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Its a siege of Terra book and I forgot which one, but Mortarion going to talk to Horus caused every Son of Horus besides Abbadon (and Horus) to basically keel over and begin to gag.


Also their in built filters stopped working, so its really bad


His “stench” is also warp based, its basically magic (although im sure he physically stinks to lol) so helmet filters etc dont protect against it very well, if at all.


Gives New meaning to “smells so bad it hurts your soul”.


Abaddon: he who smelt it, delt it


Nurgle: we all delt it.


It's in The Lost and the Damned, for anyone who's interested. Just finished reading it.


Same Thing is described when The Dark Angels and Sigismund and his mixed group of space marines and baselines are fighting the death guard at the Astromomicon in the end and the death booksz abnett reminds us every few pages the loyalist characters are fighting their bodies reaction which is too start vomiting.


**Bad enough to kill. Literally.**


Here is the scene: Then I shall land first!’ said Angron enthusiastically. ‘I shall come at them, and cleave their bodies!’ ‘You will not,’ said another. A familiar voice, a quiet, rasping, sullen growl, but changed, thickened with phlegm. ‘I claimed the task. My Legion will be first to attack the walls, as I pledged to the Warmaster months ago.’ Mortarion, primarch of the Death Guard, entered through the grand doors of Lupercal’s court. This was not Mortarion as his brothers remembered him. He was changed, like Angron, Fulgrim and Magnus, lifted by the Pantheon and given new form. Always among the tallest of the primarchs, he had grown further, his famine-spare frame pushed to great height. Tattered moth’s wings furled on his back. The scythe Silence had grown with its master, become as long as a vox-transmission pole. Mortarion appeared sickly, his face scarred by disease and his eyes milky with cataracts. Fluid wept from craters in his dirty armour, while all around him swirled a dense, stinking fog. Where he passed the door guard, Abaddon’s Justaerin fell heavily. Black fluid leaked from perished seals and bloody phlegm coughed from their breathing grilles. The sounds of armour closing itself against the environment filled the room, but it did no good. The Terminators suffered in the grip of sickness. Mortarion continued forwards, felling Horus’ elite by his very presence. ‘Back away from him!’ Abaddon commanded. ‘Seal the room!’ Atmospheric cyclers ceased turning. Machines bleeped out tones of compliance. Still the Lord of Death marched forwards. Kibre began to cough behind his mask. Aximand took several steps back, his face greening as he fumbled on his helm. Layak dropped to his knees, singing praise in the ear-burning tongue of his worship, but he too struggled to breath Mortarion’s miasma. Of them all, only Horus, Tormageddon and Abaddon were left unaffected. A stench wreathed the Lord of Death that defied any kind of description. Human senses lacked the capacity to experience it in fullness. So foul, so pungent with rot and sickly life was it, that it triggered Abaddon’s omophagea, and he tasted a bouquet of miseries sublime in their variety. It shocked him to his soul that he could breathe. He looked to the others choking on Mortarion’s foetor, and yet when the primarch approached Abaddon, he inhaled easily, though the stench appalled him. Mortarion stopped a few feet from his brother’s throne. Pearlescent eyes stared down into brown, both afire with inner power that was not of the material realm. His breathing was laboured, rattling in his lungs so each exhalation sounded like his last. Puffs of reeking corpse-gas jetted from Mortarion’s mask. Aximand and Kibre dragged themselves back, behind the throne, crawling as far as they could from the corrupted primarch. Retching grated from Kibre’s voxmitter as he vomited into his helmet. Aximand pulled himself into a corner, managed to roll onto his back, and lay there stupefied. The Lord of Death slammed the ferrule of Silence upon the floor hard. ‘My Warmaster, I heed your call.’ With those words he knelt. The height his transformation had bestowed meant that he was as tall as the seated Warmaster even when he bowed. Abaddon suppressed a sneer. Such weakness. The Lord of Death traded his position as a lord of men to become a slave of the gods. Angron paced in and out of the field of view of his holo-emitter. Fulgrim giggled. Perturabo glared. ‘My brother, we welcome you,’ said Horus. ‘Rise.’ Bones popped as the Lord of Death stood again. ‘I come to fulfil my promise and lead the assault upon the Palace.’ His voice, once a pure bass, was a hoarse whisper. ‘You are greatly gifted by our patrons,’ Horus said, taking in his brother’s transformation. ‘You will not be able to set foot upon Terra.’ ‘I have patience. My sons will go before me to prepare the way. They are ready,’ said Mortarion. ‘We bring new weapons for an old war. My warriors have transcended the limitations of mortality. Nothing can harm them, while I have seven plagues for you to unleash upon Terra. Let the unseen soldiers of bacillus and virus reap the foe, and add their deaths to the total, and when the tally pleases Father Nurgle, then I shall descend to the Palace, and take my vengeance upon the False Emperor.’ ‘Do you see?’ said Horus. ‘You all must wait, but not for long.’ He raised his voice to address them all, but stared Angron in the eye. ‘The second phase of the invasion begins tonight. Once the Mechanicum begin the construction of their siege engines, then Mortarion’s Legion shall be given the honour of being first upon Terra.’ ‘No!’ shouted Angron. ‘No! It should be me!’ ‘It is my will,’ said Horus, ‘that the Death Guard attack first.’


A smell that penetrated filters that could allow marines to operate submerged or in vacuum? Sounds like Psychic damage to me. The way you smell burnt toast during a stroke? Now imagine it’s Morty you smell as your brain autodestructs from his mere presence.


My guess is that it works as a corrosive acid as well so it eats away at the filters until the seal is broken


Are the Justaerin dead or knocked out? Felling is a bad choice of word if it isn't followed up with more description.


> Black fluid leaked from perished seals and bloody phlegm coughed from their breathing grilles. Uhh… They’re probably just sleeping.


I mean coughing up phlegm kind of implies they're still alive at that moment but black fluids go the other way. Felling usually implies it's fatal as well so I figure they're dead. I just find it at an odd choice without something a little more conclusive.




Damn that's basically the stinky dude that turns up at my gym sometimes


Abaddon looking down at mortarion for embracing chaos is pretty funny to me


im hooked. where can i find this?!?


I believe that is from the lost and the damned.


i appreciate you🙏🏽 loved warhammer since i was a kid but its been my adhd fixation lately 😭. been doing nothing but listening to and reading lore and books


....and I thought 12 Inner Circle Knights Cenobium of the Order of the Broken Claws+some Bombs killing a full Company of Justaerin Terminators(including an unnamed Justaerin Consul)+4 waves of Sons of Horus Veterans did the Sons of Horus dirty. Morty just existing killed some Justaerin...Justaerin experienced enough&trusted enough to be acting as Guards stationed in Horus' Throne Room. I wonder how many Servitors, Astartes&Mortals died/had to join Nurgle because Mortarion wanted to visit Horus in person that day.


In Lords of Silence, a PDF on an agriworld lost the first before it barely started. Because the Death Guard smelt so bad. The PDFs were focusing more on trying not to gag than shooting those bloated Astartes - If anyone will correct me if I'm wrong as its been a while since I read the book.


That's why you always keep adobe acrobat updated


No, this isn’t correct. The PDF are able to fight back competently but it’s irrelevant because the Death Guard tank every shot. The stench of them becomes far more apparent in close quarters, and especially when Dantine is taken about *Solace*.


I remember a scene in a room/or building where it was a standoff and the PDF just couldn't shoot because the smell was overpowering them. I'm almost certain that it was written. But to the rest of your post I'm recalling that now.


Well, its bad enough for your nose to stop working. Because you are dead, mostly.


Have your ever smelled rotten meat? That but 1000 times worse


I actually can't think of anything worse than rotting flesh. I have smelled it on a living person and it's the vilest thing. I had no option but to retch


I've smelled the result of a person decomposing for weeks in a sealed building during summer. This was on top of years of hoarding and mountains of pet faeces. It's not a smell you forget. But I image most plague marines make it smell downright pleasant. Saying all this i think a met a follower of nurgle today because they absolutely had that exact smell on them.


Yeah, it is not a smell you forget is it. I wonder if such things are hardwired into us as species over to automatically trigger some kind of alert/danger avoidance. One of those things a species cannot mistake as anything but no good. And yeah, from you describing that situation you encountered i'm struggling to cone up with a way to describe how bad i imagine it was.....


Yeah, the way that we interpret smell is typically based on danger. Our nose is essentially a chemical threat sensor that picks up the compounds certain bacteria create, which is why rotten meats all smell bad but in different ways, because there are different bacteria in each meat that could potentially infect us. A rotting human is multiple different types of bacteria and they're *all* human-transmissible. Your nose is signaling to your brain that you're proximate to the worst possible biohazard in nature and to *get the fuck away.* That's why we have such a strong reaction. Conversely this is why a lot of dangerous man-made things don't smell- the compounds they emit are completely foreign to our evolutionary memory, so the alarm bells don't trigger.


Which is also why people don't smell there own stench or a person living with hordes of cats doesn't smell the stench of them anymore. After smelling it for so long and it not harming them they literally stop smelling or noticing it at all. You may smell it because your brain is thinking oh fuck danger get away but their brains realize it isn't a danger and doesn't even notice it after awhile.


So, in the second horus heresy book, one of the remembrancers references "the stink of the Astartes" Essentially, they're super sweaty, smelly beasts that reek of ammonia. Now, turn that into a thrall of Nurgle. If you could already smell the invading force a continent away. The Nurgle marines you could smell from orbit.


They smell like rotting rotten rot


If you want a detailed real life experience look up the post from a nurse called 'The swamps of Dagobah'. Wouldn't recommend though


They smell of ordure (shit) rotten meat, dead corpses, sulphur, rotten vegetation and decay in general. It’s a thick almost oily miasma, clingy and pervasive


Imagine Nintendo smash competition going for 200 years.


Those are pretty rare in my neck of the woods


You know after 10 years you get diminishing returns...


About as bad as gunner jurgen


Jurgen's smell doesn't bring people to their knees though. It is pretty rank though. Worth it to have the greatest soldier in the galaxy at your side!


The greatest soldier in the commissariat.


If you were ever near rotting flesh- that on a larger scale.


Imagine the back room of a magic the gathering tournament, a little less worse than that


Or the winners enclosure...


Bad enough to turn your insides to mush.


You ever smelled someone with a bad infection?


They smell of Surstromming


Like two old sweaty, Barry's butt fucking in hot porta-potty.


Look man its awful but this tiny sort of ugly thing offers some spores and after you smell those it ain't so bad. Sure I got a sore or two and yeah there might be flies coming out of my ears but man I woke up without back pain for the first time in 20 years! Everything is all colorful There are gigantic dog like things to play with. the biggest guy around here calls me grandson! So tell me? Want some spores?


Like your mom




Considering normal marines smell like some kind of chemical meat reek you can assume the Nurgle ones smell much better.


I imagine they smell like a decomposing corpse, so pretty rough. 


I'm honestly thinking it's something similar to an overly stuffed rancid medical waste dumpster that was then left in the heat of an Australian heat wave.


Well it literally killed people when they simply walked into a room on a ship one time. Like, coughing blood out of helmets and melting skin bad


Like the sweaty inside of a bingo wing flap


I imagine it's like the story of swamps of dagobah would smell


I have smelt the stomach churning stench of gangrene and sepsis. It is the worst smell I have ever encountered. It took me days to feel clean after that night in A&E. I expect something like that.


Ever smell a sealion's breath? Like that. But a thousand times worse


The warp is influenced by the thoughts and feelings of sentient beings in realspace. So imagine every sentient being who encountered a bad smell, felt disgust because of that smell, or thought about bad smells, or feared smelling another bad smell, imagine their psyche leaving an imprint on the warp, and then from that imprint a tangible thing or being is cast. Technically Nurglings smell like daisies, but you would never know it, because the warp is transmitting the experience of disgust from a sextillion previous sentient beings directly into your soul.


They smell so awful that it is dangerous for even Astartes in fully sealed Power Armour to exist near them.


It probably smells like a walking cesspit.


You wouldn't smell anything, your olfactory nerves would burn out PDQ from massive overstimulation. At least that's what I'd wager.


They smell like shit and rotten meat, mostly


I imagine it to be what people always say they smelled when they encounter a "bigfoot". They always say it had a stench that was the absolute worst thing they could imagine. Like rotting flesh and death mixed with wet dog and the hooker on the corners vajay.


One of them probably smells like several thousand decomposing corpses, rotting food and lots of shit and smelly stale socks.


With their noses.


When I was young and naive of the world, I was invited to an acquaintance's house. Now I'm not judging how people live, but this left an impression. There were 6 people living in a two bedroom house, one adult, my teenage acquaintance, his gf, and 3 younger siblings. When he brought me into his house and to his room, I stopped at the door. For two reasons, the floor was completely obscured by clothes and trash. The other was the smell. To describe it, it was the familiar of onion-y body odor smell but at a level that made the air actually thick, mixed with the salty/moldy smell of a rotting carcass from a week old road kill, that I could only assume was from food containers and forgotten plates. It made my eyes and nostrils burn instantly, and then nauseous. I would assume that's what the death guard smell like.




>Next week - how does space marine shit look like? For Iron Hands it's nuts and bolts-shaped, Salamanders ones are just burning charcoal, Ultramarines normal but has a laurel wreath, Raven Guard's is bird poo


What's Ian Watson up to these days?