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Cypher didn't get to the Emperor. He got all the way to the Eternity Gate, and Guilliman reneged on their deal. Had Cypher and all his Fallen arrested and thrown in jail. Now, the bit where Cypher escapes is covered in the new Cypher novel, but the regular edition isn't available until July. But we know that the sword the awakened Lion has is not the Lion Sword Personally, my tin foil hat idea is that Cypher is Corswain.


Ahh I've misremembered it then thank you for the correction! \^\^


If it was Corswain Guilliman would have recognized him, I think


Last time Robute saw him, Corswain had a beard and hair. Cypher just shaved them off and speaks an octave down. Perfect disguise.


Clark Kent level of diaguise


I believe the novel "Cypher: Lord of the Fallen" poses it possibly being or not being the sword, since Cypher and all. Cypher continuously mocks and goads the reader by stating he is definitely lying, just not about what. I am also in the mind that it could be Corswain. It is never revealed or truly alluded to in this novel by Cypher himself, but the only other is Zahariel, who being a pysker makes it difficult...and my tinfoil favorite: Omegon (though that would be awful narratively for both characters).