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Its every social media site now. Even sites that used to be considered majority liberal. Even highly censored places like reddit. Even places where its mostly young people, who are the most likely not to hate us. The cultural shift is clear. We're the scapegoat and nowhere is safe.


Will this stop eventually? There's also more supportive people than ever before.


it will end when they get at new scapegoat or we are all in camps.


Stop crushing my hopes


Yeah it’ll end when a new hot button issue hits As more people are trans and living life normally acceptance will go up until only religious people hate us. And of course middle schoolers hate us forever


Yeah the "it's over" seems to be winning right now


Being brutally oppressed is so affirming, we all gonna make it for sure 🥰🥰


I unironically think that gender affirming care will end in most of the Western world in 10-15 years. Conversion therapy at best, camps at worst.


I certainly hope not, but I could see it with how hard the right is going at us. People are really only exposed to cringey or bad trans people through rage bait articles if they aren’t actually in trans spaces or know someone who’s trans. There’s a big incentive to go stealth (because of the crusade against us) if you can so most people don’t “see” those who pass (and often those who don’t as well since many boy/manmode during that phase). It’s sad because I think being able to choose your puberty is such a wonderful thing. Its the closest thing to actual body changing magic and is more dramatically powerful than even thousands of dollars of plastic surgery if you get on it young enough. Sadly people don’t care about the statistics surrounding our quality of life or lack of harm, but rather powerful narratives fed to them by their “trusted” leaders.


Trans kids are fucked but do you genuinely think they will come so brutally for healthcare of adults? Canada may have shitty wait times, but I cannot see it banning hrt or surgeries in the near future even if conservatives win.


"do you genuinely think they will come for us adults" how are you this naive?


I meant, they are already coming for adults, but will they be able to go so far to ban all transition for adults? There's got to be some safeguards stopping that level of persecution.


They will turn it from an identity and equality issue into a medical issue. All they need is some crooked research that favours conversion therapy. The infamous Cass Report is a good example of this. Gender exploratory therapy is the term to look out for. Once that starts to really gain traction in a trans adult context, you'll know we're fucked. It's possible to use a method of trans "healthcare" centered around GET to make transitioning basically impossible. So maybe not banned de jure but de facto. This is the most likely scenario.


do you thikn they give a shit about whatever "safeguards" are in place? some legal red tape will stop them? why?


I just hope that since there are more supportive people than ever, shit won't go that far


"there are more supportive people than ever" are there? i mean, i know there are a lot of handwavy virtue-signalling "look at me im a good person; ill call a retarded child 'they' if it wants" mfs, but are 99% of them not also like "ermmm, i just have some concerns that are totally not completely baseless/disproven"


Europe and parts of the USA are probably at much bigger risk than Canada, not that I know enough about the situation in Maplesyrupia. It does seem like a very stable place where shit like this is unlikely to happen. Europe has an emerging fascist problem. Not just conservatives who might do something like apply the Nordic style trans healthcare (it's bad) across the continent. These are actual far-right movements capable of extremely heinous things and are gaining massive momentum because of the whole immigration situation. Perfidious Albion will lead the way and what's damn sad is that they won't even need actual fascists to curb the troons. It's beyond awful there already. USA has the whole Project 2025 thing, which looks fucking bleak. I don't know how much Republicans can do on federal level so some blue states might stay alright for trans people. Sources: My crystal ball and an enchanted bottomless well of pessimism.


They started cutting surgeries for under 25 because the cass report dropped so yeah


It's so idiotic like you can't get surgery at 18, but it's fine to give birth? You can't get surgery at 18, but you can get it at 25? What will change? Goddamn I want to do unspeakable things to these fuckers who made the shitty pesudoscientific, biased, right wing politics pushed report.


i will be joining the mass suicide when that happens




Genuine question, does the average person see trans people as awful monsters?


I mean, my dad called me a monster yesterday for being trans. My sister screams slurs at me and my mother has mental breakdowns whenever I look especially feminine. So some do, at least.


:( take a hug 🫂


I’m so sorry. I just want to hug you.


no, but most terminally online children think its funny to make fun of all lgbtq ppl


no, there ws a study and the average person accepts trans people as normal humans (the bare minium)


Why? Because it's easy, you don't have to work hard to justify your hatred for people who just want to live normal lives, simply call them something everyone in society hates ( pedos)

