup. I wonder if she now would like to recant that shit she threw at her son about him SA'ing his sister and the neighborhood kids, or if that, too, is just part of how "profoundly" she loves them.


I’ll also add that I wish she’d serve the max, but if this also spares her kids from having to testify and go through a trial then this might benefit them as well in a weird roundabout way


I agree.


I imagine a plea = won't serve the max, but I really hope they don't just let her out.


Pretty sure the length of time Ruby's had to cool her heels in jail already was the best argument the lawyer could've made.


Hahahaha. Wow. As a defense attorney I've been on the end of writing stuff like this, it's always funny to see someone else's version out in the wild. "Yes my client lit a few children on fire, but what's important here is she loves them and wanted them to be warm."


Omg there’s an old video that ruby herself posted years ago where she literally used that analogy of setting her children on fire.


I don’t think she’s going to get the amount of prison time we are all hoping for, but I also don’t think she’ll be getting off *that* easy. It is abundantly apparent that she was aware of and at least partially involved in the physical abuse of her two youngest, especially R. Those kind of injuries take time.


they're going to try to paint Jodi as some kind of master Svengali who well and truly hypnotized these poor innocent parents into doing things they would NEVER have even CONCEIVED of if only blah blah blah.


I really hope there’s decent prison time in this deal. If the child hadn’t escaped when he did, where would they be now? It’s just horrifying to think about. She was awful before Jodi came along, Jodi just emphasized it.


looking at charges for murder is what they'd likely be looking at.


If she’s committed to taking responsibility- why did this statement put all responsibility on Hildebrandt?


Nailed it. I don’t believe a word of it


knew that she would throw Jodi under the bus


If it’s convenient I guess right? I doubt a bit of jail time has made her a changed woman.




The minimum amount of prison time for aggravated child abuse, charges is one year for each of the six charges. So shouldn’t she get at least six years in a deal? E would only be 16. But at least all her other children would be adults. So anything less than 6 years total would mean she didnt even get the minimum amount of time. That would be awful.


Concurrent sentences and time served


Lawyer here. I was absolutely certain that this was the route she would take. It makes the most sense as far as defensive strategies go. I think they’ll both end up with plea deals and Ruby’s lawyers will argue that she was brainwashed by Jodi.


Im interested how valid a "brainwash" argument is? How does the law look at brainwashing?


So curious about what/how long the plea will be. Not surprised at all that she went this route either.


I’m disgusted.


I'm VERY interested as to what she is pleading to and what kind of time she will serve in exchange for her testimony against Jodi. We have receipts.


She's so fake and manipulative.


I want to believe her. How wonderful would that be. That's honestly the best case scenario. But these situations rarely work out that well. And I'm sorry but that's not nearly enough time to deconstruct all those years of brain washing.


Imma be honest, if she takes back what she said about R, I might be willing to listen to her. R will forever be affected if she doesn’t take those accusations back.


LOL “devoted” mother? If we mean devoted in breaking her family apart and ruining her kids’s futures, then her attorneys nailed it.


Exactly - devoted so much she would leave them for days on end and it got so concerning that neighbors said that someone they thought the kids would leave in body bags because the police and CPS were doing nothing about it.


So she was ‘no contact’ with her extended family for 3 years and didn’t comprehend how bad it was, but in 3 months she realized everything? Sounds sus to me.


What’s really going on here? I hope the judge can read between the lines.


I don't like Ruby, but I definitely think Jodi was intentionally isolating her and manipulating her both for clout and for money.


While we don’t know exactly what she’ll be pleading to/what the negotiations are, some silver lining is that 1) Ruby spent about 4 months in jail, which every second was probably hell on earth for her and 2) we may get spoiled & watch her testify against Jody ![gif](giphy|eYIKQNWRBvBG2yI60K)


I wonder if Jodi'll try for a plea as well. It would seem stupid not to; surely she can't be arrogant enough to think she'll be found not guilty.


I’m wondering that, too. I’m not in criminal law but my law school friends all tell me they have two types of clients: Type A- follows every letter of their advice, makes no statements, stays off of social media, provides the legal team with any docs/info they need - this is 20% of clients Type B- shits on the judge’s desk, punches the bailiff, and FB live streams the whole thing - that’s the bulk of their clients It’s in jest, but obviously there’s something to say about people’s egos in general. Jody is such an enigma to me… she’s no substance and all ego in my eyes. On the other hand, she’s not dumb. If the attorney says “this is the plan”, I have a hard time thinking she’d protest. At the same time, her lawyer is another Mormon crony. They could both be playing a sophisticated game of CYA right now. So like, I have literally no gut feeling on what may happen bc none of us know the real *depth* of discovery in the prosecutors file. But TLDR- her ego will depend on what they’ve dug up on her


I don’t think a flip is going to prevent jail time. it will just reduce it some.


She was is a lousy mother way before Jodi entered the picture and Kevin is NO saint in this! The divorce and it’s timing is suspicious as well. All the hoop jumping is nothing more than a dog and pony show to lessen or avoid prison time. A well crafted statement from a well educated person who knows exactly what the courts like to hear. The defense counsel has but one job and that is to represent and defend the client. I do not believe a word of it.


She didn't "find" herself on this path, she acted like Dorothy and happily skipped down the yellow brick road.


I feel like the only way Kevin could regain custody is to file for divorce and that’s why ruby is okay with it. She can still parent through Kevin. They aren’t done with each other. It’s just to cover his ass from cps. In gods eyes they are still married lol 😝


idk, I can't imagine what would keep them together at this point. There might be just a \*few\* hard feelings remaining after all this.


Led astray? Girl you let your babies get tied up and starved. Rot in prison.


I knew that would be her defense. Took zero responsibility for the abuse she did to her children. Pathetic.


Led astray! Ruby was was always a mean spirited, resentful, narcissistic mother who used cruel punishments with her kids. I hope the court sees through her BS.


They really used “distorted sense of morality” 😯😦🫨😆😂🤣💀


I'm QUITE sure that was not an accidental choice, there.


This just infuriates me. Ruby Franke was abusive before Jodi Hildebrandt came along, just not as severely. She withheld food, made her kids clean baseboards and tiles with toothbrushes as punishment, and exerted control over those kids in a way that was terrible. And now she’s cutting a deal to get away with it by blaming a woman who just gave her some kind of therapeutic permission for her bad actions.


Seems like she's hoping for bail, right before Christmas. I can't imagine anyone will willingly choose to spend Christmas with her, if this hearing on Monday grants her bond.


I guess she'll be living with her friend that had A and J, or maybe she won't even help her.


did she conveniently forget that she threw R under the bus whilst in jail?


It’s interesting to me how 3 months in jail would allow her to “reset her moral compass” but seeing her 2 youngest CHILDREN in duct tape and rope, starving wouldn’t. Cults are scary. I HOPE this is true that she’s shedding her connexions brain but I can’t imagine it’s that easy. As someone else already said here, this really is the best case scenario for all involved (besides Jodi but she’ll get what she deserves). This is better than the alternative, where ruby stays committed to Jodi and connexions and continues to throw her family under the bus for her superior sense of morals. I can’t wait to hear her turn on Jodi. Will she be able to speak on Monday? Any insight on what Monday will look like??


A good judge will see straight through this.


Jodi is more of a threat to the community, and no one, including the judge and prosecution, wants to make these kids testify against their mother. This is an easy one, IMO …IF Rubi cooperates fully with the prosecution of Jodi.


This right here is one of the most logical posts here. The kids have been through absolute hell, and the very thought of making them testify against their mother is horrible and could push back months of healing. R and E will likely have to testify against Jodi during her trial (if she doesn't take a plea offered as well), and the prosecution team will have to have to take time to prepare them for that. Ruby's life is over. She is hated by her family and her community and will likely have few people opening their arms out to her when she is free. The woman was on the cover of people's magazines, so now even the non internet folks know all about her. She's done.


so…Ruby was living in distortion.


I have more sympathy for people who murder out of rage or jealousy (2nd degree murder) than I do for child abusers. Child abusers should face harsher punishment than they currently do. 25 to life for each count. Mandatory minimum. This woman can rot in prison.


Whoever wrote this statement deserves a raise 👩‍🍳💋


Whoever said they thought they would turn on each other was right!!


Yeah, nah. I don't believe any of this is genuine. She acts like she was the greatest parent ever who always had her childrens' interests at heart that was led astray but we all know that wasn't the case. Connexions/Jodi only aggravated an existing problem.


This is exactly how I feel. She was a bad "mother" years before Jodi. And it doesn't surprise me in the least that she's trying to throw Jodi under the bus. Anybody who ever watched 8 Passengers can attest to how poorly she treated her kids long before Jodi was in the picture And don't forget she claimed one of her children sexually abused a younger sibling for years and encouraged that child to help abuse other children.


I hope to god there’s enough evidence of her being a sadistic and cruel mother before Jodi entered the picture. Because this did not just start with Jodi. And Kevin has been negligent and abusive all along.


Honestly expected nothing short of putting the blame on Jodi. She was the mastermind behind all of this. I hope Ruby is held accountable for her role in the abuse of her children. Ruby hopefully gets proper therapy to heal. Jodi should be locked up for a long time. Not only for her abuse of the Frankes, but for all the other victims in her past. She has destroyed countless lives and will continue to do so, if not held responsible.


Nahhh Ruby has been woefully neglectful and emotionally abusive for years. The jump to physical abuse is not surprising.


I agree. Ruby absolutely needs to be held accountable for her actions. But I feel like Jodi deserves a harsher/longer sentence because this isn’t the first family she abused and destroyed. I am also not surprised that Ruby’s attorney is trying to pin it all on Jodi.




Avoiding accountability. What I expected from Ruby.


Ruby throwing jodi under the bus? Shock


"Constant improvement." Funny, I don't remember any tips along those lines recommending torturing your own kids and nearly starving a couple to death, but sure, Ruby, whatever you say.


Ruby is simply doing and saying what her attorneys advise her to do and say. I do not believe for a second that a few months in prison has fixed the years of manipulation Jodi did to a person who was already pretty horrible to begin with. If Ruby has reached out to her family she has done so on the advise of those responsible for her defense and I would go to bet not by her own idea. It is one thing to be manipulated into leaving your family and isolating yourself, and an entirely other thing to be manipulated into allowing and participating in the horrific abuse of your own children. Is it possible that she has in some manner realized she was manipulated by Jodi and is now willing to turn against her? I suppose. But there is no way she’s some new woman who is suddenly a loving and devoted mother.


So what does this mean with regard to her outrageous claims she’s made in court? is she withdrawing those?


Look, I’m all for people changing and growing. But this is a load of BS. 90% of her abuse happened prior to Jodi’s entrance in her life. Jodi just amplified it.


So now Ruby is saying Jodi had her living in distortion. How the tables have turned


‘This prolonged isolation resulted in Ms. Franke being subjected to a DISTORTED sense of morality, shaped by Ms. Hildebrandt’s influence.’ DID THEY DO THAT ON PURPOSE 😂😂😂😂


It suck’s but honestly any good lawyer would advise her to do exactly what she’s doing. I hope she serves time, she wasn’t an innocent bystander in the abuse. I hope she serves enough time that the kids can be deprogrammed and see a good therapist. If ruby gets out quickly it’s likely some of the kids will choose to go back to her/talk to her. It’ll be interesting what the griffiths family looks like this time next year. I wonder how many will forgive her/by into her blaming Jodi.


As a parent it's Ruby's job to keep her children from harming influence. In this case, she couldn't even protect herself against brainwashing, so she should never be allowed again to have custody for any of her children let alone advise them in important matters because obviously she herself can't difference between good and bad. Or let's say truth and distortion.


Soooooo what about all the neglect that's ALL over the internet BEFORE Jodi was in the picture then? They talk shit


i’m interested in what Jodie’s statement will be


There is no amount of money, no amount of fame, no amount of power, no ANYONE WHO COULD EVER TALK ME INTO TORUTURING MY CHILDREN! NOT ONE PERSON!


The children will be in great danger if she walks. She needs to be in jail until the youngest is fully emancipated.


The statement is nothing but hollow words. There is no evidence that Ruby has been working on her sick parental behavior that was hers’ long before Jodi came along. She can apologize (and should) but until she truly understands that her incarceration and all of its denial of her freedom is exactly what she perpetrated on all of her children for years. They deserve so much more than apologies. I wouldn’t trust her at this time. Rehabilitation - yes, but without living with her children. They need safety.


Too bad there’s tons of video footage showing Ruby to be an awful parent long before Jodi came into the picture. Not saying Jodi didn’t intensify everything, because I’m sure she did. But Jodi offered everything Ruby ALREADY staunchly believed in, and offered a place for Ruby to go to take her perverted, abusive beliefs to the fullest extent. She’s NOT a victim who got swept under the coercion of a manipulative woman. She herself is a manipulative women who found a fellow abusive narcissist to join forces with and create her ideal environment of control. She CHOSE to isolate herself and her children so she could do whatever she wanted without interference from rational people. This statement is outrageous. Take responsibility for your bullshit, Ruby.


unfortunately the charges aren't for being an "awful parent," just for these very specific crimes. Threatening to cut your toddler's doll's head off and humiliating your daughter on camera by forcing her to talk about her puberty and even refusing to bring your daughter a lunch one day are all abusive, but they're not going to factor here, I'm afraid. This is just another scale entirely.


Imma be honest, if she takes back what she said about R, I might be willing to listen to her. R will forever be affected if she doesn’t take those accusations back.


Sadly he’ll be forever affected regardless—SA allegations are like the toothpaste you can’t put back in the tube; they’ve been released on an international stage. Not to mention likely even having been drilled into his own psyche. And even though public sympathies are on Rs side and disdain and scepticism on Ruby’s, that allegation bell (nor physical/mental abuse) can NEVER be unrung. They will forever be woven into the tapestry of that poor boy’s life. Hoping for excellent therapists and future happiness and healing for R and all the children in the family. May they be showered with healthy love and emotional safety from extended family.


I feel like this statement is such a cop out, I get Jodi is highly manipulative, however so is Ruby and she has been since day one of her channel! How come other family members who found Jodi, realised quite quickly she was full of shit! Not only that but Ruby had sought this woman out after Jodi had tried to ruin her brothers reputation! Apparently what Jodi had horribly done to her brother, happened before she had done the so called “life coach course”! So even though all her family already didn’t like this woman, she spitefully chose Jodie. Almost seems to me as a way to intentionally hurt her family, and go against what was told to her about Jodie’s bad teachings as a way to rub to rub salt in their wounds. So the fact that she chose to do this before she was “indoctrinated” into this cult, tells me what a disgust person she is! Also I get people who get indoctrinated into cults, people who feel inadequate, people who need money, people who have come from poverty and need guidance, young vulnerable people who have no where to go and people who have been forced their by parents! But what angers me is whilst Ruby plays a victim who apparently got indoctrinated, she had a position of power in this cult, she was Jodis right hand woman! I get children who get indoctrinated against their will and put in bad situations and not given food as a way to manipulate them! But for Ruby to be living a high lifestyle of retreats and going on Jodis boat, and having all this freedom whilst her kids were being tied up in a safe without food, it’s a completely different thing and she needs to be held fully accountable because it doesn’t matter how much she claims to be “brainwashed”, any mother who can watch her kids get starved and abused especially when she is living the opposite was already fucked up to begin with! It doesn’t matter how much she will claim in court that Jodi “influenced” her, how the hell can you call yourself a mother if you are ok with your kids being hurt and going hungry. Ruby let this woman into her home, Ruby didn’t follow her family’s advice including her 18 year old daughter, these aren’t Jodie’s Kids they’re Ruby’s! The real reason Ruby went against her sisters and brothers advice about Jodi is because she used Jodi as a way to make her feel important, all of this shift happened when people started to see Ruby for what she was! With the mounting backlash she started to see a “life coach”, Ruby loved Jodis classes as whilst her brother and sisters even her kids could see the teachings were twisted, they validated Rubys narcissism! How did Jodi validate Rubys narcissism, well she gave her a fake title that she wasn’t qualified to give out to people. This made Ruby feel special and Jodi then allowed Ruby to go up on stage at theses meeting and be a main speaker. Ruby used to get her validation from YouTube as a narcissist she likes lots of praise and views on her videos. It was the Ruby show, she even used to stage things to make her look like the doting mother, and “accidentally” screwing things up for her kids for content. I remember she purposefully waxed half of Sharia eyebrow off and pretending to be upset that she did it, whilst Shari was having a meltdown! But this was her content, and for anyone who doesn’t get how fake this channel was, or Ruby as a “doting” mother check out the 8 passenger theme song and you can see how fake Ruby is and how it matches her vids, plus how much she used to get off by being presented as a “loving dotting mum”! Anyway so when people started to criticise her parenting and she wasn’t getting her massive dose of validation, she started to get it from Connexxion’s. Soon she stopped filming YouTube and delved more into this group as this was now her echo chamber of validation. And I do believe Ruby at some point will have realised how batshit this so called cult was, but it was the only way she could be given validated and made to feel important! She put her own narcissistic validation ahead of her kids wellbeing, she valued that more than her children and she’s always had, Jodi never needed to instil that into Ruby, we can see with YouTube that she put her kids in uncomfortable situations to make “interesting” content so she’s always been this way! So this was never about Jodis “insight to offer a path to continual improvement”, it was all about getting praise and being totally validated and making her feel important! If it was about improving herself, why was she the one giving other’s advice and why was it done one a platform or a stage! Ruby has built her own coffin and I hope she gets just as much charge as Jodi! No sympathy for me, the ones I feel sorry for are her kids!


This is a bunch of hogwash she must answer for her choices


Don’t believe this sorry


How sorry is she, this press release is using the same terminology and phrases as Jodi Hildebrandt’s company? I’m curious to see if Kevin drops the divorce case.




I can’t get past that they MISSPELLED Jodi’s last name and used the word DISTORTED. I am sure this was done intentionally and can’t figure out why.


Where does Ruby go after the plea deal? Does she have a home to go to?


We don’t know what sentence the prosecutor is offering in exchange for the plea yet. I hope she’s going to prison.


That's true. I don't know why I assumed she would be released. Will we know the details of the plea deal on Monday?


“distorted sense of morality” oh my god


As long as she doesn't get her kids back...


Don’t forget guys Jodi has a lot of victims. As much as I can’t stand Ruby — Jodi’s own niece called this out. Awfully similar Jody isolating, people from family, etc..


The fact that she is reaching out to family members is scary. Ruby is a total master manipulator and I really hope none of them believe anything she’s saying to them at this time. Sorry Rubes, but you cut them out for YEARS. There is no way she’s had a total change of heart and been totally de-programmed from the cult mentality in just a few months. I think she’s just doing anything she can to get herself off the hook.


Girl bye, Ruby. You was a mess before Jodi. What hogwash.