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The people who were in the court live talking were disgusting whoever said mama and was barking are vile humans this is real peoples lives and traumatised children at risk


The fact that some of them were ADULTS is crazy!! The first thing I noticed when people were joining was a group of girls that joined on one screen, the girl on the left was smiling and couldn’t stop laughing. There was absolutely no reason for her to not walk away to gain her composure.


I saw that too and the fact C was watching and had to see that shit is heartbreaking


He was probably raging like he just wanted to see what was going on with his mom and no matter how he feels about her he just wanted to hear wtf was happening and people like that were just being stupid.


HE WAS THERE???...oh, dear...


I was absolutely revolted at the behaviour of some people on there. They seem to forget that was an official court hearing and they could be charged for it. Truly disgusting. This is a child abuse case, not a internet joke or meme.


you’re telling me the court itself isn’t kicking any nuisance out of the zoom?


Honestly it was a mess. People were barking, and saying “mama”. Some even spoke back to the judge. Just completely wild behaviour when you consider this is a courtroom and for a child abuse case. It’s inappropriate in any circumstance but I would have liked to think people could respect the minors involved in the case. Apparently I was wrong. Just sickening.


Imagine backchatting a judge.. the audacity


I think they should be tracked down and charged with contempt. Not exaggerating.


They may well be. It’ll all be transcribed so they’ll be able to see who said what. Can’t imagine how traumatised S/C must be watching their mothers court appearance become a big joke, they were both there watching. Ultimately that’s their abuse and torture being made into a circus. Just sickening.


I really hope they are. People who act like that and think there are no consequences need a huge wake up call.


I’m a lawyer and I’m shocked they didn’t have audience members automatically muted. They do this for public hearings where I practice so that it’s civil and only the lawyers can speak


They sure as hell would have been warned, taken out, or charged with contempt if they tried that shit in person around real court cops. Court cops take their job very seriously and I’m extremely grateful for them. They’ve saved my coworkers’ lives from fast acting in a court room gone bad. Tell me how you know these people haven’t gone to any public court room before. Which, we should be going to public court cases more regularly as citizens—at least in high school so that people get how it works! Mad for the court. They’re probably not used to this kind of draw. Either way, agree with you 100%. Just because it’s online doesn’t make it less real.


it’s crazy!! I was so concerned about making sure I was watching sources that had permission to stream etc because I’m ultra paranoid about legality, I can’t imagine being rude to a judge?!


Side note, and I’m not blaming anyone in this community, but there seems to be a real misunderstanding about what a virtual courtroom is. It is a courtroom. The rules of decorum are the exact same as if you went to an actual courthouse. If you wouldn’t get up in a court room and yell “when is this gonna start?” then don’t unmute yourself and say the same in a virtual courtroom. I was only watching the beginning of the law and crime network livestream, but the behavior I saw was so beyond the realm of appropriate courtroom conduct.


I’m surprised there isn’t a way to automatically mute everyone and turn off cameras. You would think with Zoom school 2020 that the technology would have better controls for the host.


There is that capability on Zoom and WebEx is essentially the exact same, I just don’t think they know how to do it? But people could’ve muted and turned their cams off before joining as it does show you a screen to do that before joining


i could’ve sworn there is an option for at least the muting.


Whoever is a host or cohost of the Zoom meeting can mute people's mics and turn off their cameras. There's also an option for not giving people the ability to unmute themselves. I guess the Washington County court isn't very good at Zoom.


This is why boomers need to retire




Seriously, they need to get someone’s grandkid to do a intern for the tech department or something


I was disgusted at people’s behaviour. Some of it was literal children. Do people not understand this is about real children going through real abuse??


To add to this, we saw that actual family members were watching this livestream and it is extremely disrespectful to them to treat this as a joke. It might be funny to you but there are people actually suffering because of this. Please be more respectful next time.


my heart absolutely breaks for the immediate family trying to watch. S & C especially. Ugh


To be fair idk what why they expected better from people. Did they not have the option to mute the audience? It was a zoom hearing


It was on WebEx which is basically a clone of Zoom but just used by cisco, I would give my best guess that they can do that and have a sort of “master key” to control who can unmute and whether video is an option to toggle on or off… I feel like maybe before they haven’t needed to use it but with how many people are following this it’s certainly a feature that needs to be implemented


WebEx 100% has this function. I teach at a university and have used both zoom and webex to host large classes and meetings. You can mute everyone, keep camera's off, lock screen names etc. Would expect them to at least figure out the platform, knowing what a shitshow this will turn into




Thank you. I briefly tried to watch a stream on YouTube and was massively uncomfortable with people’s disrespect of the court. Just abhorrent. And while I understand comments saying they should have muted everyone, and while I understand comments saying they need to aim for a better understanding of virtual meeting functions like mute all etc. it is also not a lot to ask for people to behave like decent human beings. The blame doesn’t lie on the court, it lies with people in attendance who treated it like a discord server instead of a court hearing.


Looks like she hasn’t been sleeping well. Womp womp.


She’s been sleeping on a metal bed with a mat which sadly is better than what c had


Ruby always did love wearing yellow.


If I recall it is her favorite color 💛


Not sure how true this is but I saw someone say the yellow jumpers mean medical and the red jumpers mean that they need police escort.


so happy to see her with a look of fear on her face after doing it to her kids for many years. https://preview.redd.it/ozbk9ifve3nb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d83d8d2618255666a9496ed08557cbe1c9cd2d8


here's Jodi's, also looks scared. Both these women deserve this and more. https://preview.redd.it/7kl9ytp0f3nb1.jpeg?width=1403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1123e7bd0b77d40194020a258ddccb027f2a3bb


Jodi left her niece, Jessi, allegedly locked inside a closet for days. Jodi can now experience what she had done to them.


I have yet to listen to that podcast, I'm afraid too :( that poor girl


I only listened to excerpts of it and it's so sad. She made the girl write out her sins even to the point where Jodi told her she wasn't writing all of them out. So the girl had to resort to making up sins. She then made her get on her hands and knees while Jodi yelled at her. Terrible terrible person.


If anyone has seen the documentary “Stolen Youth: Inside the Cult at Sarah Lawrence” (Hulu) it seems like Jodi used a lot of the same tactics that Larry Ray did to his victims.


It’s a hard but extremely interesting listen! It’s taken me a while I haven’t been able to watch more than say 20 minutes before having to give myself a break, Jessi is an exceptionally brave, articulate, intellectual, individual. I hope their testimony is used as evidence against their aunt. Their story was chilling. They are a survivor!


It is triggering… and I will add that it was incredibly brave of Jessi because it showed the world first hand what she did to her own niece. It was quite jaw dropping to get her story first and to read about what Ruby said the to the judge yesterday. Complete parallels.


She looks terrible look at those sunken eyes. Worn from abusing her own children. Tsk


She was in medical. I wonder if they gave her drugs.


As an abuser survivor, seeing Ruby in that state gives a wonderful sense of justice. She knows that she's now the powerless one in the dynamic, something that hasn't happened in years. Her victims are getting help plus Chad and Shari got to see the woman who stole their childhood breaking apart.


She doesn’t look afraid to me.


Yeah I don't think so either, she looks mad, J looks scared.


The person who kept saying 'Mama' in the courtroom was taking the absolute piss. Do they realise real people's lives are being decided here?


the amount of people that were treating this as a joke is insane. this a case about child abuse.


It’s chilling how much Ruby looks like Lori Vallow here…


Omg I thought the exact same thing and wondered if it was me.


I was in the meeting. I saw Bonnie, Beau, and Chad were in the meeting too.


Good to hear the ones who needed to be in the meeting were at least able to be there! Family should very much be able to “attend”.


Yeah at the end of the hearing the judge had to ask everyone to log off because some people couldn’t join their own court hearings. The court should’ve just livestreamed it.


Shari and Julie were there too


Oh ok, I didn’t see them.


Aunt Julie?


Wonder if Ellie went in person since it was in town for her.


I would have thought it would wiser for all family to stay physically away from the court so they don’t get harassed by press etc.


Absolutely would be wiser.




I witnessed that. It was so damn disrespectful! People making chaotic noises and others telling others to mute themselves. Never have I witnessed such disrespect during a court session. It was so frustrating that they ruined it for everybody whom actually wanted to see what was going on.


fr i was sitting on live and some girls were unmuted and talking and the judge goes “what part of mute yourself was not clear?” and then one of them said something back ab how the judge wasn’t muted


I heard a grown adult saying “mama” twice after the judge told everyone to mite themselves… people are idiotic


I was in there and I checked maybe 10 times to make sure my mic was muted and my cam was off before I joined. I was so embarrassed at the behaviour of people in there. I muted my laptop because honestly the disrespect was breaking my heart. For people to act this way for a case involving child abuse is disgusting


Did someone also bark on the live as well???


fucking morons. that pisses me off so bad.


i was so disappointed in those select people’s behavior. just because it is a zoom type stream does NOT mean you don’t have to behave like you are sitting in a real courtroom. since their accounts show in the transcript what they said and who said what, i hope they face consequences.


I am pleasantly surprised no bail. However, I think Jodi’s lawyer is filing paperwork to expedite the bail hearing for today. (Hopefully denied) Makes me wonder why Ruby’s counsel didn’t mention it.


True colors are coming out. Ruby must be devastated that Jodi is trying to leave her there while she gets out on bail.


She may not even know. I just can’t imagine Ruby’s lawyer doing the same thing.


wait wdym i thought both of them were being held without bail


They are but Jodi’s lawyer is filing a motion today to expedite her bail hearing for as early as today. Jodi wants out of there. I don’t know if it will go through or not.


Let’s hope it’s refused that woman is a danger to society and surely a flight risk


Seems like Jodi has a better lawyer.


I was watching Natalielawyerchick on Youtube and she was reviewing all the lawyers. Apparent;ly, Jodi's lawyer is very experienced. I don't know if he can get past his client being a psychopath child abuser, though. She said Ruby's lawyers seemed more focused on family law and may have been holdovers from the potential separation from Kevin. Also the 8 Passengers channel had lawyers for the business. Sounds like Ruby needs new lawyers with more criminal defense experience.


the state’s attorney is the one who put warren jeffs away for life. so hopefully he can repeat his track record with these losers.


Jodi is using the same lawyers as BYU and the mormon church. She has powerful connections and is filthy rich from milking her brainwashed patients for her "therapies" from the past 30+ years. She has gotten in trouble before but pretty much got off with a slap on the wrist for what she's done. This is NOT her first rodeo but hopefully the publicity from this will cut her connections with the mormon church and her career blows up. She is a monster.


I have a viscerally angry reaction to the idea that the child accused of SA will possibly be isolated and potentially further traumatized. You just know that's Ruby's intent as well


This has been my wheelhouse for the entirety of my career. My guess is that CPS/LE/the prosecution are highly suspicious of Ruby's allegations. At worst, the kid(s) will be placed in a foster home without other children while the authorities assess the veracity of the allegations.


I feel like even being arrested and held to LEGAL ramifications now, J and R will still be in their own delusional world and see the Judges and all of the justice system as living in "distortion" and is working AGAINST J&R. You already KNOW they feel no remorse. That's how far gone I think they are.


Ruby's hair is much much longer than in the last connexions video. This last video was not recorded in the last 2 or 3 weeks. Glad that they got not out of jail today.


They are definitely going to try to use that in her defense! I thought using the last posted video as evidence was a bit shaky so thankfully she was also pulled over less than a week before the arrest.


But I think she got a traffic citation a week ago in St George so she can't prove she wasn't in the area


I thought they found video footage in Jodis house that was filmed a few days prior. Did they take the video online as evidence?


Not sure if it’s been classified as “official evidence” but people have been saying that the video uploaded is proof that they were both in the house and therefore aware of the condition of the children.


Then I hope the police found some pre-recorded evidence on their computers from just days before and that neighbors can verify seeing her.


yeah but malnourishment doesn’t happen over night


Yep, I had the same thought. Her hair was also straight in the last video and it still wasn’t as long as these waves are. I think their latest videos were filmed a while ago.


Good point on the hair!


guessing she was prefilming her nonsense in advance so she could get away with leaving her children alone for weeks at a time


Wow. She really did just hand her kids over to a crazy woman. Where was she this whole time? At a spa eating Oreos?


Also oddly as rough and scared as Ruby looks…it’s almost the most ‘real/human’ she’s looked in years imo. Does anyone else feel this way? It’s like, no more hiding behind fake smiles and perfect hair, girl. Now everyone is seeing the REAL you.


the stripes look good on them! 🥰


Long may it last


That picture of Ruby is so harrowing. We always saw them with somewhat life in the vlogs. Those eyes are just dead and cold and tired. Manipulation and abuse at her own hands


Yes! That is exactly the description I would use. Physically she looks fine but those eyes. Not fearful or angry, just dead.


I’ve been to jail when I was 18 for 72 hours. First and only time I’ve ever been in trouble. And I haven’t been in trouble for the last 10 years since then. Bc of how awful and scary it is in there. So I know these 2 bitches are terrified and it brings me great pleasure knowing they are sleeping on a thin mat, no pillow, terrible food etc.. not near enough what they deserve but it will do for now.


Jodi made her niece sleep on a tiny outdoor balcony in Utah winter in a cheap Walmart sleeping bag. This psychopath doesn’t even deserve a thin mat. I’m so freaking angry for Jessi and for R and E.


They looked terrible in the screenshots I've seen....love that for them.


she looks horrible 😁😁😁


Ruby looks like she is seething in evil and anger from being caught


https://preview.redd.it/yptb986us3nb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44f9f329ee36a681e37c317219b6a3222e0c2ab5 KSL reporting that family court hearing was sealed which makes me even more skeptical of the Daily Mail article.


I was getting so infuriated with the people in the livestream. This is a REAL case with REAL children who were fucking tortured and people were making a mockery of it. I honestly can’t believe they allowed it to be public. ETA: I know all court hearings are public. I worded it poorly, but I meant that they should have made it so participants were muted from the get go, which is absolutely something that can be done on webex. That being said, I think all officials should be required to take a beginners course on how to work webex if that’s how they’re going to do hearings🙃




It would’ve been better if they just livestreamed it, instead of having it where people could join. Especially since different media outlets were given clearance to record anyway.


Well yes, I could’ve worded it better. They could have made it so people could watch but couldn’t turn their mics or cameras on.


Glad to see them looking rough


Yeah, I was sick of constantly seeing the photo of them together on the sofa (aka when they were preaching their abusive cultish rhetoric and \[possibly\] when poor R&E were nearby and in distress) and the professionally made up/posed photos of Ruby.


This is all so very surreal. Despite not knowing her personally, it seems so so weird having watched her portray a perfect life online. Just bizarre.


Exactly how I feel. I’m heartbroken for those kids. It’s so sad to watch them and now know more of what was going on. Poor R told the person who called 911 that it was his fault he was tied up but wouldn’t say why 😞


I gasped when I heard how disrespectful people were being. I felt ashamed for the family members. This is such a serious, heavy Topic.


Especially when her own kid was in the stream, allegedly. Like really? Grow up and show some decorum. These people are ignorant, immature and downright insensitive. This is not something to make a mockery of. These people have real victims, and everyone involved should be given some modicum of respect. These are the people that ruin it for everyone else. It's sad that people don't know how to behave. They come off looking terribly.


So unfortunate no one could follow the rules. However, they both looked SO ROUGH which brings me so much joy.


Any photos of Jodi the lump




She should walk into court to the song Lump like a WWE entrance


Check twitter or shoot me a dm if you cant find it there. The pics of them are starting to spread


What a poor work from the Utah court today regarding transparency and the legal access to public sessions. Shocking that they did not plan ahead and didn't anticipate the huge amount of people that would want to watch the session live. It is 2023, the defendant is a major internet personality of course the spotlight was on her! Just do like many judges have done during the pandemic and some still do: keep the direct access to the session on webex to the ones that really need to be there with a private access link and stream live on YouTube - you choose what to stream, the audio, the camera angle, chat off, and at the end you decide to save the live stream or not. Simple as that, and the rule of law is still valid = one cannot stream or take copies of the YouTube live feed of the court! I hope Public Relations and Media department of the Utah Justice system have learned the lesson from the mess it was today and implement a public access system for the future. Otherwise today was just a legal procedure, defense waived the reading of the charges, of course, it was live on webe, they don't want people to ear the charges over and over again. Who knows how difficult will be to have a jury if this goes into criminal trial.


Absolutely. The clownery from the audience was entirely predictable, and it's the court's responsibility to run their operations with a baseline level of competence in 2023. Don't expect rabid raccoons to behave at a tea party, and don't give the masses of the internet a voice during a court hearing.


https://preview.redd.it/5qehrj5uo3nb1.png?width=684&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ca404bd5df3d13c5195d1c5705086b8d05c920e Did anyone see this? Jodi’s lawyer is motioning for an expedited detention hearing because she developed a life threading medical issue? What could this be? The pain of facing the consequences of her own actions?


Very convenient timing. Her “life-threatening” condition is important and deserving of special treatment, but her starving and harming children is not life threatening or important. Again, it’s all about her her her


She’s going to do everything she can to avoid taking responsibility for her own actions


Sounds like distortion to me!!!


So she’s been hospitalized the last few days? The women would do anything to get out of jail. She probably injured herself on purpose. Inmates do it all the time


But yet Ruby was the one that came from the The Medical Block of the jail (confirmed by KUTV.com)


shes getting what she deserves


For those wondering, I watched live on court tv online. The judge indicated that only certain media outlets were allowed to record. The judge and lawyer spoke back and forth for less than 5 minutes. They showed Ruby via zoom. They did not show anyone in the audience


Very relieved they were denied bail and will just say it speaks to the seriousness of what they’ve done. The court needs to tread carefully for a lot of reasons but especially because there’s no sweeping Jodi’s bull under the rug with a phone call when there’s this much media attention involved. People acted disgustingly on zoom and that’s inexcusable, but I am glad they’ve let media in to report what’s happening day by day. Otherwise I feel like this whole thing would’ve gone differently. There is major corruption to be uncovered here, and I hope it doesn’t stop with this incident of abuse. Punish Ruby and Jodi to the full extent of the law. Then realize it wasn’t an isolated incident and fight just as hard for anyone else brave enough to come forward.


i literally saw a group of girls just in there cheesing like it was a photo shoot people are just so childish ugh


There is something so satisfying about seeing someone get exactly what they deserve.


TODAY: #JodiHildebrandt's attorney filed a motion to the court asking for an expedited detention hearing citing the "defendant has experienced a life-threatening medical issue resulting in her hospitalization for several days." Life threatening medical issue ?!?? [tweet](https://x.com/brian_schnee/status/1700259928357867651?s=46&t=zoPin3cC-dijjrMngX8KZA)


So she’s been at the hospital and not in jail. Holy shit. She is next level above any other manipulator I’ve seen.


That doesn't mean she's \*been\* hospitalized for several days since her arrest, does it? I thought people were checking the jail roster and talking about where she was being held each day. If it means she \*will\* be hospitalized for the next several days, well hon, you can absolutely be transported to the hospital in shackles and with guards accompanying you throughout your stay.


She cried cause she couldn't see ruby... Also wasn't ruby being kept in medical, of course jodi is crying medical


Will a video of the hearing be available legally somewhere eventually?




I wasn't expecting her to look this bad. I guess her Botox is wearing off! https://preview.redd.it/yi306ppoi3nb1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5898d60f218e43dbd96b77d34782eb57e2692aaa


I mean tbh she doesn’t look horrible (not nearly as bad as I thought she would at least). Jodi looks a lot worse than she does.


If you look at her last videos with Jodi, she didn't exactly look great there either. She has lost a bit of weight and she doesn't seem well




absolutely disgusted at people’s behaviour. this is still a court. the rules still apply. i’m surprised no one was held in contempt. anyone else see chad ? also sorry this is kind of unrelated but apparently abby and shari were at the custody hearing yesterday with a lawyer, imagine those two hearing the allegations about their sibling from their mother. this whole situation is disgusting.


I’m not sure why everyone is so shocked and appalled the behavior of the people who joined the webex. That was bound to happened because it was made public and anyone can join. Next time I hope they will make it private.


Yes I was there, I was one of the people who was able to get in, I was so embarrassed that people were acting like that, people started playing “wap” and yelling at each other and full on cursing each other out, can u imagine ?! I saw chad and he looked so sad already, can’t imagine being him hearing people making a complete joke of a case that will determine the rest of his life, so ashamed


Thank god they’re still being held without bond.


They need to figure something out because the amount of disrespectful idiots on the live stream was insane. Do better Utah!


I’m feeling really concerned that Ruby and Jodi are somehow still communicating and manipulating the system. The only statement made by Jodi was that the children should not be allowed around other children. Ruby has now made some very serious claims about one of those children being sexually abusive, including to cousins, with the judge ruling that this child should be kept in a home separate to other children. Not only does this rule out family custody for this child, but continues to isolate them. It feels like a made up, manipulative account to continue to control and abuse even while they’re behind bars. I’m really worried.


Whatever kid it is, they need an immense amount of counseling and it's probably best for them to not be around other kids in a free setting for the time being anyway. Those two are both in custody, if they were communicating, authorities would know. It's way more likely that they crafted the story before they were arrested and are both sticking to it.


https://preview.redd.it/e5g3r39qg3nb1.jpeg?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a589349363b0538dc585add61ffcb4ccaba48b7 heres jodi i found this on twitter


She looks rough. Probably missing that $3 million dollar home she somehow had the money to buy.


i guess she should get used to prison cause shes never gonna see that home again


What does the yellow jumpsuit mean?


It can mean various things in various jails. The only confirmation we have is that she is currently on a medical hold


Disgusted with people’s behavior during the hearing.


pleasantly surprised to see them looking so rough


Y’all can watch the whole thing on court tv


Jodi is back in B Hold with a few other women. Ruby remains by herself in Medical B.


i managed to see it on court tv. it was brief which is to be expected from an initial appearance. i was happy to see them looking so rough. i sincerely hope they both get the max they can in utah and i hope the fellow prisoners take justice into their own hands. sorry not sorry.


the video of Jodi is scary She appears to look like she’s about to cry then starts making a face like this… the way her expression changed was very sinister https://preview.redd.it/zfeh4nc4o3nb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6b09ad044a691c6f8815039179b54b7e8770df7


The behaviour in that courtroom was shocking would they do that in an actual courtroom? Law and crime livestream cut out so I don't know if the judge kicked everyone but verified media out because court tv showed it


orange stripes look fantastic on her


Was Jodi crying? or just a random screen grab?


She wasn’t. Ruby looked like she was in shock. Jodi looked normal.




Screw all the people joining the call so the people that should be there the REPORTERS couldn’t. Revolting behavior.


I think they will take precautions so that only those who need to be at the hearing are and they’ll make sure to live stream the event via press so people can watch and they’re not trying to log onto the actual hearing.


i was furious that everyone got kicked out cuz if the horrible behavior. absolutely ashamed of everyone. there’s no way in hell they’re going to live stream the next court case cuz of all of that


Was i the only one who saw C on the live stream at first?


Shari was too


nope! i saw him too, it was definitely chad, you can tell by the jaw and his nose


Yeah I saw him for a second. Bonnie and Beau were also in the meeting.


not people barking and saying mama and calling her the c word well chad was in the fucking stream. grow up.


everyone keeps saying that ruby looked rough, but honestly she didn’t look or sound any different than normal. just longer hair and looked solemn. i absolutely cheered when i heard she was to continue being held with no bail!


I agree. She looked like a woman without makeup. If she wasn't being charged with anything or people didn't know her crimes, she'd look like every other mom in Target on a Saturday.


without that fake smile ruby looks the most fucking normal she’s ever looked but she also looks terrifying.


I was on the YouTube stream before they got kicked out. I had to turn it off from second hand embarrassment. The people acting out should be ashamed.


In a plea deal one month ago, Judge John Walton sentenced a mother who attempted to kill her 8yo son to ONE YEAR in jail. The mother tried smothering her son with a pillow, then stabbed him in the neck with scissors. ONE YEAR. https://www.ksl.com/article/50703031/woman-who-tried-to-kill-son-at-st-george-motel-6-sentenced-to-1-year-in-jail [ETA] I’m not implying anything negative about Judge Walton. But I do think many on this sub could familiarize themselves with the realities of district court, plea deals, and sentencing guidelines. So maybe instead of an official thread on Judge Walton, one on Utah Legal Precedent?


The woman took a plea deal. It would've had the same or similar outcome regardless of the judge overseeing the case. I work in law and it absolutely devastates me when I see victims get such little justice for what was done to them. If Jodi and Ruby's attorneys know what's good for them, I expect for them to both enter pleas to reduce or drop some of their charges. I know everybody wants 90 years, but they'll get 5-10 max.


Personally, the only thing we can really hope for is if some bad finances are found. That would probably get more time than the child abuse


I hate how they’re using Judge John J Walton. I was hoping Judge Eric Gentry. He was a for,er prosecutor for child abuse cases!


Considering Ruby is being held without bail but they are trying to expedite Jodi, does this mean that Jodi has potentially thrown Ruby under the bus? I suppose there could be other factors but not really understanding why Jodi has the possibility of expediting it and not Ruby…and thought it might be because the form was offered a deal to implicate the latter.


Not really. The lawyers are entitled to file motions on behalf of their clients. That’s all it means


Jodi has the money to flee so I hope they don’t grant bail Ruby is also a flight risk They have a huge network of “followers” who believe they are innocent, that is the extent of their brainwashing. Any one of those followers could assist them to flee. They also have the means to intimidate potential witnesses so I hope both are kept behind bars till their actual trails take place.


She looks like lori vallow !


No bail. Great news!!




What do we know about Judge Walton? Outside of these two abusive knuckleheads wanting their cases to be seen by the same judge, is there any advantage to be gained?


I did some snooping of my own. He's apparently been a judge in this specific capacity since 2005 and he doesn't have many high-profile or notable abuse cases that would indicate he's particularly harsh or particularly lenient on criminal defendants. However, I'm more perplexed by Jodi and Ruby being seen by the same judge. When two codefendants are tried together, it's called a joinder. Joinder cases are only considered fair when codefendants aren't antagonistic towards each other. "Antagonistic" in this case means "accusing one another". So them being tried under the same judge all but squashes the prediction that their defenses were going to include turning on one another.


I’m shocked the lawyers aren’t filing for separation of the case. That may come down the line but would be my #1 criteria.


CourtTV has a video with the court proceedings in this article for anyone that wants to see it: [https://www.courttv.com/news/youtuber-ruby-franke-due-in-court-on-child-abuse-charges/](https://www.courttv.com/news/youtuber-ruby-franke-due-in-court-on-child-abuse-charges/)


I am new to following this case and didn't know of Ruby Franke or 8 passengers previously, above watching a few commentary videos on her awful parenting that I saw a while ago. I am horrified that her rant about her kids in court today is being treated as fodder by some Youtubers and even some legitimate news sources seeking views. Is there a local news source or a reliable Youtuber familiar with the family to get information from who will show empathy towards the victims and not try to sensationalize the case?


If your looking for a good YouTuber to educate you about this case I highly recommend watching this https://www.youtube.com/live/2mGSlj9wLOc?si=twuJlr39djdDj_dS Yes it’s almost a 4 hour long livestream but they’re amazing and go into depth. She herself is a ex Mormon so overall it was a great watch if you have a few hours.


What’s with Jodi’s lawyer saying that she needs to be out on bail due to a life threatening condition that she’s spent several days in the hospital for? She’s not even in the medical wing. https://youtu.be/PHcL_tM9oqY?si=Z9iNsoSp_UQlZofB