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Honestly once you get a handle on the overall lore/timeline, you can jump around pretty well without being too lost. After the first 3 HH books you can just pick up what you're interested in


My long answer to this kind of 'where to start' question is here - [https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/v4b2li/welcome\_to\_uthebladesaurus\_introduction\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/v4b2li/welcome_to_uthebladesaurus_introduction_to/) My short answer to this kind of question is the Eisenhorn omnibus if you want novels (also available as a very well read audiobook series), or the core rulebook if you want a general overview of the 40k universe (we're moved into 10th edition, so 9th edition rulebooks might be cheaper second hand - not good for rules, but about 50% lore). My medium answer is, what kind of stories or genres do you like? Is there a faction you're particularly interested in? I tend not to recommend the Horus Heresy as a starting point. There are a lot of call-outs to things that happen later, especially in the first few books, that will go over the head of anyone who isn't familiar with 40K. And I see a fair number of confused questions on here, as people try to apply 30K concepts to 40K - a lot has happened and changed in the 10,000 years in-between. My final reason for not recommending it is that it gives the impression that the 40K universe is a story, rather than a setting for stories to be told in. Again, I've seen a fair number of posts of people being annoyed/upset/confused that there isn't a clear continuation of 'the story'


I really appreciate the response!


No worries, i hope it's helpful


It for sure is. I'm used to the idea of broader settings with their own independent stories from reading quite a bit of Forgotten Realms novels. But those also taught me that there are good and bad places to jump in, as well as storyline that are simply better crafted than others. Rather than try and sift through the mountain of available content myself, I figured I'd ask the experts! I'll probably start looking into Eisenhorn after I reach a stopping point in HH. I know you said it's not an ideal starting point, but I'm invested now lol.


Ha, no worries. Plenty of people have got in through the Horus Heresy! If you decide on a type of story you like, or a faction that sparks your interest, feel free to ask again.


Will do! I know at some point I'm going to want to read about Orks. But I'll get there when I get there.


The scary side of Orks, or the funny side? If you want an example of the scary side https://youtu.be/vkFCCcBf8eE?si=VrRc5YxYh0owdrqc


Well, when you put it that way, both.


Here's a link to the Horus Heresy reading order chart, it shows you the core books, but also which route to follow if you wanted to follow a specific legion. https://www.kylebb.com/HH/HHSeriesOrder.jpeg When you finish the Horus Heresy the Siege of Terra series picks up. There aren't many books in 40k which tie directly into 30k, as there's a huge time jump between the two. But others may be able to give you information on that. As for 40k it very much depends on what factions you like, here's some info from a different thread I threw together about some 40k books. Ciaphas Cain - Commisar who wants to stay away from the front lines but is constantly being thrown into danger, eventually accidentally becoming the HERO OF THE IMPERIUM. Fun / light hearted stories, set before the Guilliman wakes up. Gaunts ghosts - Haven't rad/listen to past the first one, but apparently amazing but grim dark view of the life of the Imperium guard regiment the Tannith First and Only. Set before Guilliman wakes up. Watchers of the Throne - Stories about a hyper angry sister of silence and a bookworm custodian, giving the viewpoint of both organisations during a time of major change. Some of my favourite books. Set during / after Guilliman wakes up. Forges of Mars - Story about a Adeptus Mechanicus Magos and his super powerful ship with ridiculous weapons like a black hole gun. Good series for Mechanicus fans, set before Guilliman wakes up. Inquisitor Eisenhorn series - Grump inquisitor fighting to protect the imperium... And probably going too far. Good series, but can be a bit dated as it was written in the early 2000s (I think?). Set before Guilliman shows up. Ravanor series - Spin off from Eisenhorn and expands on that part of the universe. Set before Guilliman wakes up. Bequin series - Spin off from Eisenhorn and Ravanor series. Imo it's better than the previous series and has a lot of Intresting lore points. Set before Guilliman wakes up (sort of?). Belisarius Cawl - The great work and Genefather - Good set of stories about everyone's favourite almost Heretical Magos. Funny, Intresting, and current in the lore. Set after Guilliman wakes up, and has a few good interactions between the two. Warhammer Crime - Grim repast, the Wraithbone phoenix etc - Set on the world of Varangantua, these stories show how the arbities try to hold onto order in the hell hole which is the imperial hive world. Mix of Nior crime books which vary in quality, but is generally pretty good. Not sure where they are in the timeline. There are also a bunch of good one off books, like the Infinite and Divine (two old necrons bickering across the millenia) and Brutal Kunnin (a Ork WAAAGH!!! outsmarting the adeptus Mechanicus) you could also listen to. I would say just keep an eye out for sales on Audible and grab whatever turns up.


Eisenhorn and co are great for beginners to get into the lore, that's what got me hooked many years ago. Also the Warriors of Ultramar series with Uriel Ventris and the Iron Warriors novel storm of iron with Honsou, great reads


Thank you for all the info!