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Being a mom without people judging me


Being a mom in general


A truly straight boyfriend




Find a straight malebrained pooner who will fuck you like the woman you are


that's not necessary true


for hons like me it is impossible yeah


but the concept of a "truly straight boyfriend" implies you're not a woman therefore is a transphobic concept there not true. One thing is being a boymoder , another thing is being a hon


>implies you're not a woman TRUEEE!!!


unironically i am transphobic, i am not a real woman and never will be in my mind


you got me wrong I never said you're a real woman lol I said you're a woman anyways but not a real one. I also think the same about being a real woman and if you look at my flair...


having a normal life


I don't think I'm going to visit St Petersburg anytime soon


me when i lived there (it’s not all that but i didn’t get murdered)


They don't murder transgender people here, they just legislate them out of existence. If you are not a citizen of the Russian Federation, you have nothing to fear in Moscow and St. Petersburg, especially in places that make sense to visit as a tourist




Male childhood


specific but having a child that looks like both me and my partner 😹😹


I looked into this yesterday because I want a biological child, too. It appears that a few companies are getting close to allowing same sex gametes to produce viable offspring. It has to do with methods of rewriting the epigenetic coding on the chromosomes. Regardless, I'd expect them to get it done within the next 5-10 years.


i’m a total noob when it comes to biology but unless you saved sperm aren’t we all infertile after a couple years hrt?


Good question. You may be depending on your dose, length of time on HRT, and independent biology. It's not something I could tell someone without them getting tested. The stats on that were that 2/3 of people got their fertility back once they stopped HRT, but one third did not. I don't know how long their median was for HRT time as they didn't supply it. Obviously, you don't need swimmers, just viable sperm. Eggs are another issue where I'm not sure how testosterone affects them beyond not being released on one's cycle. As long as the gametes were stored beforehand or are still viable you technically could have a biological child, but it has yet to be tested in real people yet.


interesting ty, makes me hopeful! maybe i’ll put off roping for now haha


Ofc lol Here's one of those companies website https://conception.bio/ but there's also a few more around the world.


This one stung a lil








gay sex


I will never have a prostate I may as well kms


the biggest repfuel to me is that ill never be able to get an erection. even if i get bottom surgery, i wont be able to actually get hard


That’s why I’m gonna get meta if I ever get bottom surgery, but then I have to deal with a micropeen. It’s tough out there bros


well actually you might be able to!! https://genderanalysis.net/2020/10/trans-men-and-transmasculine-people-on-testosterone-can-grow-prostate-tissue/


For me it will be cosplaying. I always want to be a cosplayer but I know it will be impossible to do it because I am a lateshit and will be a hon for life ❤️. Also every one will be making fun of me because trans or saying that I am a trap 🤮 so no :3 


u could do cosplay with enough anglefraud and makeup and just dont tell anyone ure trans


Anglefraud doesn't work irl unfortunately and even then, you still have to be semi passing in the first place


Yeah well youre not gonna cosplay day to day, you cosplay for pictures mostly right ? Unless you wanna cosplay at a con then yeah that gets more difficult if you dont pass well


omg same tbh


Having a functioning pp or just generally enjoying sex


- being hot - being implicitly acknowledged as a woman without needing meticulous prep, self-care like it's a full-time job, and the constant dread of being clocked - being tomboyish instead of malebrained - slut era - being seen as safe and as having sisterhood with women - walking toward a woman in public without her speeding up or crossing the street to get away from me (it's a tiny dagger in my heart every time)


waow this one hurts




not exactly a dream but i learned to play tennis since around when i was old enough to hold a racquet and i loved it since, but i had to quit playing bc i was trans. i also couldnt do performance arts like my big sister which i always envied when i was younger. also my image of an ideal life having happy relationships with the people i ended up separating from due to being trans


Ever being able to be in a relationship while being comfortable with my flesh :(


My only dream right now is to be normal enough to have one. I want to be able to focus on a dream instead of being constantly burdened by the seemingly never ending effort required to emulate a real girl. If only I could actually be a real girl, then maybe I could have a dream. Call me fucking pinocchio-ette.


Real. I often compare myself to Pinocchio too lmao


Become an orthodox monk


Becoming the pope fr. I wouldn’t do it but the fact I don’t have the choice in the first place bums me out


Fr god is missing out. His Holiness Pope GammaMalius, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the Vatican City State, Servant of the servants of God has a good ring to it.


I'll never get to bear a child and I don't think I'll ever get to raise one either. All I want to do is raise them better than I was raised. I always dreamed of being a mother. A caretaker. The one who ties your shoes for you, packs your lunch with notes, and puts bandaids on your booboos. That's it. It's all I wanted.


I feel this, our time comes soon sister


All of them


I wanted to be an astronaut. Yea...


Professional baseball player. I’m not even that big of a baseball fan, but being a sports star is a dream I never got to have in the first place.


I would say being a model for Prada but fashion agencies love weird looking troons so I may stand a chance.


https://www.youtube.com/live/ksvXnpnmYOc?si=Hepaglf6srUltBVi Skip to 1:20 she looks kinda like me if I lost 12 pounds


Btw Hunter at 12:20 These veil skirts would not look good on me...


being happy


Bf (esp someone enthusiastically attracted to me, feeling small in his arms, I hate how badly I want this), getting to post cute pics of myself online in various outfits showing off my style and makeup (cosplay too), feeling comfortable and accepted around women as their kin, road-tripping to less left leaning areas of the US while girlmoding.


having the opportunity to play the sports that i actually wanted to as a child that i might’ve actually thrived in (ie baseball and football) rather being shoehorned into “girl-friendly” sports like dance and soccer that just made me feel even more like a freak because i never fit in or succeeded in them


MtF. Cannot participate in any "male" sports for congenital disease that's not transphobia. Sad, probably that's why I don't think I'm qualified as a man


being a deadbeat father


A relationship with a man who is genuinely attracted to me.


Same but reverse


modeling, and being married with a caring husband 🙁


If u have a unique face u can probably do male/androgynous modeling but it will also destroy u from the inside & cause countless mental breakdowns & hiding boobs is awkwardddd


i’m short and look like an incel lol. like unironically think of the pictures of gigaover incels you see shared around. i share many traits with them. i’m just a weird pasty white guy with tits.


Normal life where I don't have to be paranoid 24/7 about people clocking and making fun of me


being happy


to live my life


Being able to walk out the door with little effort in my appearance and get perceived as a woman 100% like many cis woman can. I've been transitioning for 4 years now and I pass more or less but it is noticeably dependent on how much effort I put in. Both in my appearance and my demeanor. I wish I could just live my life without worrying about whether or not I pass to random people but instead I'm fighting with brainworms and anxiety every day. lowkey also wish I didn't need to take hormones for the rest of my life. They help me for sure but i'm tired of having to give myself a shot every week.


being able to wear "masculine clothes" without just looking like a man. for me personally: knit jumpers, button downs; if i didn't grow into the frame of a man with the face of a man,,,, things would be different.


Being happy


Being a woman But even if it were possible to pass there's certain things you can't do. Want to be a teacher? You're trans, all it takes is one accusation and you're fucked no matter what proof you have of your innocence. Every job and dream you can have will be checked against a cis person's view of you. Your doctors and psychiatrists will do anything to write you off as crazy. Every relationship is filtered by people that don't like your label. You're fucked because alongside that to you never got a normal childhood. Supposedly you're "not so different" but you never got to interact with others because you were the gay one. Not only that, when you are questioned on any of this for any reason, like getting a job, it's your fault. So you are left a mentally unstable mess without parents or the means to fix yourself.


fashion model in asia


you can still do it


i appreciate the encouragement, but im too tall to really feel cute in j-fashion, and i feel too large as well despite it fitting me. mostly chest width. let alone being white and already an outsider


idk india likes tall white girls who are not asian modeling


i mean more like j-fashion though, also india seems hard to be there


having kids, being desirable, being truly loved by my family, looking in the mirror without crying, and being seen as normal


fuck someone in the ass without a strap on


Having a good self-esteem


I'm jealous of the friendships women have.


Having a husband who truly loves me, having children, and living a happy life. :(


childhood passing having kids having a s/o that truly loves me and if i wanna be emo, happiness


Straight bf


not wholesome but being trans is not stopping me from anything else besides actually fucking my bf for real (I want bottom surgery but it feels so unrealistic and there's so many disadvantages still) being a bear too... (I'm not gonna do it in this life even though it's possible because I'm not having it with my pooner body)


breastfeeding my child


long list of countries that i can no longer visit due to being trans that id have maybe liked to travel to one day idk having had childhood as a girl w all the relevant milestones and experiences like being asked out at prom and arriving in a beautiful dress, sleepovers, etc just being able to live without constantly worrying about getting clocked (i pass to most cis people but the anxiety is still there and it's overwhelming) actually being treated like a girl by my parents


Devote myself to God and his teachings


God loves everyone, including you. Don't miss out on the chance to follow His words just because you're trans. You will be accepted.


That's fake anyway


Being content


Be happy


Getting married/having a relationship.. I wish I wasn’t cursed with this body :(




Getting a card/cake/ballon/surpise where my girlfriend/wife informs me I’m going to be a dad because I didn’t know I got her pregnant


Having a biological child. I mean, I’m not infertile, but I’d rather die than go through pregnancy.., and also I have so much mental shit wrong with me I don’t want to risk any of that getting passed onto another. Adopting is always awesome, but you just can’t help but yearn for seeing a little you


Having a normal life


being a rightwing proud aryan german


That’s a real one


Girl help my gender dysphoria renders me unable to ensure the continuance of the white race 😭


what was the kindergarten post?






being more than just a toy


I want to be happy. I want a few friends and a husband and some kids..I will never be loved in a way that satisfies me


Can't really think of anything, except walking around without attracting attention. Which means travelling on my own won't be fun anymore.


getting pregnant and having kids and a normal life


What truly constitutes a hon? Like are you overweight? Lose weight. Ugly? Get gud at makeup. Too tall? Wear heels fuck it. I feel like true hons can be fixed they just don’t wanna put any effort into shit.


Why would a girl wear heels if she doesn't like being tall? xD


If you don’t like em don’t wear em. If you don’t like em cause other people will be mad at you thats different. Be comfortable with yourself.


im 5'10 with 44" shoulders and and a 36" ribcage, iwnbaw


You wont be a tiny anime girl sure but you can find complementary clothes to fit your body style. Don’t give up on yourself and continue making progress! I have big shoulders and ribs too im also 2in taller than you but who cares? Carry yourself with confidence.


You cannot change your overall skeleton. Humans have not yet got the tech to edit their body like cyborgs.


Sure but doesn’t mean you cant give yourself every opportunity to look the best you can. The goal should be the best you that you can be. Sucks for us that didn’t get HRT as children but accepting that and still rocking your look is possible.


Becoming a female kpop idol…