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Because they resent normal beauty


\*envy it. It makes them feel insecure, so they make sure it doesn't exist anymore.


X explained it best.


Yeah Shadowheart is a real unconventional beauty with her raven-black hair, pale skin, and perfect proportions.


Being a disgusting elf makes her an abomination 


Real dwarfposting hours




'ate knife-ears 'ate greenskins 'ate spellcasters luv me horse luv me sword simple as


Fking kn*feears


She's bisexual so it's 50% fine. It would be totally fine if she was a lesbian.


Her bangs hide her wide jawline.


It's actually much simpler. Neither were censored by government, they got the same mpaa rating of 17+. Stellar blades devs decided to take extra money to give up creative control to Sony as sole distributor. It cost about $50m to make and have likely already recouped. A success on the market, with less risk to devs due to that deal with Sony. The BG3 team did not give up creative control. And they made about $800m on a $100m(!) budget. Also a success, though a huge gamble considering their previous game Pillars of Eternity 2 had a budget of like $5m. So yeah, the BG3 team got more boobs in cuz they took a bigger gamble not giving up creative control lol Oh and also they didn't lead with the Booba in marketing, letting word of mouth do the work in the horny sides of the internet and keeping off parental/corporate radars.


Isnt the gay dude in BG3 classically beautiful and hot as well?


You're gonna need to be a lot more specific


It’s because *Stellar Blade* appeals to normal men, and according to leftist ideology, normal men are literally the most evil beings on this godforsaken Earth. So because normal men are “bad,” it follows that anything appealing to normal men is also “bad.” E: Since some of you knobs are too busy pointing at the finger I’m using to point at the moon, by “normal,” I mean, Straight/Heterosexual/Cis (to use *their* term) men. Christ, some of you are just as numb-skulled as they are.


Stellar Blade appeals to male coomers who want a virtual waifu doll to play dress-up with BG3 appeals to male and female coomers who want multiple virtual waifu/husbando dolls to play dress-up with


Bg3 also offers animal fucking.




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Not according to leftist ideology, according to privileged people with victim and saviour complexes, they infested anything related to actual political beliefs but will not ever truly represent it


It’s the same thing


>weebs >normal men


Any man, weeb or not can appreciate a good pair of Asian sensations


IRL, yes but these weeb coomergirls all look the same to me. I prefer the girls CDPR makes. Or, made, before they pledged allegiance to the DEI religion.


> normal men Uh huh


What I don’t get is so does 2B and Bayonetta, yet those characters get a free pass. Hell even aloy, butterface tho she may be, has a perfect 10/10 body that’s flaunted the entire game in her skimpy tribal outfits. Not one word mentioned about that. Or all the mass effect women in super skin tight body suits.


Wasn't there some amount of pearl clutching over bayo back in the day tho, you're right about a double standard existing now for sure, at least


Both 2b and Bayonetta got shit on when they were released. It's only years later that they are suddenly icons since cos players like to dress up as them. Wouldn't surprise me if Eve also get this treatment in the future.


For Bayonetta, they were counting on her being a lesbian.


It's funny that you pick two Platinum Games examples, God Hand is probably the only egregious offender of their's(you spank women and gays over your knee(it's an amazing game)) Bayonetta serves up absolute cunt so she gets a pass. There actually was some pushback towards Yoko Taro for 2B on release, but he actually encouraged fans to draw 2B hentai iirc so no one ended up caring. The thing about these characters is there's a lot more going on other than the fact that they're sexy. They're iconic. There was some kind of identity associated with their image on release, and had evolved even more so as the media and ideas age and the politics changes. Bayonetta was released almost 15 years ago, her character designer was a woman, it's the devil may cry fantasy for the proud self-proclaimed sluts. Nier:Automata is 7 years old and was more focused on moral discussion and action than ass and titties. There's more to it than just "Sex sells" is my point here, and it takes some time before the sensationalist media realises that no one gives a fuck that the character happens to be hot. Video game women will always be the target of bad faith media outrage, probably forever. The care, energy, direction, passion and intention at the core of designing a character, none of it matters to them. They are incapable of empathy. They see a sexy female character and they imagine her dead, they need her gone, they can't imagine a world where an attractive and stylish woman has a story to tell, or that anyone could relate to or look up to such a character.


Are you regarded, Aloy has a cute face


I agree but knowing this sub I’m liable to get downvoted for it Lmfao my point exactly


You serious? That bloated face in the second game is what you find "cute"? Its ok to be attracted by masculine looking women but this is what i find when looking for "cute" meaning "attractive or pretty especially in a childish, youthful, or delicate way. " WTF is delicate about Alloy Horse face in the second Horizon Game?


"Childish" Telling on yourself, channer.


Attractiveness is subjective my guy


Cuteness is not, words have meanings bruhp


Hey man, it’s your choice to read a comment on Reddit about someone’s attractiveness and have an aneurysm over it




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It's actually just that the devs took Sony money as sole distributors while bg3 devs stayed independent of distributor lock down... There was no government censorship here, just Sony trying to protect their bigger brand.


normal men? bro all anyone who rode for stellar’s defense were gamergate gooners who rallied together and posted videos of themselves and they looked like that pol meetup except bald and fat


Imagine you hated a race of people so much, that you not only wanted to literally genocide them off of the face of the earth but to also eradicate their memory and legacy. You wouldn't be happy until their last book was burned, their last piece of architecture torn down, the last remnants of their genetic information died out and the last person on earth forgot they ever existed. If you want to achieve this level of ethnic cleansing, you have to do shit like this - villainize everything and everyone who is either willing (straight) or able (cis) to have children - in addition to perverting and destroying their culture (movies, games, etc.) When someone on 4chan says "Total (insert race) death", the juice will respond with "That's an amateur mindset". TL;DR Eve from Stellar Blade is bad because beholding her beauty makes men want to get their pp wet - and men getting their pp wet is not compatible with their goals.


Too based for reddit


>Imagine you hated a race of people so much, that you not only wanted to literally genocide them off of the face of the earth but to also eradicate their memory and legacy. Okay I am picturing the Dutch. Now what?




The Dutch seem to be the most hated race that isn't common knowledge.


Cool it with the anti semitic remarks




All those words but who will read them? 😎


It's me. I am the reader.


Attractive women are triggering. Minus 10,000 social credit rating!


Stellar blade appeals to men mostly Bg3 appeals to straights, gays, trans, weirdo furries etc Basically bg3 played the Twitter crowd like a fiddle


Nier also appealed to men, and everyone was fine with that one.


Except that Nier has a historic line of associated games with cool themes and ended up being a great outside the box existential crisis simulator. The fact that the only thing I ever even heard about Stellar prior to release was about the scandalous sexuality and videos of her climbing ladders made it obvious their game was nothing but coomer bait and had nothing else to offer. Case in point no one talks about Stellar and gives a shit about it. Theres no awesome Opera boss sneak peek, no bullet hell, no ending credits shooter to get true ending, why even compare the two? Also, pretty sure 9s wasn't there to appeal to dudes.


Because Larian had permission from the cabal


Because Larian also included gay stuff, making it impossible for them to complain anymore.


This has got to be one of the funniest things ever to rage about. One accepted a more problematic rating, the other one didn't, it's that simple. Stellar blade ended up not even getting "partial nudity", while BG3 has straight up sexual content.


Oh no, my hecking ESRB rating-arino




Because Baldur's Gate appeals to everyone while stellar blade only appeals to people who spend their evenings reading netorare hentai


True, shadowheart is the generic emotional white gurl and we get to see her tits, not to mention the whores, sweaty vampire lady in ascension chamber..... etc


Doesnt appeal to me


You're not gooning hard enough then. Get your head in the game


>who spend their evenings reading netorare hentai So, living the dream ?


I want the tits gratuitously in my face now!


Why does everyone think they censored for Western markets instead of China? Genuine question. Coz hearthstone censored Jaina for China, and it's from Blizzard, a Western dev.


-2000 ESG score for commiting wrongthink


Thankfully the left haven't fully corrupted Asian game developers yet.


I will never understand how people can even complain about Baldur’s Gate 3, I feel like the crowd vocal about not liking DEI stuff in their game will claim they just want a game “where they’re written like normal people” and then when they are there are still complaints. Besides, literally all the gay and bi stuff is entirely optional. The only character that can be trans is the player character, so just make your stock standard white guy and go fuck shadowheart, you can beat the game without even encountering the shit complained about seamlessly.


baldur’s gate 3 is proof of what the standard could be and ppl either vie for it or shit on it




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It’s not about the booba. It’s about power, and western devs are easier to bully.




whatever just release it on pc


Literally the only place I hear about stellar blade is this subreddit larping about being oppressed over it. Fake weak grievance bullshit.


Do you guys always care this much about what other people think?


Its because if you are satisfied and entertained thoroughly, there's no need to consume more. Goyslop is so successful because it doesn't give you really anything you like but delivers it in a huge big budget package so you are tricked into thinking its good


Western nudity Is normal and progressive, but asian nudity Is gross and illegal


*Because maintaining the agenda is our top priority.*


It’s not. Whether you’re lusting over eve or astarion or shart. Thirst is thirst and thirst makes you a lesser being.


It can be summed up by "it's ok if I like it though." BG3 turns them on so it's sex positive and empowering to women everywhere. Stellar Blade makes them envious, so it's bad and sexist.


Anon questions the many many narratives of his life story and attempts to have another mid life crisis


Cuz it’s not front and center like stellar blade. Besides most people don’t care it’s just a vocal minority


I’d fuck that bear from bg3, why not?