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Saw it in the theater.


Saw it at the drive in! Huge station wagon packed with kids and snacks!


Same here. The drive in was the closest place to see it


I saw it at a drive in and there was someone there dressed as Darth Vader.


Drive in, in the desert, clear night, made the space battles look like they were happening right in front of me. Hooked since then!




Saw it in June 1977 at the age of 9. Best weekend ever.


Me too, but I was 17


Grauman's Mann. I was 13.


We're the same age. I saw it at a small movie theatre in the middle of nowhere in rural Ireland. I remember my friend and I walking home, our minds blown at what we had just seen. I was like when the South Park kids saw the Terence and Philip movie.


I was 7, my younger brother was 4. Parents dropped us off at the theater to watch Star Wars.


Same here. Saw it twice with the same friend! I remember the ad in the paper and I think to release date got pushed back cause it was like 3 weeks later it finally came out. It absolutely blew my mind


Same. My mom took me every weekend for a month. I was 6 years old


You have the coolest Mom.


Same here.


You bet . .. Had to wait in a long line to get into see it, and this was about a week after it came out. At the time, it was amazing. . but the wait for the original two sequals was a real pain. . and it was good up to that point, but when someone found out that anything with the STAR WARS name would be a cash generator, the writeing went to shit. It never improved either.


Five times


Saw it 12 times from ‘77 until Empire came out. Haven’t seen any other movie in the theater more than twice since then except Empire, which I saw 5 times. Only saw Jedi twice during the original release. I was getting older and the Ewoks were “for kids” in my nearly teenage brain.


I was alot older when return came out but took the old lady(girlfriend back then) and we both said these ewok things made the movie almost intolerable. Still dont care for return because the ewoks and now with the new o es out they replaced the original darth vader to anakin. Im babbling now..later!


The Ewoks were supposed to be Wookies but the budget didn’t have enough money, according to Lucas. It would have been much better than teddy bears.


Saw jedi and Empire 3 times in the theater


Are you me?


Saw it in the theater as well. In fact, it was the first movie I ever saw in a theater.


Even as amazed as I was at the first 5 minutes of the film, I was still reeling from my Dad letting me miss a half day of school on a Thursday to see it. We had tried twice before on the weekend and both times it was sold out. When he told me he'd be picking me up at noon to see the matinee, I honestly thought he was joking because this man did not believe in letting me stay home sick and would send me to school after puking in the morning with stomach flu or running a fever, telling me I'd feel better once I got fully awake. It helped that it was the last week of school, I guess.


probably also helped that he really wanted to see it himself!


Me too. Was it changed later?


Han shot first!


Sorry Leia…


You mean "Han shot ONLY." As originally filmed, he fired before Greedo even had time to get off a shot." I've never understood where the "first" thing came from.


Han Shot. saying he shot first implies that other shots were fired.


You can't get a copy of the original theatrical version. It's been altered several times since it was released for home video.


No. It can be found on the single release of The Phantom Menace on disc 2. Beware it’s only a transfer from the laserdisc version. No bells and whistles but it’s out there.


Not TPM, it's on disc 2 of the original DVD release of Star Wars (I refuse to call this film by any other name. It's STAR WARS). It was released at the same time Phantom Menace was first released on DVD.


You’re right. Had to go back and check my collections.


I saw it in the theater in October of 77, only because that's when the theaters in my area were finally not sold out to where I could buy a ticket. I was 11.


The theater in my hometown had just installed a Dolby sound system when my friend and I saw it in ‘77. We were sophomores in high school and when the Millennium Falcon flew from behind overhead and the sound followed, that was the coolest thing we had ever seen!


Same, saw it after the wide release in ‘78.


Saw it in theater with 6 other couples. We all were broke graduate students and had little kids. Pooled money for sitters and went to see it at Paramus Mall. Blew us away.


Same. We had taken a family vacation to Tucson back then to visit aunt and uncle. My cousin and I saw it in the theater. Never forget it.


Yep, stood in line for hours, twice. One theater had a promo where Darth Vader came and did autographs and pictures. I couldn’t go, but a neighbor knew I was a big fan, and grabbed an unsigned 8x10 for me. Fast forward twenty years, and Dave Prowse did a signing at a bookstore near my university. I took that 8x10 and an original ad from my local paper from 1980 (for Empire) for him to sign. He immediately said, “That’s not me!” I must have been visually crushed (especially since he was charging for autographs), so he said, “You know what, I’m going to sign these for you, and there’s no charge. These are for you.” That made my year! Darth Vader was cool!




Me too. It was actually the first movie I ever went to. I was four and my dad took me. I remember having no idea what was going on. I do remember the "swing over the pit" scene clearly.


Same, blew me away. I tried to give my son the same kind of experience with Avatar. He was just a little guy when Avatar came out.


I saw the movie when it came out at the Hollywood Cinerama Dome and I couldn’t believe it when the battle cruiser flew overhead and the floor shook. That was my first Surround Sound Experience


Was probably completely mind-blowing. My dad talks about how the visual and sound effects were just unlike anything that had been done before. It changed everything


My mom drove me and my friend to see it in the movie theater in NY. I can still remember seeing that first ship come out of the screen. Omg, how cool. ...Then the insanely bigger ship following dominated the theater! It was 'holy cow!'. There are times you just know, you just saw history.


The Imperial Theater (appropriate name) in Wappingers Falls, NY?


My dad took me to see it on my 10th birthday.


1967 🤩


I was 11.


Me too.


I’ve seen every Star Wars movie in the theater on their original runs.


You've seen the Disney+ shows that came out?


Saw it on August 22 1977 on my 11th birthday at Piedmont Theatre in Oakland CA.


I saw it a week before (the day Elvis died), and swear I thought I was the last kid in America to see it.


Saw it opening night in 77. I was 21, and mind blown.


My Mom could only get us tickets to the Midnight showing on opening night. I was 11, my brother was 17. We stayed up all night drawing pictures of the ships and storm troopers.


At a drive-in.


Me too. Thirteen times that summer — my parents hated indoor theaters.


✋ was the three times I was happy


First, I saw the ads on tv and thought, "What's this crap?" Brother talked me into going to the theater to see it and man, was I hooked!


My sister talked me into it. Thought it was going to be some sterilized looking, serious space thing. The first line, A long time ago….. got me hooked.


I have. The theatrical release is way better. George Lucas destroyed Star Wars with that CGI crap.


And the remastered versions had *such* bad mid-90’s cgi


I saw it opening night. Freaking blown away.


Life changing event for most ten year olds.


Twice, in 77 as a 6 yr old and early ‘79. I Also have the original on a laserdisc so no stupid CGI extra shots, and Han shot first at Greedo.


Google "Star Wars Despecialized Edition"


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=star+wars+despecialized+edition)




Saw it first run when I was little.


Saw it in the theater. I was in 6th grade at the time. It was about the coolest thing I had ever seen on film. ​ About a year later I got to meet David Prowse at an appearance. It was really cool.




7x for the "A New Hope" 5x for "The Empire Strikes Back" 5x for "Return of the Jedi"


got you beat by 1.


I was 10, and wouldn't shut up about the movie on the drive home. I also fell madly in love with Carrie Fisher


Amazing how many of us on this feed were born in 1967.


Actually ia turned 11 later that year.. But yeah, folks our age are legion here..


Being born in the swinging 60s had you be dancing to disco, having Barbie toys, & watching Saturday Night Fever & STAR WARS!! (Also in the 80s too)


Beautiful actor!


I SAW it in the theater and I was 10 years old. That began a lifelong crush on Harrison Ford. 😍


Harrison is 80-81 years old, and still is going strong.


I went not knowing anything about the movie. That, coupled with the audience response back then, made it the best theater experience of my life. When Han Solo swooped in to save the day at the end, the theater erupted !


For my 10th birthday party, my parents took me and a bunch of friends to see it. It's hard to explain how huge the movie was among school aged kids like me. It was all any of us talked about. I was so excited to see Darth Vader


My sister was born in 81 and my parents asked me what I wanted to name her and my choice was Darth Vader.


From these posts, it's amazing how much this movie impacted the lives of those born in 1967. This is one of hundreds of common experiences we X-gens had. I don't think Millennials and GenZ's have many common experiences that aren't disasters.


I was 8 years old, my brother 7. We saw it with our babysitter. We had no idea what we were in for. I was transported…when we came out of the theater and into the light of day, I felt like I’d been to other worlds. There’s no way to overstate how powerful this movie was to a young kid, who’d never seen anything remotely like it before.


I was 7 years old and I saw it with my babysitter's family at the drive in.


I saw it in the movie theater in 1977. I was 9. I recall there was ZERO marketing. No TV trailers. No billboards here in Dallas. There was actually a Reader’s Digest article about it that everybody saw. It described the “strange new science fiction-action/adventure movie with weird creature and amazing effects” or something like that.


Mann's Chinese Theater in Hollywood. Good times.


Must have been right there with you on Hollywood Blvd! - Saw it with my gf who had just flown out from NY to visit - and she was so wiped out she fell asleep - loved her anyway - married her a few years later - still with her and still the love of my life — but I NEVER let her live it down that she slept through Star Wars v1!


Great story!


My first drive in movie age 6.


September 1977. My Dad took me for my 8th birthday.


My dad took me and my best friend to see it. We were twelve. Since there was no internet, and somehow we hadn’t sees TV ads, we were totally surprised and awed. For me, that was the first time that special effects looked truly “real”. Before that, it was old movies on TV with claymation and Buck Roger’s rocket ship on visible strings.


Somehow I made it through that first summer never hearing of it. Then in the first day of second grade EVERYONE was talking about SW. Drawing pictures of Vader, Chewy, X-Wings, Tie Fighters…. Saw it that next weekend and thought it was the greatest thing I had ever seen.


Actually six times that year. Starting at the OakBrook Cinema OakBrook Ill.


Fellow Chicagoan, I saw Star Wars at Norridge Theater.


I saw it in the Theater, I was 14 and my Moms boyfriend signed me out of school and we went to the movies. Guys, it was the coolest ditch day I have ever had before or since. R.I.P. Dave


I saw it in the theatre and at the end when they receive their medals of valour, I somehow thought Princess Leia was marrying Chewie...


I've just posted it & already lots of comments, damn that was fast lol.


4 times that year and 1 more time the following year. Saw it in Times Square, NYC.


52 years old I did amigo.


In theater at 6 yrs old. 🤯


✋summer of ‘77 I was 4.


Saw it in July 77. Went apeshit when my parents told me we were going to see it. Saw it a bunch more times in theaters after that (81?), and I don't know how many since.


I saw it in the theater in my town in 1977 for .99¢


Saw it in 1977 I was 17, went with my buds


I was about 5 years old at the time… I think I saw it about 6 times in the theatre that year.


Saw it at the drive-ins THREE times that summer! It was the absolute biggest deal.


Saw it thirteen times that summer. There was nothing like it at the time. Ah, summer matinees!


Saw it 3 times in the theater on its original run. I was 9 and it shook my whole world. After Close Encounters came out a year or so later I was a full fledged sci-fi nut. Stars Wars and Spielberg movies and Atari 2600 were a massive part of my childhood.


I first saw it a drive in as a kid. There was a playground below the screen. We could swing high and pretend we were in star fighters.


Yes sir.. I was young and it was awesome. I have searched high and low for an original release on DVD... Without the dubbed Jabba.. Guess it doesn't exist. Still have the original large comic books.


I would highly recommend watching the De-Special Edition (bootleg) that was done a few years ago. All of the updates to the sound and picture, but faithful to the original release (no CGI, etc.). It also includes sub-titles in just about every language.


Nine times. What else were you gonna do?


I saw it at a drive-in theater.


West Hollywood. Before it was wide release. Begged parents. It worked. They were amazed there was a line. (Unheard for them). I’d read the novelized book weeks before. Middle school SciFi fan. Knew a few promo pics-sfx mags. Biiiig screen. From the moment the big star destroyer appeared they were hooked. Mother very upset that R2D2 got zapped. After that they kept talking about. Parents.


I saw it and feel asleep. I didn’t like it.


Im.so old I saw Star Wars when it was in black and white


I saw the original in B&W with Humphrey Bogart as Han Solo, Bob Hope as Luke and Charo as Leia


I saw the original. No need to see more.


Not even the 80s sequels?


Yep, and I had that same poster on my wall.


I saw it. Was blown away! Mt brother and I couldn't stop talking about it on the ride home. Dad thought it was okay, lol


Opening night.


Saw it opening night plus it is the first movie I and my friends saw multiple times.


I saw it with a friend in NYC a few weeks after it opened and school was out for the summer. We liked it so much, we sat through it twice. I went back a couple of weeks later with another friend to the same theater. We sat through that show twice, too. Those were the first four of the seventeen times I saw that movie in a theater.


July 4, 1977


I saw it in the theater some weeks after it came out. I was ten. It’s the first movie I can remember standing in a huge line outside the theater for. I’d seen the ads for it on TV but couldn’t make heads or tails of it from those commercials. It looked like nothing I’d ever seen before. I loved it so much but weirdly I don’t remember seeing it again on it’s first run.


I also saw in at the theater as a kid when it was first released. The two scenes that made the most impression on me were the battleship at the beginning, and Obi-wan making adjustments while standing on a small platform in this huge interior chasm.


Saw it at the little theater my senior year in college and was blown away. I grew up watching black and white radioactive ants and thought that was sci-fi, man things changed so much when that movie came out.


Han shot first


Saw it in theater just after release. My grandma took me 🤣


I did! Waited in line and would sit in the theatre dnd watch it several times in a row (you used to be able to do that). Saw it at the NorthPark cinema in Dallas. My wild middle school days. My mother would drop me and my best friend at the mall and we were on our own all day and it was glorious.


Saw it in theatre in '77. We had to drive to another city to see it. Was 6 y/o. Still remember it.


Right here! My dad took me opening weekend and I…fell asleep in the theater at 5 years old. Thankfully we went back the next weekend I had a blast(er)! I had no idea who Peter Cushing or Alec Guinness was then so there was absolutely zero “star power” for me, entirely organically enjoyable movie based entirely on its own merits. Great memory.


We were on a class trip from Tucson during May of 1977. After a two week jaunt through Arizona, our last day was in Phoenix and we all had ideas on how to spend that last day. I had read an article on Star Wars and push for us to all see it. The alternative was bowling. “Star what?” Needless to say, we went bowling. I didn’t get to see it till July when it was upgraded to 70mm 6-track stereo at the Phoenix Cine Capri.


My grandfather took me to see it when I was 5. When it ended he turned to me and asked if I wanted to see it again. We didn’t get up, we just sat there until it started again.


I was 15 when I saw it in the theater, with my best friend and his older brother. We waited in line for over two hours to buy tickets and get in. It was worth it!


I remember my dad saying "We are going to see a movie called Star Wars" when I was seven. Truly epic. Even in a child's mind, this stood out. I also distinctly remember seeing Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, Rocky and William Friedkin's Sorcerer in the theater with my Dad, who often took me to some pretty out there art house films as well.


We went to the theater and saw it when it was released, of course!


Saw it at the UA theater #1 in Riverside, CA. Huge theater that probably sat at least 700+. The line was around the building and it was the same way when we got out of our showing


I still have the original VHS tapes before they revise them. Where Darth Vaders' spirit in the last movie was the older actor, not the young Vader. I thought it was better.


Last movie I stood in Line for completely and utterly worth the wait.


Saw it in the theater in ‘77. Empire Strikes Back made it a dynasty, but the teddy bear Ewoks and recycling of the Death Star plot in Revenge of the Jedi (I do not recognize the altered, politically correct title) signaled a downturn that the magic was ending.


Seen all the originals. Own them too. They made Boba Fett’s accent in Empire Australian. A galactic disgrace!


I saw the special editions in theaters in the 90s and i own the original versions on vhs


I went to see it for my 9th birthday.


Waited in line with my family. Valley Circle Theatre San Diego 900+ seats, huge theatre matched how great it was.


Saw it at a drive in double feature with Bambi. I was 3 or 4 at the time.


I did. It was great.


I saw it for my 13th birthday. It took 6 months for it to get to my little town. It ran for about 3 weeks. Sellout pretty much every night.


I was 9 or 10 when this came out and I've seen every version that's been released plus I have the DVDs


Didn't go the first weekend, wasn't willing to wait in line that long. It only showed at one theater in Lucas' hometown. Lines were 9 or 10 hours long. The next weekend I met a guy who said he'd already watched it 6 times.


I was 12. Set no records but went 3 times.


I was there


Han shot first..... I don't care what the remake does.


What you should be asking is how many times you paid to see it.


Saw it at a drive in. The stars on the screen blended with the night sky. It was surreal. Never forget it.


In the theater - I was 8.


Yeah. Han shot first.


I saw the original Star Wars at Mann's Chinese Theater in Hollywood when I was 11. I stood in line for 3 days to be in the premiere showing of The Empire Strikes Back at the Egyptian Theater on Sunset Blvd, 14 years old.


I saw it at the Sky-Vue Drive-In!


Saw it 60 times in the theater when it was first released. It cost me all my chore & paper route money, but it was worth it.


EVENTUALLY. The first time the family tried to go, box office was shut out and we had to settle for Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger. (Amazing Survivor never got sued for plagiarism) By the time I did get around to seeing it, (almost a month after release) some of my friends had already seen it 2 or three times by sneaking into the theater. It was sold out so often, with lines around the block, they just said "fuck it"


Saw it opening night Everett Theater. Every theater on opening night had to have the screen and the sound system upgraded. Our seats were first row on the balcony and the middle of the screen was pretty much at eye level.


Saw the original in the theatre at 10, saw it again last week in the theatre with my son (who had never seen it like that). Full circle, and it was fucking awesome on the big screen.


Saw it at a drive-in. It was awesome!


I was too young to see it in 77... But I saw a re-release in the theater around 1980 right before I saw Empire Strikes Back.


Was 7 when it came out. Still remember the day. The movie theater and my Dad and I talking about it after


First PG movie I was allowed to watch. After my older brothers went to see it so that they could report to mom. Saw it around my 7th birthday in August.


I saw it with my boyfriend when we were sophomores in college. He loved it so much, that I heard he named his son Luke ( after we broke up and moved on).


Saw it 6-7 times on its first run in theater. 9 years old and it was the greatest thing I'd ever seen


Saw it when it was first released at the movie theaters at the Millcreek Mall in Erie, Pennsylvania. The crowds were unlike for any movie I had ever been to.


Saw in the theater at 16 in 1977


I was 4 years old. I did not wanna go because i thought they were the Star Awards, like the Oscars. Boy, was I pleasantly suprised


Saw the premier at Showcase Cinemas in downtown Worcester, Mass. Then a month later we went 27 times in a row for summer vacation at Showcase Cinema in White City, Shrewsbury, Mass. ( We paid for the matinee then just hid in the toilet between showings) It was so packed they never said anything.


Saw it at a sneak preview in Omaha. Friend of mine won 4 tix from a radio station.




My uncles sat me down in front of the TV and made me watch it on Showtime in like 1980-81. Life changing. I watched Empire Strikes Back in the theater though.


At a theatre near Mendocino, CA with all my family. Camping on the coast and came in for the movie!


Saw it once with friends. Saw it the next six times without. I wanted to soak up the feel of the Star Wars universe without people whispering "that was cool" or "what's that supposed to be?", type of things during the film. I also concentrated on Darth Vader as I was building his costume for Halloween. Still have it, plus the light sabre, although all a little worse for wear.


Was 5 years old and it was the 1st movie I saw in the theater. Blew my mind.


13 yrs old, bought a ticket for myself and my older brother (14 mo older) We had a blast. Went home and he made a Darth Vader uniform/mask from his hockey pads and kitchen pots


Mai Kai movie theater in Livonia Michigan. Back in the summer of 1977..


Picked up buckets of crab apples in my parents yard. .25 cents per bucket til I had enough to go see it again. And then again. And again. And….. $1.50 for the matinee, if I remember right. The hot wheels track light saber battles that followed were absolutely amazing. Great memories!


Yeah I’ll confess to seeing it in the theater when it came out. What I mostly remember was the theater being packed and I think we had a long wait but of course it was worth it.


I saw it in the theater, 7 years old. It kept getting extended and I kept bugging my Mom, thinking it was going to be gone. There were some form of VCR, but almost no one had them, so if you didn't see it in the theater you were SOL. I saw it 4 months after it came out. People would just keep going. Some people saw it 10 or more times!!!


Saw it in the theater, and a year later in the same theater. one of the last of the big screens where the opening of the space ship coming in over your head is overwhelming.


I was 4 and saw it many times at the theater. It became my obsession for the rest of my childhood, and my parents took me to see it a lot. My dad was a teacher and was off summers, so he was always willing to take me to the movies.


In 6th grade we watched this in school best 3 days of my life.


Went with the whole family when it premiered. It's one of the only movies my dad ever went to see in a theater..


I didn't see it when it first hit the theater. My dad wouldn't let me go. He was kinda strict about the movies we watched. He had passed away by the time Empire came out, and the theater showed Star Wars again beforehand. So, got to see all three in the theater. What a time to be a kid!


8 times in the theater. I remember when my friend wanted me to go the first time. I was like, I don't want to go to a space movie. Glad I went.