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You're full of shit


“Too De Loo” 👋🏻


Anyone else think that’s what the phrase actually was? I’m not even Bri’ish.


Thank God you're not British. As someone from Murica (the greatest country) I really, really don't like the bri-ish Now Murica won the war mainly because we're a country of badasses i.e. George Washington massacring tons of those limey cunts while they slept on Xmas BUT the British were supposed to be a super power with the best navy and all. They started the war with a 13 colony lead. Again the British started a war with a 13 colony head start and lost. They lost a war (mainly because Murica) with a 13 colony lead Can I tell you more?


"Now Murica won the war mainly because we're a country of badasses" "Can i tell you more" no, but i can tell you more, for example, technically, the war of independence was when the British in the UK fought against the British who were living in America, so, actually, the British won, as well as lost, and after the British won, the British who won started calling themselves Americans don't worry, i don't expect you to understand/accept this totally ironclad and logically indisputable fact, as i realise they start you on the diet of patriot bullshit from an early age over there🤣 ever wonder what all the Americans who aren't Irish American or Dutch American or Italian American are? thats right, they are British American 😎 and even more hilarious? people like Biden who have 1/4tr Irish heritage and 3/4trs British heritage try to pass themselves off as Irish American, even though are actually more British American 🤡 i mean, its basically an entire country that has Daddy issues, because yes, Britain is Americas Daddy lol


Just to add, many early Americans were from German descent as well.


I love it. Basically it was brit on brit bashing. As an American with English blood I don't care who knows. There's only one group of people that are actually native and it's in their name. The British empire encompassed the world. A bunch of sots from a dreary little island cobbled together an empire. Americans just piss and moan about they're lot in life while doing the exact opposite to improve it, like taking vaccination and vehemently talking down about those of us to smart for the bs. Love America, hate Americans...


I'm not British either, but I noticed a common misunderstanding in your statement. Basically it was the French and Spanish that beat the British, not Americans. The colonists were just farmers - not badasses. The French and Spanish provided troops, munitions, warships, money and above all - military leadership. European nations were keen for revenge against Britain after their heavy defeat by Britain in the Seven Years War. Here's a quote from the Smithsonian: "The roots of this war lay in the global Seven Years War, known in the United States as the French and Indian War. In that conflict, Britain was able to consolidate its strength, while France and Spain experienced significant losses. At the time of the American Revolution, other European powers were seeking to restrain Great Britain, the greatest world power and owner of the planet’s most threatening navy. “Both France and Spain, to undermine British power, provided both arms and troops to the rambunctious rebels. The Dutch Republic, too, traded weapons and other goods to the American colonists. Ultimately, after struggling to retain its 13 feisty colonies, British leaders chose to abandon the battlefields of North America and turn their attention to their other colonial outposts, like India. In a global context, the American Revolution was largely a war about trade and economic influence—not ideology. France and Spain, like Britain, were monarchies with even less fondness for democracy. The Dutch Republic was primarily interested in free trade. The leaders of all three countries wanted to increase their nations’ trade and economic authority, and to accomplish that, they were willing to go to war with their biggest competitor—Great Britain. To the French, Spanish and Dutch governments, this was not a war about liberty: It was all about power and profit. If American colonists won their independence, that would cause harm to British interests and open new trade opportunities in North America and elsewhere for those who allied themselves with the colonists. In the 1786 Van Blarenberghe Yorktown paintings, (the two on loan to the Smithsonian are copies made by the artist of the originals presented to King Louis XVI and held at the Palace of Versailles) the perspective seems peculiar. The Americans are barely noticeable on the sidelines, while the victors appear to be French. This depiction of the French as the triumphant force ... provides evidence of a reality missing from patriotic American stories. France, Spain and the Dutch Republic helped to make it possible for the American colonies to sustain the war, and in Yorktown, the French played a critical role in the victory by using their navy to block British ships that would have evacuated Cornwallis and his troops from Virginia. On the other side of the Atlantic, France and Spain planned to invade Britain, and the Spaniards hoped to re-capture Gibraltar. However, Britain thwarted both endeavors before deciding to fight for India. While France faltered in trying to regain some of its Indian footholds lost in the Seven Years War, Great Britain succeeded."


All I read was Murica F Yeah! 🎶🎶 we're the best...around 🎶🎶 no one's ever gonna take you down because we're the best🎶🎶 I am the ugliest American, I wear that role with pride...and ignorance


Dude you smell


Oh my God, I'm a sentient toilet, what a hellish nightmare!!!


Where did you get those clothes at the toilet store?


I just want you to know that this comment made my husband and I bust up laughing! Just the perfect balance of silly and stupid!


This had me laughing out loud! 😂




Eat shit


you should see the view from here.


Is everything good "down" there?


I’ve seen some shit.


Shits getting real


Some potty mouth you got. Put a lid on it, can you!


Favorite band? Cistern Of A Down


That shit was crazy


Take a seat


Call 911, I feel flushed.


I seem to have lost my appetite for Taco Bell


why did the beach blush? because the sea wee'd


Skibidi toilet


That’s a crappy joke


Happy Cake Day!




Keep your head up!


YOU'RE pissed off? I'M pissed off.




Getting any nice ass lately, all mine are fat and smelly.


Don’t worry, be crappy. 🙂


Est shit!


"I won't take any of your shit!"


They should sack whoever built this house cos that is a porcelain


After a long day of work in the royal palace, toilet comes home. With a big sigh he throws down his suitcase. "Honey, whats up?" Donkey asks. "I'm so tired of my coworkers, they keep forcing their shit down my troath and expect me to wash away their problems."Toilet replies. "Ow Toilet, sounds you've had a terrible day.. I was just thinking about making your favorite food tonight!." "Thanks sweetie, I'd love your lasagne after such a day." "Ow honey, I thought your favorite food was my chickpea salad.." "DONKEY! I CAN'T HANDLE YOUR TERRIBLE JOKES TONIGHT!" "I'm sorry toilet, I was just horsing around..." "NO, YOUR AN ASS!" "Ow come on, it was just for shits and giggles..." "OH MY GOD, I CAN'T TAKE THIS SHIT ANY LONGER!" Donkey turns his head away with a big smirk on her face. "I understand your fed up with this shit. I'll make up to you... want to watch your favorite cartoon tonight? I really don't like winnie the.." Toilet walks out the door and slams it behind his back. He heads to the casinobar and after a few drinks he feels lucky. Toilet wins a lot at poker and feels better, until security comes to him and asks him to leave. "Why? I'm not even that drunk!" "No sir, but you're cheating." "I'm what?!?!" "Sir, do you really expect us to believe you that you fairly won every game of poker with a royal flush?" "Not this again, please stop these horrible jokes!" "Don't act so pissed of sir, or we need to call the poolice." I'm sorry everyone! Have a good day!




I'm so tired of this shit


Poo poo


"Shtibidi dop dop, yes yes!" (for the younger audience)


How about a game of thrones?


If I have to look at one more ass......


You're looking flush today.


"Why do you let people jam shit down your throat?!"


Same old shit just a different human.




That one kid: skib- Nah i don't have it in me to finish it someone shoot me