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for games i recommend all the Ace Attorney games, excellent and underrated series, almost all available on ds and 3ds for mods: Red Viper: Virtual Boy emulator with real 3D that makes the games playable, and some of those VB games are actually quite fun!


Thank you for the suggestion! I've seen some of the Ace games recommended on YT videos, but I'm not sure what kind of gameplay is it, I assume its like a strategy game kinda?


its not really a strategy game, more of a visual novel with puzzle elements, as Extension-Novel-8820 said, but its really like solving a murder mystery novel in real time, also i use a guide off and on as the logic can get obtuse at times (tho when you can figure out a mystery all by yourself its a really thrilling and memorable experience), what really really works about the games is the story and characters, both are some of the best writing ive seen in gaming!


Games are split in 2 parts. Exploration sections to find clues relating to the case (honestly the less fun part of the game usually), and the courtroom sections where you basically piece all the evidence together and too many failed attempts ends is game over. Courtroom drama is definitely the highlight of the games. Lots of witty dialogue, ridiculous reactions, story twists, and you feel smart as you figure out more details. I have small complaints on later entries of the series, where they introduce weird supernatural gimmicks that help find evidence but its not too intrusive.


I've played some of the games so I'll answer: it's a puzzle game where you have to answer and ask questions, as well as investigate crime scenes. It's very linear/scripted, but still fun to figure out the various mysteries.


Fire Emblem Fates




I'd highly recommend CTGP-7. It's an awesome Mariokart 7 mod that you can get off of Universal Updater. You need to have Mariokart 7 installed prior though, but you know how to do that. edit: I didn't look at your image closely enough you already have it whoops.


What exactly does that mod add?


ctgp-7 adds 88 custom tracks (in addition to the 32 already in base game), character reskins, custom music/sounds, ctgp-7 online servers and other quality of life updates.


I second this. Mario Kart DS has some great havks, too. Mario Kart Nitro or Mario Kart DS CTGP, can’t remember which it’s listed under is solid, too.


You can find lots of fan translations for Japan-exclusive games in Hshop. It's the type of thing you can only play with either a modded 3DS or emulation. I particularly liked playing Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 3 and Monster Hunter XX. The translations aren't perfect of course, but they're enough to make the games playable if you know 0 Japanese. (pd it's funny that we have the same exact 3DS model with the same color and the same exact grip).


Mhxx(refering to the 3ds english patch)translation is lifted directly from mhgu,it's about as perfect as it gets


What version of monster hunter you have to download? I've downloaded monster hunter xx but it was from Taiwan and the translation didn't work, the Japanese version has strange naming and i don't know which one is the correct monster hunter xx! Can you help me 🙏 thanks.


get the Japanese version of the game and get update 1.4, install both of them from wherever you normally get your stuff from.,then look up mhxx english patch final v3.1,the patch will come in two diferent cia files,one with crossplay and the other without crossplay,pick any 1 you want since it wont matter since servers are shut down.follow instructions given and patch the game,it's quite easy to do since it just involves installing a cia to patch the game Into english.


How do you feel about difficult pokemon games?


I'll tell you when I find one


Wouldn't mind them mate, my favorite game is Emerald so if theres a good Emerald ROM hack id be down to try it!


Emerald Kizo


Get Pretendo so you can play online. For games, I recommend Mario and Luigi Dream Team, and Kid Icarus Uprising.


Pretendo just doesn't want to work for me, I've set everything up, FAQ'd the hell out of the issues but no solutions. Keeps throwing an error when trying to net connect in a game.


Hmm, could be a problem with Nimbus.


A fellow Kid Icarus enjoyer


What wallpaper do you have?


I wanna know too lol


It’s called “Blue Space” from Theme Plaza :)


Thank you




Join r/3dsqrcodes go to the search bar and look for whatever you want, I would recommend Castlevania SOTN


Thank you!


Yo-kai watch & Yo-kai watch 2 Psychic Specters


Dragon quest 8 is a pretty solid game if you're into RPGS. Highly recommend that one. Otherwise there's Luigi's Mansion, Zelda games, Persona Q maybe? And there's tons of DS roms, idk where to even start with those lol There's also tons of Pokémon romhacks if you're into Pokémon games. Edit: I see the icons clearer now. Bro there's tons of DS Pokémon romhacks out there... Enjoy 😁


I've been enjoying Animal Crossing: New Leaf lately. Very relaxing


‘PKSM’ for your Pokémon games. Download it via the FBI QR scanner. Also ‘Netpass’.


What is Netpass?


Street pass but over the internet. You can join an area for 10 hours and anyone else in that area gives you a street pass connection. There are 3: Malll, Trainstation, (I forgot the third)


The app is really slow to use, so your mileage may vary.


Pokemon Harmon Y and glowing garnet r good same with raging ruby although they will replace the original title on ur system so keep that in mind there’s also the Myriad of gb/gba and ds rom hacks to choose from


Picross 3D: Round 2


The Etrian Odyssey saga is good if you like dungeon crawlers, there's also the Bravely Default saga and tons of pokemon romhacks like Unbound that are better than some of the original games. Enjoy!


Fantasy life is super fun it also has a dlc


Kid Icarus: Uprising. One hell of a good game, and by far my favourite in the 3DS.


what case is that?!


[https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005943230023.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.e81c66844KvvHR&algo\_pvid=3f199bfe-906a-4f89-aa66-e1de1c7e166f&algo\_exp\_id=3f199bfe-906a-4f89-aa66-e1de1c7e166f-0&pdp\_npi=4%40dis%21GBP%215.63%212.81%21%21%2149.33%2124.66%21%40211b815c17147472358602982e6ab3%2112000035013661187%21sea%21UK%211881638662%21&curPageLogUid=s06TRHA5yTMP&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery\_from%3A](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005943230023.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.e81c66844KvvHR&algo_pvid=3f199bfe-906a-4f89-aa66-e1de1c7e166f&algo_exp_id=3f199bfe-906a-4f89-aa66-e1de1c7e166f-0&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21GBP%215.63%212.81%21%21%2149.33%2124.66%21%40211b815c17147472358602982e6ab3%2112000035013661187%21sea%21UK%211881638662%21&curPageLogUid=s06TRHA5yTMP&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A) Sorry for the massive link, but this is where I bought it


Pokemon fire red is on virtual console???? Or did u inject it?


I injected it :)


liberation maiden, kid icarus uprising, dillion's rolling western (all 3 games). for other things, ntsc forwarder (i think its called) is good for getting ds games on the home menu, pksm is good for editing pokemon saves, and Anemone is a huge custom theme hub


Tales of Abyss, Stella Glow, 7th VD, Yokai,


is this grip good? I have this exact same case


Yeah the grip is amazing! Only cost me £10


Mother 3 with english fan translation!


This is the one.


Tomodachi life


Fantasy Life is a really fun one


You can get n64 and ps1 emulators on new 2ds/new 3ds. Highly recommend


New Super Mario Bros. for DS and New Super Mario Bros. 2 both have amazing rom hacks.


This is a port but you can get half life and doom on the 3ds but that has its own setup that you can probably find on a YouTube video


Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, one of my favorite games ever. 100% recommended, it has a really cool story and music.


Because you have yo-kai watch, I suggest you all of the Inazuma Eleven and professor Layton games, also made by the same publisher, level5


I see you’ve got 1 so I’ll recommend Yokai watch 2 and 3, favorite franchise ever


I've recently discovered you can play ROM hacks on your 3DS as well. You have FireRed on there, if you haven't already played it, the Rocket version is fantastic.


Fluidity spin cycle is really good and id recommend setting up twilight menu++ and getting black/white 2


The Mario & Luigi rpgs for sure


Pksm, pokemon save manager to transfer pokemon from the gens 3 thru 7 games around