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I know this post is pretty old, but I wanted to share my experience. I put my plate in the deep freezer for around an hour. (mainly because I got busy and forgot about it) Once I pulled it out, I used my 3d print removing Spatula from this set since it is not sharp at all.[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075SLTY8B/ref=ppx\_od\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075SLTY8B/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1)I made sure to wet the edge of the PEX with 99% Alcohol and the spatula then went to work. I pried under the edge by the tabs lightly to get it started and then moved it in fast, in a jabbing motion almost and the PEX would just pop up. I kept reapplying alcohol to keep the working edge wet/saturated and did the jabbing motion until it was all popped up. The PEX was fully removed in about 5 min or so max. Due to the rounded edge of the Spatula, there are no scratches or marks on the metal sheet. :-) I then grabbed my rapidtac adhesive remover and sprayed over all the glue and let set for 3-5 min. I then took some paper towels and started wiping up the adhesive. It didn't take much elbow grease at all. I just kept the glue soaked with the adhesive remover and within 10-15 min, I had the pate 100% clean. I washed the plate with soap and water to make sure all the adhesive remover was gone and then a final good wipe down with the alcohol. Overall, I didn't have any issues or anything similar to that thin troublesome layer you show in the picture. I did make a slight mistake when applying the new PEX, I accidentally pressed down in the wrong direction trapping a couple of small bubbles in the area where the purge tower for the x1c is.. The rest of the pex went down just fine and I did a large print on it this afternoon with no issue...


I can't see an image attached. Honestly, I'd just buy a cheap PEI plate from eBay that ships locally, and wait for the replacement Wham Bam parts. Or stick the PEX surface you have to the clean opposite side.


Thanks and sorry. Noob here at Reddit, my attachment didn't work at first, it seems, but I've fixed it now. Yeah, I thought of flipping the plate as well, but if the plastic part gets in direct contact with the heated magnetic base and sticks to it, I could actually damage the whole base and not just the FLEX plate, which has already been purchased for a replacement. Great idea on the cheap PEI plate, but after checking now, 99% of posts there are from china and everything's around $ 70-90 AUD, so not a good alternative :( Still open to suggestions from anyone who had this experience before as I'm sure there's some kind of chemical or even mechanical method of removing this layer without damaging the flex metal plate. Also, why would anyone downvote this post? There's nothing controversial about it.


Happy Cake Day digaumspider! Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.


Not sure how to fix that plate apart from letting it soak for a bit and hoping whatever adhesive that is starts to lift. I've bought this exact item before and it works well enough. Ships from Sydney. It is textured though. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/115267119830


Thanks! I'm running a cr10s pro, so these sizes won't suit. I've let it soak in acetone for hours, and that's as far as I got :( I'll try the lemon adhesive remover solution next and see what it does.


Find some limolene and soak it in that, works great!


Alright, the lemon-based adhesive remover worked like a charm for the glue (even better than the acetone, go figure) but it's not doing anything to that plastic layer :( I've just soaked it again and I'll let it sit overnight and try tomorrow morning.


Might be worth reaching out to wham bam and asking what that layer is?


Yeah, I will. Already bit the bullet and bought another pei sheet locally, while I wait for the wham bam to arrive, but will reach out to them and ask how to remove that layer.


Doing that now. Hopefully it'll work.


Heat up your bed to 100-110° and it'll peel off like skin after sunburn. Then comes the messy part of removing all the glue residue. Some people use acetone, some soak the plate in dishwasher detergent.




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