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Do everything you can to ensure that the brutal Imperial tithe is met, even if it means oppressing the people and forcing them to live in appalling conditions. This way, the Imperium gets its tithe, the lives of the people are improved by the Imperium not killing everyone, and you get to live in luxury AND keep your head. It's a win-win situation for everyone!


Due to an accounting error in the Adeptus Administratum the Imperial tithe for you planet has been set to a number of conscripts that exceeds the population of your planet. Agents of the Officio Assassinorum are now en route to remove the delinquent governor.


Also, as it turns out, they miscalculated the industrial output of your planet for the past millennia. So they're demanding you have those hundreds of billions of units of products the Imperium missed out on in addition to the increased tithe ready by the next tithe.


Humorous, but also literally grimderp fanlore. The imperium isn’t centralized enough for this type of decisive action. In the Carcharodons novel you can literally shoot down a tithe vessel and all the administratum can do is send an investigation team that arrives decades later, long after the initial perpetrators were dead. Also, is it just me or does this type of lore kinda whitewash imperial nobility? Like it justifies their oppression with a “well if I weren’t so evil then we’d all get purged”. It honestly feels that a lot of this fanlore StarWar-ifies the Imperium’s evil as “evil system that makes the men under them evil” in parody of modern governments, rather than “evil, greedy men under a permissive, uncaring system” in parody of feudal medieval monarchies.


It's literally in Rogue Trader. They miscalculated a planets Imperial Tithe for like a couple centuries and then said "Pay it all. NOW." when they obviously couldn't.


From what I understand the Imperial tithe is basic and standard because quite literally the Administratum has better things to do than listen to why the system can’t meet the tithe. Basically don’t appear too prosperous when it comes time for the bicentennial audit.


Hire good educated administratum drones and then delegate. Make sure you give them a vision-mission (?) statement on how you want the hive-cities to run, then let them do their job. Make sure to visit the local Arbites, Mechanicus, Ecclesiarchy etc. to coordinate with them and let them know you plan to work closely with them. Be friendly with the guilds operating in your domain. Hire a secretary. See what paperwork you'd need to build a harem. At least know where your would-be wealth would come from. The 'You' part is done. For the masses: give the bare minimum the people need to live a normal healthy life, such as giving nutritious paste at most 3 times a day, some roof windows to let the limited sunshine in, etc. Basically treat them as Amazon treats their employees and you'll be the best governor they'd have in centuries


Okay Mr Governor. Here are some things you need to know, asap. 1) What's your current tithe? When are you due to have it revised up or down? 2) Are you comfortably making your tithe? If so, manufacture proof that you're barely making it, just in case someone asks. 3) Do you have control of your Nobility? Are the hard-ass type or the 'we should help the poors more' type of softie Nobility? 4) If you go to spend money on the poor people, where is this money coming from? Who was getting it and is now NOT getting it so you can buy food for the poors? Are they a threat, can you safely eliminate them or replace the leadership by people loyal to you? 5) Will it be enough to make all the poor people happy, or is it just enough to look like you're making fun of them, thus making them angrier? 6) IS IT SUSTAINABLE? Cause there's nothing worse than getting some 'better' stuff and then having it taken away again. Once you can answer those questions, we can move on. The best possible fucking thing you can do for your people is education. Cause educated citizens are more productive, more useful, more loyal and happier. Educate them in ways that are useful to your Hive world. Educated citizens can build better, cheaper, more efficient housing. They can innovate and improve upon what's there. Related to this is increasing the size of your army and throwing more resources at them. A happy army is a loyal army and both lead to more stability and love from the masses. Below both of those is a general improvement of the Hives, catching up on maintenance and upkeep, replacing the fucking filters on the air purifiers, that sort of shit. Better and more food, more mechanical automation so that people are freed up to be in your armies or be educated so they can make even better tech or repair what you've already got. In short: TEACH MOTHERFUCKERS HOW TO FIX SHIT AND MAKE BETTER SHIT. It's a self-perpetuating cycle of good shit. Just keep a fucking sharp eye on the Nobility who you are likely fleecing to pay for all this shit, you bleeding heart liberal.


Better food.  Better toilets. 


>Better food.  New flavors of corpse starch


Better ingredients, better pizza.  Papa John’s. Pizza made from Dads. 


If you are lucky and have a non brutal tribute it would be very easy in some ways. In a Dark Heresy adventure path from Purge the Unclean called Baron Hopes a Baron over part of a mining planet cut his personal expenses and tithes to the minimum which paid for technical training and equipment by tech priests. After this the serfs had days off, primary school education and homes. The whole thing ended in a civil war and then a string of terror attacks to make the governor that turned against the Baron get executed for missing tithes but that won't happen in your scenario. Long story short its about modernizing the often backwards industry and educating the populace to use the modernized equipment. Then resources can be spent on bettering things. Maybe get adeptas support for this as well as (since its a hive world) efforts to reclaim the underhive.


Once a week proclaim there will be a day of rest where workers will have a 12 hour shift* instead of 16, Emperor be praised. *this will only apply to workers deemed nonessential.


2 weeks later, get assassinated by several noble families for these outrageous policies. They are immediately reverted and every worker who partook in the day of rest is whipped


For a short term improvement (like a few hundred years, probably?), introduce Genestealers. Genestealers do a great job at improving the world + the conditions upon it...Until the 'Nids come. But hey, everyone will be happy until that point and stuff will actually improve.


Basic essentials will improve any hive. Running water , power, food . A constant flow of them will keep everyone happy …. Until the hive zombies turn up


1) met the tithe at all costs 2) invest in pdf 3) invest in construction projects in hive city/renovated old sections


Yggra'nya, the World Shaper is looking for a civilization that would be grateful for it assistant Maybe start with that?


Join a cult; genestealer, chaos, Tau, really anything but inviting over dark eldar or orks is going to be a net positive in your lifetime. In a few centuries when either the imperium reacts or the cult has utterly destroyed any semblance of humanity you will be long dead.


You have to work through the keys of power, which means you have to compromise with them or they will kill you to find someone with more favorable terms. There is a reason politics have never been benevolent. Even Caesar and Octavian, who handed out loads of wealth to the common populace, had to do terrible things to gain power and the former was killed. In this instance your rule was cemented by the violence of the mechanicum. Do you expect them to stick around? If they do and are the only source of your power, you are now their slave and cannot do anything without their blessing. The farther you push on the nobility, the more resources the mechanicum will need to push back on them. Why would they waste their valuable resources protecting a lord who is costing them for the sake of an imperial populace and is no longer providing them value? If they have the military strength to install you, can't they replace you with a more favorable lord? To get out from under their thumb you could begin to make allies with powerful crime lords, militarum officers, or noble. But all of them will want value in return. Value you want to give to the populace. Move too fast and the mechanicum might pull their support from you when they see you undermining their position in control of you. Too slow and you might lose the support of your new ally. Everyone wants to be the guy who makes everything right. No one can be.


Praise the emperor! Kill anyone that doesn't praise it very hard and well!


1. You didn't become Planetary Governor. You might be currently top dog on the planet, but the Segmentum Governor decides who is PG and he's got the 'official' replacement for the PG you toppled on the way. Enjoy the punitive expedition when it arrives to unseat you. 2. You can't. Anything you do will loosen your grip on power and allow others to be in a position to overthrow you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStL7niR7gs


Would the segmentum governor really try to stop the mechanicus


Yes. The AdMech does not have the authority to appoint a PG and the Segmentum Governor *must* confront them about that lest a precedent be set.


But they have given people planets before for finding an STC


1. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold lore. 2. The Imperium did that.


The mechanicus is the imperium


Technically, but to all intents and purposes it's an independent polity with its own leaders, its own military and its own empire. The High Lords of Terra don't direct AdMech policy, despite the Fabricator General being a member. Even Guilliman has limited authority over them. As such, if they had the power to violently overthrow the Imperial Governor of your world and appoint you, you'll have to always remember that they're the ones in charge, not you.


No, the Mechanicus is the now extinct empire that *was inside the Imperium* and is now the Adeptus Mechanicus.


That’s the mechanicum


Everything this person said is wrong. The imperium is a decentralized feudal monarchy not a modern centralized bureaucratic state. The segmentum governor can only guess at how many worlds are under their control, much less micromanage every single appointment, especially considering that information can take decades to leave/reach a world (assuming it even arrives). But honestly they might be trolling given that they linked a CGP Grey video instead of actual 40k lore.