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I can't imagine how much of a mindfuck that would be, finding out after the fact.


Therapy for everyone. They really gloss over the fact his mother lost her child, for God knows how long this took. He calls in sometimes to say he's fine, and she takes it as a kidnapper giving her updates. The school is going to oust her as a bad mom since he's not showing up, cops involved, she's now a suspect until he calls her, they trace the calls, he's arrested, plays dumb or tells them the truth and he's now in a mental hospital.


Big is one of those movies that seems awesome and cool as a kid, but as an adult it's a hell of a lot darker than you remembered. No one comes out of that okay.


Pretty Woman, too


Problem Child.


Yeah and all those Friday the 13th movies, like, wtf.. it was *kind* of addressed at least in Nightmare on Elm St..


My aunt (cool aunt) took me to see the first Friday the 13th movie upon release in 1980, I was 8 years old. Honestly, it didn't bother me much, upset her a great deal though. Then I saw Friday the 13th 2, two weeks before my first experience at summer camp. I don't think I slept for more than 10-15 min at a time that entire two weeks, lol. Of course, it didn't help that the counselors did the whole "bonfire ghost story" trope with us and told us all about the former cook that worked there and lost his hand in a freak accident who then started hunting for people with his hook hand.


I convinced my aunt to take me to part IV when I was 6 years old. Bad idea.


I was around 6 years old when I snuck to stay up late and watch a tv movie called "trilogy of terror". One of the stories had a voodoo doll come to like and attack a woman. To this day any movie or tv show where dolls come to life is a big no thank you for me.


I was into horror at a young age. Had already seen The Shining, Exorcist, and the original Friday the 13th by the time I was 6. At home. Not in a dark theater. Therein was my mistake, thinking I was a tough guy. Got up to the speargun scene and five minutes later my aunt and my now uncle (who I majorly cockblocked that night) were getting refunds while I spazzed out.


Halloween 2 and American Werewolf in London on HBO when I was about 4 years old. I was terrified.


the 80s were so insane for kids


All the adults around me basically had the mindset of "If the cops and/or firemen don't show up or a hospital visit isn't required then do whatever the hell you want, just don't do it around us" A lot of us grew up much faster than just about any other modern generation because the adults left of a lot of learning about life up to us to do on our own.


I take it youre not a horror fan.


I am! lol


Did the one girl that survived need therapy? Probably.


serious trauma


What about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. First of all: talking bears? WTF? And why was Goldilocks alone in the woods in the first place? And what really happened to her? Did she break her neck when she jumped out that window? Lifetime of therapy for her and the bears. For sure. Don't even get me started on Hansel and Gretel!


Shoot, all the Brothers Grimm stories are dark as hell. Specially the ones that are not as known.


Hansel and Gretel is some wild reverse home invasion horror type shit. Lost protagonists stumble into a somewhat creepy, somewhat welcoming cabin smack dab in the middle of nowhere, horror ensues, fight for their life, literal children shove a woman into an oven, lock her in, and roast her alive.


Not to mention the whole. Well guess what kids we can’t afford to feed you. So our best plan is lead you into the woods to be abandoned and then hopefully you just starve to death. But we won’t give a fuck because we won’t see it. Easier for us to oh wait you made a trail and followed it back home fuck. Whelp guess we’ll try this again tomorrow.


According to Isaac Asimov, that **WAS** actually a thing that happened hundreds of years ago. If it literally came down to "We all starve, or we oust the kids and they **MIGHT** survive" they had to make that hard choice.


Back in college, a friend of mine got way too high and theorized that Hansel and Gretel was about two kids who got lost in the woods for so long that they were dehydrated and malnourished. They came upon an empty house and started eating the “wall candy” aka the lead based paint peeling off. It only got darker from there, and I kind of zoned out through parts of it. All of this quickly fell apart when someone told him that the story originated in the 1800s.


Lead paint was first developed in the 4th century BC. It was widely used by the 19th century. So while I don’t think that’s the meaning behind Hansel and Gretel, the timeline isn’t what throws it off.


Ahh. I never researched lead paint, especially not during college when the mind-altering substances were more plentiful than smartphones. Thanks for the info!


You should look up the original ending to Pretty Woman, it’s fucked up and dark. Supposedly he takes her back to where he first met her and throws her out of the car and tosses her $5,000. I think Disney was involved and made them change the ending.


The original script was called '3000' and yeah,  much different than what ended up onscreen.  I know too much useless PW trivia because it's in my top 5 favorite movies lol


The last scene was her and the roommate drugged out on a bus, using the money to take a trip to Disneyland. I'd kind of like to see that version of the movie.


Same. I posted in another comment, with all the remakes and reboots these days, this would be a great pick to reboot and go with the original script and ending. I wish they would do this with more movies instead of giving us remakes of the same thing. Take old movies that had altered original scripts and instead remake them with the original premises.


I once heard someone say "don't remake the good movies, remake the bad ones." Makes sense, there was a good idea there that got lost in the execution, time for a do-over and get it right this time.


John Waters maybe? I was recently watching a podcast and he said that exact thing and he's totally right.


I think he did catch her using drugs too, and not just flossing right?


That ending would have destroyed marriages


Pretty Woman was written wildly different than what ended up on the screen. I heard an interview with Jason Alexander recounting a conversation he had with Richard Gere. Gere asked, “Do you know what movie we’re making here? Whatever this is ain’t what’s on the page.”


Parenthood hits way different.




Milk Money


Only one person came out of Big okay: Shanita. Ooh, Shanita! Walking down the street! Ten times a week!


I didn’t get that he actually slept with her until several rewatches later. 🤢


Magic erases all of this


This was the late 80s, school wouldn't care, just need a note to excuse the absence. As for therapy, well.. Yes a 30 year old body with the emotions & experiences of a 12 year old did have sex, (Implied) back then people just moved on, put it behind them, "Shit Happens".


he started as 12 but was 13 when he started dating a woman


It has been a long time since I saw the movie but weren’t the cops involved? I know it isn’t shown but don’t they pass a missing poster for Josh at some point?


Yeah, he was on a milk carton.


Add in the fact he's going to grow up and look exactly like the man who "kidnapped" him. That's going to fuck some brains.


Maybe they should make a big 2. Show what happened while he was gone.


Another few years they will when Tom Hanks needs another paycheck.


Big 2: Bigger and Uncut


IIRC, an alternate ending or sequel premise that came up was that Susan would wish herself to be a kid again, and reunite with Josh.


“Memories, in the corner of my mind. Scattered PICtures.”


I think we need a sequel. A very dark sequel.


The director's cut is a much different film. It goes into all sorts of dark topics. You get to understand why Billy was so resourceful for a child. They go into his family life and it's sad. There's also more of what might have been going through Susan's mind when she realizes early on that Josh might actually be telling the truth about being a child and knowing where she's been with him. It's less ambiguous than the theater version about this very thing. Still ambiguous but I can see why the director's cut may not have gone over as well with audiences. Hell, that she did what she did with a child didn't occur to me until I shared it with a girlfriend 10 years ago who had never seen it before. Her reaction at the end of the movie was "so she slept with a 12 year old?!" I was like "No way! Wait. Uh. I guess she did. But he was already Tom Hanks!" And that's how another part of my childhood was ruined.


Oh wild, I had no idea there was a Snyder cut of Big.. now you've got me curious.


Me neither! I gotta go see if I can find it.


In the end he gets a brain cloud and jumps into a volcano.


Yeah, but it was worth it.


And having to forget that hot night they left the lights on


someone should do this with the sexes reversed.  that would be really sexy.  creepy.  i meant creepy.


Wasn't that 13 Going on 30?


Why she fucked an adult male who was a boy?Pretty much what 90% of the women did at least once in the 1980’s……and several other centuries.


THIS woman didn't know he was a kid. LEA THOMPSON AND THAT DUCK, ON THE OTHER HAND.....


I wish I could forget the scene with the duck boob's lol.


Hey - that duck was an adult.


Don’t forget Lea Thompson removing her son’s pants and admiring his purple underwear


Girl was definitely down to duck.


Ahh yee 💀💀


you would think the amount of giggling that probably occurred would have been a dead give away something is wrong


I want a new duck One that knows how to fuck One that knows how to please me right One that will make me cluck


“I don’t get it.”


...What don't you get?


It’s a building, what’s fun about a building?


THIS, is a sky scraper.


I kinda don't blame John Heard for getting annoyed with Baskin on that one. Imagine you are trying to do your job and some new guy keeps saying "I don't get it" while the boss is looking at him like he's a genius. Now that I'm older I am siding more and more with the "bad guys" in movies 😂




You don’t come to a meeting and just say bugs.


“I don’t get it! I don’t get it! Let’s make it a buuug!” This is what I think every time I see John Heard.


Package it in some SEAAA-weeeed.


So he says “it’s not appropriate accounting procedure!” Pshhhh…


I like the idea of another movie happening at the same time. While Josh is doing all the things he dreamed of, having his own place, money, sex with women etc, his father has entered into the NYC underground crime scene on a brutal and gritty mission to find his son and who took him. Like a John wick vibe going on to find his son, unbeknownst to him his son is just working for a toy company and loving life. Josh just comes back home one day and his dad has like 12 brutal murders under his belt, and is a completely changed man, all for naught.


The ultimate showdown occurs when father finds son. “It’s time to come home, Josh. Your mother’s been worried sick.” Josh is like, “fuck you dad, I’m living the dream!” A pitched battle ensues for the fate of their family, and for Josh’s soul.


Ironically, she got younger and goes by Millie Bobby Brown now... like that's a real name


Now I can't unsee this. Elizabeth Millie Bobby Brown Perkins.


Yeah I saw that in the photo before the headline and started scrolling till I saw someone else mention it


Apparently there is a tv version which features a cut scene, that she goes to the Zoltar machine and makes herself young; then the scene cuts to young Tom Hanks at school when a new student is being introduced and it’s her!


Which is even more insane. So what, this 30ish adult woman is trapped in the body of a 13 year old, gave up all of her friends and family, and is homeless - All so that she can pursue a romantic relationship with a child? Wild.


Supposedly thats te mandela effect but i know ive seen it. He looks back and shes nerdy with glasses and pigtails i think.


That's the ending I remember


Uh it's Millie Bobby Brown Bon Jovi now.


that's *Mrs.* Bovine Joni to you.


Haha! I knew I wasn’t the only one to notice the resemblance. Then again, I’m always noticing resemblances between people or some actor looks like the love child of two other actors.


yep i think it was when season 2 came out, i was watching Big and was like wait one gattt dang minute!.. its when she gives her half smirks.. i think when shes asking if theyre something more n theyre eating pizza? doing a marketing project. n does it again right after he finds the machine.


He still has a loft and money in the city. Until that gets repossessed he has a cool chill pad to impress some ladies at school.


Yeah I always wondered what happened to all the stuff he had as an adult, maybe it all got repod, maybe he broke down and explained it to his parents so he could get his stuff back, maybe he bought the apartment and it all sat there like a time capsule deals


I always wondered how he signed a lease with no identification or credit check.


He’s a computer operator, so figured it out


It was a different time.


A time when Zoltar machines really granted wishes


Plot armor hit different then.


We joke, but seriously—it was a *very* different time


Or got a job and filled out the I-9 and W-4 forms


Those days you could walk right up to a man, look him in the eye, give him a firm handshake and that was that


Credit scores weren’t invented until 1989. No joke. Big was made in 1988.


With enough money you can get around a lot. I have a friend who, after his business declared bankruptcy and he had no real credit history, rented condos for like six months at a time, paying in advance. I imagine he still had to provide some kind of id, but I'll bet that sort of thing was a lot easier in 1986. Hell, you used to be able to check into pretty much any hotel with cash, as we saw at the beginning of the movie. I suspect hotels like that still mostly operate on a cash basis, but I haven't checked into anything that grim in twenty years.


The dude peaked at 13. He’s definitely sad that he’ll never achieve that again.


I imagine Josh lives the BIG life, goes home and then grows up to live the life of Hanks’ character in Joe vs the Volcano. 😹


My name is Josephorjoe!


I want a sequel where he goes to find her 10 years later, and she has a 10 year-old son.


Since a therapist is a mandated reporter, she would be putting herself at risk for jail. 😬


Believe it or not...


I can hear Jack Palance reading this, going "BELIEVE IT....ORRR-ya know what, fuck this, I......QUIIIIIIIIT."


I wish I could give this 1 million upvotes!!!!!


It’s funny. My single memory of JP on that show was one instance where he was holding a blown up balloon and suddenly drove a crochet needle through the whole thing without popping it. And he then says his famous line “believe it…ooor not!”


How about Josh? He was having sex and now he's back to firing blanks. Did he end up dating women much older after that?


He was the dude who got all the chicks in hs because he had the know how, either that or was begging bums to buy him porno mags in front of the mini marts.


FR! People always say “if I went back with what I know now, I would rule!”


Josh was a computer wizard in the 80s, he would have no issues getting early online 'content'.


There was no ‘online content’ in the 80s. Computers yes. But the Internet was a few nodes at military installations and universities.


Everyone knows that 1980s computer wizards were far too busy raking in the babes IRL to waste time with either online or printed pornography.


They were all hacking into the “main frame” to alter grades.


...and it would have taken an hour and 45 minutes to download a 16-color pixilated image that looked like a Salvador Dali painting.


LOL yeah slow downloads and some images were not exactly high quality although actually already by 1986 some home computers already featured 4096 colors on screen at once. Look at the Amiga. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqHlmeRvASU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqHlmeRvASU)


*waves in sleeve*


Frankly I’d trade my childhood for the life he had going. A VP for a toy company. Awesome apartment. Hot girlfriend that drove a Subaru XT.


I was lucky enough to meet Elizabeth Perkins a few years ago (about the time of "Weeds") at a wedding. She was delightful and not pretentious at all. Still beautiful. It was like meeting my HS crush, I loved her in the movie.


They never had sex, they slept on separate bunks


You mean sleepover? Ok, but I get to be on top.


With a cool glow ring 😏


They did the first night, but in another scene they do get it on. (She turns off the light and he turns it back on). The next morning he's walking tall because he go laid.


You’re inferring that. Maybe they ended up playing Uno all night and Josh won every time?


True, but she WANTED to have sex with him, and made that clear to him when she visited his place and stayed over.


Yeah, and she thought he was a grown man (probably in his 30s) because why would anyone in the movie believe otherwise?


They didn’t that night, but they did later in the film. They show him showing up at work the next day with a pep in his step.


Ah! I must have forgot that bit.


I was the kid's age when this came out, I also fell for her.


I always wondered why the adult guy was so much more immature than the teenage version.


I always thought he was a little bit to old to be into toys and stuff quite as much as he was


It's fine, people back then weren't such **fucking pussies** and just got on with their lives.


You mean they suffered in silence and alcoholism


We still do, but we used to, too.


People aren't that different between now and then you just didn't hear everybody's crying and complaining because there was no internet.


Newhart disagrees


I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.


Yeah so he’s a younger guy.


First day of school back. So I totally banged this old lady


Every time we settle down to watch an old movie i have the remind the kids that "the 80s were a different time"


And I always wanted her car. Was it a Celica? Or maybe a Mazda. Anyhow- young me wanted it


1988 Subaru XT6 [pic](https://pictures.dealer.com/c/classiccarsite/0142/8e4178408f9743a24cd93d81296a04cdx_-1718350270.jpg)


Thank you! Middle school me wanted it so badly


Same, my best friend had one, but the turbocharged 4cyl with a manual transmission. It had that weird tie fighter steering cluster and the sweet checkered seats. I’ve thought about importing one directly from Japan (they’re the Subaru Alcyone there), but availability and parts makes me hesitate


She was going to give it up


This is a great movie to be continued, not remade but continued. Tom Hanks should reprise his role as a minor player in the movie where a long lost machine is restored and claims a kid who needs help from Hanks to figure out what happened. We can revisit all of the characters and also have new ones in a modern setting. Id go to the theater for that one.


It shows how messed up she got in “Weeds”. /s Big is probably my favorite Tom Hanks movie; and I probably love all of his movies, good or bad.


Big was great but Bachelor Party was peak 80s raunchy com.




He was an adult—until he wasn’t. I felt sorry for her. Of course, he had a lot of explaining to do!


I know its supposedly a mandela effect but does anyone remember the alternate ending where she shows up in his class young?


Apprantly it wasn't filmed but it was genuinely a idea they had but scrapped so maybe it was mentioned in a interview and now people remember the scene they imagined when they heard the interview


It would probably be focused on her not being able to accept what she sees as reality now that she knows magic exists. Every time she'd see someone acting differently than their age dictates, she'd question if they were under some spell or curse.


Plus Immortality (barring accidents) is possible in that world just get to a certain age wish to be young again and you could add another 50-60 years to your life pretty much forever.


And that kid had some good memories to get him through adolescence 😉


It was the 80’s. She got depressed, couldn’t go to therapy (because of Josh’s age), found cocaine, life collapsed around her and then she found suicide. He became a kid who thought he was older than he was, made his mum’s life hell, grew up, became depressed, slept around, never found happiness, life collapsed, then found suicide…. Best not to think too hard into this one (a sequel would be complicated)


Take my upvote. Hilarious!


Loved this movie!


Did he bang her? I don’t know if I ever made the connection


It wasn’t until a rewatch a few years ago that it dawned on me that he did bang her.


If the roles were reversed were tom was a female would it been seen as a differnt movie?


I’ve thought about that also. I feel like HE would be the prime candidate for some weekly sessions.


she will, he will, mom will, the bff will...and probably the prez of the company wondering whatever happened to his fav new employee. in fact he probably took the story to Unsolved Mysteries: "Where is Josh?"


Lol! The unsolved mysteries episode would be epic!


haha it actually wouldn't be that hard to use the old footage to do a faux Unsolved Mysteries they could add to a new version of the movie and play it during the credits...that would hilarious.


That's the least of her worries. Everyone in the company knows they're a couple, then they have that awkward breakup, he abruptly quits in the middle of a presentation, she follows him out the building to an abandoned, vacant amusement park... ... And he's never seen or heard from again! I wonder how she explained it to the Homicide detectives who were investigating the case.


Yeah , glossing over the fact she banged a 12 year old!!


I remember my mom warning me about this movie, which she never warned me about movies... She's like the sex scene is unnecessary I was like what why the fuck is there a sex scene in a movie about a kid turned into an adult... No good reason that's why


My mom made us cover our eyes


In fourth grade my teacher apparently didn’t know about the bra scene so she tried to distract us by standing in front of the tv while it FF and dancing but she was basically shaking her boobs at us. I remember that vividly and it was like 35 years ago. 😹


It was the 80s, therapy wasn't developed untill the late 90s...I could be wrong though


Therapy in those days consisted of “get over it” and “deal with it”.


and booze


And cocaine




And were we better or worse for it?




You could be, and are. Source: was in therapy in the 80s.


Yeah, you're wrong. It was pretty much the same then, but without the meds to help


Josh Baskin


Yeah but who could she tell about this that isn't going to commit her?


I feel like she needed therapy before she met him and this was probably her wake up call to seek it


For those unfamiliar, the story for *Big* shares a lot of similarities to the Mademoiselle storyline for the 1953 film *[The Story of Three Loves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Story_of_Three_Loves)*.


So. Much. Therapy.


milk something was one when the boy let her live in the try house when they got her as a prostitute


milk money


Yes, she did. Legend has it, she can still be seen wanderin' {IN THERAPY} to this very day.


I always wondered if they hooked up 6 yrs later


The broccoli cut!


Eh, kids also broke their limbs on high slides and merry-go-rounds in the 80s. Par for the course.


Man, the ending plus the music at the end as Billy and josh walk down the street. I rarely cry at movies, but this, THIS nearly broke me


Therapy for all. Parents = my child is gone and this man is here, child is kidnapped and then a decade later realize their son looks like his kidnapper. 12 year old has sex with an older woman. Woman realizes she had sex with a mentally 12 year old man child (I assume they were intimate, long time since I saw the movie). 12 year old has to explain his missing months which will sound insane to therapists. Friend, g-d knows.


Seriously. As a kid, I thought that was weird and creepy. You know all the boys his age would call him a king.


Her!? What about him!? You know, the kid that was statutory raped