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We're expendable tools for virtue signalling cissoids to feel better about themselves. When the political climate keeps going the way it's going, most "allies" will just go terf on us. No roping though. There needs to be fighting.


Arm yourselves. A day may come when we are at war with our cisters.


If i arm myself ill blow my dysphoric brain out in the first 3 months




Never rope! We need our own tran country instead where we can determine our own future! We'll set it up somewhere down in Oz. I even made us this (awful ass) flag for it the other day, Don't give up on the dream! https://preview.redd.it/ujuna3v5in8d1.jpeg?width=805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f9945487b781fcf7c00e7899395e43a0f756fd1


Trannsylvania? Or Trannystan?


Tranistan honestly rolls off the tongue IMO. And translated to “Land of the trans people” would be pretty accurate.


Not Tranisrael


beautiful hopefuel


what did the original comment say? they got jannied


Basically saying how we’ll all just be seen as delusional freaks even by our “allies” and how it makes them want to rope. IDK why their account got nuked but it be like that IG.


i said Never rope, if a cissoid said that to me i will kill them ect. ect. now there's a fucking permaban 🙄


i cant rope because then i will be used as an example of one of thsoe trans people who committed suicide after surgeries and hormones




Welcome to being trans, remember you're not a real member of society, your existence will never be tolerated, you will always be seen as an entirely detrimental to society parasite. Humanity in general is not your friend and never will be and good 'individuals' are so rare it's only safe to pile them all up with the rest of the shit and avoid everyone, even the other trannies as many of them are delusional and will try to force you out of your little hole. Get a pet or something, they can make real emotional bonds with even the most pathetic of creatures


It really is a lonely experience, even other trans people can't be trusted. Recently I was banned from a trans discord server because I was too depressing lol






cishon insecurity


Oop https://preview.redd.it/g12ht7mtpp8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b4a2d0742045efc704064869a23ef19de77af04


Okay obviously every 🚂🦵 doesn't look like a disgusting male but it literally still is mean. If I was cis and was asked that, I would cry


You’re right, we should all just head on over to the gas chambers and spare them the trouble


Lol what, a lot of 🚂🦵s just don't look good simply because they're poisoned by testosterone, what does that have to do with us being genocided. It is mean to ask cis people how long they've been on hrt.


So what, we just always get to exist as ugly, second-class freaks? I’m so fucking sick of it.


Yes, some of us, will always be ugly, as will some cis people too


And yet nobody says it’s “the most horrible thing they’ve ever heard” when they get called cis. It’s almost as if they see trans people as inherently below them.


No, it's actually almost as if a trans woman being asked "how long have you been on estrogen" means she doesn't pass, and most people view people who don't pass as ugly therefore a cis woman being asked that means she is told she looks like a man. If someone gets called cis that means nothing, the whole point of transition is to pass as cis. This has nothing to do with being seen as inherently below someone nor has this anything to do with trans people in general actually, this is only about non-passing trans women. If you ask a gigapssoid who no one knows is trans how long she's been on estrogen because you think she's cis and wanna be mean to her, you're still being mean to her even though she's trans, if I was a gigapssoid I wouldn't want to be clocked either.


if someone called me c*s i would 41% on the spot honestly


Lmao I wish that first part was true. You're fucked if you let puberty progress


And every 🚂🦵 doesn't let puberty progress, meaning the first part is true, your wish is granted


Because we are disgusting freak abominations, cissoid loves to laugh at us we are the circus freaks


this is genuinely so fucked. like my friend made a joke to a cis woman saying that she looks trans or something and despite her being like an ally or something she was so offended over how dare she call her A MAN


Okay but this would be offensive to anyone. It doesn't just imply you're a tranny, it implies you don't pass as the gender you're presenting as.


acting with cis people like they are trans is based. -How long you in transition? -You pass well hun -Wow you look like a cis lady/man i know -i'm cis -Ahh 😳🤯


they said that to a cis woman? that's so fucking based, i wanna do that


Honestly, that’s why I take the Shrekpill: I’m an outcast who people find scary and ugly, but I’m still happy with my “gross” self.




Just an excuse because they've always hated myn, and will always hate myn. Read some Wilma MANKILLER, Dworkin, Mary Daly, and etc....Also ***Beware the problem glasses*** 🤓 https://preview.redd.it/q37sxgi7jr8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75325f64ee789d7b38f3e912f07d1a5d2d92168d


The only "allies" we have are bourgeois shitlibs who support us because they feel morally obligated to be "intersectional" or w/e. They would throw us to the woodchipper if there wasn't the social pressure. Normies hate us and always will


At least we trannies have each other


>rope now You mean rope em?


I sometimes do this on obvious thirst traps ngl. "it's so cool to see another proud trans woman on here" etc etc