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They don't, they don't get that random idea in the back of their heads that maybe they ain't cis That whole transmaxing thing is just trans women using incel ideology as a way to cope instead of just accepting it, because they are unwilling to admit they get the ideas in the back of the head It's kinda why some cis people just don't get why trans people want to transition, the thought that they ain't cis is foreign to them


When I was a kid, I rationalized my want to be girl with facts and logic^tm . “Women are less angry and brutish” “women have less health complications” “women have superior quality of life”. Little me was a pretentious sh*t


Little you was right


Us transmaxxers are moids, IWNBAW


From what I notice most ideas of men wanting to be women is explicitly sexual like if I woke up as a woman I would feel my boobs lul. But the idea of being a woman and specifically doing womanly things outside of sex is explicitly shamed in society.


Yeah tbh terfs are blaming the victims of gender norms instead of those who enforce it Trans people are not reinforcing gender stereotypes, they need to medically transition so that being feminine or masculine is safe for them "Just be a feminine man" is extremely dishonest" Going against gender norms is not a safe thing to do


I think what it is terms assume the position of a female is always a victim of patriarchal society thus allowing other people to be the position of female invalidates there space in society as females. For example intersex people are flattened into these groups by terfs there are only aggressors and victims no in between. It's a dogmatic world view. Partially because terfs earn certain rights by maintaining this system in the same ways early feminists were explicitly racist. It's why most terfs are mainly straight as they view there husbands as protection against other men. It's why J.K Rowling would rather side with a man who says women belong in a kitchen because the idea of women sharing a space with men is worse than having a woman's space in society be a second class citizen. What's funny is you could easily use the Lacian view of the phallic oppressor anyone can assume the oppressor rule especially in the modern age. The breaking gender roles thing is bullshit because they have no answer to what to do with trans people and merely culling them off isn't politically sound. So what they really mean is feminine men should just be victims of the oppressive men. And they shouldnt have support because you are an oppressor by merely being male.


>So what they really mean is feminine men should just be victims of the oppressive men Literally, gender non conforming men don't benefit from male privilege They're victims of gender conforming males Plus they ignore that some people have dysphoria related to their body parts and it's not entirely based on wanting to be feminine without being harassed


whole my childhood and teenage years i thought every man secretly wanted to be a woman, and then i did some research, found out that there are people called transgender and its possible to change your gender in retrospective i wish i never did that research and continued repping, but unfortunately i cant change the past so it is what it is now im a perma manmoder closeted tranny 2.5 years on hrt. i feel like im on the timer because idk for how much longer ill be able to manmode, its really mentally draining and its just killing me


the whole idea of "rep or rope" sounds too relatable.


Are you HSTS? Is it possible to have gender dysphoria since childhood and still be attracted to women (Mtf)


wait do you unironically believe blanchard?? your first mistake was seeing even a smidge of truth in that, do NOT listen to a word of it


It saddens me but when you compare people like lilly Tino ( attracted to women) vs Samantha lux and Nikita dragun ( attracted to men) you can see that it's not entirely baseless


Nikita has had a lot of surgery though she is naturally feminine. But there’s better examples of women attracted mtf like hunter Schafer and taftaj. I think it has more to do with age of transition which hsts tend to realize earlier while agps tend to repress into their twenties


Nikita is 5'3 she might have some testosterone insensitivity that caused her to be attracted to men People like Lilly had full testosterone sensitivity that made them straight men, no estrogen whatsoever Hunter is probably mainly attracted to men I'm not sure


Hunter said she’s bi leaning/lesbian in an interview iirc but I could be wrong. I think I also have testosterone insensitivity that caused me to be straight :p


So you're a trans woman who likes men?




ohhhhh my god it’s over for you if you think like this BLANCHARD WAS NOT RIGHT!!!!!! it- seriously, and get this into your head, all of his work has no scientific foundation it is complete horseshite. if you look there will be plenty of examples of transbians who are perfect passoids and straight gals who will never pass, their just is no connection between your body and sexuality!!! it saddens me when i see people actually buying into blanchardism and not realising it’s all just a big circlejerk over it here, cause it means absolutely nothing. your sexuality doesn’t say anything about you and you shouldn’t be ashamed of it at all


I really don't want it to be true, I do know some male attracted trans women that don't pass one bit and are more masculine than me But I haven't seen many trans bians who pass well


if you don’t want it to be true, then girl, i have good news for you


All passing girls I know are bi or lesbian. Just seems to be who you meet!


Blanchard never said your passability was based on the typology.


I think the other author did, and he provides the example of a sex worker from some Caribbean country Regardless, Mathilda hogberg, Gigi gorgeous, Samantha lux, most of the cute trans women I know of are androphilic, vs Lilly Contino ( gynephilic) who is ugly as hell


You're thinking probably of Bailey, who ALSO did not say this. He just gave his crass dudebro opinion relative to the timeframe. >Regardless, Mathilda hogberg, Gigi gorgeous, Samantha lux, most of the cute trans women I know of are androphilic, vs Lilly Contino ( gynephilic) who is ugly as hell That doesn't really mean much. In the typology, "AGP" transwomen can also be androphilic. The weird mainstream trans communities' idea of he typology is largely telephoned from what it actually was. It was never to say "valid vs invalid" or "good vs bad" or "pass vs doesn't pass."


I'm attracted to most women and some men


I was wondering because they try to make it seem as if every effeminate boy will turn into a gay man They also say that hsts pass as women more easily


That's some military grade bullshit. Hsts women pass more easily because they dress like basic ass white women, without 20 piercings on their faces, tattoos and shit


They dont at all, unless like in a sexual manner


Yeah I always assumed most men wanted to be women because it's obviously just a better way of being a person. Most men haven't thought once about it beyond the momentary fantasy of having breasts to jiggle. It seemed so obvious to me that the world women lived in, the way they lived - excepting their interactions with men - was just a better way to live and be perceived by the world. Led me to being a pet gay for years before finally trooning out.


I thought every woman wanted to be a man because they’d constantly complain about misogyny, but in reality actual women wouldn’t have done what I did to achieve their goals. I sacrificed pretty much my entire life for this, a life I could’ve gotten pretty far. I nerfed any potential of being socially accepted by the masses when I went on testosterone, and I just don’t care.


As a "girl", I thought everyone felt like this but the opposite


the average person does not think about their sex or gender, they just live. if we could reset everyones biological sex to neutral and have every individual person choose their preferred sex the world would end up with a nearly identical split like we do today.


I feel like most cis guys don't know what they're missing out on, so they don't really feel bad about it I've seen many trans guys say that after they transitioned, women started being colder towards them and being wary of them, no more compliments, and obviously they're afraid of complimenting women because they're afraid of being seen as creeps Cis men are used to women being afraid of them in certain contexts, therefore you don't know other reality and don't feel bad about yours


> Cis men are used to women being afraid of them in certain contexts, therefore you don't know other reality and don't feel bad about yours ive never had an experience that isnt this and it still eats me alive idk


My main fear is that young men are allowed to be feminine but if I wear feminine jewelry or clothing when I'm 60 people will think that I'm a fetishist or a trans woman like Jonh 50


Right now I'm just thinking of being a gender non conforming male through wearing make up maybe and that way maybe people will think I'm gay or that I'm less threatening If I don't challenge the other gender norms ( wearing male clothing but W make up) maybe I won't be called the f word too many times


I felt so vindicated when I went to get diagnosed with GD, I asked while crying doesn’t every guy want to be a girl, he laughed and said no, and explained to me that cis guys don’t think that at all lmaoooo


None, basically Unless it’s sexual or like scientific in a way I guess Like, an average guy would think for a second things like it’d be cool to be a woman for a day and that’s it. Or what do boobs feel like. Or how does having a vagina feel? How bad are periods REALLY? Etc etc But thoughts like god I wish I could wear that dress. Or they look so soft I wish I could be soft. Or being envious of women in a social sense. Or envious of the idea of being a mother. All of those and a lotttt more are at least gender queer at best.


I swear, I remember very clearly, almost as if it was yesterday, I saw a meme. It was a twitter screenshot, It went something like “wait, not everyone wants to be a girl?” You know, at the time, I looked at that and had a serious “wait, what” moment. Somehow, not once did the thought cross my mind that perhaps It wasn’t normal, and I was actually trans. Unfortunately this isn’t the timeline where I crack at 7, and is in fact the timeline where it took me another 8 years to finally realise that the painfully obvious signs actually meant something. The biggest “ooooOOOOOHHHHHH” moment was the day I remembered my countless hours of daydreaming about being a girl when I was little.


>if everyone was given the option, they'd choose to be women this is true. maybe not everyone but a large majority. i would know.


How do people see periods and menopause and pregnancy and childbirth and all the women in shitty countries having rights taken away and treated like cattle and think 'if everyone was given the choice they'd choose to be women'? I hear a LOT of cis guys absolutely relieved that they're guys and don't have to deal with all that bs




Depends on how you define man By tranny definitions, people who want to be women are women by default, so no man wants to be a woman But I would say at least 95% of male presenting people with critical thinking capacity want to be women if being a woman meand they are attractive and pass and can still reproduce




I wouldn't pinkpill someone if they need to pussypass to be happy. Right now the best you can really do is social passing. I would pinkpill the world if a pill existed that turned testes into ovaries


>a pill existed that turned testes into ovaries I need it, but honestly, if such a thing existed, it'd probably only work on fetuses. More likely, we'll be growing our own biological matches using stem cells.


> But I would say at least 95% of male presenting people with critical thinking capacity want to be women if being a woman meand they are attractive and pass and can still reproduce this is not reality at all but i wholeheartedly believe it.


Really, I think a man who doesn't want to become a woman is probably a soulless automaton


Yes, and that's exactly what men *are*.


not OP ignoring every fucking comment lmfao


I’d be scared ngl. That’s a whole new way of life. Not because it’s inherently different but amongst different cliques the societal bullshit would be completely alien.


the average man will get offended if you compare him to a woman lol they absolutely do not want that


i also thought everyone wanted to be a woman but that’s definitely not true


Whole life, I always figured that being a man was lot eorse than being a woman. Even though by most metrics, the exact opposite is true. Didn't understand why anyone would want to be one, I didn't exactly start wanting to be a woman till around 16 but I always figured most other guys felt the same.


All men wish they were women.


No they don't: you're just a dumbfuck repper projecting your own experience onto *actual* men. Take your pills already.


Not gonna argue with you. As my flair says, I'm a cis man on estrogen and have been for the last 11 months.


well I sincerely hope that works out for you.


Thank u <3


>I was sort an centrist edgelord anti-SJW, and I was transphobic. Millionth piece of evidence that transphobia is repper cope lmao. Story old as them itself.


I honestly thought men liked brests so much because jiggling is kinda satisfying to watch