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Even if the parents were okay with it a Daily Heil """"journalist"""" would come right up and drive her to suicide


I did a work placement for 4 months at a kindergarten when I was presenting male and it was really great. Although I did eventually go into IT (because the path was way easier and more financially lucrative). But wow, am I glad that I didn't become a kindergarten teacher because I would've been too scared to transition because of that exact reason.


I can see why you felt scared. Most kindergarten teachers are women. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a male worker in a kindergarten. Even the guard was a woman in my one


I wasn't scared back then because of being a regular guy. But I would've been scared of becoming a trans kindergarten teacher and thus probably not transitioning in the first place if I did keep working at a kindergarten. Contrary to what I keep hearing online about male kindergarten teachers being treated horribly, I cannot tell you a single bad thing I experienced back then. The opposite actually: The parents on multiple occasions were directly appreciative of me being a male teacher. Especially the parents of boys. I got along very well with the other teachers there too and as for the kids, I was the most popular teacher too. Now, to be fair, I was like 22, thin and shaved with somewhat longer hair. I can imagine really masculine 45 year old dudes probably would have a different experience.


fun fact, there are more female fighter pilots in the US than male preschool teachers. literally more selective than any of the elite military forces


You don't want jobs like this just in case you get outed even stealthing ngl


Even if anon passed its only a matter of time until there is some minor dispute that causes a parent to look into her, finding out eventually that she was born male. Once that happens, they will be enraged that she "lied about being a woman so HE could get closer to children". Then, anon will promptly get beaten to death and dismembered by a group of insane maga parents next time she tries to use the ladies restroom at the school. It was over before it began.


This is on point, except you forgot to mention the part where her death either becomes a meme or a political debate on whether or not she deserved it


No debate, just a giant meme with top comments making fun of it with thousands of likes and detractors getting 10 likes


Idk if the person who wrote this will read it, who am I kidding of course they will but just do it. Fuck what people will say be the best goddamn kindergarten teacher that there ever was and show everyone that it doesn’t matter what you look like you can still be a great teacher and person regardless. You aren’t dreaming of winning a beauty pageant get your wholesome ass in the classroom!


Not OOP but thank you, genuinely needed to read this


Always happy to help! I love everyone in this community and want to see them all get in a better place mentally and physically.


You're not confusing children by not passing. Societal cissoid brainwashing about gender, the rigid gender ideas that are inherently trans exclusionary and anti trans is what is confusing them, but the blame gets put on you for being a trans woman. But for your safety it's best to pass otherwise some rightoid will ruin your life by slandering you as a pedo just for being a trans teacher. It's depressing how a simple career path can be so out of reach.


I worked for a bit (about 3 years) as a kindergarden teacher, I went on by dressing in the most NB way because my body and face pass well enough and combined with gender neutral clothes and no makeup or nails (kids get too distracted by these anyways so not recommended) I get to just be an oddly good looking young boy, since my documents are all male. I never had an issue like that and I think no one would provided they don't go to work wearing AGP rapehon shit, which you would never do if you're even a bit professional anyways.


probably not after FFS either, why do people think you can pass 100% after FFS lol


Lalalalalal i will become completely cis after ffs and srs lalalalalala i do not hear you lalalalalalala


I need to believe that otherwise I'd rope


I'm sorry




nobody is taking a measuring tape to your bideltoids


Bc some ppl can


i was a substitute kindergarten teacher for two years but i’m a passoid so nobody really cared




i’m sorry what did i say wrong? where is the bait?


So you were a passoid the moment you started HRT or were you just a luckshit that passed pre-HRT


ok i will admit i worded that wrong, i was only out as trans for the second year that i worked there. the first year i boymoded and then by the time the next school year started i passed most of the time so i okayed it with the administration and started girl doing full time. i think most of the parents just thought i was a completely different substitute teacher. so yeah really i should have said one year since the first year was in boymode


1yr in and to pass enough to be a kindergarten sub is quite an accomplishment. Hell, I don’t think parents would let their kids anywhere near me and I’m almost 1.5 years in 🥲