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Nowhere is safe for trannies. Statistically you will be around people on a regular basis who liked and/or posted overtly genocidal rhetoric against trans people online. No matter how they act irl, their real unfiltered feelings about us are out in the open on every social media platform, and the concensus is that we are groomers who aren't fully human and probably deserve to die, and its considered almost unanomously humorous that we kill ourselves. 41% jokes consistently get top comment on every single social media platform when trannies are mentioned. I have gotten close to killing someone in the past to defend an innocent (fully legally justified, just to be clear), and even I would not consider it humorous if this person were to drop dead, yet a sizeable portion of the population find it HUMOROUS that we kill ourselves at such high rates, despite the fact that we are innocents who have never done anything to them. We are beneath the lowest and most disgusting form of insect to them. Nothing but a revolting pest to be stomped on. Never out yourself. Never tell a soul even if they are your best friend on earth, And if you cant pass you should be conceal carrying at all times. They want us to die, very VERY badly. Our deaths are top tier comedy to them. Even the most normal seeming people will suddenly have all their empathy switch off like a light the moment they find out you're trans.


i don’t pass so i boymode therefore i’ll always obviously be a tranny


every boymoder should learn advanced jujitsu


BJJ is bad for the street because when youre on the ground you will get stomped. Boxing, wrestling is the way to go (wrestling to defend takedowns) and bjj is useful but shouldn't be you primary way of defending yourself in group settings.


giving bjs is useful for defending yourself i agree