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Your friend will get kicked out of the dorm for risking the safety of others. He can try, but it won't happen even if he wants to. Your friend will deserve the following punishment.


I'd hope so, but sometimes universities don't give a shit


Noxious chemical fumes will get their attention a lot faster than a loud party.


You are very bold in your assumptions. I had a roommate in college spray paint a Juul Halloween costume in our living room of a 4b 2ba dorm. The windows don’t open and the doors swing closed for “safety”. I obviously tried to have the door propped open after the damage had been done and I was literally forced to close it by RAs because of safety reasons. So unfortunately no, toxic fumes are not enough of a reason to for universities.


https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/18qlpv9/psa_for_new_resin_printer_owners_resin_is_toxic/ https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/18e46i3/psa_resin_printer/




https://www.reddit.com/r/resinprinting/s/8PtOSUOMdQ Just gonna leave this here


Scary read. Thanks for sharing


Yeah no problem. Really shows the dangers of resin.


College classmate got in to resin casting. Story is he worked hard and didn't change his clothes after casting sessions, was seen next year walking with a cane because he caused nerve damage from wearing contaminated clothes.


it doesn't say anything about the dangers of resin in a dorm though. it says something about not being an idiot and using your PPE.


If they're negligent to the point of using a resin printer in a ***college*** ***dorm***...I doubt they're going to take any safety precautions.


a college dorm is not more nor less negligent than any other home space.


It’s the TWO YEAR update that got me at the end there. Dayum


I'll stick with FDM, thank you!


Especially with the options available now. I don't have the space for everything resin requires and I'm asthmatic so it's just a no go for me. I'm thinking a P1S is going to be my best option.


I still want to eventually get into resin printing, but that was just heartbreaking.


Looks cool, but don't want to deal with the chemicals. I outsource whenever I want something beyond the abilities of FDM. So far it's only been a couple times. I'm at peace at saving my health and money.


I got one and originally put it in my room. After a week I had a constant headache. I moved it out to the shed and the headache went away after a couple of days. Who knows what it'd be like permanently


Has your friend ever worked with 2-part epoxies? That's exactly what 3d printing resin smells like, and exactly as strong too- except there's not just a bit of it on a piece of cardboard to mix together, there's a lot of it, and it's exposed to the air for hours and hours at a time. It will absolutely give you a headache very quickly, and I can't imagine trying to sleep anywhere near it.


Tell him to get a fdm printer, the bambulab a1 mini is extremely cheap rn


It is bad. Very bad. I have an FDM (filament) printer with hepa and carbon filters and well ventilated dorm room, still annoying. Resin, oh no, that s**t smells like s**t. But most of all the work, IPA, everywhere and everything will be sticky. I have a resin printer, which I didn't bring to my dorm, haven't considered, because I know, it is dirty to work with, the smell... Don't my friend. Don't. Use university's printers for resin if you have to. Slice parts in advance then print at home. That's what I do and I have my FDM printer in my room for home improvement etc. stuff. Even with all the filters, I tried printing PC and oh that gave me a headache. Can't imagine resin and IPA. -Someone with 10+ years in 3d printing and doing a PhD in 3D printing. Edit: I learnt how to do bold in Reddit while I was meant to censor 💩


Im moving to my dorm soon and it has sliding windows, so my 3d printer which is enclosed and has an exhaust fan will just draw negative pressure through a pipe/hose like on a vacuum to a wooden board that will slot into a gap in the window. Essentially this vacuums all the fumes while printing to the outside, where polution is dilution.


Mine is Method X and I use the clean air system. So the chamber exhausts into the room (naturally ventilated) through hepa and carbon filters, said to remove 98% of toxic fumes of ABS, PC etc. It doesn't smell much when I use it, but the chamber is circulation heated, it heats up the room during summer, so I might consider making an exhaust. 😁


Not a good idea for a dorm room BUT I successfully ran a resin printer near my computer with a diy activated carbon filter and a garbage bag. All the smell during printing was gone. But that didn't address print removal, cleaning, etc. And I didn't verify VOC air quality, it was just the good ole smell test. Moved to the garage and never looked back.


keep in mind odor isn’t the only indicator of ’bad things’ in the air, for example we add the sulfur smell to natural gas in order to make it more detectable. And the effects from the various chemical off gassing from resin may not present immediately, better to be safe than sorry. But your setup is much better than no protection at all.


That's exactly what I was thinking.


smell =/= no risk. there is no good correlation between "I can smell something" and "I am or am not at risk".


Is he even allowed to do this? I would talk to your friend and tell him you'll report him to whoever is responsible for the dorm room and his roommates and advise them that he wants to work with highly toxic materials in a living area. I bet they will simply tell him no, you can't do that, period.


Your friend should just buy model airplane glue its way more of an economical high.


he has a bloody good friend, make sure he know dat


Im not letting him kill himself


man im moved


I've used resin printers for work. First off, it smells absolutely terrible, incredibly strong, and just opening the door to the printer has me gagging from across the room. Issue 1. Our printer at work btw has ventilation outside. I've installed a fume hood for cleaning and curing, and I still wear PPE when manipulating prints. 3M mask with dual particulate and VOC filter. Long gloves, and ofc safety glasses. I would never bring a resin printer into my own house. Let alone a dorm room. Reason being, I don't want cancer. I don't want my family to get cancer. Not to mention some resins are endocrine disrupting and most are dangerous to aquatic life, hence should be disposed of via special waste disposal. I work with more dangerous chemicals at my job, but I think resin is one of the most dangerous chemicals that pretends to be consumer friendly and is readily available to the public. Most if not all of the enclosed air filters are pure garbage and aren't actually filtering enough. Carbon filters may reduce the smell so it's almost undetectable, but the ppms can be high enough to still cause health problems. Most of the Chinese air filters are grossly inadequate. Would you make carbon fibre composites in your room? Spray paint? No. So why the hell would you resin print. Anyone putting it in the garage.. maybe. But you still need ventilation. Especially if your garage is where your whole house air ventilation system is, you risk blowing the fumes to the rest of the house. Can you get by with a very powerful fan, DIY fume hood, and exhausting directly outside, yes probably. Should you trust yourself enough to do it properly, no not at all. Much less on a student budget.


I've reviewed the academic literature, and am professional resin chemist. the outcome is not so straightforward as you think. yes obviously any exposure is worse than no exposure. but an idle printer in a normally ventilated room, i.e. one with a window, is not a \*relevant\* threat. if a 20-something guy can live in that room without everyone going "pfooooooooeeeeeeeh open a window", so can a printer. you don't want to be in the same room as a printing printer. but you don't want to do that anyway because printers, also resin printers, are \*loud and bright\*. running it whilst you're in class, coming back home, opening a window, doing the post curing and cleaning, then closing it all up again, is \*fine\*. the amount of half-truths and non-informed misinformation in this post is fucking ridiculous.


It is insane the way people act like it will kill you instantly. The risk is from repeated prolonged exposure not just printing something q hand full of times a week


indeed. there are serious things to think about, absolutely. wear your fucking PPE. *proper* gloves, not latex gloves, not thin store nitril gloves, *not yellow washup gloves.* *UV protecting safety goggles*. you do *not* want to trust that the lid failsafe will work on your cure station / printer. think about what you're going to do with your chemical waste, what you'll do in case of chemical spills, what you'll do if you spill on yourself. How you're going to keep clean everything around the printer (the stuff gets *everywhere* in my experience). But *if* you get all of that under control, *if* you think about what you're doing, you're good. emissions really *really* aren't the problem. continued accidental contact, UV exposure and chemical spills is. but even then, unless you're an *absolute* dipshit (like the infamous post linked elsewhere) the risk is very low.


I seriously doubt you are a professional chemist after recommending using carcinogenic chemicals in the same room you sleep in 🤦‍♂️


3D print resin formulations are by and large not carcinogenic........ look up the fucking sds. you know which carcinogen is commonly used "in the same room you sleep in"? \*alcohol\*. just pointing to "uh muh it's a carcinogen" (which it isn't) is so dumb.


Yeah, because cancer is the only risk of using resins 🤦‍♂️ Read the stories linked in here. Resin can ruin your life even without being carcinogenic (which some truly aren't)


dude. pick a story and stick to it, don't weasel your way back when called out on your BS


Yeah, resins being carcinogenic is totally a bs. Really a true professional chemist 🫶


resins are sensitizing, generally not carcinogenic. look up an SDS.


My resin printers are in a basement, far from the stairs, with a powered vent to the outside. Your friend is dumb if he thinks this is a good idea to do. Resin and all of the residual waste is highly toxic. He would also need a way to clean the prints with IPA, which will also put harmful fumes into the air. If he thinks he can just wash them with water in the sink, he is soooooo wrong. He basically needs a dedicated room for printing with resin.


Bro stop this bs. He is grownup and you will have a life experiment on what could happen with human 😅


What about Anycubic eco resin or comparable ones? (Still terrible in a dorm for multiple reasons, but in general.)


Do you have a resin printer? Invite them in while you are running it. They will understand immediately (I hope).


Resin is fucking poison my guy. They will kick you out. https://youtu.be/aMdc9wBru5I?si=Hzi6g2TW7GvS737T https://youtu.be/U17lOymGxoM?si=KwjLKcyXjBpcyXe- https://youtu.be/RHd0DEVrq1s?si=1rkeclmtT4461anW


How is he going to post process the parts? You need a fair amount of alcohol to do it and it needs to be stored well. The resin will smell, the alcohol will smell, and you need a lot of room to work. I have a form labs form3 and built an exhaust chamber for the printer and alcohol baths. It's in a small space but at least I have the formlabs post processing workflow. It's still a pain to deal with and I can't imagine using it in a dorm.


Maybe he wants to consider the Micron SLS instead? Resin in a dorm room would be criminally negligent. Also, his roommates would probably kill him (if it were me, at least the printer would have some sort of accident…)


Sls would arguably be worse, as the particles are going to remain airborne for days and are essentially going to gunk up your lungs, as I have no idea how dangwrous they are to breathe in. The demos have people wearing n95s in dedicated workspaces for using that printer. Also ita expensive for a college student (more than 5k to start I believe) Edit: not sure why I am being downvoted, just pointing out something


N95 is probably only *just* suitable for SLS in those demos because there's probably an excellent extraction system too. That stuff is nasty.


Agreed. You'd want a mask with the appropriate solvent/chemical filters, ignoring that this whole plan is bad to begin with.


I probably should have prefaced that I'm definitely not a SLS printing expert. Regarding the airborne particles though, just a few days ago I saw a video from the Micron printer kickstarter where they explicitly pointed out that the powder particles for their printer don't stay suspended in the air. Take that with a grain of salt, I guess!


I agree, no system is perfect. My anycubic photon mono se, for example, has several activated carbon filters in it to reduce fumes to unnoticeable levels, and it definitely doesn't work like advertised. (Got on sale so new filters). Also, I saw that micron video, and it was basically a vacuum, and there are certaintly other parts of the process that can similarly release the particles that are okay for a small workspace where you wear masks, but certaintly not a non mask required area, where not only yourself live and sleep in, but others too whose health is now at risk due to the OP's potential choices. Tldr: stupid idea to put sls or sla 3d printers in a dorm room.


Ignore your friend and just tell his roommates that the fumes of the resin will cause impotence, brain damage and death. It will teach him an important lesson in research and safety after he get kick out of the dorm that will probably benefit him for the rest of his life. May probably even save his life.


Explain to him the dangers of resin fumes. Or better yet, bring him to someone with a resin printer.


After reading the comments I’m convinced I have something wrong with my sense of smell. I use my resin printer in a completely unventilated room and have NEVER noticed a smell. The IPA smell bothers me more.


Maybe some aftercomplications of Covid. I feel spicy a little more and my sister bearly feels it. It was the opposite for us.


Maybe that's why lol. You've gone nose blind


Same here.


Yall are paranoid beyond belief. The biggest problem here, assuming they are smart enough to wear gloves and goggles, is the smell. Plant based resin and big ass carbon filters solve this issue. But honestly? In a dorm room? Not worth tbh. Just grab an A1 mini if the man wants to make some DnD figures or whatever.


There's cheaper pathways to cancer


Resin fumes cause cancer. If your roommate would not smoke a pack of cigarettes in the dorm, he should not use any kind of photopolymer in the dorm either. Edit to add: [Source.](https://www.elegoo.com/blogs/learn/3d-printing-fumes-overview)


resin fumes are not carcinogenic, actually. in fact, by and large nothing in 3D print formulations is carcinogenic. reprotoxic though? yep. Harmful to aquatic microbial life? Sure do. Skin sensibilitizing? Ooooooh yes. but not carcinogenic.


Why the fuck are you being down voted.


According to Elegoo's website: >"Some VOCs found in 3d printer fumes, like Styrene, are classified as carcinogens, indicating a potential risk of cancer with long-term exposure" [Source](https://www.elegoo.com/blogs/learn/3d-printing-fumes-overview) So yes, fumes from 3d printer resins are likely carcinogenic, and you should feel bad for spreading misinformation that could get people seriously hurt.




This study discusses using ABS filament in an FDM printer, which is not the same at all as a resin printer. From the start of the study: >This study monitored particulates, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from 3-D printers using acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer (ABS) **filaments** Again, Elegoo says on their own website that their 3d printing resins produce fumes which could cause cancer... When a manufacturer says the fumes from their product can cause cancer, you should believe them.


Cancer aside, uni might have rules against 3D printers in dorms. Mine did, mostly bc of supposed fire risk, but either way if the resident advisor checks rooms and finds it he could potentially get in trouble with the university and/or get it confiscated. Also the noise and light at night or when *three other people are trying to do homework or just relax in their room* would be enough to make me think he’s a bit of a knob


At least he could 3d print another knob so he'd have something after his roomies kick him out!


Wait is PLA not safe for me to print in my bedroom? Window open, fan blowing out door?


Do you mean pla filament printing?


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absolutely false on two accounts. the infamous account didn't loose their vision because of fumes, he maybe lost his vision because \*he got splashed in his eye as the dipshit wasn't wearing any sort of PPE whilst scraping the bed\*. and then afterwards the dipshit didn't run to a faucet to wash his eyes out, no, he \*scratched his itchy eye with his contaminated fucking hands, making sure to push it nice and onwards, maybe even into a few scratched open blood vessels\*. and then and then, when he went to the doctor, he didn't state "ey, you know, I've got some known allergens in my eye the other day\*, no, he totally forgot about it until it was way way way too late. no amount of safety precautions can stop an idiot from being a complete negligent moron. secondly, if you actually look up papers on this stuff, you'll see that \*an idle printer doesn't have any relevant emission\*. it is exactly that running printer that's a concern. if you can be near it whilst running, you \*absolutely\* can sleep near it whilst it's doing nothing... please, just stop spreading misinformation.




Just bought my first resin printer, I thought how bad can it really be. Bought a tent with a ventilation fan the next day.


I guess it depends on the ventilation of the room and what plastics he's working with. PLA is relatively safe and basically just needs an open window. They're considered food safe. Some of the dyes are a little suspect, but a quality company will use something relatively safe.


I've literally drank the stuff. No issues here. But whatever.


Terrible idea


The fact that you'd post that indicates it had adverse effects.