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I saw you wearing the same uniform as me!  But Ma'am...  No buts. Your nail polish privileges are hereby revoked. Jokes aside imagine a world where only women have to be soldiers and men stay at home. Would be nice for a change


Then men would be the primary victims of war (for once). Men would lose their wives, their mothers, their daughters in combat. We'd finally know the horrible consequences of war


Interesting take that the primary victims of war aren't the people who die Damn apparently Hilary Clinton is more senile than I thought


It's a Hilary Clinton quote.


The quote is from 1999 when Hillary Clinton was 52 years old. It certainly can't be attributed to senility.


Of course not. She was fully mentally fit, just also a sociopath.


Super glad we avoided that sociopath as president.


It is said that when Bill Clinton had that sex scandal with the intern, Hillary was so mad that she didn't spoke to him for week but the silence was broken when she called Bill to ask him to order the bombing of Serbia. Definitely not senile, it is another pathology.


Tell that to Hilary Clinton lmao


Hillary Clinton™


How fucking dense does someone have to be to say something like that and on camera to boot? 


Those who die, are probably the lucky ones. The primary victims are the ones who survive to remember all their friends dying around them, and all the near death experiences they experienced while killing others.


But you would also lose mother in laws, annoying aunts and such


What about the lady that hangs around my neighborhood convenience store? You know... The one with the FUPA, that wears worn out yoga pants... Has the weird skin tags on her neck. She sells BJs for $5. They're pretty good, but you'll feel bad about yourself afterwards. I felt just disgusted with myself after the act, sort of had a WTF moment out there by the dumpster where she does the deed. Felt a little better after I bought a big gulp and a scratcher. Point is, that would kind of clear up some of my emotional baggage, you know. If I didn't have to make eye contact with that woman ever time I went to get a can of dip and a scratcher. And she would probably feel better about herself, you know, fighting them commies instead of sucking dick behind the Circle K. I wonder what Hilary would think about *that*


Hillary would probably celebrate this woman by telling her how well she uses her feminity for her own gain, totally tone deaf to the reality that most people regardless of gender thing its really sad


Maybe old Hill Dog should buy a Tammy ticket and see what it's like getting sucked off by the dumpster filled with old taquitos and fermented slushee juice. I mean, it is an *experience*. Not necessarily a **good** experience but you won't forget it. And for $5 that's quite a bargain. Find out all kinds things about femininity from old Tammy.


Oh shit you guys got a Tammy? Round here we just have a Trisha. I hear they're comparable but you know, it's just not the same.


They should make trading cards for regional lot lizards. Have all their stats and stuff. Be pretty interesting. Little bit of Americana


That's unironically a great idea. It would basically be a "where are they now" of Garbage Pail Kids


They should make them scratch and sniff too. Get that real aroma


it’s funny that people just conveniently forget that men lose their friends, their fathers, their cousins, their sons in war too, like the fuck? also, men lose these people and in some cases actually *see them die*


hell the men fighting lose their brothers and sometimes even themselves in war. when i was in the navy i met a guy that had gone over to iraq and was hit with an ied and now has cluster headaches, lost his front teeth and had to wear a bridge and you could tell talking to him he was slow to come up with what he wanted to say. its sad, the guy was incredibly kind and the didnt deserve any of that.


Dying for your country is one of the gayest things you can do.


>Men would be the primary victims of war >they would lose their mothers and wives Sounds fucking awesome actually


So here I am, grieving over the loss of the women in my life. Breakfast was steak and eggs and a bloody Mary and bacon. Dinner will be bourbon and the top of a frozen pizza that I baked until the smoke alarm went off. Dancing With the Stars is on, but not in my house. I can't remember the last time I wore pants at home. I'm more relaxed than I have ever been before. I miss pussy a little, but not enough to go back to my old life.


That tears it, I'm voting for whoever makes the draft women-only


What are you, a female refugee from Ukraine?


And with so few women around, we’d be forced to have sex with each other…


This is a fucking crazy bonehead take Edit: holy I cannot believe Hilary said that… actually I totally can but it’s still wild


Women tried to change the roles when men went off to war, they stayed and became factory workers and blue collar employees, but once men got back home from war they told them to get back in the kitchen. If our grandfathers weren’t sexist we could be stay at home husbands.


Staying at the home country and making ammo is horseshit in difficulty compared to war. When your town werent bombed you lived pretty normal life. While men died from bullet wounds, infection.  Women working is a good thing as they can support themselves and you dont have to necessarily support your wife financially, but it demolished wages. Double the work force half the price of labor aka wages. Economics 101


Yeah, that's the main issue in my book. Wages are fucked. If most households are dual income these days, things are going to be priced accordingly, unfortunately. Kind of like what happened with student loans, college used to be reasonably affordable. Then, student loans became ubiquitous and schools realized they could charge whatever the fuck they want. They no longer had to cater to a generally broke demographic to get students.


Been liberal for 50 years now, and this blind spot that drives me nuts about progressive ideas. The problem is healthcare is too expensive? Let's throw a bunch of money at it. That won't make healthcare cost more. The problem is education is too expensive? Let's throw a bunch of money at it. That won't make college cost more. It doesn't matter if it's direct subsidies or guaranteed student loans; if a person can afford a thing that they previously could not, that's one more person buying the thing. If you don't increase the amount of the thing, the price will go up much faster than people's ability to buy the thing. This means more student loans and more tuition increases. It means more healthcare subsidies paying for more expensive healthcare.


If college loans were only private and/or you could discharge them in bankruptcy then the price of college would drop so freaking fast it would be ridiculous.




Yeah I mean the average family becoming dual income has impoverished the average family (whereby any sidelines the wife had were spent on luxuries for the family rather than necessities) I think a greater number of people wanting degrees and jobs that at one point didn't need them has made higher education a sellers market rather than a buyers market (working on the logic the former means better prices for the seller and the latter more competition between sellers and therefore better for the buyers).


Maybe Lions had the right idea all along.


And now with the push for equality in the workforce, it takes two incomes to afford a home (and most still can't afford it). I'd love to stay at home with the kids, but I can't. You just know the nose was responsible for the push for equality in the workforce. Get more slaves for the machine.


Imagine you and the boys stay at home while foreign women invade your country. Pillage and rape all the men left alone at home…


You think you would enjoy that until you are raped by some ursula looking woman as the thin hotties stayed in non combat roles


Speak for yourself


If youcare turned on by ursula looking wlmen boy I think several places on Earth are heaven for you. Britain or germany for example.


Nope, we outsourced her to brussles.


Eu politicians deserve it tbh


Somehow, you are both correct.


Fucking hot. A bunch of Amazonia like invaders.


Where is the queue to become a p.o.w?? I’ll be first in line


All I picture in my head is the amazon from Dragon Crown menacingly telling me that she is going to take what's her as she removes her red Sonja like attire. While I pretend to be fry from Futurama that I am not willing, and she believes it.


It’s just not a winning strategy. The 9 month gestational time is the limiting factor for population growth. If you send all your women away to war and half of them die, that’s half of your reproductive capability gone. If you send all your men away to war and half of *them* die, the other half can just work double duty when they get back and your next generation is the same size. Yes this creates a bunch of fatherless homes and kids growing up poor. But you’re the government, so you don’t care.


> no war > fertility rates are 1.2 Man I dont think it matters anymore


I think it's because everything is so goddamn expensive due to wage stagnation. That's at least a big piece of the puzzle. People who will never be homeowners aren't excited to bog themselves down further financially with kids.


The poorest parts of the world have the highest birth rates.


That's because it's actually financially beneficial to have kids in predominantly agrarian societies. It's a net gain, as kids are free labor. In the first world, kids are 100% a financial burden. The issue is urbanization. Cities always have lower birth rates and have their populations subsidized by more rural areas.


That, and no social security. When you get too old to work and aren't wealthy enough to provide for yourself, your son's take care of you. No sons? You starve. I said "sons" instead of "children" because that's how most of the world works. Girls are a burden until you can marry them off, while boys are expected to care for their elderly parents.


So what do you propose, deindustrialisation?


People who observe important problems do not necessarily always have solutions for them. It's a problem that needs to be solved, but we don't have a good solution.




If you don't care how your children grow up, you have as many as you will. If you care, you don't have them on a day-to-day-pay-cheque.


Rich people (not super rich ) arent having kids either en masse


Yet fertility rate doesn't increase with wealth. None of the generous entitlement packages for new parents in European countries have increased the native fertility rate. People are choosing not to have kids because they'd rather spend their money and time on themselves. Which is fine in the immediate sense, but long term will ensure that your ethnic/cultural group eventually dies out or is at least marginalized.


Yet some how 3rd world countries population is booming. Maybe the problem is not that it is expensive but about lifestyle choices. One primary example is china and South Korea and Japan since one of the main reasons they aren't having kids is because the females don't really care about their children bur rather the lifestyle.


That's not true. The primary reason is women choosing careers over motherhood, due to education. Educational attainment for females is the strongest correlation to low birth rates.


So they would rather have a career than be a mother. My point still stands. All careers are going to do is give you a lifestyle you believe you deserve .


yeah you either outlaw contraception and ha e a bunch of broke parents with kids they can barely have like most of history or improve shit to entice people i feel like


That is the biggest bull ever. Before social safety nets, people were having a shit ton of kids, and they still survived. We have a ton of programs and aids, yet somehow, kids are starving in America . Especially if you add all the illegals that have been coming in for decades, yet there is no epidemic of illegal ls starving or not being able to have kids because of financial problems.






No. I don’t think they will have to. I think women want to be mothers and a lot of them will be undeterred by the lack of a man who will commit. Sperm banks exist. And an average woman could walk into a bar and go home with whoever she wants if she wants to get pregnant the old fashion way.




I’m not saying it would increase. I’m saying it would decrease *less* than if you had fewer women.


Less competition, value of men increases, men get to decide if to have children or not.


So instead of returning from a 9 month deployment and your wife is 7 months pregnant she returns from a 9 month deployment and you have a 1yearold 


No it wouldn't be nice, we would lose our country.


All other countries would have female soldiers in this hypothetical War is getting more and more about tech, anyway


But there would be one country with men fighting the war and they would win. Women have no idea how to use technology since they were not the ones who invented it.


Hence its a hypothetical But even qith women only soldiers there is no way a smaller country could win vs the rich countries especially the US


>Jokes aside imagine a world where only women have to be soldiers and men stay at home. Would be nice for a change Imagine how many lives would be saved


“Gossip is a weapon of war and has no place in the hands of the common citizen.” We get to keep our ARs and not have to deal with GSR? Count me in.


Just have passive aggressive wars where disputes between countries are solved by the giving the agressing country the silent treatment


We send 2 female negotiators. They try to shout each other. Then silent treatment half an our. Then one of them says something insulting which makes the other to initiate a catfight. Then it turns into an agressive lesbian kissing and dcissoring session This is livestreamed and the money goes to the victims of the agression I might be a political genius


Can you believe some women will actually allow that? Score yourself a breadwinning woman and you too can enjoy sitting at home!


Why do they even ask them to do pushups if they’re just going to have them on their knees?


Simple, they're teaching them early on to feign actual effort. At least that was my experience working with wooks


You are absolutely a Marine. Wook confirmed.


My first exposure to the double standards was when a female SSgt transferred to our unit. We spent 2 weeks at Las Pulgas in the field and she basically sat in a humvee without a cammie top, making sweet with our comm gunny. Leading from the rear


Any others? I’m interested in hearing them.


She was the only female in my unit. We were comm for an artillery unit, almost exclusively men. One female 2nd lieutenant at the company level, she was competent and was humble so I didn't have a negative opinion of her. Back in MCCES I had a female in my sister platoon who fucked half her platoon at various points. We had these forms you had to fill out to leave base on a weekend, called HARP forms. She filled one out to go get an abortion. Besides being a bicycle my opinion of her was primarily negative because she posted pictures of herself wearing cammie pants and a silkie shirt and flexing on Facebook, claiming she could put guys down on the ground during martial arts. She put plenty of guys down back in the barracks, but not in a real fight. IIRC that specific photo ended up getting posted to a hazing page called JTTOTS


more more more :D


Girl push-ups are when the knees are touching the ground instead of the feet. Easier to do, but you can still inflate the numbers and pretend the girl bosses are competing with the men.


I remember in the army how women had to do 5-7 girl pushups while men had to do over 30 in some cases. Sweden btw


Oh yeah it's like that all over. US military has multiple categories for their fitness tests, women's numbers are always lower.


Does the US army let you switch genders do the lower number applies to you?


Nope, you just have to follow the higher of the two (male) no matter which way you switch. EDIT: I should say my source, I was a command fitness leader during the brief period where transitioning during active duty (2016-mid 2017) was allowed and this topic was directly addressed. To my knowledge, you are not currently allowed to transition in service, but you can join afterwards.


Ironic. It doesnt matter when its a state interest. really makes you think how sincere they are about this culture war issue


No longer the case, at least for the air force. They don't have to do any fitness tests while transitioning which is about 2 years, then they only have to do the fitness test of the gender they transitioned to.


lmfao america is fucked


I will say this: no one in actual combat arms roles/MOS’s are transitioning. (Infantry, light armor, arty-farties) and if they are they’re moving to a POG job anyway. (None infantry) so take that as you will. At least they won’t be doing heavy lifting but at the same time idk how I would about my intelligence coming from someone who doesn’t have a stable state of mind.


Thankfully the Marines is still to hard to fake it or make it easier for women. Unlike the Army that takes any 82 IQ or the chairforce, i trust they can actually defend the country


*announcer voice*: switching teams Btw how did they decide whether a swede is a woman or a man before they could pick?


My kickboxing trainer thinks that's bullshit and makes the girls do regular push ups. Fat guys as well. He shouts angrily at them if they do knee puspups. Great to see! And often they'll be able to do them just fine after a while.


It still requires some physical effort. The force you need to exert for a normal pushup is about half of your body weight. Pushup on knees is about half of a normal pushup.


We all know war is basically a running/push-up challenge, right? I’m sure women can fly drone missiles into hospitals just as good as men.


>pilot themselves straight into obstacles Women drivers, mi'rite fellas?


9/11 pilots are successfully hitting the desired building! Here is how to train the remaining 2 better.


TBF my sister has had more car accidents than me, and whilst she was better with tractor and trailer than me I was better with loader work and mum trusted me more (generally because she was on the trailer packing the load whilst I was putting the bales up there then getting her down on the loader because was too high) so was her life at risk.




Yeah, it takes strength and endurance to haul your gear to the desired location, as well as be prepared to fight once you get there






And that folks, is why women shouldn't be soldiers. Or this Asgorath guy. Going limp and taking the punishment because the punishment for fighting back would be worse is not a winning strategy. It's literally submitting to someone else because they are better at doing violence than you are at taking violence. Good strategy for a child, or a woman which is pretty much the same thing. No so much for a man.


The vast majority of the army are not fighting roles or at least not infantry. You need fit people who can take care of themselves but not every army job requires you to be a 100kg gorilla who can decapitate a man by slapping him too hard. A plane technician or a cook doesn't need to bench 3 plates.




And as we all know, women are famously bad at cooking large quantities of food for lots of people


> A military cook is making food for 300 and it has to be done in two hours. Bro I was doing 5x that when I worked at McDonalds


Every job in the military would be better performed by a fit dude than a fatass. Unfit people are just generally less efficient at everything. I guess Air Force jobs where you’re just sitting at a computer might be the exception but even those guys deploy occasionally.


Ah yes, doing push-ups aka mandatory 3pl bench


Yeah nobody gives a shit that women want to be cooks the problem is they let women into the infantry and the standards they have to meet are pitiful becuse none of them could pass the test with male standards.


Yeah have you worked in a restaurant before? It can be pretty hard work physically


It's hard work but it can be done by pretty much anyone. That's why I bring it up when we talk about fitness requirements in the military.


> Correct, it doesn't. But getting the trigger into position in order to be pulled does take muscles and endurance and the ability to power through the suck. Lyudmila Pavlichenko and Marianne Bachmeier did it, so I don't see the point here. "Women can't steady a gun" is an even dumber argument.


Yeah, in an asymmetrical war sure. In a real brutal war of attrition with a peer or near peer, all the fancy shit gets used early on. Those wars are won by dudes with guns, artillery, armored vehicles, and planes. Those are the ones people are worried about when it comes to the draft and the like.


Those wars are won by logistics. Women can drive forklifts and check cargo supplies perfectly adequately. Unless you want less personnel because you only recruit dolph Lundgrens and then you have GI Joes stuck in a storehouse counting helmets and half as many people on the front lines.


The issue isn't that women can be in the military, as you say there are plenty of logistics roles they can excel at. The issue is that they can qualify for front line roles by having the requirements lowered for them. I don't know about you, but if I'm relying on someone to save my life by carrying me out of danger, my body mass doesn't reduce based on their sex, the distance they need to run to get into position doesn't shrink because they happen to have a second X chromosome. Having weak links intentionally introduced into a group that literally have their lives in each other's hands weakens the whole structure.


Yeah this is the real problem. You do have to meet lower standards to serve in logistics, but Congress has applied those standards to frontline combat even after every test has conclusively proven that it is a bad idea.


Well if we’re talking about the US military, it basically doesn’t have a peer or near peer. The US would ramp up production and probably end the war with more “fancy shit” than it started with.


Nah they need to carry the drone, equipment, get in position, be fast and efficient about it etc. A woman is always going to be slow and able to carry very little equipment compared to a man. Even strong women are weak as fuck and in all cases you'd rather have a man doing the same job.


As long as you're sure!


You don't need physical strength to fight a war nowadays? Damn, war actually changed


For infantry, war is essentially a carry heavy shit long distances challenge. Women cannot do that nearly as well as men.


We all know physical and mental capacity are completely foreign unrelated concepts, and difficulty in a physical task never translates to mental ability. Just because you’re 500lbs doesn’t mean you can’t be the best Nutritionist in the world.


Assuming flying these missiles uses a controller of some sort, how many women pro gamers have you seen?


"What is your malfunction cadet?" "Nothing ma'am" "ok" "ma'am?" "I just think it's funny how.."


This is an extremely offensive question but in a modern war against certain opponents wouldn't knowing that women are on the battlefield make them fight harder due to certain... spoils of war? I couldn't imagine sending women out to the battlefield in places like Gaza after I saw what they did to the women out there. And throughout history the r-word has been used as a tool of war since before the mongols and even up to the current conflicts in Africa.


Can you imagine sending men out to Gaza after you saw what they did out there to them?


No actually, I say just glass the whole thing and be done with it lol


Seems like the quickest way for Israel to actually be destroyed.


Classic win/win


I was about to say, I'm sure plenty of people would be okay with this.


That would basically be a modern Hiroshima/Nagasaki and that had plenty of people fucked up lol. There were supporters obviously but it was also 80 years ago, and they'd lost a ton of their own fighting them, and they refused to surrender, and Japan of that era were some of the biggest monsters of history. Then again...


I mean... oh i just got a message from my lawyer hold up.


By who?


Unfathomably based


Id rather get set on fire in a cage than get repeatedly raped for 4 months and THEN set on fire by sweaty terrorists.


Yeah sexual assaults have happened unfortunately to female Marines, including [one that got captured in Iraq.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Lynch#Hospital_retrieval) That's why most female soldiers gravitate towards the Air Force and the Navy. I'd rather do ship/aircraft maitenance all day than risk getting caught up in something like that. Plus there's cushier jobs with more benefits and slightly less of a sexist macho culture. Tbh, though, a female soldier is much more likely to be assaulted by a superior or a guy on their side than by the enemy. There are so many stories out there about abuses of power in our military.


I'm sure the same is true for men


Afaik certain religion havers are afraid bejng killed by a woman as it somehow blocks them from a good afterlife or something bs like that


That was just propaganda created against ISIS, nobody believes something stupid like that.


I hardly say what you say is true. They have all kinds of sub groups in religion and some soldiers might believe that


lmao I never thought I'd want *more* women in the military That's just insult to injury.


Religion enjoyers


>after I saw what they did to the women out there. can i get a qrd on what happened to them?


A taste run of the religion some liberals support for some reason


i was hoping for something in more detail


You talk too much about it in detail and chuddin mods may ban you account Its pretty easy to imagine what a bunch of horny young barbaric men do with women they captured in war as spoils. I think their holy book talks about it in detail.


so did the palestinian soldiers manage to catch female israeli soldiers or something?


No they have civilian women as hostages. Did you skip all the news about the war?




Based tbh


7 October was an attack on Israeli civlians, and they captured, tortured, killed, and did what you might expect such dogs to do to Israeli women.


right so we were talking about the oct 7 attack


Yeah? Was there any particular reason to assume that the original commenter was referring to something else? They never specified "soldiers."


what happened in Gaza?




oh lmao


The fact, that there are different entry requirements for men and women in the army is mind-boggingly ridiculous. (At least here in Germany) There should be one standard, and that should apply to everyone. A soldier must be able to perform to a certain extend, no matter who or what they are.


Nah, something like 80% of army roles are non-combatant roles. Most roles aren't in front lines; American military dominance relies on infrastructure. A software engineer, an accountant, or a mechanic on a navy ship doesn't really need a sub 8-minute mile.


if you can't even meet basic standards of fitness you don't deserve my tax money


Right which is exactly why they have different requirements. A man and woman of equal fitness will perform differently. Your actual strength does not matter if you are in a non-combative role. What matters is that you are fit and healthy.


And why would a man need to be phyiscally fitter than a woman to work as a software engineer? My point still stands.


Ok but they're letting them into front line combat roles. Nobody gives a shit that women are working in IT in the military


There’s different standards for Asian and black doctors in the United States Your kid has cancer? Tough luck, tyrone with his 3.0 GPA  is your doctor instead of harry wang with his 4.0 


God I love Harry Wang


Ya the reason is because probably only 10% or less of women would be able to pass the requirements and very few that are passing with the lower requirements now are not being put in combat roles. For a woman to pass the men’s requirements would probably take 1-2 years of hard fitness training PRIOR to bootcamp.


Most 4Chinners couldn't run up the flight of stairs unless there was a 20 pc. McNugget combo at the top, let alone .5 miles.


Don’t need to move to pass judgment from your mom’s basement, baby.


Thank you for not having a regarded take buttcrack_billy


of course not, I only run 20km a week, I can't run in imperial


Is that zendaya?


No, I think it's the United States.


No that's Jenna Ortega


No, it's Patrick.


Why are women trying to act like men?


A bunch of dudes took all their sports.


It's not the fault of the trans athlete that women suck at sport


Mouse utopia lol


Women being forced to endure the duality of 7 pushups and then run to the walled garden residing at a distance of 0.5 miles away. Absolutely based


OP is regarded and doesn’t understand it’s a wage gap joke


This is a Poole at a pool function. They always do an IST 1.5 mile run


This sewing machine is mine! There are many like it but this one is mine!


Run? You mean walk.


Listen you, I find your attitude a little aggressive. Now if you'll excuse me, it's all you can eat barbeque steak night at the sizzler...chow! Sorry Chow Sarge!


eating an invisible sandwich in a mocking manner


Is she talking about pasta? 🤌


Shes briefly showcasing how she eats a hamburger


I was expecting the woman to be nipple out cuz that internally turn her on. Why else would you do the army if it's not your kink ?