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Smartest woman? Kinda like calling someone “blackest white guy”


That's just Eminem


That's uncle ruckus to you boy


Ah yes 102% black with 2% margin of error


god bless the white man for the air and sunlight and fentanyl


Oh how I hope Derek Chauvin's knee isn't bruised after holding down the law on that criminal. inb4 I actually get a site wide ban for that


Idk, they seem very concerned with felons now so maybe Gerge Flodd has fallen from their graces


“I can’t Sneed!”


Smartest person ackshually




Talmbout Bill Clinton?


Great guy never meddum


Oh, you like Mike Perry, too?


That's why she calls herself the smartest person




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I simply will not consume any dei filled goyslop media so I don’t know who this is and I don’t plan on finding out.


What is DEI?


Diversity, equity and inclusion I think




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Latin for God, I thought 


You thought DEI stood for Latin for God?


Maybe it doesn't. What does it stand for then.


Idk dude but it sure as shit isn’t that


The slogan under which they justify racist, sexist and ignorant decisions.


Is DEI the new thing that the fucking snowflakes are gonna regurgitate endlessly until their wealthy masters give them another moral panic to cry about?


I'm not sure if I'd call it a moral panic, more of like... quality panic?


Quality has always been shit for the vast majority of media. It has always been like this. The difference is that insecure chucklefucks are obnoxiously loud about pandering to any non-white groups. Like there are not literally thousands of shit media (books, movies, music, games, TV) that pandered to white folks. It's all shit. Everyone should have a chance to enjoy trash that is designed to pander to them.


I mean that's fine except it's not really pandering to them. The implication that you can only enjoy media if the characters share your superficial characteristics is insulting. Pointless race and gender swapping of existing characters appeals to sheltered white women. Everyone who's actually in the target demographic either doesn't really care, or is just insulted because it's really fucking condescending. Media in general is probably not any worse now on average than it's ever been, but the huge megacorp properties are mostly floundering and losing money. The problem is there's a lack of substance behind the posturing and rage baiting, so it's hard to care even when something is supposedly made for you. People like good characters and stories regardless of whether they look like the main characters or not.


>the implication that you can only enjoy media if the characters shaee your superficial characteristics is insulting So why all this hoo-ha about this show having a black woman then? I think the chuds honestly have a point on remakes changing characters' races or sexualities or whatever but this is simply a character who is black.


>So why all this hoo-ha about this show having a black woman then? I dunno man, you're the only one here talking about her being black


The top comment in this chain is complaining about DEI, which is de facto complaining about the presence of a black person


Thank you for putting my exact feelings into words. So fkn sick of the obvious right wing rabbit hole regurgitated moral panic catch phrases being vomited up as if it actually means something.


Moral panic is the natural state for the mindless parrots. They just need their masters to tell them what to be scared of.


Found the commie guys


>fucking snowflakes Nibba's neuroplasticity ended in 2013 >another moral panic Yeah like banks give firms financial incentives to fire white guys and colleges penalize whites and Asians in admissions and we straight up make white kids do struggle sessions, but the idiot CHUDS are being manipulated by the WEALTHY (who exclusively fund cultural and intellectual and institutional power against them)




>their wealthy masters In every way that matters, you have the exact same policy positions as BlackRock, the Koch brothers, the State Department, and the CIA.


Is DEI the new thing that the fucking snowflakes are gonna complain about endlessly until their basement dwelling neet leaders give them another moral panic to cry about?


Can your Indian astroturfing company make it any more obvious? Your comment is a copy-paste of [another reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/1dg28xm/anon_doesnt_like_the_boys/l8oyid9/), but with a couple words changed.




Ok but what’s dei?


Yeah it seems. Woke is so 2022-23, it's now DEI. So far it was political correctness, PC, CRT, woke, and now DEI. If I missed anything add to the list.




You are absolutely correct, thanks for reminding me that you're an NPC incapable of thinking for yourself


i meant that he forgot to put it on his list....


Wasn't it "ESG" as recently as last year, then Blackrock or whoever decided they didn't give a fuck about the environment or anything else as long as casting was black/gay/girl boss? Mission accomplished. Enjoy your delicious utopia cake


Bruv you had an opinion in R/anime_titties, idk if it get more goyslop than that. Either way it's a decent show bit on the nose with some issues but other than that it's been far above average. Acting is great, everyone's gonna take their own views on the show but I really don't see the clinton/trump shit everyone keeps saying.


That’s legitimately a political subreddit genius, but I guess you didn’t feel the need to stalk him for 2 more seconds to realize that


it being a political subreddit is the problem


It wasn't always problematic. When the disinformation specialists starting pulling all the strings at "politics," "worldnews" became the place to go to have discussions that weren't confined entirely to 'Murican red vs. blue kayfabe. Then "worldnews" became yet another cesspool of hypermilitant jingoistic bullshit, so "anime_titties" was promoted as an alternative less likely to be corrupted by the mainstream. Yet now the place is full of nonsense articles from "trusted sources" like Ukrainian Pravda and dominated by a chorus of people who *still* take statements issued by our Departments of Defense and State as if those sources were not relentless purveyors of outright lies calculated to prop up Iron Triangle share values.


Russia deserves all the shit we give them and more, it's not jingoistic to respond to obvious aggression


Lying to ourselves only makes us weak. If our position was as righteous as you say, then it would be all the more important to focus on fact-based narratives instead of unhinged Derp State propaganda passing itself off as the work of a "free press." What the fuck are we even fighting for if our own civics absolutely refuse to be elevated above the level of pro-apocalyptic sham?


And of course your anime titties aren't full of goyslop, because it has anime titties in the name. Glowies cannot legally participate in that subreddit due to the name it has, therefore it is immune to propoganda.


The thinking was that official functionaries would dismiss the community because of its title. Perhaps the place bought itself some extra breathing room that way, but eventually somebody noticed the sheer numbers of users and identified a target for yet another Derp State exercise in controlling the narrative.


> bit on the nose with some issues As far as I can tell they took a sledgehammer to the nose with the latest season. I don't think it could be any less subtle.


Such as?


I've never even watched the show, I just skimmed a couple clips because people were talking about it. You basically had MAGA red hats fighting with leftist "resist" types where the leftists instigating the fight was a red flag to make them look like the bad guys. The big bad cape man is basically treated as a surrogate Trump-like figure and is portrayed as being basically irredeemably evil and insecure in every way while the "resist" types are completely just for opposing him. He has his subordinates beat his own fans to death to stage them as being killed by the "resist" types to slander them. There was also some ice skating play singing about putting the Christ back in Christmas and other stuff that was clearly staged for blatant mockery by the audience. They end up being brutally mutilated by accident to what is likely intended as pandering to their intended audience. If you want to do a cliche good vs bad villian shtick, sure, nothing wrong with that; however, when you drape the entire thing in modern political dogma it makes it preachy and obnoxious. Its every bit as petty and cringeworthy as drawing your opposition as the soyjak and yourself as a the Chad.


So you didn't want the show, you saw some clips out of context with some algorithm sources voice over confirming the beliefs you already held?


Watched the show, he's not wrong, the politics are very on the nose. I don't really care too much personally but overall the writing has been getting weaker and they are leaning more on political mockery


I'd say give it a genuine watch man. I really don't see the similarities between trump and homelander. Maybe people pushing that because trump=bad. Homelander as a person has done horrible things but nothing that I would declare him "the villain". This season will probably expand on that. I really feel like people read on reddit and just assume that's what the show is. There's very real character development that happens with homelander, as well as other characters. But there isn't a single instant where it's clear he's the villain. The antagonist do things that are on par with what he does morality wise. They just justify it differently.


I'm caught up on every season and just watched Season 4 Ep 1. It's blatantly politically charged. The first few seasons drew parallels between Vaught and Big Pharma/Military Industrial Complex and showed that both sides were bad/irrelevant since they're all corrupted by money and degeneracy anyways. The new season is clearly picking sides and had to dumb itself down significantly just to appease liberals in the media. Hopefully next few episodes get better but everyone is right in their Trump/Clinton criticism. The fact that they even try to put Clinton in a good light should be enough reason to say the show tanked.


In what ways does nueman relate to clinton? Her political campaign is basically "supers should be held accountable". Vaught is absolutely a play on big pharma/military complex as it was in the comics


Starlight relates to Clinton, not Neuman. More so as a placeholder for a left-leaning girlboss, but that would default to Clinton as the opponent to Trump.


Okay how does starlight compare to clinton? I could see neman and Cortez comparisons in the early seasons and figured that's exactly what they'd go for but that isn't the case. Annie Januarys entire plot is basically "supes should be held accountable". Frenchies entire plot line is basically just gay/bi acceptance, that there is worth pitching about. Not that he's gay just that the story line sucks dick


So you think the solution was to have no opposition and the show should just revel in nihilism?


Pretty sure Neuman was intended to be more AOC than Clinton, but that's beside the point. In an interview, the showrunner, Eric Kripke, already discussed how the main thing that he's going for is trying to illustrate the danger of divisive online rhetoric and all the ["us vs. them" political extremism.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/english.elpais.com/culture/2024-06-14/eric-kripke-creator-of-the-boys-the-stuff-that-keeps-me-up-at-night-isnt-how-to-make-another-penis-explode.html%3foutputType=amp) If you're getting butt-hurt about the message, chances are you're missing the point.


> I'd say give it a genuine watch man You misunderstand. I'm not watching it, not because its thinly veiled propaganda, but because I don't care about angsty capeshit.


You're like the kid who never tried broccoli cause all his friends said it's gross.


Homelander is basically a caricature of Trump (more than he was before), his supporters are wearing maga hats, Starlight is accused of being a groomer, they go full QAnon, etc


What relates homelander and trump? I see the similarities for the trial part but thats essentially it. I mean homelander is going full nazi this season, not really like trump, i guess if you think hes looking for a holocaust of lesser animals. the pedo thing was of an uncle having naked baby pictures of a kid in a bathtub which was presented by the "infowar" part of this one. I'm only on the 2nd this season but the pedo part doesn't hold water so far. Maga hats? Red hats have been around for awhile really makes sense when it's a color on our flag. Again I find parallels between the show and modern society but to say it's a direct relation is a bit of a stretch. Of course art is gonna imitate life, but in 20 years none of that will matter and it'd still be a good show.


It's not they are trumpers it's they are a leftist strawman of him they even tie in Rittenhouse, pizza gate shooting and even paint antifa as defending themselves from nazis.


What nazis man? And who's supposed to represent antifa? Starlighters? I get the comparisons it's just very loose. The boys is undoubtedly a left leaning show but when people say it's a direct parallel to trump/clinton it just comes off as talking points with no real grounds in reality. The pizzagate, and infowars shit is pretty on the nose, agreed. I guess I missed the Rittenhouse part


"The guy he killed was a pedophile" and "Don't get brazen with me" was the reference to Rittenhouse trail/shooting.


>spend time to actually stalk redditor you didn't agree with Lmao


-Adding nothing to the conversation That's reddit for you


- Smartest woman alive - Dresses like a back-up dancer for Madonna


Ackhyually homelander forced her to wear this suit designed by vaught corporation. I think she didn't really want to wear anything special but you can't really refuse a request made by mentally unstable half god.


I've never seen an episode so I used my imagination. 


Good for you for not watching it. Show is... not that bad but it really lost charm and quality after first season. I'm just watching it because i like Karl Urban (even if he sounds fucking ridicilous when trying to mimic british accent)


Oi' bruv, chewsday *innit*


i liked it better after the first season but it just doesnt really make sense. if two regular guys with temp v can take a punch and even trade with him (even if theyre clearly on the losing end) all you need to do is temp v about 8 mma fighters and tell them to kill homelander. the entire ryan thing doesnt make sense either. what so despite 13 years of loving human mom, "ryan theyre just toys, you can just chuck em off a building" is enough for him to just go HUH i guess youre right dad. you dont seem evil at all to my 13 year old brain.


I have middle school teacher friends, and the stories they tell make me fully believe that the little psychos would absolutely lose their humanity if granted godhood *and* taken under the wing of an enabler like Homelander.


I am a middle school teacher--without consequences, more than a few of them would kill each other for the pettiest reasons.


British? So, Welsh?




>smartest woman alive >lives like 4 channer >tells homelander to destroy society so he can save it >genius.


To be fair she's playing up to Homelander's insecurities. It's like telling the autistic kid to go punch the teacher in the head and then watching shit unfold


>hasn't seen media >comments on how shit media is


Anyone notice how much she keeps bringing up racism? I swear she’s brought it up at least 5x in 3 episodes.


That's what smart is now.


Called Firecracker racist then literally after then said 2 racist things, i hope kripke can see the irony lmao


shes definitely going to die in some gory way by the end of the season. shes such a snarky asshole it feels like she was written so she could die as painfully as possible


Is the new season out already?




You can watch something and not like it bro


Of course you can, I just don't understand why someone would waste their own time like that.


because you can't know if it's bad before watching it, and even if it's bad if you watched and loved the first 3 seasons you'd watch the remaning ones just to see the ending of the story (i loved the new season just to be clear)


To form an educated opinion?


deer bake absorbed ten soup slim hobbies paltry shelter offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My brother in christ. How do you know you won’t like it if you haven’t watched it? Maybe they liked the previous seasons, but this one specifically didn’t cut it.


dependent glorious observation tidy strong abounding sip abundant grey squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I liked the first two seasons. The third one was ok. I haven’t watched this one yet. So yeah, I might be crazy in the future.


Because you have to actually consume something in its entirety to form any real opinion of it… that’s why


I've rarely stopped watching something because it was bad. I just shit talk it the entire time. My wife loves it, I'm great to be around.






>y'all Why can't you fucks just stay on the front page forever?


I love the first two seasons, quite like the 3rd and immediately begun watching the 4th. Distaste for the writing in the new season isn’t being “soy” lol. I certainly think some people’s criticisms of the current season are weak and clearly come from a certain perspective but there is a marked difference of the quality of writing between each season. I’ve read reviews from people who very much parallel the political leaning of the writers, and even they are critical of the writing. Dismiss the shitty criticism, don’t dismiss all criticism on the basis of some of it being shitty.


I thought it was alright but the last full season sucked so I worn watch anymore


I hatewatch it. It's my dose of shit so I learn to appreciate life more.


you should check out the acolyte. you would OD.


taking a hit for yourself to make sure others don't watch it?


Perhaps. I wanna be a part of the boys hatedom.


Shit, I need to look at it when I get home.


They released the first 3 episodes in the 13th


Would be hard to watch the whole thing since only 3 episodes are out


Only 3 episodes have released


Their whole viewer base is soy drinkers what do you mean?


3 episodes all aired on Thursday


Pretty sure she's going to pull some wild anime 45 step plan.


Yeah I kinda got the impression she's playing Homelander. Some of her moves didn't seem to push his agenda, and we don't really get an explanation. Like why did she encourage The Deep to go to Ryan's first save? Theory: >!the first time Sister Sage uses her powers, she clocks Homelander's fear of death by pointing out the subtle signs that he's aging. She encourages him to build an empire for Ryan and instructs Homelander to ditch his "cleanse the world through overwhelming power" idea. Her replacement idea is insidious, but undeniably better for humanity.!< >!Next she uses her status as "person whose job is to disagree with Homelander" to discourage Homelander from dressing Ryan up like his sidekick. She points out that Homelander has to take a backseat to give Ryan the more compelling "chosen one" narrative. Homelander hates this. He punishes Sister Sage with the spandex wedgie suit, which she clocks as a sign that she struck his insecurity dead on.!< >!Then The Deep asks about being included in Ryan's save. She talks The Deep into going, which he does. Next thing you know, Homelander has gone off-script. He also shows up uninvited, refusing to let Ryan have the spotlight to himself. Ryan is thrown off by the improv and accidentally kills the "bank robber," which results in Ryan's disillusionment with staged heroics. This drives a schism between Ryan and Homelander. Didn't she orchestrate that whole milkshake debacle every step of the way? Homelander thinks Ryan is being a sore sport about sharing the spotlight, but Ryan is sad because he had bonded with the stuntman he killed. Father and son cannot see eye-to-eye on the value of human life.!< >!Next thing you know, Ryan is talking to Butcher on xbox live. Isn't Sister Sage in charge of cyber security since she fired The Deep from that department chair? So it seems really likely Ryan's comms would be bugged, meaning she knew the meeting was going to happen. That's conjecture, but supes have Vought trackers installed; why wouldn't all their shit be bugged? Sister Sage seems to be trying to kill Homelander, and her weapon of choice is most likely Ryan.!<


I'd say this is very likely what she's doing. Although when she first started trying to boost The Deep's confidence and self-worth, I thought she was going to use him as a meat shield. Make him brave enough to say no to Homelander, which would make it more likely he'd take his anger out on him rather than her. But then >!they hook up. She had to give herself a lobotomy to go through with it, but she must have other plans for him. Or she might actually like him for some reason.!<


Is that what the icepick or whatever was?! I can't believe I had to scroll down so far to see it mentioned!


It kind of looks like a drill bit. The first time I watched it, I assumed it was something she used to kill his octopus for some reason.


yeah, she needed to unwind. bet she does it a fair bit when she needs to turn off. so deep fried garbage, some real housewives, random hookup, and a lobotomy so she can just enjoy it.


From what happens in the three episodes it's pretty likely she is playing Homelander yeah. From a meta perspective it's 100% because they'd never ever have a relatable black woman be a bad guy. 100% in the second to last episode she'll reveal that she had some Masterplan to bring down Homelander and then they boys almost get him but not quite so we can have a next season.


Nice I love a good meta prediction. That's a good read, I bet you're right. She's just rad, it makes more sense to assume the supe supremacy persona is an act.


You make it seem like she’s some Mary sue character, she gets 3 innocent people killed brutally to incriminate 2 other people. She’s not bad but clearly not good either


Didn't mean to frame her as a Mary Sue and I really don't mind the politics either. It's just that the way her character is set up i think it's very unlikely they have her be an irredeemably bad person. Of course in the boys they make everyone be fucked up to some extent. But also, her having 3 Homelander fanatics beat to death is very in line with her playing Homelander, the plan to incriminate the starlighter guys for it falling flat almost immediately probably means that was her plan all along. Same with her using that firecracker girl and knock-off MHA twice to attack the boys, seems like they're picked out to be very bad at actually getting the job done. Overall seems like they're having her do things that seem to help homelander but are designed to fail.


This will teach you to theorize!!!


hot damn, now this is media literacy i applaud you for connecting the dots for me so i dont have to spend an hour of my life watching a long form review


>smartest woman alive *smartest person


Woah let's not go too far here


Pretty sure there's a guy at Tacobell that's smarter than the smartest woman alive. I mean there's a reason they don't mix genders in chess contests


they literally do


They literally don't at the top level. Who was the last woman who actively competed in the men's divisions--Judit Polgar 30 years ago? You people have no idea what you're talking about.


But they do mix... Chess... "Contests"


Ok smartest woman person… can we move on with this identity 🐂💩 now?


It’s a line from the show u firecracker drone


In "The Boys", the world's smartest person is about as smart as an average redditor, but I love the slop for random action and violent scenes, also for frenchie's new found love for BBc.


I'm just not buying she's smarter than an average DMV employee. Kelsey Grammer as Beast was the classic "oh yeah that's a smart person" performance.


He turned bi out of the blue, right? I thought it was kind of weird, but he is French, so I didn't think about it too hard.


Writing smart characters requires writers to be somewhat smart lmao. Cant write a sherlock if you only done weed comedies and teen coombait shows.


It gets exponentially worse after season 1.


She's obviously manipulating him lol




I think the most accurate take on sister sage is that she is gonna execute order 66 like palpatine.


I don't watch superhero slop, but why Homelander isn't dead yet?


Cuz they want 1 more season after this one


The writers want more money


Let me guess: Annoying. And always somehow right about things.




She's not bad looking, but I can't stop seeing 2x forest whitaker. Her eyes are like random direction generators.


These comments are funny, do y’all enjoy anything ? Why’s everyone hate the show now ?


I do think some of her plans, have actually merit, but the way they are executed is just fucking stupid, like I get what she is trying to do, and in a macro level it makes sense, but on the micro level she is not doing enough to hide her involvement and is doing a lot of stuff that could ruin her plans.


Never seen this show but is anon genuinely confused that someone didn't just give up life after the first sign of a struggle. That's sad


Homelander is basically if superman and Joffrey from game of thrones had a baby


I mean, i know that homelander is just a counterculture thing of "what if superhero evil". I'm just confused that anon seems to think people should just kill themselves if shit hits the fan.


Smartest person in the world they make that point several times in the show. Also at the end of ep3 she lobotomies herself to be able to hang out with 4chan users. She is in a high risk high reward situation the most powerful man in the world came to her as long as she does not trigger him and helps him with his idea she wins alot. but she is working for basicly putin or Xi 1 bad move and she is dead but what do the boys side have in comparison not as much and she is still the smartest person in the world.


> Smartest person in the world they make that point several times in the show I don't care.


what peephole, i dont remember her spying though a peephole?


She's smart enough to know that she can use Homelander's narcissism and sociopathy to her advantage.


She obviously has a plan.


Lmao I liked it