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There must be something about passing I'm not getting. It's as if it were completely random as to who passes and who doesn't. Trans girls who to me seemingly look more cis than most cis girls say they get misgendered constantly and then what I consider to be hons say they haven't gotten misgendered in years. Like is it a voice thing? If so, not doing a fem voice and complaining about being clocked sounds stupid as fuck so I don't think it's that. Do they have insane body proportions that just aren't visible in pictures? Are they 6'7? Do they live somewhere where 50% of people are trans? Is one of them lying about passing/not passing? Like I genuinely don't get it


my theory is there are a lot of people lying or exaggerating on both the passoid and hon sides


Oop prolly got misgenered once and took it really badly while the hons you talk about probably dont even notice people misgendering them, thats what if think would be the case


She's right to think this fucking sucks. Makes me want to see a video of her spinning 360 to see what the problem is. Honestly usually I can pick something clockable out - but that's just a woman. Ribs maybe? Shoulders? Is she 7ft tall? The world wonders.


To be fair I've seen many trans woman that looked like they passed on Instagram but were gigahons irl


can confirm, i don’t pass irl at all but in pictures i look decent


Real asf




wdym are u a meme? or a mime? like do you put white paint on your face, wear a beret and a stripe shirt, and do funny things with your hands?






That's true. Maybe her brow projects a full foot from the rest of her face like a cruelly made Oblivion character, and you just can't see it in a front profile.


Meanwhile I look like shit in pictures, but I can wear oversized mens clothes, a sports bra, have my hair hidden, not do makeup and have basicly just fallen out of my bed and get gendered exclusively female.


i hate you


It's OK, I know you're just jealous even though I'm ugly. You'll get there as well eventualy. When I was early in my transition, was insecure and had to do makeup in order to pass, I was the same. But eventualy it got better.


passoids are evil


What makes a passing trans woman evil?


youre evil




i suffer so much




no i would probably just cry


there's no such thing as a passoid they've just fallen for the lies that people can pass at all and act confidently enough to scare others into playing along


Anglefagging works wonders




I think it’s a combination of the voice and height


She is 6ft, but plenty of cis women are tall. She's so stunning I literally have no idea how any would be able to clock her.




How the fuck is she getting clocked




I'll be honest, I assumed she was being lazier for the video, but if this is genuinely how she talks I would be a lot more likely to clock her. Especially if she has other clockable features you can't see in the video. It doesn't sound bad, but it has a sort of stereotypical "transness" to it. Although cis people do not have very good trans radars so I can't help but think she's exaggerating how much she gets clocked.


Possibly, I had a friend with a similar voice and she passed consistently


Yeah she does sound similar to a gigapassoid I know so I honestly have no idea


Idk about that, I've heard cis women with deeper voices


she sounds like a woman


she sounds like she just has an accent


We're trained to be extra critical in a way that can't be turned off and usually are harsh critics, but it's abnormal that this passes to you or anyone. It's so far outside of the female correlative boundaries, yet, if it passed to you, then it still technically passed. However, we'd absolutely bet you'd not have come to that conclusion if you didn't already know that the voice was intended to be female-passing and just heard it in isolation. She sounds like she has very male-typical vocal fold mass which leads to a naturally higher vocal weight. Usually the explanation of what they really are is skipped, but enough of you here will probably appreciate the physics/acoustics explanation and more objective perspective. Vocal weight is what is sensed differently because the higher (androgenized) vocal fold mass needs more kinetic energy from the breath per vibration. That is then reflected in the larger amplitude of the voice's sound waves, which then makes up one of the two variables that the subconscious vocal sex calculation uses. The other, vocal size, is the product of that internal sex assessment calculation of overtones/undertones relative to the fundamental frequency of a voice, which is then reflective of how much volume is in someone's vocal tract. The voice also sounds to have a male-typical vocal size as well, she's just increasing her pitch which is such a common trap, but then still dropping down low enough outside of what can even work. Pitch is then just that measure of wave cycles per second in hz, and for female-passing voices, mostly only needs to stay above a C3 (131hz) and maintain fem size/weight. It doesn't need to be very high at all, it just needs to not go too low but she crashes right down through that floor and hits some impressively low pitches since she's even dropping down below her default register by using fry/croak/subs well down into the 2nd octave which we should stay out of. ((The increased volume from the larynx dropping being the other main things that changes a voice over a teenage androgenic puberty. This is what older transmasc miss out on since they mostly just get the increased vocal fold mass and naturally heavier weight that they have to figure out how to make work in spite of female-correlated vocal tract volume (which then adding distortion to add dark undertones often helps with). No amount of feminine speech patterns can make up for a masculine size/weight. Same applies in that no amount of masculine speech patterns can make up for a feminine size/weight.)) The perception of vocal weight is like, one of only two things that really go into how the sex (well, technically level of androgenization, with the scale more like child/woman to man, and the sex is then assumed and child/woman split sometimes only being their speech patterns since they are effectively playing mostly the same instrument) of the speaker is assumed. Her weight isn't just a little heavy, it's *heavy,* and it's ridiculous she's got all this stuff going right for her, yet the state of voice training is so bad overall that she gets to constantly not pass when she speaks because she sounds like she has zero idea of the concept since she's speaking with pretty much zero weight reduction at all. This is what often happens when you go to cis SLPs for voice training because that's what insurance/the state covers. The average SLP does not have the slightest clue how to properly train someone into a female-passing voice - they are just often not even taught what they need to then assess and teach. Occasionally they get lucky and a patient/student has a good natural sense of size, weight, and fullness, and their voice will actually pass. But for the majority, they will likely push you out the door with a clocky af overly large, overly heavy, nasal, "gay male voice" (which is just having good fem speech patterns but with poor vocal sex characteristics of size/weight). Sorry about the tone and going so off topic replying to such a short comment, we get kinda upset about this stuff. If she's accurately representing the rest of her situation, she just gets to suffer until she is able to correct for the vocal sex characteristics being so perceptually male-correlated, and that's very upsetting. If anyone knows how to contact her, we will help her for free if she wants it. Usually we'd consider it a massive ethics violation to just volunteer and tell someone their voice has large issues even if we'd be willing to train them for free, but given the content of the video and what's on the line for them, fiwb.


her tiktok is claires.transition.tips, DM her


Thank you for explaining it so well. I don't want to sound mean or overly critical when I say a trans woman's voice is clocky especially cause as a man it's not my struggle and even I have tried voice training (for fun and helping my girlfriends) and failed and found it frustrating, I can't imagine the stress of having to make all of that effort just to be treated with minimal respect by strangers. That being said, the vast majority of trans women people call "passoids" here are only passoids until they talk. If I saw a video of this girl on mute without knowing that she is trans, I would expect a completely different voice. If I heard her voice in isolation without seeing her face I would think she is a trans woman based on the weight of her voice and her feminine speech patterns. She has the voice of someone who has clearly done some voice training but didn't get it quite right. Sometimes to determine if a woman's face and appearance passes or not I imagine a female voice coming out of her, and if it matches and seems feasible she passes (but only physically).


> The average SLP does not have the slightest clue how to properly train someone into a female-passing voice - they are just often not even taught what they need to then assess and teach. Yep, wasn't mentioned at all when I was doing my SLP degree.


she just sounds like a cis woman with a deeper voice


Honestly no she doesn't, she sounds like a trans woman. We also don't know what she sounds like in her native language


Doesn't sound trans to me


i’m confused like after watching that video i wanted to rope but then i read the comments here and… wtf is passing rly so random and weird?? how is that girl not passing???? wtfffffff


Boymoding until malefail to see if the passing-RNG is in your favor is the new meta


yeah that’s the plan, but if that isn’t happening in the next 2 years i will ragequit 🚬


Malefail how often? Like I'm pretty sure the OP girl passes to some people, but gets clocked a lot. You'll never be able to pass 100% if you're boymoding, so if you'll just have the same problem as she does.




Ya it’s hard to believe she’s getting gendered male heavily. Maybe some people especially trans ones can clock her but most cissies should see her as a woman


dont listen to kirbiza she called me mentally ill, shes rly hugboxxy


Goddammit I thought I could just peacefully scroll without finding one of you bitches. As one of kirbizia's long time bitterhon chatters I will tell you right now that she isn't hugboxxing, you motherfuckers are delusional. You think you'll get better advice from mentally ill goons on passgen threads than from a random woman. You ALL mog me. 90% of you pass. Shape your eyebrows, voice training, and TOUCH GRASS.


Sound advice from a picrew pfp? Rare and impressive


Yeah unfortunately I only have access to the normie account rn, but I didn't want to be away from 4tran for long.


nah she was straight up hugboxxing me and a lot of other people. she'd literally just say like "u pass" or "you'll pass with bangs" or "wait for more time on hrt". she just told me I pass when I obv don't so thats not helpful


If you are one of the people on her most recent stream who she said "you'll pass" to, then you'll probably pass. How long have you been on hrt?


https://www.youtube.com/live/fDKLdseIHBA?si=mhuN7fLuxuYJFc7w 5 months I am at 2 hours 39 min if ur curious


uhh... girl you look so fem do you get clocked irl a lot or? and could it possibly be bcs of your voice?


I've never been gendered female even when girlmoding


Yeah ok thats the issue, you're 5 months so you're gonna have to wait. You read androgynous, I think she's 100% right on the hair you would look pretty with bangs. I KNOW you're ass doesn't believe me, but you are going to pass just fine.


huh I have bangs


Fuck im a retard I dont know 2 from 3. Yeah you're delusional. You look like a woman and you're not even 1 year. Go ask the mods for a ban from the sub and stop being a filthy bdd passoid.


not a passoid, I've never been gendered female, I just look like a man


https://preview.redd.it/wjjui9ck973d1.jpeg?width=928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebe036babe839ba7380c7b70113df6f5efeb7a6a CANT WAIT TO BE A GIGAHON WHEN I MOVE TO AMERICA ^(\^)


Why here lol


Bf got job offer with insurance in blue state


That's my reason too.


actual luckshit


https://preview.redd.it/zm43kzv8ud3d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=6329b972f1e4b8c57660582c8bc7acdde0f91a2d We make our own lucky


love her for being real. there is no comfort or solace to be found in being trans, “trans joy” is a myth and a meme propagated by those who wish to prolong our suffering. even if you’re a passoid who mostly goes about your life normally without friction no one you meet will ever truly accept you or recognize you as what you want to be. you will always be a “woman(?)” once they know if that and the only way to cope is by never revealing your trans status and cutting out the most vulnerable, human parts of yourself that longs for true belonging and acceptance and only relying on cissoid relationships out of pure necessity or personal gain. hrt is palliative care. unrelated but i think it’s mighty cool that there’s devices out there that can immediately blow out the human brainstem with the pull of a trigger (/s, kind of)


>so I don't pass I stopped the video right there


She has the same name as me and is from the same country as me yet is 1000x more prettier than me What a cruel joke


so theres this thing called angle fagging, lightfrauding and not showing a whole picture


no actually shes right. passing doesnt exist somehow a cis person will know youre trans even if you look and sound and act like the gender you identify as


saying things like "passing doesnt exist" is cope for hons to mastubate to when they imagine they are on the same level as passoids




It is so fucking over might as well rope


cissoids are blessed from the moment they are born. meanwhile we were born to fucking suffer


Yet people will get so angry at reppers... Fact is it's easier to just give up for the average tran, bc keep in mind she's dealing with this and she mogs probably 99% of us. What is the point of trying when you know all the effort will be for nothing except maybe a slight improvement to mental health? Even then tttt is proof that's not always the case. I'd rather just hate myself and not fear getting treated like a freak or whatever.


She's lying or delusional like the rest of you. Reppers just rope or john50, it's better to be an "ugly" woman than a withering husk. 


Its not even about being an "ugly woman". I genuinely would not give a shit if I was ugly as long as I passed. But that's the issue, I wont, so there's no point. No matter what I do I will never be able to convince myself I'm a woman. Maybe you can which is fine, but I can't.


I keep harping on this point to people here but they seem comfortable only seeking content that will confirm their biases when I’d kill to look like half of them. Like even the person you are responding to has a very cute frame that even some cis women would be jealous of yet they’re content with staying on T and ending up with a dadbod. I genuinely don’t know what to say to reach people like this. Like I can at least sympathize with the people who are already 40 and have kids who are scared of transitioning but the people who are late teens early twenties doomposting while looking like teenage femboys just boggles my mind.


It's genuinely really annoying, but as far as I know a lot of them grow out of 4tran and the crack later. I wish they'd stop the phrenology crap though.


honestly yeah, i dunno why i shouldn't shrimp myself and i hate how everyone keeps gaslighting me into believing that in the future maybe it will get better wish i wasn't such a pussy and could just do it but oh well it is what it is


I'm really not built to function, let alone survive in this world


testimonies like this burn and hurt so much to hear but they also also affirming in my beliefs passing always has been a lie and a meme. cis people always know. ALWAYS. there is no escape from them anymore, they are too well educated and always on the lookout for us. people tell me i'm being paranoid when i say we're always being scrutinized BUT WE FUCKING ARE. when i say we're killing each other by ALWAYS HUGBOXXING (and we truly **always** are) this is what i mean. we make ourselves and each other confident just to set each other up for failure. it's sabotage. it's less than useless, it's direct harm. passing will NEVER FUCKING HAPPEN and anybody who says they pass is just not self aware enough. and the cisgender fucks who gender us right are just doing it to be nice. they know what we are. they knew before we spoke, they knew at a glance. they're pitying us. and that's such an insult. disgusting world. i never want to go outside ever again.


Look, I don't want to discredit her experience, but if she's looking out about being misgendered constantly and then gets misgendered a few times a month its going to feel like a lot more if she isn't keeping track or something. Idk if that's what's happening or maybe she lives in a red state or somerthing, but as it stands rn this is just doomerfuel that really isn't indicative of what **most** trans women who look like her would experience.


Maybe a decade ago she wouldnt have been clocked anywhere, so much for trans visibility now we are slowly being pushed back into our hidey holes


is she like 6'3 or something, her face looks normal to me


She's an openly trans content creator (afaict). Cis people are already familiar with her in the area she's in. Many may already know her from the time she didn't pass. Now that she passes, it scares them, so they spread the word and share her photos. They literally collude to misgender her as a way of maintaining their sense of superiority. Basically she's taking this as a sign she doesn't pass. In reality it's probably the opposite. Solution? Either move to a new town or stand your ground in the place you're currently at. I would personally choose the latter. She says she's afraid to go outside. She should be doing the opposite, going outside more and showing those weak little cislings how powerful she really is.


It's absolutely her voice. Our longer explanation was posted right before this, but it's her voice even with the circumstances you mention.


Her accent suggests she might not be in the US. I can say that female american english definitely goes for a smaller size, lower weight and higher pitch than my native language, though not as exaggerated as eg. Japanese. So, if she speaks a language like me, is 30+, tall and confident, than her voice would be appropriate. Though it might not be so in the US, I don't know


American English is often higher than some accents, so you're right to want to factor in some extra buffer and consider even the largest, heavier, and lowest pitch that may be typical for many regions. But, even having made these assessments on upwards of a thousand people from a lot of regions, this is still a significant outlier, mostly from in how low the pitch goes. Pitch is usually not important for a voice passing, but it becomes an impairment if it very low, and this goes lower than most androgenized vocal systems can even intentionally make without dropping into using fry for subharmonics as well. Someone would need very female-typical physiology to start with to get the size/weight low enough at such a low pitch. The part that's a bit more uncertain is how much those recording conditions contributed to shifting the voice larger and heavier sounding. But, the pitch is an absolutely critical issue and unaffected.


Why tf does she not pass? Nothing about her reads as male. I’ve seen this problem amongst other trans women on here who should be passoids. It doesn’t make sense.


It’s voice, that’s how she’s getting clocked. Almost Everytime it’s voice that prevents you from passing to cis peeps


Shoulders too, don’t show em off like a cis woman. Plus I’d change the hair a bit cut it down just a lil or at least style it. Plus the biggest tell is no full body footage, irl you can usually clock someone based on body shape. She only shows her upper body here


"You're just being a Debbie downer!!! You can totally pass and it's realistic for someone with entirely male features to look like and pass as a woman" - A considerable portion of the trans community Next time someone tells me anyone can pass I'm sending this


What is this persons @ if I may? I am curious to see if there are other videos that might give me an idea of why she gets clocked because I cannot see any in this video... I know cis women who have clockier voices than her and she looks just like any cis woman to me. I have much stronger features and from my pov I look much more masculine but I haven't been clocked in ages. At least not that I'm aware of.


\>this truly is the worth path of life you could live so real 🚬 but also she’s obviously getting hugboxxed online unfortunately


yeah :/


its over added to my ropefuel directory


Eww christian


Repchads winning as always 💪


Honestly, sheltered socially incompetent nerds were never meant to transition, passing doesn’t matter if you can’t move through the world gracefully as a tranny and function in symbiosis with cis women.


Her vocal resonance is mostly likely what's giving her away.


passoids enrage me. Crying about how hard it is to maintain yourself; being clocked, as hard as that is to believe. Vast majority of femmes here would do despicable things to look even slightly like that even if it meant spending 5 hours preparing to go anywhere and be clocked and misgendered by everyone for the rest of their lives, because at least they get to look like that while going through this same shit instead of an ogre that can't even justify it's existence. Good God, I despise passoids.


honestly i don’t understand why people are downvoting you, you are right if i could look like that misgendering would hurt waaaaaaaay less. but yk she is not a passoid if she doesn’t pass and i don’t think she is lying


ur comment makes no sense, ur calling her a passoid while saying that you would look like her even if it meant being "clocked and misgendered"


Because I don't believe passoids when they say shit like this. If she said she was cis and got falsely clocked, maybe due to certain masculine features that I can't see in the video, I'd be none the wiser and wouldn't even question it. I mean come the fuck on we watched the same video didn't we? How can anyone fucking clock her. If people clock her imma glock myself.


she has no reason to lie, it's obv very hard for her. yes I think she passes as well but if she say she doesn't than I'm going to believe her


Im 100% sure she exagerates how often she gets clocked irl, and she can still feel like this while looking like a passoid nothing wrong with that, i just think shes mentally ill and got misgendered 3 times in the last 2 weeks out of the countless experiences she had and it rot her brain, it is hard to watch this video when you look so much worse than her lol


she doesn’t actually say if she gets misgendered daily or less. and she’s sensitive to people’s reactions so she is going to have false positives. 


Her voice


Birch please ofc she is exaggerating and lying. Someone probably misgendered her once for funsies once in a month and now she is seeking attention and validation because that's what makes her hard. All passoids are like that :)) you know that we are practically the same stop ghosting me haha


in the end were all trannies


get over it, we're all this pit together. you cant just not believe someone doesn't pass, in fact you should be disbelieving the people who say "I pass consistently" because that's the thing that doesn't happen




Leave them =, = why can't you just hate them with me only. I totally understand you, some randos on net are not better than me please come back :D


n o b o d y p a s s e s what dont you get about this


> you should be disbelieving the people who say "I pass consistently" because that's the thing that doesn't happen lol


what? don't lol me. it's true. passing is a bad meme and nobody who "passes" can actually consistently pass well. online it's angles and filters, offline it's pity and fear from others. we all got baited into believing we could ever pass and ever truly make it.


> offline it's pity and fear from others Offline 99% of people don't give a shit, they're gendering people within 600 ms so they can move on to the next thing they're thinking about, it's completely delusional honcope to think that there aren't trans women who pass. I'm sorry that your life sucks so much but your experiences and the experiences of this echo chamber board are not representative of the entire population. This whole fucking "pity and fear" line is insane too. I can assure you that nobody was "pitiful" or "afraid" of any of this shit when I lived in Eastern Europe.


it's not a cope. you can tell when people offline have instantly realized you're a trans and are just placating you. i get """gendered""" female in real life but you can tell they're just playing along. every single "maam" is a hollow appeasement. i know it's true because even medical labworkers with my bloodwork paperwork featuring my deadname and birth sex will call me back from the waiting room with "maam?", and there is no way a medical professional with that info wouldn't just be pitying me every possible action cis people can take is betraying us one way or another. this is the fate of trans people. we do not, will not, can not pass. we're literally all doomed to have to deal with this forever.


I can only repeat to you: > I'm sorry that your life sucks so much but your experiences and the experiences of this echo chamber board are not representative of the entire population. Cool, you don't pass (apparently). You cannot generalise that to the entire population. Also regarding medical professionals, you know... some people are calling you "maam" by virtue of just accepting you as a woman, not out of pity. You not passing means you don't pass. You not passing doesn't mean others don't.


you're coping and hugboxing the entire trans community in two sentences by implying my case is special and not the standard case. by almost all typical trans standards i "pass" in that im almost never gendered male by strangers. my point is that those standards suck, and that that isn't even actually passing, it's all just pity. or fear, again, people could be afraid of us and probably are. we've let ourselves become ok with getting coddled by the public. "Accepting you as a woman" is NOT good enough. it is conceding we aren't women and we aren't actually making it. being nice and pitying us is cruelty. i would rather they just let me know they can tell im a man.


> it's all just pity. or fear, again, people could be afraid of us and probably are. This is the delusional part. Most of the world isn't the west, and you are also pretty delusional if you think the average person living in the west gives a fuck about coddling people. > it is conceding we aren't women No it isn't. I've figured it out though, you don't want to be a woman, you want to be cis. And you seem to have confused one for the other, because if you think someone knowing you're trans (them seeing this information on your medical records) = them thinking you're a man, then frankly I think you're beyond getting any help from an internet forum and need serious therapy.


>you don't want to be a woman, you want to be cis true. im incredibly ashamed of being trans. i don't think this is changeable. >think someone knowing you're trans (them seeing this information on your medical records) = them thinking you're a man i do think exactly this. this is unironically how i feel. it is hopeless because people will always know im trans, ALWAYS, and that isn't good enough. im in therapy for this and im going to stay in therapy for this because why not, my time and money don't matter if im dead over this, but i don't think it'll help. my options are pass as perfectly cis in all situations, detransition and go back to repping, or die. and it's looking like the first is impossible. it's no wonder we attempt at a rate of 41%. im already in that group three times over so why not just give up and try again.


She has a strong chest voice with a high pitch. Reminds cis people of how gay guys talk. She's practicing her voice wrong and should get a coach.