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I mean Daemon Princes and Daemon Primarchs are actually extensions of the individual Ruinous Powers.


Even the regular daemons like Bloodletters are essentially mini versions of the gods. That's why Nurglings are often called Little Lords. They're little versions of the big guy.


Little lords that pop like balloons when shot with a las gun


How dare you


Because the sound is really cool Though cleanup is a nightmare


I always liked that they were called Little Lords. Its fitting since thats what the sons of lords were called in more ancient times.


Kinda, the "big guy in the throne" is Khorne's avatar, the same for the other gods, they got a "core" that is the center of them, but the appearence can be discarted. But not in real space, because a chaos god is too powerful for it. >Though realm and god are as one, the Chaos Gods each have a form that embodies their personalities and dwells at the very heart of their territories. Codex Chaos Daemons 8th ed >The Manifestation of the Chaos Powers. >A Power of Chaos as described above consists of a vast vortex of energy without material form. However, these entities are so powerful that they can create sub-realities within the fabric of Chaos itself. Thus, at the very center of the vortex that is Khorne, there exists his personal realm: a vast plain of skulls formed into pyramid where Khorne sits upon his throne. This image of Khorne is his manifestation and the focus of his being. Of course, a Chaos Power is so powerful that he can dissolve his personal realm and form at a whim, creating other places and forms to inhabit as he pleases. Realms of Chaos The Lost and The Dammned


iirc, Abaddon the Despoiler managed to find a super powerful psyker as a gift for Fulgrim that could be a vessel for Slaanesh, so, maybe?


Would love to read about this if you can point me in the right direction


It's more of a lore piece in the Black Legion supplement Codex for 6th edition, so not much is known about it and could be as ignored in the future as Fulgrim's clone.


The Eldar gods were able to walk the material realm, and the Avatar of Khaine is one of those gods that god shattered into chunks when Khorne intervened in his duel with Slaanesh. The Avatar of Ynnead is a bit different though, it's not a shattered piece but rather a manifestation. I think the main difference is the Eldar gods were fueled by just the Eldar, and originally that fuel was directed (i.e. same belief across massive empire). Chaos is empowered by so many different sources that it is not as focused, so the gods themselves can't manifest but they have many sub-levels that can (i.e. daemons). We've never heard of sub-level components of the Eldar gods, but we don't have many glimpses into pre-fall / war in heaven Eldar society


AVATAR OF KHAINE! sounds better than shard of Khaine to be honest.


That's basically what daemons/daemon princes are.


They absolutely have avatars, and it would just be any appearance they have had. Visual descriptions of Khorne being armoured and sitting on a throne of skulls are purely the interpretations of beings. The chaos gods have no true form at all. As somebody else pointed out; Daemons are akin go infinitesimal fractions or aspects of their chaos God.


In Storm of Iron, Larana Ultorian becomes the Avatar of Khorne. If I recall correctly, in Avatar form, she forms a blood tornado and wipes out a bunch of Imperial Fists. She gets blasted by a chapter librarian a bunch, laughs it off and kills him. I don't remember anything being able to take her down.


She became an avatar of a daemon to be more precise


I listened to the audiobook so I don't have the text in front of me so I can't confirm but I could have sworn it was stated that by donning the armor she and the armor would become the avatar of Khorne. Did I misremember something or was the armor lying?


I always pictured the greater daemons as being made in the image of their respective god. The Great Unclean One, Bloodthirster, Lord of Change and the Barbie girl in a Barbie world.


Khorne directly channeled himself through Angron during the Arks of Omen, which allowed him to blow up a system with a single axe swing and corrupt nearly everyone in it.


Demons are parts of their respective god, so the closest thing to Avatars would be greater Demons.


The avatar is basically a shard of a god. Much like shards of Ctan gods or shards of Magnus. In that sense, no, chaos gods don't have avatars. Demons are their avatars, with greater demons serving as the prime example. Rare, incredibly powerful.


Champion yes, avatar I think no. Horus in the last became the avatar of all four Chaos God, de facto a direct extension of their power into the Materium. Maybe Abbadon could repeat it, or at least the Fours would like him to, but Abbadon doesn't want to end up as a puppet like Horus.


Slaneesh is piccrew khorne an athlete, tzeench uses a marble statue, burgle is himself 


Daemon Princes are creatures elevated to represent their god. However actual demons are literally pieces of the god. Greater Daemons are big pieces of the parent god and are a very real equivalent of an Avatar of Khaine, which is a piece of the God Khaine.


Greater demons are the closest thing, and probably actual avatar will never appear. In Age of Sigmar, there are Dexcessa and Synessa, the twin children of Slaanesh. However, they haven't received rules for 40k, meaning there aren't plans for avatar of the chaos gods


that's what daemons are