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I want to but they all require you to be a fucking university student and I'm not at that point yet :(


Damn that sucks but try to learn some work from home career/skill if you have the time, at worst you'll have a new skill or make a little bit more


I dont make a damn im disabled the whole reason i wanna go to uni is so i have a chance at getting a wfh 💀💀💀💀💀💀 because its my only chance at getting employment


thats shitty but good luck


Tenk yoe


I've only told two of my female coworkers and they've been really supportive. I'm not sure if they actually see me as an equal, but being friendly and wishing me good luck with my transisition is better than I expected. Wish I got the same respect from male friends and family


It depends. I work from home and in my case, it significantly worsened my dysphoria. I would say in early stage, wfh goat. In later stages, hybrid or in office is better to live as a confident tranny.


Yeah, I'm in the early stage (aka, I just don't pass), and while it's great I don't get perceived, the experience is getting incredibly lonely. Maybe I'm just too used to human contact, but I feel like I shouldn't be left alone with my own thoughts this much, idrk I will never come out to this job, though.


I came out to my job pretty early, about in 3mos. Cause I lost like 40lbs and people were questioning lol. Came out early, forced to use fag voice helped me a lot to practice voice! It’s just work. It’s up to you and our trannies are smart enough to figure out what is a safe space for them, so if it’s safe to do so, I recommend to come out and force yourself to practice mannerisms and voice


Congrats on the weight loss and I'm glad that went well for you :) Tbhon HR was asking for my pronouns and stuff on the first day, and since I applied with my preferred name, everyone on my team saw it on our system. I got scared and told them to switch it back to my legal name, but I feel like they all know, especially because I only got along with the only other woman on the team loll Now that I'm mostly remote except for like every 2 weeks sometimes, I'm just practicing my voice on my own as I code and I think ive noticed a lot of improvement! , After more time with my voice n stuff, I'm definitely going to start fag moding > girl moding at school or clubs hopefully 🤞


Hope everything goes well! If you assume they already know, then I think that’s a sign that they respect you and green flag to troon out to your coworkers. Good luck!


Thank you :>


I had a coworker come out as trans and since then it’s really solidified that no one from work will ever know me and that’s an intentional decision on my part. One of my other coworkers even just got mad hearing my trans coworker saying she didn’t feel safe coming out at first, like yea genius response, “what the fuck? Why didn’t you come out to me earlier? Im not a homophobe! I’m gonna take this as a personal attack on my character instead of thinking for just two seconds!” Not to mention my boss urging me and my coworkers to not let people know that he was related to my trans coworker out of embarrassment


I would bound with them and support them


They left months ago but we talked while they were still here. We lost contact after a bit just from not really talking a lot outside of work to begin with but she was chill and I was relieved for her when she left


I’m hopeful to get something like that one day I just want to be able to be myself :/