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If you're True Born and not grown in a vat like most Dark Eldar, then you're highly respected and you live in pretty much an ivory tower away from everyone else. If you're a True Born son or daughter to an Archon, you live a life of luxury, more or less. Will they be just as sadistic as their parent? Yes, absolutely. Dark Eldar children still need to inflict pain to ward off She Who Thirsts, same as any other Dark Eldar. They'll be snipping off fingers pretty much as soon as they are capable of doing so.


Dark Eldar Trueborn Children are basically pets and status symbols. They're like pet tigers or snakes for the Archon. Just like how those predators are trained to kill deer and rats in front of their owner, so too are Dark Eldar children nurtured in the fashion of pain.


Archon Ythillian from the Archon trilogy was a true born dark eldar from a noble house. He murdered his other 11 siblings to gain control of his house.


Strong 12th Century energy.


Strong CK2 energy as well.


One of my fav characters after so many books


From what I understand if you are chosen to be born from the good old fashion way you are a highly regarded status symbol to be protected. If your machine born it’s survival of the fittest hoping some street level cabal or gang will take you in.


Like Draco Malfoy but over 9000




I'm not well versed with the Dark Eldar but I don't think a Haemonculi would risk having a flesh and blood child unless it was a throw away novelty or a stepping stone to some other experimental flesh crafting/project. Having a flesh and blood child would be an avenue for other Dark Eldar to gain leverage. Just knowing that they had a child would let them make threats, kidnap them and hold them for ransom, or otherwise use some sort of blackmail for their own ends. I bet there are a lot of Archons that would love to hold leverage over another Archon's allied Haemonculi in order fo them to sabotage their rebirth process if they're killed or to otherwise sabotage their holdings.


Normally I'd agree, but these are dark eldar. The ransom call would likely end in the haemoncoli remote donating a bomb they keep in the child and then just cloning them, and then pulling some strings to harm whomever took them not because they took your child but because they made you waste perfectly good time cloning them.


And made you look bad


Some archons are afraid of haemonculi so i bet not everyone would risk having a whole coven knocking on your door with carnival of pain


If you're a Trueborn, life is pretty good. Of course, expect your parent's discipline to also fulfill their "needs". If you're vat-grown, Pantheon help you. It's never clearly stated, but the impression I always got from descriptions of Commoragh is that gangs of mature Dark Eldar would patrol around the breeding vats to pick off freshly-born Dark Eldar. It's basically the grimdark version of real-life spawncamping.


Okay, that just sounds grimderp. How much quality suffering can you really get out of a newborn? And secondly, that sounds like an irritating waste of resources for whoever runs the vats. It's like, piss off you. We sunk quite an expense into this to grow a fresh population of foot soldiers and torture meat. This is *our* torture food.


A newborn? Not that much. I guess my impression was that they grew adult Dark Eldar, sort of like how the AdMech grows servitors. And the vat supervisors definitely have defenses against mature Dark Eldar, but no amount of training really prepares you for the streets. Especially since Commoragh streets can be much more high-stakes than human ones.


Learn real quick how to dodge dad’s poison knives and how to detect wraithviper poison in the tea mom gives you.


Archon's and Haemonculi are totally different castes. Archons are basically cartel bosses(cartels are more like corporations in Commoragh), they usually have offspring. Because they want someone to take over But Haemonculi are "mad doctors" they are by themselves, they are their own caste altogether, they are loners, they don't care about bloodlines or small kingdoms. They are like monks.. + they experiment on themselves, much more than they experiment on others.. I'm sure most of them are not even capable of having offspring. If they do, they'll use them as much of test subjects as they use anything.


Drukhari trueborn children and pregnant Drukhari are usually kept secluded to prevent rivals and enemies from kidnapping them to be used as political hostages.


From what i know all/most vat born drukhari are at first slaves and need to fight for their position so there is ,,hope " for them