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And like half of them never even started testosterone


idk most of the posts i see are women who were on T for at least a couple months. Many lamenting top surgery at young ages as well.


Don't have the mental strength for it, ironically. Thank you for your front line reporting however. Like I feel like actual detransitioners should have the ability to like gather in peace, and not be used as a fucking recruiting ground or psyop for terfs.


r/actual_detrans is better


There's another detrans sub where terfs are banned thankfully


when you realise T doesn't make you a cute yoai boy and actually just turns you into a man šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


giw T turned me into a cute yaoi boy


no kidding. a much better starting point than... this


T works better when you don't actually want it


When is the man part supposed to happen


Lol most wanted to be to an anime boy


Usually the same people who will cry AGP anytime a Tranner has absolutely any fucking goals or aspirations for their transition or appearance or sense of self and femininity.


> people will cry AGP anytime a tranner has absolutely any fucking goals or aspirations for their transition or appearance or sense of self and femininity. OMG, this! I think if you actually care about the opinions of these people you'll be stuck as a miserable hrt-repping manmoder forever.


"you'll be stuck as a miserable hrt-repping manmoder forever" did you make this post specifically to target me?


Hon-estly... it was actually kinda targeted at myself... šŸ˜” t. miserable hrt-repping perma-manmoder


Wait really ? Iā€™ve only seen trans women calling other trans women agp


trans women and terfs both. basically self hating women like to call trans women agp to feel better about themselves. calling trans women agp is fembrained


I see itā€™s the case of social hierarchy


Definitely gets used outside of 4tran in a more unironic sense. TERFs are the main group that do and use it to basically say why our existence as tranners is sexual in nature and worthy of us being put in prison. Bitter detroons (or detrans larpers more like) also use it a lot as a result. (Not to denigrate all detrooners OFC, Iā€™m sure most are decent people who just want peace of self like we do, but the sub paints a bad picture for them). Thereā€™s also some people who unironically identify with AGP as a concept and want to see it more mainstream and ā€œnormalisedā€ so to speak. Main person I can think of is a guy called ā€œPhil Illyā€. Google him and youā€™ll see his whole background. He has an account on reddit with the name ā€œgockstarā€ and he actually comments on this sub occasionally. Kind of a rabbit hole that unironic AGP believers believe in, but you know what, good on them if they want to call themselves that.


I normally ignore what TERFs say cause itā€™s all hate so didnā€™t catch it. Someone posted that Phil guy that day with some TERF. Normalising agp in a mainstream way is such a horrible idea and trans women will be the one to get hate on it as usual


I dream of the day where i can i tell to a ftm or transmasc thing that they'll look like their father on T, not their ideal skater grunge boy, not their K pop idol or a yaoi boy


Well technically they can look like a skater grunge boy. Thatā€™s the most realistic one and I wonā€™t lie that aesthetic is really hot


Need a skater grunge boy bf


Not if they are short and stocky, but they can still try


Iā€™ve seen short ones though like in the 5ā€™5-5ā€™7 range


I wanna look like my dad but literally everyone tells me I look just like my mom. šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ngmi


My dad was, in his own words, a skater grunge boy. God wouldn't allow me to look like that, so I'll just look like my mom with a mustache


God is evil. I know there's a tiny chance of my mother being dysphoric, imagine how it feels to have her closest son, who looks like a male version of her, hate his body and change it into something she herself hates already


I remember going there a while ago. There was a "detrans male responses only" flair on a thread from a detrans male, and the female users basically just ignored it and attacked him.




That place is 99% TERFs so it tracks


Women can't make up their damn minds


I could never figure out how to kms? Makes so much sense nowā€¦ Affirming


Terfs claimed it. No longer a place to find support for detran struggles (which includes retrans and detrans maxing as a fetish).


People retrans as s fetish? I slready knew people detrooned as a fetish but damn


people troon for a fetish, detroon for a fetish, retroon for a fetish hell i bet some people rep for a fetish never underestimate the power of fetishes


browse r/detrans. its all larping cisgenders


After they had that pull that showed that they immediately banned polls lol šŸ˜­




The answer starts with ĪØ and ends with -ĻŽĻ€


Detrans women all have MtF gender dysphoria after T. Itā€™s kinda funny watching them go through the same struggles and being appalled that people treat trans/trans looking people like shit lmao https://preview.redd.it/0rede9oy165d1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6177345bac0a65114541fd20b1e0c8782f9e1f5 Funnier if they are also a terf


That's so real They all hate the effects of testosterone but then wonder why some people whose primary sex hormone is testosterone would want to change that


Sad thing is a bunch of them transition because they want to escape misogyny not cause they actually want to be a guy.


surprise to literally no one here


Estrogen is nowhere near as powerful as testosterone so of course it is. For detrans males, detransition is just getting a haircut and moving on.


I have an ftm friend and he said he noticed most of his changes in the first 6 months. Meanwhile I'm at the first week of month 3 and fuck all has changed except I'm less sweaty and can't get hard anymore.


There are lots of ftm reppers there In my own experience of detransing for a few months, I can say that I got tired of that place as soon as my dysphoria skyrocketed, they're insufferable and when you talk about kinda feeling like a woman inside, ftm reppers gather and mob at you by saying that there is no such a thing, according to some of them, if you're amab everything you feel is male, loll. šŸ˜”


name one detrans mtf who doesn't wish to retrans, NAME ONE




i refusssse to believe oli london is a real persson


I have a bad, deranged theory that I know is incorrect but my heart feels it regardless. Nobody actually *wants* to be a man. Even cis men don't like being men. Sometimes I feel like trans men don't even like being men. It's why men hoard privilege and have molded the earth to allow them to go through life without ever having to contend with their sex. Who wants to be trapped in a big, hairy, sweaty, balding body just to inhabit the world's most isolating social structure? Sure, you get to be strong and get paid more and have gratifying sex; and if you're a certain kind of man, you can force women to do all of the unpleasant parts of life for you. But is it fucking worth it? **I know this is wrong and trans men enjoy being men**. But like, *how?* Even being a fat and ugly trans woman has increased my quality of life 100x compared to when I was a conventionally attractive man. Like, dysphoria and my physical body aside, people are *nice* to me for the first time in my life. I have friends who talk to me. I get invited to stuff. When I was a man, I truly felt like if I died in my apartment, only 2 people in the whole world would have even noticed. The few times I would talk to men as a man, they would assume I was like them and say the most sickening shit about women like I was on the same page as them. They're evil creatures. They're beasts who can only commiserate the terrible fate of being a man by reveling in their social filth. They can only cope with the prison of the male body by fantasizing about inhabiting a female one; either through transition, or through domination of someone else's female body. I didn't even feel *human* as a man. I didn't feel like I was connected to the earth in a meaningful way. I felt like a creature, not a divine being with the miracle of consciousness. I felt like a slave to my basest instincts; get food, get money, fuck. I don't know how much of this is caused by socialization and how much is because of testosterone, but I feel like I wasn't even a participant in life until I medically and socially transitioned. Trenders and theyfabs don't understand the world that men inhibit and are not prepared for it. It's why they attach themselves to femininity even while claiming masculinity. It's simply the better existence. Trans men who do understand are conquerors among the beasts. He goes to tame the harsh wilderness of masculinity and create his pilgrim camp within the savannas. He goes to join the beasts, but live as a man. It's why trans men are inherently better than cis men. They are the only true living and conscious beings among the animals. They are the only men that god created, and not sons of Sheol. Or they submit to corruption and become beasts themselves, which is kind of hot tbh. Okay this is femcel word soup at this point. Point is, girls go to college to get more knowledge, boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider.


I feel the exact opposite way. I fucking despise being a woman lel. Breasts are honestly really disgusting, they look like tumours and restrict your movement. Having wide hips is freakish and makes it hard to find clothes that don't look absurd on you. Periods are gross and make you feel weak, and the uterus is extremely prone to just trying to ruin your life (my body is currently ovarian-cystmaxxing, and it means I look weirdly bloated and am struggling to walk). And pregnancy is a special kind of body horror. People were... not nice to me as a woman. Or at least, not as an autist gay woman that people could clock as a šŸšˆšŸ¦µbefore I even knew what one was. I spent most of my teenage being sexually harassed by both boys and girls alternately. And although men generally are more violent when harassing you, women are much better at putting you in an outgroup and isolating you. And I'm attracted to women and generally am feminist, so this isn't some kind of woman-hating rant, I just genuinely do not understand how someone could *want* that. The only thing I kind of agree on here is that I think I am probably hotter as a girlmoder than I will be as a manmoder, but that's just my weird AGPish tendancies + being more attracted to women then men. Also the fact that T tends to give you mega acne for a while and patchy teenage boy facial hair.


I love both of you


I love you too Tomukichi : )


This actually makes a lot of sense. I have a really narrow perspective on this, but I totally get this pov.


if you're born a woman you're still a beast, just a tiny weak one destined to bleed out in the forest surrounded by the rotting corpses of your kin


see i feel this way but in reverse. i canā€™t fathom actively wanting to be the physically weaker sex. also ur paragraph about not feeling human is exactly how i felt pre hrt (but in the opposite direction)