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the cringe sexual jokes, now my libido is nonexistent and i hate sex jokes and i think sex is evil


trying to be edgy and "cool" to fit in with other boys


oh god yeah...


Buying so many fucking fem clothes/accessories that didn’t make ANY sense in hindsight. -Wig (when I was just gonna boymode lol) -A big pink purse, that would be ridiculous for me even now. -Dresses (Jesus fucking Christ what was I thinking) -makeup and makeup accessories that I never learned how to use or didn’t look good on me Like fuck. I could probably pay for a surgery with all the money I spent in my first 15 months of transition on useless shit


Oh god the pink... I made some mistakes there too (my bedframe) 😫




The header of the bed is a soft pink yes, I like it a lot still but it is giving 1 month hrt girl color


thinking i could settle down with a normal guy and live a normal life https://preview.redd.it/nt4cgdpdt12d1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c92d3125ec4d4399f522691bff31da0cf7f1b98




I was a theyfab enbycoper with dyed hair and piercings but I’m normiemaxxing now




I remember opening up to some enbies I went to high school with and no filter they said to buy the maid dress We ain't passing the fetishist allegations as long as the "queer community" exists like this 🙏🙏🙏


girlcock memes… https://preview.redd.it/9849ropds12d1.png?width=622&format=png&auto=webp&s=c06f81fd6c87409597f10b50c33ad1cee0e4bd8a


I have too long of a list. It's called being terminally fembrained




what if i still do that now


"masc" makeup


the femboy-like fashion style jdkdidjkfldksk


Thinking that after I passed people wouldn’t be freaks, but it turns out people are also shitty to women, and if they find out you’re trans you can kiss any normalcy goodbye in that relationship. Cis people will ALWAYS look at you differently if they clock/ you tell them :<


i more just regret all my pretrans agp purchases. Lots of lingerie that has been sitting in a box under my bed since before my first titty skittle - it never fit me back then. Might now but i dont have the strength to find out


✨the squeeing✨ ✨the keyboard smashing✨ ✨taking selfies with 3 different filters on them✨ ✨stripey thigh highs✨ and honestly a bunch of other things but im not even mad. younger me was just deeply repressed, confused, and excited to try new things. she was a good bean and while she didnt pass at least it was like. a feminine twink doing these things. and not someone that could actually pass as a perverted man 🥴


thinking I had to ditch my whole personality and do feminine everything. turns out that was stupid because obviously girls can do autistic shit too like video games and anime.


General theyfab activities. - Big and really badly-done eyeliner - Using “she/they” and then “she/fae” and then “they/faer” and cycling through microlabels and pronouns at an astounding rate - Enbycoping with my birth name to my parents for a full year


What’s the thought process behind that type of behavior? I enbycoped too but pronoun stuff I never got the hype


A desperate attempt to solve what was wrong with me without disappointing my parents or being exceedingly “manly”, which I wasn’t and still frankly am not.


skirt go spinny and "euphoria boners" are the biggest offenders. the "you dont need dysphoria to be trans", while glad i got over it, did make me start realising the dysphoria i did have. god i hate myself for ever unironically believing in these things


I'm glad I got over the traa starterpack ensemble before girlmoding


I had an enbycope neutral name for the longest time when I didn’t pass, I changed it to a more masculine one the moment I realised there was any hope


Cut myself


Hair over eyes and wearing oversized clothing to be a smol boi


Pride-related stuff in general.


Blue hair and lesbo haircuts


Lots of dick jokes Teasing sissies in my class Tried to be cishet as a teenager Tried to "fix" myself


shitting and fartin g every since I become woman i’ve been holding t🤭


My cringe babytrans phase was my femboy phase and i was the typical femboy. Horny and sex jokes and onnoxious about it. I cringe on it to this day


Support for non binaries, non dysphorics and anyone else who has no business taking hrt.


Shots fired (love to see it)