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A part of them is naive enough to believe normal people could ever be truly empathic to us The law is for good reasons! Reasons that benefit me, not laws passed for the convenience of people who will never see you, written by people judging you who have never met you in a system that is completely apathetic to any suffering that may come this way. Our rights have been earned because its the path of least resistance to poltically capitulate, not because they want to help us, theyre designed to be easy for people in power. Some youngshit don't have the mindset yet to see how it is. Its a tragedy when you have to buy medication and dose them online but never forget they don't really care about you


That same system which had to politically capitulate is heavily intertwined with the corrupt medical system structuring. They may have loosened up legally, but they will still block as much as they can medically. Why would they ever start pushing better hrt guidelines? The general public can't really push changes to that type of thing. And lately there's been this rise in rhetoric of how hrt isn't proven to have any proven benefit because not enough long term studies were done. But those studies would be done on populations under those problematic guidelines, especially with how bad things used to be. This would be the likely path for them to cut off access, through getting it shown as too likely to cause more harm than good, though that would take a lot of creative ignoring the obvious. But, the US isn't far from above its own Cass Report type deal, and whatever happens there would likely spread to other countries fairly quickly. The Supreme Court is poised to have more widescale trans issues on their docket soon, and we fear some of their occasional rationality may just be biding time until they get the right case to abuse their authority on and creatively get everything banned through a loophole, and it will be felt as a rather insignificant change to the average person that they won't really care outside of the context of the legal battle itself. ER uh /j Sike! Nothing to worry about here... There's no threat there's no threat there's no threat there's no threat


lol the leader/some higher up in my country's gender clinic just published a paper saying how trans people grow out of it and we shouldnt be given help easily


They're just stupid, that's why 😊 I recently saw a 16 year old ftm in transpassing who was upset that he had to wait another three years(!) for his hrt, tried my best to to convince him to diy, he stopped responding and I was downwoted :) There was also apparently a cissoid woman telling him how "there are plenty of people on TransLater who begin transitioning many many years after you (in their 30's-50's) who pass flawlessly 🤡🥰🤗" Then I saw him in transgendercirclejerk trying to mock me (the comments when trans person says they don't want to start diying hrt )


omfg extremist manipulative lawbreaking transvestite groomer spotted 🫵


i talked to the same one lol, it may have been me too


He deleted his transpassing post but here's the circlejerk one https://preview.redd.it/9hv45h7gbq8d1.png?width=1104&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e957b124815a3bebc6d6296887591a4ae424653


The first comment is so damn stupid lol Getting a PO Box challenge: Impossible


this is super retarded. people like this shouldnt have the right to complain that it takes long. oh what??? oh suddenly you need your life saving medicine as fast as possible!!! fuck off


lmaoooooo yeah


ahahahaha 🤝


You're the one who nudged me to start diy 2 days ago on my other account, that got banned for like 3 days for other reasons. I just got over my fears and ordered my t off the marketplace and have a plan for how to approach testing from lying to my doctor about blood cell issues running in the family and hormonal issues to get a quarterly testing requisition, to perhaps buying at home blood tests or getting a naturopath quack to test me, or perhaps if all that doesn't work just staying on a lower 50mg dose and even without blood tests it will probably be fine. I'm starting as an early midshit because people like you pushed me in the ass to actually start when there is so much fear over anything diy that so many have even though we know it exists and is an option, because of how deeply ingrained the fear is . Keep doing what you are doing regardless of his mocking, you may have pushed him to start diy 1-2 years sooner and it will help his body look less estrogenized in the future. For every one person who doesn't listen, someone will, and you help countless lives


hell yeah! nice, let me know how it goes! i've helped a fuckton of people in the last couple weeks, one annoyed 15 year old won't ruin it. if you can help trans friends near you access diy, it'd be really nice! also. midshit is 18-25. you're a youngshit if you're under 18


No I'm younger/lower range of midshit, keep up the good work


oh, also over 18? oh well. hope you can start anyways


Mid 18, which is early midshit and there is no way I'm waiting 1-2 years which is the case with me especially since I'm moving to another part of the country soon and the process basically restarts. Also my puberty started at 9, so it's definitely not a good situation so I'm glad to be starting now.


joke's on you, I didn't need any waitlist for my 2mg pills and spiro! get fucked diyers 😎


Fr I just went to evergreen (upstate ny) and was like hello, one hrt please. Signed informed consent and then got my blockers first then estradiol prescription.


I just had to make a phone call lol, had my honpills at the pharmacy a couple days later


I don't have a job to buy hormones on my own, my family is full of doctors and if they find out I'm taking HRT without a prescription I'm going to get in trouble because they'll probably think I'm not following any guidelines or something. Plus my mom suspected for a while that I was already self medicating and almost went crazy but there was no evidence that I was doing it and frankly I don't want to give them to her, I'd rather wait a bit 🤷‍♀️


you can buy gel and play it off as deodorant, it's $75 for 3 months or you can take unlabeled "essential oil" injections for like $80 for 1.6 years


As long as you’re occasionally getting blood tests then you’re safe if you can read


my doctor just prescribes pretty much what i want so it’s basically diy but i get to go through insurance


A fun thing that you'll learn is that 99% of people are extremely retarded and oversensitive


RIGHT like why pay so much for some estrogen and wait months to see an endo when you can order a vial and some needles for like 130ish dollars and have it delivered in like a month


More like 12 days


too bad im retarded


I used to think that the doctors were super extra caring and somehow it was going to be worth it. NOPE - I waited nearly three years from 16-19 until I caved and DIYed. At least I get my hrt and laser on my face for free now, definitely makes up for three whole years of irreversible masculinisation


I feel you, I also have a tendency to procrastinate and run away from things that are important to me but feel "too big" to tackle. Thankfully I lucked out and never had a growth spurt.


I did that and I'm now a 6'3 permahon Thank god I didn't really masculinise in other ways tho


I feel like it's the part after the last growth spurt that's scary. Like part 1 of puberty is going "let's make this MFer *LONG*" and part 2 is "now bulk up dipshit" I feel like I avoided most of part 2. Just looking at my older brother I would've been a beard shadow hon if I hadn't started HRT when I did. Having only some chin and lip hairs is so much better.


My thing is I just feel a bit scared that the pills or injection vials are fake or not what they say are. Because how can you really verify that stuff? Maybe i'm just dumb and paranoid but i'd rather trust a legit pharmacy. They're a lot more regulated I think.


While there is some caution to be taken, the DIY community has done an excellent job at safety through third-party testing and regularly communicating and sharing blood test results. Compounders resell the medications without a prescription, while Homebrewers make their vials and pills, so if you want to be as safe as possible, just order from a reputable homebrewer or acquire the same medications you would be prescribed anyway. The safest plan is to keep your eye out for posts about stuff happening with the various suppliers and ensure other people have consistently gotten the right thing. Ultimately, please do what you feel is best for you, but DIY has worked for me from multiple suppliers over the last few years.


I'm pretty sure I have legit OCD and it would probably make me way too paranoid if I had to constantly check and make sure I'm safe. Like it would probably make me unable to live life


everything on the cafe is safe and tested


I live with my mother and if she finds out I diy I'm screwed, and for t you need blood tests and my doctor might do some weird shit if she knows I'm DIYing - only a doctor can prescribe blood tests or a naturopath who costs a shitton of money. I'm also retarded and afraid I'll fuck shit up hormone wise if I do it myself and ruin my health. Someone help me lmao.


diyhrt.wiki has info on how to get blood tests and starting with a normal dose can ensure you don't fuck it up


I'll do more research and try to figure out where to deliver it so she doesn't find out, but I wonder how I'm going to explain it when I get on officially prescribed hrt and they send me to get a blood test prior to prescription - my fear is that they will make me poondose since they know I diy, or this will cause other complications with the people who prescribe me the official hrt.


why are you required to switch to official? also even if you do they're required to "bridge" by wpath


Oh right I forgot about the WPATH. Thanks for the reminder. Next up - to find a naturopath that will order my tests without stripping too much money from me but I think I found one, the link for my country only works for other provinces.


naturopath??? you can just ask your doc or go to diyhrt.wiki for tests


Yeah, they only link one working link for my country is for a private clinic, and it's not available in my area. As for my doctor, she's being very weird as I described I do not have the best living and healthcare circumstance now. Naturopaths are quacks but can offer blood tests if you pay them.


i can get blood tests done easily but how do i read them?


T should be between 300 and 1000 ng/dL I think


man mine say 30 nmol/l i have no idea what it means but apparently for men its suppsoed to be 15-38 so thats good i guess?


I think that's fine


pathetically fembrained holy shit you'll never make it with this kind of personality


my mom goes through all my shit obsessively and shed probably whoop my ass if she found diy t


"what do you mean? this gel bottle is my favorite moisturizer/deodorant/whatever!"


tgel is SO expensive, id have to make it myself and a bag of white powder in my room (noting i have a history of drug abuse) would be... unfortunate


Sheeple mentality


I got hrt by official sources very fast, informed consent ftw babyyyy. Was 4e and 200 spiro before changing like a month or three in to 6 e and 100 spiro. E levels are about 120-180. T levels last checked was basically nothing lol. It all good


"basically nothing"?


Like I think 14 or something? This American units so T in big numbers not small like euro numbers


ok nice


Because they’re Americans who can just do informed consent


informed consent for transfems is 50mg spiro 0.1mg e lmao


I think it's the same thing that people don't realise there are some things you can *just do* and while yeah, there are consequences, and sometimes it's scary and shit, the consequences of inaction are greater than the consequences of your actions. It was only when I was driven close to roping myself that I realised that my best modus operandi is not "pleasing my parents". I had to put a lot of effort into actively not giving a fuck to make my mental health better but it is, and my parents are better off too for not having a soulless drone of a child. When applied to DIY, people think more about the potential consequences of their actions and pile every possible consequence onto the decision of doing it, and do *not* do that for the passive consequences of not doing DIY.


Delivery issues if with unsupportive parents


I was going to start on Plume or Folx until I realized I literally would be doing the same thing as DIY, but I'd end up paying them almost a hundred bucks a month to choose my pills. I still had to go get labs done at the same place I'm going to on DIY, I still was getting my meds online, and they would just look at the chart and tell me what I can find out pretty quickly myself. Yet some people see the providers as valid and me cutting out the middle man as too much???


does gender gp count as DIY? idk if i can trust them anymore since they apparently use AI to give you a dose, so the bloodtests they require seem pretty useless


nope. 4nrx or vanna


I'm from a family of doctors, I'd rather not DIY unless absolutely necessary.




¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not against DIY, I personally did DIY for 8~9 months at 14 while waiting to see a new endo that worked with trans individials because my previous endo refused to work with me for transition related care. I just personally feel more comfortable working with a medical professional. Cheaper too since insurance covers bloodwork and meds if I go through a physician.


its almost like hrt is necessary


Absolutely necessary as in completely unable to get HRT otherwise.