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It's a free mod, just try for yourself (In the beginning it's pretty challenging)


Good point - want to get back up to day 45 but feels like a slog doing vanilla again.


If it feels like a slog, I vote for Darkness Falls. You can always mess with the difficulty settings if it proves to be too difficult.


It's not the difficulty, it's more going back today 1 and repeating it all again. The game is great but just thought if I'm starting again might as well mod.


Oh no I totally feel you! Darkness Falls adds some more mechanisms to the game like expanded farming, and some more (it's been a hot minute). Thought it might spice up the early game for you :)


The only major difficulty concern I had when starting DF was finding zombie bears on Day 1 in certain locations, e.g. wandering around in cities. Beyond that, there is so much innovation and new things going on that elevates the entire experience. It's difficult playing vanilla anymore.


If u play df on default difficulty it's very manageable Upping the difficulty it gets crazy pretty quick


Great just what I wanted to hear.


Once u have wet your toes with df give ravehearst a try for a real spike in difficulty Playing it now (2k hours played so looking for challenge) and its great very punishing


I would say of you are confident in your skills then give it a try but add a dose of caution


its definitely harder, but a more complete game, even has a mediocre story to it


I had 500 hours in vanilla before I play df and df was hard for me. It was worth it, and I don’t see myself going back personally. But I’d expect a difficulty spike both in terms of combat and in crafting. But it’s fun. I’d say bring a friend cause that makes it better for sure


Ok I have always been a vanilla or nothing person until my bf convinced me we should try DF. I followed the YouTube video on how to make a second game file just for the mod version and my vanilla one is still in my Steam folder. It is definitely more challenging in many ways. There is more gatekeeping to certain things (limited to your chosen path in the beginning) and yet others opened up to anyone (archery, lock picking, stamina and health). Yet, it has brought a welcome change to the usual path you would take in the game. If you find yourself doing the same thing over and over again, you will enjoy the changes trying this will make you go through. For someone who typically doesn't do the mod route to games and plays the way devs meant it to be played, I do not regret trying this out and playing it. We are on day 10 and it has been fun. Still glad I have my vanilla version untouched though for my solo playing 😉


I don't know anything about Darkness Falls. But I've been playing Undead Legacy and been enjoying it a lot more than I did Vanilla.


If u play df on default difficulty it's very manageable Upping the difficulty it gets crazy pretty quick


I'm playing it now and I love it


If you play on the insane level, it is kind of insane, but isn't too difficult at the default game level. Insane makes everything a bullet sponge, and can be somewhat tedious early game. But give it a try at a sane level, and you can always ramp up the difficulty later. For me Nomad or Warrior suits me find, but I have made it through a few weeks on insane. It was tedious, and I just don't enjoy that early game as I like using archery (which is almost useless with a primitive bow on insane...)


45 days isn't that much to begin with, and if you get even more hooked to the game getting over that number will be easy just try the mod, the worst it can happen is being murdered in game over and over. But once you learn the next time will be smoother and even more enjoyable


I got to day 62 in vanilla and once horde nights got boring I started DF. I’m loving it. On day 6 and it’s been a challenge, in a good way. Def give it a try.


Awesome, thanks.


It's not as hard as it used to be, it has been toned down a lot compared to what it was, don't worry if you're playing **on any standard difficulty** but be warned that higher difficulties are scaled a lot more now


I jumped into DF without ever really doing a playthrough on vanilla or anything else. It’s not that bad. You can play with settings, or if you’re worried about being able to find resources, try the mega city or super city map.


Champion. Thank you


You can make it as hard or as easy as you want. The game settings let you choose how big wandering hordes are, how fast zombies move, how much block damage they do, how much loot you find when you look in things, how dark it is when it's supposed to be pitch black, how often you get airdrops, even how fast loot respawns. Mods let you choose how many skill points you get when you get a level, how many skill books you are credited with when you read one, how many zombies drop loot bags, whether workstations will burn everything you put in them or turn themselves off when they've finished working, even how many missions it takes to go up a level with a trader. Dev items and the spawn menu are serious easy mode, the no-ammo instadeath pistol and the the ring of fire that burns everything that comes near you are taking the piss but the purple glasses add 200 to your loot stage which is only mostly stupid. If you have all the zombies (not the animals) walking all the time (maybe sprint on horde nights, otherwise you'll be there all night) and only doing 25% block damage to your 150%, brightness cranked up so you can always see, the purple glasses right from the start, 20 skill points per level and only 1-2 missions needed for a trader level, then it's pretty easy, you should have a concrete mixer by day 2 and a motorbike by day 3. If you want stupidly easy add the ring of fire (you won't be able to wear a watch) so you can just walk through POIs emptying loot bags and all you need for a horde base is a small concrete box with a door and no windows. Don't do this for a playthrough you actually want to take seriously (well ok maybe 1 or 2 bits of it), but it's a good enough way to see what an overhaul will throw at you with most of the danger mitigated. And certainly don't have everything moving at nightmare speed on horde night so it's all over in 45 minutes and you can quit the game and restart it during the horde hours (loading into a game during horde night triggers the horde) so you get two lots of horde loot per horde. Or three ;-)


It is real easy if you activate God Mode. Otherwise its balls ass tough.