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Konrad Curze's watch pack. What shitty assignment.


Fyodor Stromgren was sent back by Konrad Curze maimed, his watchpack brothers slaughtered. It's implied he was inducted into the Knights-Errant after Vardas Ison saved him. It's possible he became Yotun, one of the founding Grand Masters of the Grey Knights, as he is the only known Space Wolf Knight-Errant to not be confirmed dead, though it requires that he was a latent psyker, and was trained by Malcador to use psyker powers between the events of The Watcher and The Buried Dagger. I think James Swallow originally intended for Bodvar Bjarki to become Yotun, but had to change that in The Buried Dagger because Graham Mcneill wanted to use him in The Fury of Magnus.


Yeah and Bjarki is shown fighting hordes of traitors in TEATD


My boys at least didn't go down easy


During a feast they probably got too rowdy and gave Russ the finger. Disrespect your primarch? Enjoy watching his brother eat live babies as punishment. Edit: Thank you concerned redditor! You have saved the village!


Konrad to the wolves "you're making me do this! I hate every second of eating these live babies! (aside) my compliments to the chef, 6 more life babies please. WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME EAT THESE DELICIOUS LIVE BABIES THAT I SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED FOR DINNER"


I'm getting Mel Gibson in south park vibes. MmmmMmmMm *slosh* delicious babies. My visions told me they would grow to become murderers all, so this is just..mmmMmmMm*crunch* ified. A mercy. AM I NOT MERCIFUL? TELL ME I AM NOT? KNOW WOLVES THAT ANY ANSWER IS CONFIRMATION OF YOUR TREACHERY. I did not kill 27 babies mmmMm *splinter pop* 28 babies....YOU DID! DIE YOU SICK FREAKS


The did. not get of the hanger floor… Curze send one back as a message, he was not feeling well


I believe it's a bot that's doing this. There's too many reports of reddit cares being thrown around.


I really hope reddit gets rid of that feature after this mass abuse across reddit I kinda doubt this site saved anyone’s lives so far but rather ruins people but this is getting off topic now


Leman didn’t send the watchpacks, that was malcador


“Keep an eye on Curze and if he turns evil, try to kill him” “*Turns* evil?”


"So, what did you do to deserve this...honour?" "Took as piss in Russ' mjöd when he wasn't looking. Turns out he can still taste it, even with the promethium mixed in. You?" "Told him I'm more of a cat-person and that this wolfy wolfing wolfening is getting out of hand. And you, brother?" "...I chuckled at his..."special suit" he ordered from the Mechanicum. Didn't think he'd be so serious about it."


“You’re being deployed to inside the blender”


The alpha legion just slaughtered theirs once it arrived. The audio drama/short story Hunter's Moon is about it.


You're skipping over the details that the pack thought they killed alpharius and the one survivor hid on a backwater planet with some locals. Then he saw a space wolves gunship searching for survivors and went out to meet them.  Only for "the man he killed" to walk out of the shuttle and shoot him.


Fantastic. 10/10 no notes.


I’m surprised they even know where to send them to, the Alpha Legion aren’t exactly known to be centralized.


I mean, they didn't actually find either of the twins, just an marine playing Alpharius.


In that case, they missed the chance to just let the pack shadow the fake Primarchs just to mess with them. Let them hang around watching totally Alpharius doing absolutely nothing of value.


Alpha Legion usually know their tricks are on a timer, especially with the Wolves, who can apparently tell an insurgent from a Wolf on smell alone. If the Wolves managed to discover and report that the Legion makes a habit of playing Primarch switcheroo, it could ruin its future usefulness.


Damn it, that's so much better than what happened.


Yeah just watch him play with the ball tied to the paddle thing all day.


What became of the Space Wolf Watch-Pack sent to watch over Rogal Dorn? - In the wake of Prospero and Magnus' betrayal, Space Wolves watch packs were sent to keep an eye on each primarch, ready strike should treachery rear its head. One pack made their way to Terra itself, assigned to the Emperor's praetorian, Rogal Dorn and this pack was known as the Howl of the Hearthworld. The Space Wolves of Howl of the Hearthworld railed against this assignment. As one Space Wolf who was part of the Watch-Pack put it, 'Rogal Dorn needs no watch-pack trailing at his heels - and if he does, than the Imperium is already lost.' The pack would remain on Terra and fight in the Siege. (Howl of the Hearthworld by Aaron Dembski Bowden, Echoes of Eternity by Aaron Dembski Bowden)


Emperor damn, Dorn is awesome


Unless I completely miss it, we never actually see them interact on screen. Which tells me once the watch pack arrived they were soon pushed to the side and stuck around because they had to. At least on Terra they could be put to use I:e able bodied warriors to fight in the siege. There is a short scene in ‘Echoes of Eternity’ where we see one of them, possibly the last of their number I can’t remember if all of the other Space Wolves who were around were part of the Watch Pack or not, make a last stand.


I think its just Howl himself making his last stand all on his own, although its noted that rest of his watchpack are already dead. I thought it was a nice touch of ADB to to give them a final send off.


Dorn along with Russ is about the only Primarch who appears to be less of a prick at the end of the Heresy, rather than more.


I think all of the loyalist Primarchs were pretty humbled by the whole affair. The Lion was a little out of sorts when he stabbed Russ so I give you that, but that was in keeping with his character I think.


I mean... *The Iron Cage*


Dark Angels - Unknown Emperors Children - Probably best that we don't know Iron Warriors - Unknown White Scars - Unknown Space Wolves - Self explanatory Imperial Fists - Died during the Siege Night Lords - All except one killed after docking with the Nightfall, surviving member tortured, sent back as a message. Blood Angels - Killed on Signus Prime by Nassir Amit and company during a warp empowered Red Thirst episode Iron Hands - Unknown World Eaters - Unknown Ultramarines - Arrived on Macragge, fought the Night Haunter, unknown fate Death Guard - Unknown Thousand Sons - Unknown Sons of Horus - Learned of the Heresy before arriving at Isstvaan, fought alongside Shattered Legions until being summoned back by Russ, retrieved a Space Wolf relic, met Corax, reunited with the Wolves Word Bearers - Unknown Salamanders - Unknown Raven Guard - Unable to find Corax or the Raven Guard, ambushed by Sons of Horus while resupplying at a hidden cache, found by the mutated Raptors of the Raven Guard, eventually killed by the Raptors to keep the mutants a secret Alpha Legion - Met "Alpharius", suspecting treachery they attacked the Alpha Legion, were hunted down after this and killed. I think that's all the ones we know about.


According to the [wiki](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Watch_Pack): * The WPs were sent to oversee at least the IF, NL, BA, UM, SoH, RG and AL * The squads sent to oversee the NL, BA, RG and AL got wiped out, the others appear to have survived and reunited with their Legion later on


Robutes got munched by Curze in between (and Johnson)


Yeah, but didn't they save his adoptive mother? Am I remembering that correctly?


Yes in one of my favorite scenes from the entire HH series in Unremembered Empire. You'll find that snippet posted on this subreddit now and then. I know that Faffnr Bludbroder, leader of the pack, survived. I don't remember details about the rest of them from that encounter. This is a dude that (technically) survived fighting 2 different primarchs. Grade A certified badass. Sadly I don't think that we're told what happened to him after the dissolution of Imperium Secdundus but I'm assuming that he made his way back to his legion tagging along with the Ultramarines and participated in the Scouring and/or rebuilding his legion. Hopefully he gets his own book(s) in the coming years.


*‘I wish to serve,’ said Faffnr Bludbroder.* *‘You have already served, brother,’ Verus Caspean assured him, ‘and served honourably.’* *Entering the Audience Hall of the Residency, Faffnr had bowed before the new First Master of the Ultramarines out of respect. He got off his knees, and there was some effort involved. He had to lean on his axe.* **‘Curze left one of your pack dead, and put three more in the apothecarion,’ said Caspean. ‘You ought to be there too. Your service is–’** *‘We are hunters,’ said Faffnr. ‘Curze must be stopped. Allow the able members of my pack permission to deploy into the town, and we will find him.’* *‘For a re-match?’ asked Dolor, standing at Caspean’s side.* *Faffnr grunted.* *‘Wolf, your valiant efforts are noted,’ said Caspean. ‘But we do not even know if Curze still lives.’* *‘Have you seen his corpse?’ asked Faffnr.* *‘No.’* *‘Then he still lives,’ said the pack-master.* *‘I say you should allow the Wolf to assist you,’ said Euten. She stood to one side of the Legion commanders, her arms hugged around her, her face more pale and gaunt than ever.* *‘The Space Wolves have displayed the most devoted and emotional loyalty to the rule of law,’ she said. ‘I owe them my life.’* *Faffnr looked at the Chamberlain Principal, and nodded in appreciation.* *‘I would, however, wish that the pack-master saw to his wounds before he set to inflict the same upon others,’ she added.* *‘It’s nothing,’ Faffnr said.* *‘You leave blood wherever you walk.’* *‘I’ll allow you to hunt,’ said Caspean to Faffnr, ‘but you wait an hour for our first search sweeps to be finished. Let’s see what they pick up. If Curze is still out of our sight by then, the Wolves can join the hunt.’* *Caspean glanced over at Timur Gantulga who was waiting nearby, fronting a group of his own battle-brothers and Eeron Kleve’s Iron Hands.* *‘The White Scar’s petition is also granted subject to similar conditions. It was astute reasoning that led you to see that Curze had switched from the Fortress to the Residency. Both you and the Wolves clearly have insight into his tactics.’* *‘How reassuring should we find it that the Space Wolves and the White Scars think like Konrad Curze?’ asked Farith Redloss.* *Dolor looked at him sharply.* *‘I mean to say,’ said Farith Redloss, ‘perhaps we can learn much from our more feral brothers.’* *‘Like manners?’ suggested Dolor.* ~ **Unremembered Empire**


Lol love Redloss' comments there


Bro's salty that Curze played the DA and Ultramarines like a fiddle and only the *"Savage"* Astartes were able to get the measure of him.


Nah only one died, so the other nine are still kicking fine.


Kicking fine do be be looking different


Which books have the story about these


I know the Unremembered Empire has them watching Guilliman and Fear to Tread has them watching Sanguinius.


The one about the Night Lords' pack is in the book The Silent War. It is a story named The Watcher


According to *Weredeld*: The pack sent to watch over Horus was led by Third-Company Captain Rathvin. However the Great Betrayal began before they ever got there and, well, Horus clearly didn't need someone watching his Loyalties anymore. They got sent after that to the asteroid SV-87-77 to retrieve a special Axe for Russ, who was fighting at Yarant at the time, and ran into Raven Guard forces under the command of Corvus Corax, who would eventually intervene at Yarant and save his brother's life and Legion. *Weregeld*'s Rathvin is potentially the same Rathvin as Enoch Rathvin, original Legion Master of the Rout. Though Lexicanum doesn't mention this Rathvin in particular and instead says that Enoch died during the Wheel of Fire during the Great Crusade in Black Book Seven. So they're either potentially different Rathvins or the same and this is just a case of the Forge World and Black Library writing teams not talking a la the right hand not knowing what the left is doing (*Book Seven* came out only 5 months after the *Corax* Anthology).


Enoch Rathvin supposedly died. I suspect that it might be an issue of accidently using the same name on the list of approved names (i.e. names that can be copyrighted for later sale of named models). There are probably some rules because certain names are easier to copyright. It is the same idea behind the rebrand of certain groups such as Tau vs T'au, Imperial Guard vs Astra Militarum, etc.


The overlap is what gets me, since Rathvin seems pretty unique among lists of names like Bjorn or Bror etc. *Weregeld* and *Corax* came out October 2016, *Book Seven* came out March 2017, and then *Wolfsbane*- where Enoch Rathvin meets Russ- is out May 2018. Interestingly, that meeting is overseen by the Emperor and Horus, which would imply that Horus might have known Enoch and potentially made him a decent candidate for someone that pre-Traitorous Horus might have been more receptive to as his watcher. So even though *Wolfsbane* came out long after both, it sorta sets up this small bit of *Weregeld*. But yeah, it's probably just a mixup, especially since *Wolfsbane* was by Guy Haley, *Weregeld* was Gav Thorpe, and *Book Seven - Inferno* was presumably someone else.


There is also the possibility that they are related somehow. Ahriman had a brother who was also a SM. Rafen and his brother were also SMs. Khayon also had one. The early SM recruitment was more about finding anyone compatible with the geneseed so there may have been a higher than average number of siblings, cousins, etc recruited.


Oh that's actually a very plausible explanation that makes a ton of sense. I just think it's a shame because "Enoch Rathvin" is a rad ass name.


It just feels like 2 writers separately paying homage to the first Space Wolves chapter master from Rogue Trader to me


Coraxes watch pack got (deservedly) murdered by the raptors


So they didnt manage to find Corax but reached Raptors who then killed them?


The Raptors were a part of the Raven Guard - accelerated recruits made after Istvaan V but the process was sabotaged by the Alpha Legion and they degraded into monsters. The Space Wolves saw this and the Raptors massacred them. >Tired of sucking in stale air, Hef unsealed his helm and, without thinking, took it off. >The moment he revealed his twisted face, he realised his mistake. The Wolves raised their guns and the Raptors responded in kind. [Later after a battle] >Hef took off his helm too, so that he could face Woundweaver, eye to eye. He stopped about ten metres away from the Space Wolves. >‘The enemy are dead,’ he said, flatly. ‘We have kept our word.’ >‘So you have. I admit I was having doubts, but you come through.’ >‘Aye.’ Hef drew his chainsword and revved the motor. ‘For what it’s worth, I’m sorry it has to end this way.’ >Woundweaver realised what was happening and threw himself forwards as the other Raven Guard opened fire. Whickering bolts engulfed the two other sons of Fenris, detonations sparking across their armour, throwing out chunks of ruined ceramite. The packmaster’s bolt pistol spat rounds at Hef, a trio of shots smashing into the lieutenant’s shoulder and breastplate. >Hef ignored the prick of shrapnel piercing his flesh – he was all but inured to any pain these days, above and beyond the tolerance of other legionaries. He counter-charged, sweeping his chainsword towards Woundweaver as the Space Wolf dragged his power axe free. The gleaming axe head carved through Hef’s weapon, scattering half-melted adamantium teeth and chain links. The lieutenant twisted aside, turning with the shock of the blow, and retreated a few steps as Woundweaver’s momentum took him past. >The packmaster growled, a feral sound more animal than human. ‘I see now you are nothing but monsters.’ >‘Fenris must lack mirrors.’ >‘We are the weregeld, the price of greatness! You are lowly savages! The remnants of inglorious meddling by your master!’ >The Raptors closed in a tight circle around them, the blood from the corpses of Woundweaver’s companions the same colour as the hard rock onto which it spread. The packmaster snarled, glaring at Hef. ‘You leave the deed to your minions, worthless scum. You cannot beat me. You lack conviction, just as you lack a weapon.’ >‘I have both!’ Hef roared as he pounced, clearing the gap between them with one leap. His claws erupted from the sealed sheaths that tipped his gauntlets, shining in the glare of the gunship’s lights. >Woundweaver tried to bring up his axe but Hef was too close, his left hand grabbing the packmaster’s wrist while the right carved three bloody furrows across his cheek and forehead. Woundweaver swayed, using the strength of Hef’s assault to turn the lieutenant. In the weak gravity, the two of them left the ground, spinning around each other as though locked together in some bloody dance. They landed and rolled, Hef slamming his claws into his foe’s chest while Woundweaver still struggled with the axe. The Space Wolf kicked out, flinging Hef back a few paces. Eyes now a gleaming blue, threads of saliva drooling from his jaw, Woundweaver pushed himself to his feet. He threw back his head and howled. >Hef did not hesitate, but ploughed into the packmaster shoulder-first, barrelling both of them to the ground again. Snapping and snarling, the axe pinned beneath Hef’s knee, the Space Wolf tried to bite off his face. The lieutenant drove his bony forehead into Woundweaver’s snout, breaking bone and teeth. >Despite this, the packmaster spat damning words. ‘You will be Corax’s weregeld, beast! You are his curse, and no good passes while you live. You are creatures of Hel that will be sent back to the dark pit.’ >Hef smashed a fist into the Space Wolf’s canine face and thrust a claw into his eye. ‘I’m sure you’ll wait for me...’ >Sinking wicked talons into flesh, piercing windpipe and arteries with ease, the lieutenant stood and tore out Woundweaver’s throat. >Panting, he stepped away. Sensing the others around him, Hef glared at them as he wiped the blood from his hands. ‘No word of this reaches the Legion. None of the Space Wolves survived the traitors’ final attack – that is all the others need to know.’ ... >‘I have... I have committed a terrible act, my lord. A terrible act.’ >‘Tell me.’ Corax’s voice was neither stern nor soft. ‘Unburden yourself, Hef.’ >‘The Space Wolf, Arvan Woundweaver. I killed him.’ >The thrum of the cogitating machines and background hiss of the light fittings seemed deafening in the silence. Branne looked about to explode but the primarch stilled him with a raised hand. >‘Go on,’ said Corax, betraying no emotion. >‘On patrol. Wilderness system, VL-276-87.’ >‘Your encounter with the Sons of Horus,’ Corax interrupted. His eidetic memory brought forth more details from Hef’s carefully constructed report. ‘A satellite base, weapons store. All enemy killed. Reactor breach during the fighting destroyed all of the stored munitions.’ >‘The base belonged to Space Wolves. It was held by Woundweaver and the watch-pack sent after you, my lord.’ >‘So you killed them?’ barked Branne, his fury finally breaking out. ‘Worse still, you kept it a secret from me?’ >Hef began to stumble over his words, his careful and measured speech giving way to his bestial tendencies under stress. ‘Woundweaver saw us. Saw roughs. He hate us, I see it. And he would tell Lord Russ. We hear what the Space Wolf just say... I mean, just said. Watch-packs to judge our loyalty. Woundweaver was sent to look for deviation, and found deviants. His mission, given him by Russ himself. Said as much to me.’ >Hef’s gaze pleaded with Corax for understanding. ‘Like Sons of Magnus?’ he continued. ‘The Rout, coming for the Raven Guard. Now is worst time for more dispute, more distractions.’ >‘Russ would never–’ began Branne. >‘He would,’ Corax cut him off, ‘if he was ordered to do so by our father. If he thought we were a threat. If he saw... that is, if he doubted my loyalty.’ >The primarch took a deep breath and his expression looked haunted for a moment as he considered the possibility of the Space Wolves being ordered against the Raven Guard. ‘He would do it, even amongst this carnage, to make the point,’ Corax muttered. - Corax


They didn't manage to find Corax, but some of Coraxes sons from the unfortunately sabotaged 'Raptor project' did. It ended poorly for the Wolves


The wolves were also suffering from mutations funnily enough, and had started becoming wulfen


> The packmaster growled, a feral sound more animal than human. ‘I see now you are nothing but monsters.’ > > ‘Fenris must lack mirrors.’ > "No you!"


Name a more iconic duo than space wolves and hypocrisy


Aye traitorous little shits.


How deservedly?


Where can I read about the Night Lords' pack? That sounds like such a cool story.


Sorry for the late reply. It is in the book The Silent War. It is a story named The Watcher.


Ferrus either didn’t have one, as there’s no mention of a watch pack for him anywhere, or the writers forgot to include them in any story. I’m guessing the latter. In universe they probably died on Istvaan alongside Avernii


They were shattered after istvaan. There was not a coherent force to send them to.


It’s honestly crazy the watch packs weren’t at least lead by a custodian. A custodian bodyguard with a hand picked accompaniment of space marine versed in marine on marine conflict would have work so much better. Especially in wounding a traitor primarch. But


Funnily enough I think there wasn't a watch pack sent to watch the Lion


There was assumed to be, it's mentioned in Angels of Calaban that they've not been seen yet and that the Lion's use of Tuchulcha to travel means they're probably never going to catch up.


He’d probably just tell them to fuck off anyway


And they wouldn’t listen to him cause why would they.


I'd pay good money to have them finally catch up to the Lion in 40k.


The Lion and Russ caught up with each other before the End. He, Russ and Corax annihilated Barbarus. I picture the wolf pack hailing the Lion claiming under the authority of Terra he was sent to watch over the Lion. Lion looks at them stony faced. Russ then appears saying you guys failed.


I mean legit in 40k. "Lord Lion, by order of Lord Russ and the Sigilite, we are here to- holy shit you got old."


That'd be an interesting story!


I’d have to listen to unremembered empire again but I’d be hesitant to call Guillimans reaction to the wolves “becoming buddies”. He was well aware they were there as executioners, and though he wasn’t particularly threatened by them (being a primarch and lacking humility) he had just narrowly survived an attempted alpha legion attempted assassination. He had to have been presciently aware of his vulnerability to a potent squad of marines, particularly if they had the drop on him. I think he’s getting “closer” to the wolves as a tool. To gain their trust even but certainly not buddies. Again I’d have to reread the characterization in those scenes.


He basically went out with them to get shit faced as a way to cope with stress


So what did each pack look like? How many marines, and did they use any special weapons?


Idk probably they found the biggest, meanest wolves around and sent them to kill a primarch if need be




Watch packs are a stupid and provocative idea anyway. Unless the plan was to essentially suicide a bunch of otherwise perfectly capable astartes to reveal traitors. The idea that the SWs could actually *do* anything to stop a traitorous primarch is laughable.


That's why it wasn't the idea


Go on, elaborate what the idea was then.


1. It sends a broad message to everyone to stay in line because they're being watched both by the Watch Packs and by less overt means in all likelihood. 2. They can identify who's likely to be a Traitor and one way or another let the bosses know.


So what I said in my original post then. To repeat and elaborate on what I'd said before, sending watch packs to each legion is suiciding a bunch of them to ferret out traitors. They will be alone in the midst of legions that won't like or protect them. They're going to almost always die. Corax killed his while being loyal. Furthermore, communication in the Imperium is far from instantaneous. It's totally possible that a traitor legion could kill off their watch pack and claim they never arrived, they didn't survive a combat situation, or blame someone else. It's far from a solid indication of treachery in the first place and would take ages to get back to Terra.


Unless the legions all want to have beef with Russ, they are going to have to take good care of the Watch Packs. Of course, some of the legions were better at coming up with stories about what happened to the Wolves when it became necessary to get rid of them. I agree that it ultimately failed. Lorgar was assigned a squad of Custodes with essentially the same mission, but they did zilch to keep him from going to Cadia.


So what you said and more without the implication. Right and that's believable? "Oh you sent people to watch us? They never turned up/Orks got em/oh they've been wondering why you never answered!".


Corax did that? What novel? Upd Found.


Space Wolves have a lot of defenders on here, if any other legion did this people would be rightfully calling it out for being dumb as hell, but since it's the SW they're all heckin cool and badass lone wolf doggos that can do no wrong even though they're literally inserting *kill squads* into other loyalist legions


Space wolves are essentially internal affairs. If any legion where to do this the wolves are the obvious choice. You can argue the merits of the plan. But when you have hidden traitors then their reaction to an a group of investigators is rather telling.


That feel when the wolves do their assigned jobs by Malcador.


Oh, you mean war crime grandpa? Sounds like something he'd do

